"I'm sorry we're late there was a crazy amount of paper work that I had to take care off" a red haired man spoke as he, a lady and a three year old child came out of the circle 'hmmm at least this will force the irration to go way'
"yes its so good to see you all and to see some new faces too" the lady said and she looked like Rangiku except she had long black hair and black eyes and wearing a maid outfit came very closer to me
"and who may you be cutie are you rias is new servant" she said with a smile 'Okey you just lost all respect you had and as such I will do this' I thought as I opened my mouth but
"now sephiroth before you say anything do keep in mind that this is the wife of lucifer and there is a small child" grayfia said as I looked around to see Zeoticus and Venelana drinking tea as serafall was looking depressed for some reason and the other kids were talking to each other as if nothing had happened and the glasses twins had gone back to their sits when this lady appeared in front of me I looked back at grayfia and nodded and then placed my attention back to this lady
"who and what are you supposed to be and why do you assume that I would allow myself to be turned in to a slave for that little girl over there and don't you know it quite rude approach people and get into there personally bubble without there permission in other words get out of my face and don't touch me I don't want to have another panic attack because of another idiot who doesn't understand body language"
As I finished she took a few steps back as her expression changed from overly happy to scary in a few seconds
"I'm sorry about that but there was no need for you to say it in such a way and especially to those who are older than you, maybe you should come with me so I can teach you some manners to help you be a good boy who respects his elder" she said as she released a large amount of KI and had an evil smile 'hmm weak'
"you correct that you are an elder but you are not my elder, lord, lady or master to me you are just a lady how thinks she has some power over me which she does not because I am the son of Azazle leader of the fallen oh and by the way can you stop releasing your power like that as there are children around us and they would probably get nightmares because of you oh and nice try on trying to scare me but not scared better luck never" I said with a smile and a piece sign as her KI disappeared but not the look on her
"ara ara maybe this lady need to give you a spanking for being so rude don't you think" she said as she came closer to me but I lit my hand up with my darkness and light
"try it bitch I'll burn" as my power come out of my hand 'still can't shape it but it will get the job done.... spank me who does she think she is.. my.. mother....well that made me depressed' I said as I got ready to fight a losing battle
"that enough you two as there be no fight in my house especially the dinning room" Venelana said
"of course lady gremory I was just trying to teach this ill-mannered boy some respect"
"tch old hag" I said as her KI came back "anyway how are you anyway and why are you here"
"oh I'm sorry for my wife my name is sirzechs lucifer, my wife Rangiku Lucifuge and our son Millicas Gremory please to meet you son of Azazle" sirzechs said with a smile as the boy hide behind him
"Okey why do you all have different last names and is your wife in a maid outfit isn't she your wife and Lucifuge isn't that grays last name are you two sisters or something you do not look alike and have you been able to get ahold of my father yet oh before I forget why is you son dressed like that he looks like a rich bitc-" I was cut off by grayfia smacking my head
"there is a three year old child here sephiroth now introduce yourself" grayfia said as she want out the door
"ow did have to hit me but Okey anyways my name is Sephiroth child of Azazle and Lucrecia Crescent I hope you can answer my question after dinner" I said as I sat back down
"you know you have to bow to the devil king when speaking to him" the devils wife said as she was about to put her hand on my shoulder to stop me
"it's Okey Rangiku he is not part of the devil faction so he doesn't need to do all that and his the son of the leader of the fallen angel so he is almost on the same rank as you oh and I will answer your questions after this is over sephiroth" he said as his family want to take there seats as they chatted with everyone else but I ignored everything around me as I was to focused on what I was doing which was channeling and mixing my darkness and light 'hmmm if I do this correctly I will be able to increase the strength, sharpness and the heat of this knife but there is also the amount of power it can handle without breaking because when I tried this on rocks they all blow up maybe it's because the rocks were weaker or the flow of magic was to unstable but with the knife I'm only moving my magic around the knifes surface and not sending inside so it should hold without any problems or blow up like the rock but what's life without any danger hehehe'
"I don't think you should be doing that in the dinning room with so many young devils here you may hurt some of them and youself" a voice to the said of me said as I looked at how it was to see serafall pointing at the purple glowing knife 'when in the fuck did she get here and how did I not notice her.... Oh right devil king'
"why in the fuck are you sitting next to me did you not know I was sitting two seats away from you for a reason like I don't want you near me"
"look I'm sorry for what happened earlier today but I was just so excited to see a cutie like you that I couldn't hold myself and I'm sorry for that really am but you don't have to be so rude to everyone you meet or irritates you it's not healthy" she said with a smile that could light up anyone's world but
"my mom die a few hours ago for me and I was brutal beaten and then killed I'm also suffering from panic attacks that struck when I'm touched and to top it off the supernatural world is real and this is my life so don't tell me what you think is good for me because you don't "I said as she turned around and looked down
" I'm sorry " she said softly
" whatever"i said as the doors opened and a lot of maid came in with the food and placed it down as I looked at the food 'hmmm this doesn't seem right.... Oh why mom used to cook a hundred times more than this and I ate all without a problem wait is that why I was not hungry even after not eating for a week or was it more oh well'
"sephiroth is there something wrong you haven't touched your food" Venelana said as she looked at me along with every one else as they stopped eating
"my mother was the only one who had ever made me any food and when she did she made a large amount for me to eat so it just strange to have such a small amount of food" I said as I pointed to my food
"oh is that right well how much food did you eat I'm sure grayfia will be more than willing to make you more if you like" she said as grayfia stepped up as I looked at he
"how much do you want" she said as she looked me in the eyes
"how do you have" I said as a group of maid come in with an amount of food goku would be proud of at
"will this be enough for you or do you want more" she said as everyone in the room looked as the mountain of food in disb
"no no no its good" I said as my teeth sharpened
(Venelana POV)
Within ten minutes of sephiroth in the dining room he has started two fights, insluitend three of rias peerage members and somehow made serafall depressed and that is something no one has ever or had done since the war and now his hasn't touched his food 'looks like his back to his own world again haaa I really need to do something about him maybe give him etiquettes class when I ask azazel to let him visit us'
"sephiroth is there something wrong you haven't touched your food" I asked him as everyone stopped eating and looked at him
"my mother was the only one who had ever made me any food and when she did she made a large amount for me to eat so it just strange to have such a small amount of food" he said as I pointed to my food
"oh is that right well how much food did you eat I'm sure grayfia will be more than willing to make you more if you like" I said as grayfia stepped up as I looked at him
"how much do you want" she said as she looked him in the eyes
"how do you have" I said as a group of maid come in with an amount of food 'it seems they have become quite close within few hours and now that I think about it grayfia been acting kind of strange and has been doing a lot of things she wouldn't normally do like that time she want inside of sephiroth darkness to calm him down and now she has some how pretty this much food and I'm sure it was not for us hmmm this need more investigation '
"will this be enough for you or do you want more" she said as everyone in the room looked as the mountain of food
"no no no its good" he said as his teeth sharpened and took ten plates full of food and began to Devour everything without mercy or care he just ate everything it was so disgusting but I couldn't take my eyes of it and as he finished one plate he took another and within a minute everything was gone not even the bone were left and the plates were licked clean I was disgusted and impressed at the same time but it looked like he ate to much for as he became round like a balloon but within seconds he popped back into shape as if he had never ate that amount 'an ability that allows you to eat as much as you want without the fear of gaining weight I feel so I don't know.... is this what jealous feels like, its a very irritating feeling'
"so sephiroth well all know your dad but we have no idea how your mom is can you tell us about her if you don't mind" Zeoticus asked as I looked at him as if he was insane
"well I don't mind now where to start" he placed his hand on his chin "oh my mom was the most sweet person and trusting person in the world a little bit too trust if you asked me.. she had made so i would not get involved with the supernatural world even want as far as to seal my powers a force dad to only come once a year at different times and days I could always see that it broke her every time he had to leave us she was also very scary when she wanted to be to the point that everyone else in my eye is a joke and she was very secretive about her family and the only reason I know so much about my bloodline is because of a book I stole about it but she alway use to say that violence is never the answer that I should try talking to people which I do" after saying that everyone fall
"she seems like a great mother" I said as I could really
"no she was not if anything she was the worst and dad was no better" he said as he grabbed the table as it began to burn
"why would you say that when your mother did so much to protect and raise you" I said as I did not believe what he just said
"how long was that going to last her protection hmm because of her, I was weak to the point that I couldn't fight back as that monster beat and killed me there was nothing I could do about it and if dad was able to visit as often there would have been a chance of him at least knowing about what happened or better yet came when we were being attack so in other words she doomed me to death the minute the seals were placed and the only protection was sent away" he said with a blank expression as he looked at me
"how could you say that about your own mother do you hate for trying to protect you from the supernatural world and let you live a normal life" Sera said as she came out her depressed state
"true she was trying to protect me but for how long and even if the seals held and my bloodline never activated I'm still a fallen angel son of one of the most strongest fallen and even before the awakening I still did somethings that children are not supposed to be able to do what were the going to do later on in the future when I get old and suddenly stop so you see this was always to happen whether I liked it or not but at least there would have been a better why if she wasn't so scared but this doesn't mean I hate her no I love my mother and father even if the are idiots how doomed me they still took care of me.... Besides they are my parents... no one is perfect but on the other hand I am going to kick dad in the balls when I see him stupid pervy father oh by the way did you till my dad what happened his problems going to get emotional and I don't want to deal with that so" he said 'at least he's not an idiot to blame someone for something they have no control over huh I should really tell rias to help her peerage before it becomes a problem even if she doesn't listen to me'
"yes and he did not sound very happy that devils had attacked you killed his wife and the stat they put you in as he was about to declare war but once he heard you were self and had been care of and kept alive by my family he told me to make sure you don't get hurt in any way or they will be war and that he will come to pick you up tomorrow as his is going to vent out his anger and that was it huh to think we were so close to war" sirzechs said as he want down on his chair 'to think if we had let sephiroth die we would have to prepare for a war with the fallen angel'
"man that sucks good things I'm still alive with only a little damage so no big deal anyway I'm going to -"
"bed" grayfia cut him off
"wait what why" he said in shook as grayfia want up to him and picked him up "gray put me down I can walk by myself and I don't remember agreeing to this put me down gray!" he shout as grayfia carried him out of the dining room as the others laughed
"I didn't know what you are all laughing at as it is also your bedtime" I said to the children
"what but mother, father said we can stay up late if we wanted" rias said as she looked at me only to be meet with my angry mom smile as they stood up and went to bed
"hahaha still got it even though it doesn't work on sephiroth it's still works hehehe" I said as I began to laugh
"you know honey I did say they coul-" he was cut of as I looked at him
"say what love I hope for your sake it was that they must go to bed early"
"YES THAT'S WHAT I SAID now it's been a very long day and I am feeling really tired"
"yes I believe it time to go to sleep oh and honey don't come to bed think of it as a punishment for lying to me" I said as I got up from my seat and left
(grayfia POV)
Sephiroth has been asleep for a while now after a long argument about why sleep is important he knocked out
"you know you are so cute when you are not being so rude and peaceful to hmm" I sighed as I was about to leave the room
"no.....get... from me.. get away from me" he said in his sleep as he darkness rose again as I ran to his side 'i can't let this happen again I don't want to see what would happen if his power fight back instead of protecting as it has been doing' as I set up a power barrier
"sephiroth wake up come on wake up" I tried waking him up as he slowly opened his eyes
"gray what are you doing here did you get in my room without knocking learn some manners" he said as if he wasn't having a nightmare a minute ago
"no you were having a nightmare and your power started acting up so I had no choice but to wake you"
"oh is that all well I guess there are still some unresolved feelings and that bastard is still in here huh I'll get over it in time for now just set up a strong barrier as I sleep this way I don't kill anyone in my sleep but other then that goodnight" he said as he covered himself and turned his back to me
"huh idiot it my job to make sure you are safe and sound this also goes for you mental health" I said as I got into the bed and pulled him close to me
" aaaam gray what are you doing "
" sleeping next to you "
" I now that but why"
"so you can sleep properly and not be effected by nightmares"
"Okey but are you naked right now if so put on some clothes "
"most if not all devil sleep naked its more comfortable this way and besides you've seen me naked before why is this so different"
"that's not the problem right now the problem is... You know what do what you want I don't have the energy to deal with this" he said
"goodnight to you to sephiroth" I said as I hugged him 'I must make sure this sephiroth doesn't turn into a monster I must never let that happen again'
(Mc POV)
'Okey I need to sort out these memories and emotions because I can't living like this a, ticking time boom that can explode at any second' since the memories come they were following but the emotions the events of that night I feel everything old sephiroth had felt the pain, the anger, sadness, hate, the feelings of not being able to do anything other than fail to run away and that it was all my fault even though I understand that there was nothing I could do and the fact that I ran away makes even more hard to swallow I mean thing have been so bad that I can't even focus on the fact Im in an anime and the fucking mood swings and I've been trying to fill my head with anything other than what happened but it always seems to come back at me so instead of running away why not try to fix this and besides I'm a genius I can do this and by my calculations organized all these memories and emotions should take at least several hours
"well let's gooo"
"go to sleep your father isn't coming until noon and lady gremory wants to see you in a fight so you need all the energy you can get"
"Okey first of all when did she say that and who am I fighting anyways if it's someone overpowered I'm out won't even try but if it's the old lady I'm putting a mark on her she will never heal from hehe" I said as I laughed
"I will remember you that that's the devil kings wife and my younger sister but no you will be fighting rias's queen akeno"
"the girl that was looking at me like trash should be fun though I think it's a little bit unfair for her don't you think but Okey and thanks for everything for the fact that my power was causing you pain so thank you but don't expect me to change the way I act this is just a thanks even asshole have to be thankful sometimes"
I said as I want into my own world as to fix the shit storm that is my mind
Now I've been reading the comments and it's time i answer so of your questions
1 no his not nerfed his a demon human and he was removed from the system so he doesn't operate but the same rules as others
2 his attitude has been changing a lot that's because I've been trying to find a balance and I've found it so if you feel that his attitude has suddenly changed please read the environment because no one can be an asshole 24/7
3 I am sorry if my grammar is shit but English is not my first or second language it's my fourth so please understand
4 yes this is a Mc x grayfia but don't worry the Mc is not going to be a idiot who thinks with his second mind
Oh thank you all for your support