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50% Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 :to be useful

Chương 13: Chapter 13 :to be useful

forcing myself to woke at about 4 in the morning to go take a shower and got dressed in the clothes Venel picked out for me 'I still say I need a hoodie but whatever I'll buy one and enchant it late for now food.... And since no ones going to cook for me..... Huh I'm starting to miss gray right now' I thought as I walked in to the kitchen and opened the fridge and pulled out everything I would need

"well time to get to work" as I got started and after a hour I ended up with 55 flapjack 20 pieces of bacon, 32 eggs and 6 steaks 'super speed does make shit easier' as I looked at all the food

"its a little small but it's the most I could do with the ingredients I had I should tell dad to stoke up on food" I said as I want to sit down to enjoy my food as vali come into and looked at me

"there is no way you can eat all"

"watch me idiot... this is how true man eat" I said as I began to eat everything without making a mess 'need to learn how to cook better because this is just average and since I will be dealing with Ophis how is fucking infinite and could kill me by blinking and good food is my only way to tame her or at get her to not kill me when I say no to joining her group of weirdos so I need to be able to give people Foodgasm with just the small' I said as I finished my food and looked at the time to see that it was six on the dot 'the person dad sent showed be here in a few minutes'


'or now' I said as I walked over to the door and opened it to find a blonde loli wearing Gothic Lolita clothes 'I've seen her before in the anime she was one off the fallen angel that got one shoted but rias in the first season'

"good morning Master sephiroth my name is Mittelt and I was sent to pick you up and take you to lord Azazles" she said as she bowed 'master what the fuck... I don't like it when people call me they're master and I hate to be bowed at if I don't do it I don't expect others to do it'

"Okey Mittelt first rule no bowing or calling me Master or anything like that"

"then what should I call you than"


"what I can't do that as your father is the leader of the fallen angel and I'm a low class angel I have to show you as much respect as I can"

"I see then when we are in public you can call me Master and bow but when we are alone you cut that shit I really do hate it Okey"i said as she just nodded

" anyway let's go see my dad" I said as I look behind her 'so Grigori looks like night city from cyberpunk 2077 makes sense the leader is my dad but I really thought there would be a brothel on every road'

"right I will teleport us to him" she said as she teleported us to the biggest tower I've ever seen and the inside was bigger

'I mean the gremory castle was big but this is stupid like how the fuck has it not collapsed ye-... Oh yeah magic'

"right this way master sephiroth will take the teleportation plates to teleport to your father" she said as she walked over to a golden door as she was about to open it she was stopped

"is there a reason why you are trying to see lord azazel without permission you low class scum" as a man with black short hair and black eyes walked over to us 'so his a asshole' I thought as mittelt bowed to him

"I'm sorry sir but lord azazle had asked me to pick up Master sephiroth for something important"

"well lord azazle did not tell me about it so I am going to ask you scum to leave before I make you" he said as he released his aura

"yes we'll be leaving soon sorry for wasting your time" mittelt said as she was shaking

"no the was a reason why we come here and I'm not leaving until I've done what I want so if you would kindly fuck off it would be appreciated" I said as mittelt looked at me like I was crazy and pulled on my shirt

"come on sephiroth you can fight him his a four winged angel his stronger then"

"then you but don't worry about me I can handle this" I said with an evil smile

"what did you say you low class scum do you know how I am"

"no but you probably going to tell me"

"I am the great" he was stopped as my darkness wrapped around him and covered his mouth

"I don't care and your really annoying you know that" I said as my darkness started to burn him as he started to scream and break out of my darkness "does it hurt hehe but that's not important right now" I walked to him jumped and grabbed him by the hair and brought his face in to the floor as it made small cracks 'must be some hard floors'

"now listen and listen carefully because if I have to repeat myself I'm taking a body part understood" I said as he quietly nodded "good now every time I see or even hear about you doing this kind of shit again i will take a body part" I said as I released him but I

still had my foot on his head forcing him down

"oh before I forget I don't want to see your face anymore so every time you see me you will go on your hands and knees and place you face on the floor like you are right now and you will only get up when I have left okay" I said as he growled but I pressed my foot as he's face dug into the ground as blood came out

"so this is what was taken you so long I thought you were just eating" dads said as he walked out of the corner as I took my foot of this asshole but as I did that he ran to azazel as he kneeled

"lord azazle do you see what this low class scum is doing to me"

"yes I did see what my SON was doing and I'm sure you were the cause of it" dad said as his aura slowly rose

"s s s son?"

"yes this little one here is my son and I had sent mittelt to pick him up but if this was a normal case I would kill you but my son has already thought of a better punishment for you so get on the ground don't move or speak until we've left" he said as the asshole placed his head back down no speaking a single word as he shook with fear "anyways seph, mittelt come I'll teleport us to the place we will be using" he said as he teleported in a very large high tech room

"this will be where you will be train your body" he said as he opened his arms "this use to be the the testing ground for my old invention but I don't need it anymore more so i'm giving it to you" he said as he taped his foot on the ground and few devices popped up

"these are the controls they operate this entire room and what happens out there doesn't happen inside the shield that houses controls and that's why your here mittelt to switch it off if it gets to much for him"

"that makes sense since I won't be able to move if there was an emergency"

"correct now to explain your training but as for the time being we will be focusing on improving you body and since magic comes easy to you it will have to take a step back for at least a year" he said as he walked to the control pressed a button and gun different guns popped out

"anyway this room can do a lot of things but the ones you will be using is the gravity and and climate control in other word make you heavier and super cold or hot so good luck" he said as he walked away but stopped "oh by the way I asked you to make a magic circle did you do it"

"of course I did it wasn't that hard" 'that was a lie I almost blow up the house make this' I said a my planetary circle appeared 'yeah that's what I'm calling it'

"ah I see you decided to make your own huh" he said as he got closer and looked at it carefully "I won't lie I am impressed this is probably more advanced than some of the ones I've seen but how did get it to work usually magic circles like this take to much power and sometimes explode"

"yes that was the problem I had yesterday night but I solved it by adding three more circles to control everything for me so I can focus more on fighting"

"I see" he said as tears came from his eyes "my son is a genius just like his father if only Lucrecia could see you now" he said as he wiped his eyes "anyway I've already opened a channel for you to teleport here with mittelt only anyone else will be rejected as this room is somewhere no one will find it no get out we about to start" he said as he called mittelt to him and began showing her the controls as I moved out to the field

"Okey seph we are about to begin you job is to try and get up if you can so we're on in 3.2..1" as he that I felt my body being pulled down as I was kissing the floor and the was only one thing on my mind

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK THIS HURTS" as the pain of being crashed and my bones breaking and my muscles tearing 'well I wanted this but right now I can't get up but if I want darkness mode I could but what would be the point so right now I must focus on healing my self if I want to live through this training'

(Azazel POV)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK THIS HURTS" Seph screamed as the sound of bones breaking was heard

"lord Azazle is this Okey for him he might get hurt"

"oh don't worry dear he'll be fine and after a few more times he'll be up and able to walk then we're can turn the climate control on oh and you will be living with him and vali and also try and learn from him them it may help you get stronger"

"I'll do that lord Azazle and I will also go and pack my things when we are done here"

"oh don't worry about that I've asked one of your friends raynas"


"whatever to pack you things and send them to your new home because you will be busy with sephiroth"

"Okey... Is he bleeding! " she said as I looked at seph and truly he was bleeding from his eyes and mouth "maybe we should quit for today"

"maybe.... hy seph growl twice if you want us to stop for today and once to continue"


"well these your answers and I've already shown you the controls and how to check his vitals so you should be good now enjoy the next 12 hours and next bring something to keep yourself busy" I said as I teleport back to my office 'that boy made his own magic circle that works better then most circles in one night I wonder what will happen if I gave him some of my paper on secret gear what would he do hehe he maybe make his own secret gear just for the fun of it'

(mittelt POV)

It been years since I've been need by anyone in Grigori and the fact I was a two winged angel made it worse as I've been physically and mentally abused by everyone else even some of my friends saw me as a weakling that should be removed but I've always tried so hard to be useful to someone anyone to be see but after a few years I stopped wishing and spent most of my days in bed watching anime

At that point I had completely given up and then one day there was a knock on the door usually I wouldn't have gotten up but something made me get up as I opened the door to find lord Azazel on my door step looking at me

"may I come in" he said as I quietly closed the door and cleaned up as fast as I could and reopened the door

"yes you may lord Azazle how may I help you today lord" I said out of breath

"yes mittelt I've been hearing about you from one of your friends raydime"


"whatever but she and this other one have been saying that you have been free loading for the past 15 years" Azazle said and I had one thing in my head 'THOSE FUCK BACK STABBING BITCH I AM GOING TO FUCKING'

" I'm sorry about that Azazle but I will definitely try my best from now on"

"I know but right now I have a mission for you" 'lord Azazle is giving me a mission personally this is my chance to prove myself and actually be useful'

"yes lord Azazle I will do anything"

"good because you're mission is to look after my son"

"wait what"

"yes that's your mission looking after my son oh and if you can or we are alone call me Azazel no more lord it really does irritate me"

"looking after your son are you sure you want me to do that lor... I mean Azazel I mean if you've been talking to Raynare"

"oh don't worry about her but to be honest you are the only one who I can trust not to fuck up or get killed by sephiroth hahaha" he said as he laughed 'how dangerous is his son for him to give a warning and since when does lord Azazle have a son'

"kill me"

"yes but don't worry about it its not easy for him to be pissed to that level and you have to be someone like raysuev"


"Okey but you have to act like her around him to get an ass kicking so don't act like her Okay? Okay anyways I'm off so pick him tomorrow at 6 in the morning at valis houses okay mittelt" Azazle said as he left but stopped by the door

"oh and mittelt if you do anything to my son I will make sure that you are unable to do anything so don't fuck up" he said as his KI was great that I was frozen in place unable to move or think but some broke out as he left

"well looks like I'm not sleeping tonight"

The next day I made sure to arrive half an hour early to pick him up and as I wait I was getting scared as I thought of lord Azazles son to be an arrogant asshole but what I got was a normal kid who hated to be held in high regard as he even told me to call him by his name but after a while I realized why lord Azazle had told me not to act like raynare as I saw sephiroth take down a four winged angel like he was nothing and the fact that the angel had a better attitude then raynare is saying something imagine what he would do if he met raynare

Anyway after that fiasco lord Azazle teleported us to a test site and told me I would spend 12 hours a day watching and making sure sephiroth doesn't get hurt and take care of him 'this job is going to be hard then I thought and these still the fact that he will be in constant danger because his Azazle only child but I said that I would do this job so I will make sure that he is safe even at my own life this I swear but I can't do that if Im still this weak but lord Azazle did say I can learn something from sephiroth if I asked

"sephiroth its time to leave its been 12 hours already" I said as I turned the gravity off as I walked over to him "are you Okey" I asked as he still had his head in the ground

"yes its just that the damage done is to high so it will take longer to get fully healed" he said without raising his face from the ground or moving his body

"Okay I'm going to use my magic circle to lift you and move you so I can put you in your bed Okay" I said as I teleported us to his house as I want in to find my stuff half destroyed 'must have been raynare and kalawarner fucking bitch must have been jealous huh whatever I'll take care of that tomorrow' I thought as I placed sephiroth in one of the empty room as the other two were locked and the fourth one was the biggest so it must be Azazles so i'm sleeping on the couch' I thought as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to see it was completely empty with only instant ramen cups

"I need to get some food and make sure that sephiroth is well taken care off" I said as I walked to the door and stopped "wait I don't have any money shit what am I going to do" I grab my head as I began to panic and didn't notice Azazle teleporting in

"you don't have to worry about that mittelt as I have already taken care of it" he said as I jump a little "oh and I see you belong have been destroyed well don't worry about and here" he said as he handed me two cards "ones for you the other is for sephiroth to buy anything you want think of it as your pay and as for food well I made a spell a few years ago for sephiroth mother it constantly supplies food do you won't run out but anyway that all" he said as he prepared to teleport but as he was about to he stopped and looked at me "oh and mittelt good job" and he teleported away

'did lord Azazle say I did a good job' I thought as tears came down my eyes as I smiled 'finally I'm useful'

next chapter
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