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Reboot Rwby - Power rangers the mystic force of Remnant

Tác giả: SilverShadow1

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The Broken Spell: Part 1

A time long ago before hunters and aura existed, there was a time when humans and Faunus lived in peace with wonderful magic in their hands. But that all changed when the supreme master and Salem's forces came into power, with her Grimms and the supreme master leading the demonic forces of darkness, they joined their powers together.

Then the Great Battle began, where humans and Faunus used their magic to fight along with each other, fighting to protect their families, their friends, and their world from the supreme master demonic army and Salem's Grimms.

However, with an army of the undead and Grimms led by a powerful warrior, they started to swarm over the land, setting their sight on world domination to the fullest, wanting to conquer their world for their own. It all seems hopeless when faced with the supreme master and Salem's evil force, their powers combined are frightening.

But, a small legion of brave and true wizards came forth, against insurmountable odds, they battled heroically, and they drove the evil back to the edge of the world. Then, the bravest wizard of them all cast a spell, that sent the supreme master's armies to the underworld. He sealed them inside giant gates for eternity.

But Selam used her own magic to protect herself from his spell, fleeing away before he could cast the spell again, leaving no trace of her or her Grimm. With that, their evil disappeared from the world.

However, with great victory comes great loss, as the five sorcerers die on the battlefield, using their magic and strength to protect the rest of the world, giving everything for their fellow humans and Faunus. Their sacrifice saved the world from destruction.

But, not even their sacrifice was enough because soon the people started to forget about their great battle, and magic soon became less and less useful in a peaceful time of life. They were greatly mistaken, because as soon as they forgot about magic and the great evils.

Selam once again attacked the world, her Grimm killing everything until the human and Faunus discovered Aura, turning the battle once again. But as more time passed, the magic and their brave wizard story disappeared from the world, leaving no trace of the Great Battle.

Until now.


"What the fuck even is this world." I asked myself as I was looking around this place, or whatever it was called. I saw humans and people with animal parts, which made me wonder if they were actually animal people. Or was that racist to think, I didn't know, but I honestly didn't care either.

From the look around, this world was a lot more futuristic than my Earth, it had things called Scrolls, which were a collapsible, holographic tablet. It can be used as a phone, a portable computer, a camera, a streaming device, and a gaming controller, among other functions.

The only reason I knew this, was because I stole a Scroll from a shop when the owner went to the bathroom. I knew it was wrong to steal, but I didn't care. I was in a different world, I needed some way to learn about this world so that I wouldn't be seen as a moron. Besides, I only stole from a big store, not a family-owned or small store, so it wouldn't hurt their pockets.

I rubbed the back of my head while I walked down the street, I couldn't remember how I died or how I came to this world, there was no light, no heaven or hell. I still couldn't believe I was given a second chance at life, as I thought I would go to hell because of how bad of a person I am. Not bad, I was just a jackass and a horrible human being.

I kept walking down the street until I noticed a window and I decided to check myself out before I came to find out I was different. I looked at myself through the window, seeing my average height, average-looking face, brown skin, black thick curly hair, and black eyes. But what was different, was the pair of wolf ears on top of my head.

I looked very confused at these animal parts and grabbed one of them before I tried to pull it off since I didn't think it was real. However, I yelp in pain after I pulled it with all my strength, and let go. "It's real." I said to myself in a shocked whisper while I let out a sigh of pain and confusion. This couldn't be real, I couldn't be coming an animal.

"GOD FUCKING DAMNIT." I shouted into the air in a pure mix of annoyance, rage, and shock, causing the people around me to jump in surprise and look at me like I was crazy. But I didn't care, I had a pair of wolf ears on my head, despite having my human ears on the side for some reason. And I hated it to an unbelievable level.

"This is such bullshit." I kicked a piece of rock I found on the ground into the air. However, it accidentally hit a guy in a police uniform and he turned to face me before I bolted like my life depended on it away like a coward. I heard him shout for me to stop but I didn't stop, I couldn't go to jail on my first day in this world.

I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore, and stopped to take a deep breath in so my lungs to get some air. I bent over to place my hands on my knees, taking as many deep breaths as possible before I finally stood up straight once again. I looked around to see where I was, but before I saw a record shop, and I sighed at that. I finally saw something familiar to my world, and it was funny thinking people of this world still had record music.

I was thinking over if it was worth going inside, and after a while of thinking, I threw up my hands in the air "What have I to lose" I asked myself since I had nothing but my clothes on my back and the scroll to my name. I walked towards the shop and entered it, and I was immediately taken aback at the sight.

The shop had a very early 2000s vibe to it, as it was colorful with different kinds of rock records to buy as I walked through the store. It almost felt like home since I was born in 2003 in this weird world filled with humans with animal parts. I flipped through different records looking for what kinds of bands they had, but sadly it had zero bands from my earth.

"Can I help you with anything?" I jumped into the air when I heard a voice behind me and I turned around to see a man of average height with a lean build, sporting a shock of vibrant red hair that fell messily over his forehead. His striking amber eyes hold a hint of mischief, and his easy smile adds to his approachable demeanor. He moves with a confident stride, wearing a mix of casual attire and tech-inspired accessories.

"No." I said to him after I finally composed myself after getting a little scared over him sneaking behind me "I'm just shocked that records are still a thing at this time." I explained to him offhandedly and shortly since it was the future, I thought it would be outdated.

"I know right." The man said while he moved around rather animatedly, making large gestures with his body and expression "This is horrible, all this great rock just sitting here and getting dust them on" He spoke, his voice showing sadness at the fact that rock music records are dying out which felt weird, but I didn't care, whatever fit his boat is his deal.

But before we could talk anymore, the ground suddenly started to shake violently and everyone inside the store, which was a few people started to scream and duck for cover. I quickly jumped under a table as fast as humanly possible since I wasn't ready to die for a second time today. I didn't think that my heart to handle dying twice in one day, or did it count as twice since I technically wasn't in the same world. So, technically I would die once on my Earth and once in this world.

I decided to just stop the question of my death count and just try to keep safe while the earthquake was taking place. I heard a girlish scream coming from my side and turned around to see a guy my age, who was tall with fair skin, blond hair, and dark blue eyes. I gave him a deadpan expression on my face while the earthquake kept going.

But after a few seconds, the earthquake finally stopped, and I looked out of the table I was hiding under before I finally stood up. The shop looked like a freaking mess, walls were slightly broken, the records on the floor, and some windows broken.

"Emm, can you forget you heard my scream." The tall blonde guy asked me with an awkward tone of voice while he stood beside me, rubbing the side of his arm, and I finally noticed the armor on him and the sword. "Em, I'm Jaune Arc, besides the way" He introduced himself to me.

"Like Jeanne d'Arc." I asked him with a raised eyebrow, wondering why he had the same last name as the famous French hero. "One of the greatest martyrs, and the patron saint" I said, as I had read about her in one of my history classes back on my earth, and the guy named Jaune blinked at me.

"Yeah, that is one of my ancestors." He admitted with a sheepish chuckle while he rubbed the back of his head, and now it was my turn to blink a few times in confusion. Did I get sent into the future, rather than another world, I had so many unanswered questions in my head now because of his answer.

"Okay, I'm Jack Rickard by the way." I said to him offhandedly before we started to make our way out of the shop. The outside was also a complete mess, cars had run into each other, the roads were slightly broken, and some parts of different buildings had come lost. "Jesus, this place is a mess" I commented out loud.

"Jesus, who is that." Jaune asked me in confusion and I froze in place, I was getting mixed messages here. At first, I thought I was in a different world, but then I met him, who is the descendant of Jeanne d'Arc, a French heroine, but now he doesn't know who Jesus is, one of the most prominent people in humanity's history in Christianity.

"No one." I said to him calmly and simply before I walked around to see if anyone needed help, and Jaune started to do the same. However, we suddenly one a shout and we turned to see a group of people surrounding an old man.

"Somebody please help me." The old man said, his voice sounding depressed, very much in distress. "Please someone, anyone" He kept saying as I and Jaune came closer to him, as I pushed my way through the crowd, not caring I was physically moving them out of my way.

"It's my brother" The old man started by saying to the crowd with me and Jaune in front "We were just walking up the road, and some Grimme grabbed him, I fear the worst, it's just out of the City" He explained to everyone, and my interest was caught at the world Grimm since I had no idea what that was "The Grimm to him into the forest"

The moment he said Grimm and forest, I could see everyone suddenly turn their back to him, telling him to get something called a Hunstman, or Huntress. I think over helping him, I didn't know how dangerous this so-called Grimm was, but it was dangerous enough to be a whole profession to deal with it.

"I'll help" Jaune suddenly volunteered himself out of nowhere. But I guess that fits him, he seems like that stupid hero main character type of guy. "And my friend can also help you" Jaune added and pointed to me, my eyes went as big as plats.

"Who the fuck said we were friends." I asked him with an annoyed tone of voice while I glared at him, and he gave me a sheepish smile on his face.

"My mom always says, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

My glare didn't become less intense, just greatly more intense as he started to sweat buckets. However, I could already feel the social pressure of all the people watching us, as he gave me no choice unless I wanted to seem like a coward in front of everyone.

So I sighed and nodded at the old man,

"Renny, we need to help him, think of the adventure." I heard some random girl say with boundless energy while she jumped around behind her friend. She was a fair-skinned young woman who looked to be the same age as me and Jaune with orange hair and turquoise eyes. She seems to think this looks fun. "Can we, can we, can we." She excitedly jumped around.

"Nora, it could be dangerous" The man called Reny said to his friend or girlfriend, seeming much more calm and collected than her. He looked the same age as us and had long black hair that ended midway down his back. There is a magenta streak on the left side of his hair. His eyes match the streak in his hair, and his clothing appears to be influenced by Chinese culture.

"We do not know what can of Grimm took him." He said to her with a calm voice and showed a great deal of patience when dealing with his hyperactive friend or girlfriend. However, the woman seems to completely ignore his answer and pulls him along like he is a doll.

"I, Weiss Schnee, will help you" Another woman stepped forward to help the old man, and this was I had to admit very pretty, almost too pretty to be human. She is a pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes and long white hair that is often pulled back into an off-center ponytail or braid on the right side and pinned with a silver, icicle-shaped tiara. She also has a scar that runs vertically down her left eye and face.

"Oh my" Jaune muttered and I turned my head to look at him with a judging expression on my face. He had only just seen her for a couple of seconds, no way he had a crush on her already, that couldn't be possible, could it?

I couldn't believe my awful luck, my team to help this old man, was an Ice queen, who was probably stupidly rich named Wiess, a boundless hyperactive woman called Nora, a calm and collected guy whose name was Renny, who must have been a stupid name, and Jaune, who is trying to play a hero and seems to be crushing on the ice.

I wanted to die once again.


"Can I change my mind?" I asked out loud as we were currently waking in the forest, which was about two miles away from the city. I didn't like how quiet it was in this place, it was almost like there was no life, and that made me feel uneasy in my body.

"Sure, if you want to walk back alone, wolf boy." The woman named Weiss/Ice Queen said to me offhandedly while she gestured with her manicured hand. That cold bitch is getting on my nerves and I wanted to punch her, but I was pretty sure she could beat my ass for some reason.

"Come on, Jack." Jaune the outgoing, goofy, and all-around friendly guy he is tried to cheer me up, despite my anger about being dragged along on this. "Think of how impressive it would be if we save his brother from the evil Grimms." He said to me, probably playing with my ego, which was working greatly. But before I could answer, the girl Nora shouted loud enough to probably make me deaf.

"Renny, look that tree looks like a cat." The woman named Nora shouted to her friend Ren because I refused to call him Renny in my head since it sounded stupid. That tree she pointed to, did not look like a cat, but an average tree.

"Yes, it does." Ren went along with his friend, and I gave him a stare like he was crazy, he stared back at me, like saying 'Just go along with it'. He was either used to Nora's actions or just didn't have any fucks to give to the situation.

"My life is a fucking joke." I muttered under my breath, as I already hated this world because of the weird people I was stuck with. I slapped my palms over my face and dragged them down as I heard Nora shouting. "Why couldn't I stay dead." I asked myself hoping this was some kind of sick joke.

The old man suddenly stopped in front of the forest and turned to face us with a serious expression on his face. "You sure, you're willing to enter." He asked us before his speech got very ominous. "The woods are a very scary place." He told us with a low tone of voice.

"You ask a lot of questions for a man whose brother is in danger." I commented with a flat tone of voice, not feeling the slightest bit of fear in my words. Since he was just an old man, what type of danger could this possibly be?

"Everyone's in danger." He corrected me with his low and serious whisper, and now I was officially scared for my life.

"Renny did you hear that, everyone is in danger." Nora shouted once again loudly and shook her friend roughly, getting more excited by the second. "We are on a real-life adventure." I was starting to think this girl needed some serious help.

We made our way through the woods, and it was rather creepy, not hearing the sounds of any type of animal. As we walked deeper into the forest, the old man stayed back, before he was covered in a white sparking light and disappeared behind us, none of us noticing that.

After a few seconds of walking, we each passed through a magical barrier that wasn't able to be seen by the naked eye. The moment that happened, Nora's, Ren's, and Weiss's auras shattered into pieces, while I and Jaune was fine since we didn't have auras.

Nora stumbled, her usually vibrant aura flickering and dissipating into nothingness. She staggered, bewildered, before turning to Ren with wide eyes. "Ren? What's happening? I feel... empty." She asked her childhood friends since her aura was completely gone.

Ren's usually calm demeanor faltered as his aura shattered like glass. His hands clenched into fists, his voice edged with panic. "I-I don't understand. Something's wrong... something's very wrong." He answered her trying to keep his voice calm and even, while pulling out his scroll, only to see their aura magically already at zero despite having an aura just a second ago.

Weiss, always composed, froze in disbelief as her aura crumbled around her. She took a step back, eyes darting between us. "This... this shouldn't be happening. My aura, it's gone." She exclaimed as she tried to summon her Glyphs, only to see that it wasn't working.

Jaune and I exchanged a glance, our confusion mirroring theirs. But unlike them, we remained untouched by the strange phenomenon. I and Jaune knew nothing about aura, which made us confused about what aura even was.

Nora's gaze shifted to Jaune and me, her confusion deepening. "Wait a minute... why aren't you two affected?" She asked us, her boundless energy making her zip to us in an instant and looking us over from head to toe like we were some strange creatures. She even poked my face, right underneath my eye.

Ren nodded in agreement, his brows furrowing with suspicion. "Yeah, you guys seem fine. What's going on?" He was also very interested in us since fighting Grimms required people to have Aura, to not get killed in an instant.

And us being here, meant that we had Aura to protect ourselves in case we needed to fight the Grimm to save the old man's brother. But if we didn't have an aura, meant we had no way to protect ourselves from the Grimm if they attacked us.

Jaune exchanged a puzzled glance with me before shrugging helplessly. "I... I'm not sure. What's aura?" He asked, having genuinely no idea what Aura was, since he never learned about it, even before he applied for Bascon to become a Huntsman.

My confusion mirrored Jaune's. "Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about. Is this some kind of fancy magic thing?" I asked with a slightly dismissive tone of voice, making fun of it since I didn't believe in magic because it wasn't real.

Weiss eyed us skeptically, her expression a mix of disbelief and frustration. "Unbelievable. How can you not know about aura? It's basic knowledge for any Huntsman or Huntress." She shouted at us and stomped her foot on the ground, while I stared at her.

"Do I look smart enough to know what a Huntsman is"


Okay, that hurt my pride since she answered that way too fast for my liking.

However, Jaune suddenly froze in place like he was seeing something horrible, and we all turned to face the thing he was staring at. I froze in fear while the rest of the team froze in shock.

In front of us was a person wearing nothing but a black cloak that covered their entire body. It was moving around despite it not even blowing any wind today, and slowly moving closer and closer to us.

Nora's eyes widened in disbelief as the figure approached, her usual boisterous energy dampened by a creeping sense of dread. "Who... who is that?" She asked while she placed her hands on her Magnhild, she was ready to beat that creepy ghost.

Ren's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his weapon, his usual calm demeanor replaced by a cautious readiness. "I don't know, but we need to be cautious." He answered her and his hands flicked to StormFlower.

Weiss, ever the composed heiress, narrowed her eyes as she assessed the mysterious figure. "This is highly irregular. We need to proceed with caution." She ordered everyone which Nora and Ren followed without hesitation, but I and Jaune were a different story.

Meanwhile, Jaune and I stood frozen in fear, our hearts pounding in our chests. The sight of the cloaked figure sent shivers down our spines, our minds racing with terrifying possibilities.

Jaune's voice trembled as he whispered, "W-what do we do?" He asked me and I turned to face him, having a hard time speaking right now.

I could barely muster a response, my fear threatening to overwhelm me. "I-I don't know. We... we have to stay calm." I could barely get any words out, and I took a deep breath of air, but it felt like I had zero oxygen.

As the figure drew closer, the air seemed to grow colder, our breaths coming out in shaky exhales. Each step it took echoed like a death knell in the silence, filling us with a sense of impending. But suddenly a group of Hidiaces came into the forest, surrounding us rather quickly.

They stand tall and imposing, clad in dark, shadowy armor adorned with sinister symbols. Their glowing eyes pierce through the darkness, emitting an eerie aura of malevolence. With their sharp, angular features and jagged edges on their armor, they exude a sense of danger and ruthlessness.

"Shit, they are not alone" I shouted into the air as we were surrounded, Wiess, Jaune, Ren, and Nora all pulled out their weapons, while I was defenseless because I had no weapons. So I simply put up my hands, despite having zero idea how to fight.

But the person in the black cloak pulled out something like a wooden stick with a snowflake on top of it and said some type of magical words. A white light came up underneath their feet and left us confused over the weird light show. However, suddenly five brooms came flying towards us, snatching us up and flying away with us in the air.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME." I shouted into the air in annoyance and I was hanging off the broom with my right leg while Nora was laughing like a madwoman, having too much fun with this, and swung around. Weiss was hanging upside down with both legs on the broom and gripping her skirt, to prevent it from falling to show off her underwear. Ren someone managed to get himself in a sitting position on the broom and Jaune was gripping the broom like a cat about to fall.

We all screamed in fear except for Nora, who was screaming in pure enjoyment over this.

After a while, the broom suddenly dropped us to the ground unceremoniously and I think I had something in my back crack. I let out a yelp of pain before I got up and rubbed the back of my head.

"Again, again again." Nora was jumping around while she wanted to fly on the brooms once again without care about what happened to us. "Renny, did you see, those brooms can fly." She let out a gasp and placed her palms on her cheeks "They are magical brooms." She said, coming to a sudden realization.

"Does she ever get tired?" I asked the guy with green clothes with a flat expression on my face.

"No." Ren gave me the straightforward answer with a calm smile on his face while he looked at his childhood friend fondly. I groaned after hearing that answer, as that meant I just needed to deal with her throughout this whole thing.

"Anyway, where are we." Jaune asked out loud while he dusted himself off the dirt from his armor and shirt. we all looked around before we heard a female voice.

"I call it Rootcare" We turned to see the person wearing the black cloak once again and she walked towards us slowly once again.

We all started to back away, slowly going inside a tree without thinking. However, the entrance is made of carved wood shaped like a dragon's head, with red eyes, the head had the mouth open to allow us to come in on purpose before it closed the mouth.

After a few seconds of walking, we suddenly hit a dead end inside the door, before it opened and we all fell since we weren't ready. The room had a very magical feel to it, and almost straight away, Nora started to jump around in excitement.

As the rest of the group picked themselves up from the unexpected tumble, Ren surveyed their surroundings with a calm demeanor, his eyes flickering with curiosity. "This place... it feels ancient, yet alive," he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of wonder.

Nora, true to her spirited nature, bounced on her feet, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Wow, this is so cool! It's like we stumbled into a fairy tale or something," she exclaimed, her words bubbling with excitement as she twirled around, taking in every detail of the mystical chamber.

Weiss, ever the poised heiress, observed the room with a mixture of skepticism and fascination. "It appears to be some sort of sanctum," she remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of skepticism, yet unable to hide the underlying intrigue in her voice. "But how is such a place hidden within a tree?"

Jaune, though visibly taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, tried to maintain a semblance of composure. "Um, guys, I don't think we're in Vale anymore," he mumbled, his voice wavering slightly as he took hesitant steps forward, his eyes wide with disbelief. "But... this place, it feels... important."

"Tell me about it." I said to them before I jumped when I heard a voice behind me once again.

"I thought it was best you were brought here." The woman in the black cloak said with a calm and motherly tone of voice while we turned to face her, and I nervously walked towards her slowly.

"Hi." I started by saying to her, trying to get a feel of her attitude "I'm Jack, and I must say you have a lovely home." I said to her and hit the wood slightly to make a knocking sound a few times. "Very woody."

Suddenly the woman brought up her hand, and a white light came, summoning all the broom into behind us. She then pulled off her cloak and revealed herself to us, showing that was a rather old lady.

"I'm the Sorceress, Udonna" She introduced herself to us, and Udonna is a figure of grace and wisdom, carrying herself with an air of elegance and authority. Her flowing robes, adorned with intricate magical symbols, billow around her as she moves, adding to her mystical presence. Her piercing blue eyes hold a depth of knowledge and experience, reflecting her years of magical training and leadership. Despite her serene demeanor, there is a strength and determination in her gaze that commands respect from those around her. She speaks with a calm yet firm voice, guiding others with wisdom and compassion.

"Welcome to my home." She said to us calmly and with a gentle tone while she held out her arms in front of us.

Nora's eyes widened in awe as she took in Udonna's elegant demeanor. "Wow, she's like a real-life fairy godmother!" she whispered to Jaune and Weiss, her voice filled with admiration.

Weiss couldn't help but be impressed by Udonna's commanding presence. "It's an honor to meet you, Sorceress Udonna," she said respectfully, her tone reflecting her upbringing and training in matters of decorum.

Jaune, though slightly intimidated by Udonna's aura of authority, couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance in her presence. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home," he said with genuine gratitude, his voice tinged with a hint of awe.

"At ease children." She told us while she slowly and gracefully walked down the stairs towards us, each step carrying her with elegance and authority. "When the five of you entered the forest, you all stepped past a magical barrier that blocks any unworthy outsiders" She explained to us with a calm and firm voice. "However, it does have the drawback of not letting people use their aura"

Ren's brows furrowed slightly as he absorbed Udonna's words, his mind already processing the implications of the magical barrier. "So that's why we couldn't use our auras," he murmured, his tone reflective as he considered the limitations they faced.

Nora's eyes widened in realization, her expression shifting from awe to curiosity. "Wait, does that mean there's something special about us that made us worthy to enter?" she asked eagerly, her voice tinged with excitement at the prospect of unraveling the mystery.

Weiss, ever the pragmatic thinker, nodded thoughtfully as she processed Udonna's explanation. "It seems we were chosen for a reason," she remarked, her tone measured yet filled with determination. "But what exactly sets us apart from others?"

"A few hundred years ago, there was a great battle of our world, before the battle between the kingdoms." Udonna said as she magically teleported behind us without making a sound. "Dark Magic conquered our realm and was about to end our existence." She explained to us while she walked around us. "When we finally defeated them and sent them back to the underworld but at a great cost."

"The Gate was sealed with a powerful spell, trapping the demonic army and their master in the underworld. But a woman named Salem, a powerful Sorceress and controller of the Grimme, was able to escape the spell." The White power ranger said to us with a somber tone of voice. "But now, during the recent earthquake, a crack appeared in the gate, and evil has slipped through."

"Well, that is awful and horrible to hear." I said calmly to Udonna with a raised eyebrow as this started sounding more like a fairy tale than real life. But who am I to judge, I literally came back from the dead into another world, which gave me no room to speak of. "But what does that have to do with us." I asked her with a raised eyebrow since I had nothing to do with this.

"It could mean the end for our world." She interrupted me to make her statement clear to us, which made me silent after hearing that from the old Sorceress. As Udonna's words sank in, Ren felt a chill run down his spine. The gravity of the situation was hitting him like a ton of bricks. He exchanged glances with Nora, Weiss, and Jaune, seeing the concern mirrored in their expressions.

Nora's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a steely determination. "We can't let that happen," she declared, her voice firm with resolve.

Weiss nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing with determination. "Indeed. We must do whatever it takes to protect our world from this threat." She nod her head along with Nora, however, I wasn't buying this bullshit.

"Please, like I would buy this fairy tale." I said to her with a snarky tone of voice "You are telling us that magic is real and a woman is controlling these Grimm things." I told her with a raised eyebrow.

"This not a fairy tale." Udonna seems unbothered by my reaction, understanding that this is big news for a person who doesn't know of magic or Salem. She understood that he needed time to understand the importance of this. "What I tell you is what happened."

I scoffed into the air at the, I believed in rebirth since that happened to me, but magic, a woman controlling Grimm, a dark lord that is where I draw the line. Udonna walked over to a large book and opened her arms once again.

"The Xenotome, the book of the unknown." She said to her while we walked towards her to get a closer look at the book in front of her. "In it, is everything we do not know." The blank book suddenly got weird symbols and a picture.

"What kind of language is that." Wiess asked Sorceress Udonna with a confused voice while she looked at the book. "I have read every possible book about language, and never before have I seen this." She was unsure what to make of this unknown language.

"It is the language of the ancients." Udonna told her with a chuckle in her voice while she gently placed a finger on the page, reading it. "You will soon learn it." She reassured Wiess gently and motherly with a smile on her face. "It says that when evil rises again, five mystical warriors will appear together and step forward." She read out loud what the book said.

"You are those warriors." She declared to us with a strong and powerful voice despite speaking calmly to us "You are the power rangers."

Weiss furrowed her brow in confusion, her mind racing to make sense of Udonna's words. "Power Rangers... I've never heard of such a thing," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she struggled to reconcile this new concept with her vast knowledge of the world.

Nora's eyes widened in astonishment as she tried to process the revelation. "Power Rangers? Like... superheroes?" she asked incredulously, her voice filled with awe and excitement at the prospect of becoming something out of a storybook.

"Look, excuse me." I suddenly but in since this was getting too crazy for my mind to handle "You are saying, Miss Ice Queen" Wiess scoffed at the nickname I gave her. "The girl with the permanent sugar rush, the ninja guy, and two guys that don't know how to fight or even have an aura." I explained to her calmly and slowly with a confused expression "Is meant to fight against the two most evil people in the world.

I had mentioned the fact, that neither I nor Jaune knew how to fight or even had Aura, unlike Wiess, Ren, and Nora. All three of them had an aura and knew how to fight rather professionally. I and Jaune were both metaphorically and literally the most inexperienced and unequipped people on this team. Yeah, Jaune had a sword and shield but he had no idea how to use it correctly.

Udonna regarded me with a knowing smile, understanding the doubt and apprehension that lingered in my words. "Appearances can be deceiving," she remarked gently, her voice laced with wisdom as she addressed their concerns. "The strength of a warrior is not solely measured by their physical prowess or innate abilities."

Ren nodded in agreement, his gaze steady as he offered reassurance to me. "It's not just about what you can do now, but what you're capable of becoming," he pointed out, his voice calm yet firm as he tried to instill confidence in their potential.

Nora bounced on her feet, her eyes alight with determination as she spoke up. "We're a team, right? We'll figure it out together," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering optimism as she reached out to offer support.

Weiss, though initially skeptical, softened only a tiny amount on her expression as she considered Udonna's words. "Perhaps there's more to us than meets the eye," she conceded, her voice tinged with a hint of curiosity as she glanced towards me. However, it was pretty clear I didn't believe in that.

"Now, these are your magic wands." Udonna told her and she held onto five different wands. She gave Jaune the Yellow wand with a yellow garuda bird on top of it, Wiess the blue wand with a Mermaid, Nora the wand with a Sprite, Ren the wand with a Minotaur, and I the wand with the Phoenix. "Never go anyway without them"

"Udonna, Udonna" Suddenly a woman ran into the room in a hurry. The young woman with striking blonde hair styled in a sleek yet tousled manner added to her edgy and enigmatic allure. Her eyes are a vibrant green, capturing attention with their intensity and depth. Clare's attire combines elements of modern fashion with hints of fantasy and adventure.

Once she got face to face with Udonna, she finally noticed us five and was taken aback before she composed herself and greeted us politely "Oh, hello, nice you meet you" The woman said and Jaune awkwardly waved at her with a smile. "Uh excuse me, Udonna" Her actions went back to Udonna before she whispered something in her ear.

Udonna's expression suddenly changed into that of a worried frown on her face and she turned to face us. "You all must stay here until I return" She ordered us with a much more firm tone than before. "Do not go into the woods alone" The White ranger warned us and then she snapped her fingers and disappeared.

"I wish I could do that." The young woman said to herself while she snapped her fingers over and over again "I practice and I practice, but nothing." She let out a frustrated groan after nothing happened before she realized we were still there. "Oh, hello again, I'm Clare a sorcerer in training here in Rootcare" She introduced herself with a nervous smile.

"Okay, that is it, I'm done with this nonsense." I said out loud since this was getting too crazy for me to handle and I tried to leave but Clare stopped me.

"Oh no, you can't go." The blonde woman said to me with a calm voice "Udonna said you need to stay here" She told us once again what Udonna wanted before she suddenly got an idea. "Oh I know, I will conjure a spell that freezes you where you stand until Udonna gets back." She explained her plan out loud before saying a few magical words but it backfired and turned her into a sheep.

I shook my head and placed my wand on the book, Ren, Nora, Weiss, and Jaune doing the same.

"Oh boy, Udonna is going to be maaaadddd at me." Clare said to herself in her sheep form.


We were running down the forest before we came across a village inside the forest. The first thing we noticed is that none of these creatures were human, they were magical creatures.

Ren's keen senses immediately picked up signs of distress as he surveyed the village. "Something's not right here," he murmured, his voice tinged with concern as he took in the chaotic scene before them.

Nora's heart sank as she observed the devastation wrought upon the once-idyllic village. "Oh no... they've been attacked," she whispered, her voice filled with sorrow as she surveyed the damage, her empathy for the inhabitants evident in her eyes.

Weiss clenched her fists in frustration as she took in the sight of the wounded and frightened magical creatures. "Who would do such a thing?" she demanded, her voice laced with indignation as she scanned the area for any sign of the attackers.

"I should have known you wouldn't have stayed in Rootcore." We had a familiar voice and we turned to see Udonna, her voice wasn't mad, but rather please and almost teasingly. "This is the woodland village, and as you can see, it has been attacked." Undonna told her without hiding anything. "Tomorrow it will be another village. The darkness destroys everything within in their path until they find what they want." She explained to us with a somber voice and sadness.

"What are they looking for." I asked out loud, wondering what could be so important they would kill anyone to get it.

"Me." Udonna admits without hesitation in her voice and lets out a deep sigh. "Once they have killed me, they will go after you five." She told us with a calm and firm voice, that had me very much freaked out, I wasn't built for main character energy. I was built for side character energy, I wasn't meant to be here.

"It is them." One of the villages suddenly exclaimed when he saw us and took a knee in front of us. "The protectors are here, hail the mystic rangers." Everyone in the villages went down and showed their respect to us, despite us not having been here to fight.

"I always wondered what it would be like to be worshipped." I commented since I felt ever awkward right now, seeing rather a supernatural creature bowing down to me for no reason. "I don't like it." I admit to not liking the idea of being worshipped.

However, suddenly a giant purple monster came out of nowhere, walking toward the village with a dangerous energy about it. The monster let out a roar that could be heard all over the place and stood about 5 times that of the average human.

"Take out your wands." Udonna ordered us before she realized that we didn't have time on us, and must have left them. "Alright stand back." She gave us a different order and she didn't need to tell me again before she stood in front of the monster, and pulled out her wand.

"Magical Source Mystic Force." She called out loud and held her wand into the sky, before above her a spell, and slowly covered herfully. She was now in a White Mystic Ranger outfit and stood ready for battle against the monster.

"Oh, shit, she transformed like one of those superheroes." I shouted after seeing her transform like one of these heroes from TV shows. I didn't know how to feel about this, this was so surreal seeing this in real life.

Nora's jaw dropped in disbelief as she stared at Udonna, her excitement palpable despite her shock. "That's so cool!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration as she watched her mentor take on her Ranger form, her eyes shining with newfound wonder.

Udonna ran towards the monster before she jumped high into the air, and blasted ice at it, but the monster blocked the attack, and Udonna landed on the ground. She then backflipped when the monster slammed its arm down onto the ground to crush her. While she was fighting the giant, more of these Hidiaces.

"So, I see two choices, either we fight." I started by saying in a nervous tone that because I and Jaune couldn't fight, we were just deadweight to the team "Or er get destroyed." I said the two choices, but I already knew that everyone but me was going to fight them.

"I think you know our answer." Weiss said with a calm and blunt voice while she pulled out her sword to get ready for the battle, Nora, Jaune, and Ren did the same, leaving me the only one without a weapon.

As the Hidiaces closed in on them, the Power Rangers sprang into action, their weapons drawn and their resolve steeling them for the impending battle. Weiss led the charge, her sword gleaming in the sunlight as she launched herself at the nearest Hidiac, her movements fluid and precise.

Ren and Nora fought back-to-back, their synergy evident as they unleashed a flurry of strikes and blasts of Dust, and Nora's grenades against their adversaries. Jaune, though less experienced in combat and with no aura to defend, fought with fierce determination, his shield deflecting blows as he stood steadfast alongside his teammates.

I, on the other hand, was getting my shit rocked rather badly. I blocked an attack with my forearms, but the Hidiace had superhuman-level physical capabilities. The punch was enough to slightly crack my actual bones, and I couldn't believe it, they were on a whole another level.

But despite our best efforts, the Hidiaces proved to be formidable opponents, their sheer numbers overwhelming us at every turn, they were even able to hurt Weiss, Nora, and Ren, bypassing their aura protection. With each passing moment, the situation grew more dire, their efforts to hold back the tide of darkness slowly faltering against the relentless onslaught.

"Just remember, to use magic you just have to believe." Udonna shouted out at us, giving us the help we needed to fight this creature on an even footing. While she said so, I was thrown into a damn tree, which made it hard to believe in magic.

"What did she say." Jaune asked himself since he was against a tree, having been corned by the Hidiaces. She that to use magic, you just needed to believe. "Well I do, I believe in magic." Jaune stated with full honesty before lighting came out of his hands and shocked the Hidiace's unconsciousness. "It worked, guys it worked." Jaune shouted out to us.

Ren was lying on the ground after having been flipped onto the ground and decided to give this a try. "I believe, I believe in magic." Ren said honestly, and suddenly the roots of the trees came out of the ground and wrapped around the Hidiace's.

"I believe in magic." Weiss said and had her hands on the ground while she closed her eyes to fully believe in magic. Water came out of the came like a flowing eruption, sending the Hidiace's sky high.

"I believe, I believe in Magic." Nora shouted with excitement after seeing her companions using magic, and she spun around. A giant pink tornado came into creation by Nora, sucking up all the Hidiaces and sending them shooting far away in the air. Before she finally stopped moving with a crazy grin on her face. "And pink is my favorite color:"

I was being thrown around like a damn ragdoll and finally landed on the ground before I backed away from the Hidiaces, and decided to try this so-called magic. "I believe in magic." I shouted into the air, but nothing happened since I couldn't find myself truly believing in magic in this strange world. But just when they were about to attack me, Udonna used magic to freeze them in place.

I quickly stood up and dusted myself off and everyone was looking at me now. Everyone on this team got their magic, but me, making me the odd man out of the group. I stared back at them, my expression being awkward and I shook my head.

"I guess magic isn't for me." I said to them with a shrug, not feeling anything about it since I truly didn't think magic was real. "The I believed in magic doesn't work for me." I told them with a huff and snort. The team looked at Udonna, expecting her to do something to me.

"He is a non-believer, there is nothing I can do." Udonna admitted to the team with a calm and firm voice, that she couldn't force someone to believe in something their heart couldn't accept. "Clare will see you out of the woods." Just then, Clare still in her sheep form came behind me.

With that, I followed after Clare, leaving Udonna and the rest of the Power Rangers alone. But just when I left, a magic circle was summoned with a purple go to it, and a man with purple armor, sword, and shield was summoned in front of Udonna, and the Rangers.

"You may have defeated my Hidiaces, but you will not defeat me." The purple armor knight pulled out his sword from his shield before he called out an attack. "Wolf Attack." The attack revealed a red eye located in the center of the shield, Koragg then fired off a blast in the shape of wolf heads made of dark energy.

The attack came behind Udonna and the Rangers, and exploded into a massive explosion behind them, sending them flying into the air. All five of them landed on the ground rather roughly, taking a decent amount of damage from his single attack.

"It is the end for you." Krogg said to them with a calm and ruthless tone of voice while they stared back at him in the pin from his attack.

How were they going to survive this as an incomplete team?


This was kinda of a long first chapter. I decided to rewrite the story since I felt like the mystic force was a much better fit, with the magic already existing in Remnant, so I didn't need to change much with that. But I hope you like this first chapter.

next chapter
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