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7.14% Rebirth of Versatile Mage / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Rebirth of Versatile Mage Rebirth of Versatile Mage original

Rebirth of Versatile Mage

Tác giả: CyanXD

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

I have to give all credits to the real author, Chaos. There are light novels, manga, and animes for Versatile Mage or Quanzhi Fashi, and this is a fanfiction and not the actual novel, but a makeup version by myself.

'Am I dead?' ←This shows the characters' thoughts.

Mo Fan was floating in the unknown dark space, not rising or falling. He obtained many riches, beautiful wives, and the strongest mage title. However, he has just died in the hands of the Black Vatican, the darkest human sect causing chaos around the world. To Mo Fan, it was upsetting because he had journeyed so far and been through so many life and death situations just to end up losing in the end…

Ever since Mo Fan started his journey, he had been fighting against the whole time. The insane development of Mo Fan's power concerned the whole Black Vatican, and they fully focused on eliminating Mo Fan; it was either Mo Fan winning or Black Vatican winning. But eventually, Mo Fan was too quick to anger, and it resulted in Black Vatican kidnapping his wives and lured him into a trap.

"Fuck me! I thought I had it in the bag. I was so close!" Mo Fan shouted at the dark and mysterious space around him. 'Hey author, why would you let the main character die?' He thought to himself.

Mo Fan had been in near-death situations so many times, but the peaceful surroundings were almost too perfect for his death. The dark space was soundless and painless. As minutes passed, Mo Fan regretted that he wasn't strong enough. The almost-eerie space made him think of all of his memories, fun ones, adventurous ones, and near-death ones. 'I hate myself… I knew I should have been careful around those bastards.'

The regrets and emotions kicked in after the minutes that passed by. He knew his mistake, but of course, it was too late.

After more screaming and cursing, Mo Fan decided to accept his death as he slowly shut his eyes from the tiredness. The space around him was still dark until his Little Loach glowed like having a mind of its own. The Little Loach was the best and most wonderful equipment for Mo Fan when he started to get insanely strong. It was like an op system that was given to the main character. The Little Loach spitted out thousands of powerful souls that were collected by Mo Fan and controlled other powerful magical items owned by Mo Fan. It created an enormous Star Universe around itself. The souls were crushed into thin silvery lines which started to wire in the magical items. The magical items were placed like the solar system orbiting the Little Loach. With the final touches, the gigantic pattern was near the diameter of the Earth, and the Little Loach glowed brightly like the Sun. Nevertheless, it formed a spectacularly complex and mysterious Star Universe on Mo Fan and brought Mo Fan back to where he has started his magic career, Bo City.


Bo City has a very luxurious and danger-filled history. It was attacked by monsters multiple times, but the military was able to minimize the damage to Bo City. Unlike more developed cities in China, Bo City would be compared to a small village; however, it did have its unique attraction of nature and Underground Spring Water.

The mid-afternoon sun ray shined through the clear window on the bus. The bus was packed to the aisle with middle school students. The bus was vibrant and high-spirited, and even though AC was on, it gave a feeling of being in a packed sports game stadium. Today for most students was the most relieving and relaxing moment. It was the Last Day of School!

The bus was filled with laughter and loud students who were ready to burst into their summer vacations. A near sixteen-year-old boy was asleep on the bus; he was taller than average people and had a slightly athletic build with fiery maroon colored hair. In terms of looks, he was better than the average people; not much worse but not much better.

Mo Fan was asleep on the bus; nevertheless, Zhang Xiaohou looked at Mo Fan weirdly, he was talking to Mo Fan a few minutes ago, but now Mo Fan has fallen asleep. Zhang Xiaohou elbowed Mo Fan to wake him up, wanting to notify that the bus was near the stop. Mo Fan was dreaming about one of his shameless times with Xinxia, Mo Fan's wife, but she kept pushing Mo Fan away and saying his name, but the voice was slowly sounding boyish. He opened his eyes.

He didn't feel the eerie dark space, but it was humid and crowded. There were many students talking within their own friend groups and workers with backpacks and suitcases relieved with their today's work. He remembered the hot and crowded bus during his early life, and it always smelled cruddy and sweaty. But he had an indescribable feeling in his heart; it was so familiar! 'Wait, I am alive? But why am I on the bus, what happened, am I dreaming?' Mo Fan unconsciously stood up. Mo Fan scanned the surroundings and the people. He wore a shocking face! The students were wearing Mo Fan's middle school's uniform, and the landscape was full of apartments. 'Why... why am I on the bus in Bo City?'

While Mo Fan was still dazed, a short but skinny hand waved in front of Mo Fan. 'Xiaohou! No Way! Brother!' Zhang Xiaohou was of average height and skinny with mud-ish brown colored hair which perfectly resembles him like a wildish monkey. "Brother Mo Fan, why are you staring around the bus? What happened, did you time travel or what?" Zhang Xiaohou jokes.

Mo Fan snapped back to reality, and he put his hands around Zhang Xiahou's shoulders. 'Wait, this is real. Am I back to where I wanted to start learning magic?' He hugged Zhang Xiaohou tightly and thought to himself. 'We are back, BABY!!'

Zhang Xiaohou was his good sworn brother during his childhood; Xiaohou followed Mo Fan like a super obedient monkey, and they were always pulling pranks and making fun of their early days.

The bus quickly stopped at their destination, but Mo Fan was still clinging onto Zhang Xiaohou. Zhang Xiaohou slightly pushed Mo Fan away and grabbed his hand, and then he started walking out of the bus. Zhang Xiaohou said, "What has gotten into you, Brother Mo Fan? Did you turn gay after sleeping on the bus?"

Mo Fan was dragged out of the bus and realized his action wasn't the best. He quickly added, "I just had a dream, and I thought I lost you, brother. I am glad that you are still alive." 'It was a lie, but Zhang Xiaohou did die against the Black Vacation. He sacrificed himself to protect his military friends.'

Zhang Xiaohou smiled and said with some excitement. "That is only a dream, but did you hear that little princess is back? I saw her when I was by the entrance to the mansion. Wow, you have no idea how much prettier Little Princess has gotten—she's just like a little angel." When Mo Fan heard this, Mo Fan brightened up. It was almost the same line that Zhang Xiaohou said to him after his graduation. He realized that all his friends and family are still alive, and he suddenly put on a smile. 'Thank you, Author, for giving me a second chance! This time I must pay back the Black Vacation with double interest. There is work to be done.'


As Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou walked down the street, Mo Fan could help himself to smile because of all the familiar places and the fresh air of Bo City, but his heart was tightening because he knew that in three years, the city will face the calamity. 'There will be a lot of unfortunate things that happen within the three-year span. I have to wait until my Magic Awakening so I can get stronger again.' Mo Fan already tried checking his elements, but he had none.

He stared at the mansion with curiosity, but he couldn't help himself because he was hoping to catch a sight of Mu Ningxue and her icy look. "Did you know? I heard that Little Princess is currently the Ace of the renowned Imperial Magic School, her innate talent toward Ice elements was incomparable with her peers. She can utilize Ice magic at the tender age of 15." Zhang XiaoHou said in mystery. Zhang Xiaohou broke Mo Fan's train of thought. For most people, students usually awaken magic at age of 16, but it would usually take 1 year or more to use magic.

Mo Fan nodded. He knows how strong she will be in the future, but he wanted to complain about how unfair that she gets a free Soul-seed with a Domain in his head. She was well known as Bo City's Number 1 Genius because of her strong Ice Element right off the bat. Her control over the Ice Element is simply off the charts.

"Brother Mo Fan, I feel sorry for you. If only you put in more effort to take away the naive and innocent Little Princess back when we were younger. Now she is talented and good looking, tsk tsk tsk. It sure makes us quite envious." Zhang Hou added as he raised his eyebrow.

"I will tell you a secret. Come close." Mo Fan put his arm around Xiaohou and whispered with confidence to his ear. "You know what? She is going to be my wife after I awaken a strong element." Mo Fan already knew which element he was going to awaken. He wasn't worried, but if he somehow awakened the Light or Water element at the beginning, he would be crying.

In the beginning, first-year high schoolers get to awaken their magical element and talent. There are certainly some discriminations between elements, and destructive elements like Fire and Lightning are incomparable to supportive elements like Water and Light; it was like heaven and earth. As a result, many high schoolers want to awaken "cool" elements like Fire, Wind, Earth, and Lightning.

Mo Fan was going to boast more about his future, but he saw the familiar face of his father, Mo Jiaxing. Mo Jiaxing was middle-aged, but his blackish gray hair made him look older. Also, he was dressed in ordinary clothes and his hands were wrinkled and had many veins.

Mo Fan couldn't help himself but ran up and gave his dad a big hug. Mo Jiaxing showed a confused face, and he said, "Did something happen Mo Fan?" 'What happened to this kid? He today wanted to pursue magic, but now he is very cheerful and content. O well, I am happy that this kid finally settled down to pursue something he yearns for.'

Mo Fan quickly said, "Umm... Nothing, I am just very happy seeing you."

A few minutes later...

Mo Fan said goodbye to Xiaohou and went to his house to rest and process his situations. Zhang Xiaohou continued walking toward his house, and Mo Jiaxing left the house to meet a person.

Mo Fan took a deep breath before entering his old and tattered house. Thin cracks ran from the side up to the ceiling, and the house had a slight smell of sweat. It only contained three rooms: a dining room and two bedrooms. The living space tore apart Mo Fan's heart, and he clenched his jaws. 'How much will my dad suffer?' In the future, he will definitely make so much to afford mansions on mansions, but now his dad was willing to suffer for Mo Fan's future.

Mo Jiaxing took care of Mo Fan ever since he was born. They were doing well for a family, not rich and not poor, but until Mo Fan tried to help Mu Ningxue try to escape her strict family. They were found later, but Mo Fan and Mo Jiaxing received heavy pressure from the rich family ever since. They created up a story where Mo Fan was trying to kidnap their young and oblivious daughter.

Before Mo Jiaxing was the personal driver of Mu Family's head, Mu Zhuoyun, but now he was just a truck driver delivering whatever he could. Now, their family was barely surviving. His dad would work very hard and try to do any truck driving there would be with sometimes the occasional risk-taking deliveries outside of the city. It was good money, but if you were attacked by a monster, you were unlikely to survive.

Mo Fan went back to his room. It was all the same. The bed, the books, and the condition. Mo Fan developed his hatred against the rich family pressuring a small and low family. Mo Fan didn't let these thoughts bother him because he was going to be the strongest mage ever.

Mo Fan decided to think of other things. The one thing that bothered Mo Fan was how did he travel back in time? From reading many novels and comics in his childhood, many main characters were rebirthed because of a unique item or just happened, such as Nie Li from Tales of Demons and Gods. Could it be my Little Loach? Mo Fan focused on the Little Loach, but it didn't respond. As he entered the void space of Little Loach, he was rejected. It was feeling like any other type of rock. Mo Fan had collected many souls and energy for Little Loach, but now it was empty.

Mo Fan concluded that Little Loach probably used all of its energy to bring Mo Fan back. Little Loach was like a heavenly defying tool, and if used well, you can conquer anything. Mo Fan was happy that he was back, but Little Loach was the tool that helped Mo Fan throughout his journey. He had to find a way to reawaken it.

Mo Fan decided to take a stroll to cool down and think about his future plans. As he was enjoying looking at the familiar place, he felt a strange wave of emotions, and he was walking down memory lane. He was walking down the same mossy road that no one took, and he saw his father's truck, and it hit him. He was distracted thinking of planning for the future, but he realized the familiar scene of his father begging to a middle-aged man who was wearing very rich and proper clothes.

It was Mu He!!

Mo Fan finally remembered that today was the day that he told his dad about attending Tian Lan High School. Mu He was one of the school directors, so he has a lot of power in saying if a student could attend Tian Lan Magic High School. His father begged the entrance of Mo Fan entering Tian Lan Magic High School, one of the best magic high schools in Bo City.

"Brother Mu He... With one sentence of yours, you could enroll Mo Fan into Tian Lan High School!" Mo Jiaxing was desperate. He wanted Mo Fan to be able to enroll in the school. He saw that Mo Fan finally has settled down to study Magic.

"Hmph. He doesn't even have the qualifications of entering high school. If you think that becoming a magician would be so easy, then your son would just become another failure that he had before. With how much knowledge that other students had studied for nine-year, do you really think your son would catch up so easily? Not to mention, he had kidnapped the young mistress of the Mu Family!" Mu He said with slight annoyance and honest opinion.

"This time; he really wants to study magic! If you were to help me this time, I will move far away from Master Mu. As for my son, I will make sure that he won't have any contact with Lady Mu Ningxue!" Mo Jiaxing felt it was the only way out.

"With that deal, I will have to consider it!" Mu He felt intrigued. Mu He didn't have any sympathy for poor folks, and he believed that most of them should just be slaves or die. He was also a fox who would try to obtain more power and influence if he can.

Mo Fan leaned on the brick walls; he remembered how much pain that Mu He caused to their family and in the past life. He swore that he would make sure that his father would never have to kowtow to anyone else. 'How much will my father suffer?'

Mo Fan wanted to use his magic to kill Mu He, but he didn't awaken yet. He wanted just to run up to Mu He and give him a Fiery punch of his. Mo Fan didn't, he couldn't, and he can only be there to be a spectator of this scene again.

'Why am I planning for the future when I don't even have any magic! I am a retard. If I go in now, I will lose all my potential in being a magician, and my father is the one who created an opportunity for me to be the best magician. '

He wanted to tell his father that Mu He is the Great Deacon Hu Jin, whose a high member of Black Vatican, and his father is currently kneeling to one of the bastards from Black Vatican. Mo Fan let out a low chuckle, and his eye looked like it could burn a hole through Mu He. 'Last time, Salan personally killed you, but this time would be me who would end you!'

CyanXD CyanXD

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