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16.6% Reasons Why I Don’t Want To Marry A Prince / Chapter 45: Reason #25: it would be the beginning to my doom (6) B

Chương 45: Reason #25: it would be the beginning to my doom (6) B

Before The Ceremonial of Manhood

"It's not here! where is it?!"

Ivy frantically searches under her bed covers and dive through her drawers.

"Where did I put that knitting bag? Don't tell me I lost it?"

*sobs* she started to cry, "and I work really hard on it this time. That's the best one I've knitted so far..."

Then she sat down on her bed and wiped off her tears as she tried to calm down and scanned through her memories.

"ok, think! Because so many things happened yesterday, I didn't even notice that it wasn't by my side. The last time I saw it was... AT THE LIBRARY!"

Once she remembered where she left it, she immediately stood up and ran towards the door

"If I run over there now, there is a high chance that it might still be there. I just need to ..."

As she was about to reach the door, someone had already knocked on it.

*knock* *knock*

"Ivy? Are you there?"


She opened the door and saw the Prince already in his uniform, getting ready to go out.

"Leon, it's barely sunrise yet. I thought you only have to go to the arena in the late morning. Why aren't you getting more rest?"

"I know you'll be early today since the royal guest will be arriving in the morning. I just wanted to see you before you go. We won't get to see each other after the end of the ceremony, after all."

"Ah, ok, I'm sorry, Leon, but I'm actually kind of in a hurry, so..."

Just when she tried to slip through him and run outside the door, Sir Jacob suddenly appeared and blocked her way out.

"Sir Jacob? What are you doing here?"

Sir Jacob just smiled and passed a document to the Prince

"Your highness here is what you have requested."

After the Prince receive the papers from Sir Jacob, he then charmingly smiled at Ivy and said,

"I've got something I like to discuss with you. Can I come in?"

"Huh? is it urgent? can we discuss it next time?"

Sir Jacob coughed and said, "Yes, Ms. Ivy. It is quite urgent. We may have to sit down for a while and talk about it."

After feeling pressured by both of their gazes, she gave up and said, "ok..."

Moments later, the Prince and Ivy sat down in a formal setting where the maid sisters, mina and mona, had prepared them a proper three-course luxury breakfast with coffee and tea on the side.

"I thought this was urgent. What is with this then?!"

She said as she was surprised by the sudden well-prepared meal.

While the Prince ignored her complaint, he just calmly sips his tea and said

"It's a big day ahead, after all. We might as well have a proper breakfast while we talk. I can't have my lover starving the whole day."

Then when mona poured some fragrant hot chai milk tea, served with some fresh and thick garlic buttery toast on the side, it made Ivy gulped, and her stomach growled.

In the end, she became easily compliant after falling for the sweet-smelling breakfast in front of her.

While she was blissfully enjoying her tasty breakfast, the Prince begins to discuss what he had come to her for.

"Ivy, let's make it official."

"hmm? make whrzt ofris-cial?"

She asked in confusion while her mouth was still chewing the delicious bread.

Then he took out the document he received from Sir Jacob earlier and passed it to Ivy.

When she read the title of the document, she was so surprised that she almost spits out her tea and said

"The Prince's Official Royal Lover's Relationship Agreement?!"

She paused for a moment and blinked twice, then she asked

"Uhm, what is this?"

The Prince calmly sipped his tea and said, "It's stated on the paper, right? Do you not see it?"

"That is not what I'm asking about. I mean, why are you doing this?"

After he gently puts down his tea, he started to explain

"After hearing what you said yesterday, I realize we have not formalized our previous agreement, and I think it is quite important that we set things properly so that there are no misunderstandings between us. It will be a lot more efficient for both of us, don't you think?"

"uhh, yes, I don't disagree with that, but seriously I don't know where I should start commenting on this. Whether on the fact you ask Sir Jacob to prepare this in just one night or the really long and embarrassing title."

Then Sir Jacob cut in between them and say

"Don't worry, Ms. Ivy. It's not the first time I received an unreasonable request from his highness."

Sir Jacob laughs then stops when he feels the threat behind his back.

"The long title was made according to the standard agreement practice. It's good to be precise when it comes to things like these.

His highness was just worried that since both of you cannot be in an official engagement until he comes of age, it won't be good for both sides of the family's image if someone were to start a nasty rumor about an inexplicit relationship between the two of you.

So with this official agreement, if anyone asks what your relationship is with the prince, you can proudly say your title."

"Ehh...." Ivy felt slightly repulse with that notion and was beginning to get a bad feeling about all of this.

<Should I just reject this? It sounds like a lot of trouble, but what Sir Jacob says is right too. I don't want to cause any problem to the Duke's family reputation if there is any nasty rumor. hmm...>

While Ivy continues to contemplate, the Prince snaps his fingers at Sir Jacob, and Sir Jacob immediately presented two items on the table, which is a golden card and a piece of paper.

"Huh? What's this?"

"Why don't you have a look?" The Prince smiled

When Ivy had a good look at the two items, her eyes immediately widened in shock, and her hands began to shiver as she stuttered

"This...this is..."

Sir Jacob then began to explain,

"Upon signing this agreement, you will receive a lifetime membership access to the royal library and the exclusive royal discount where you can purchase any silk fabric in the country at wholesale price."

Ivy started to drool over the two very appealing offers as she continued to stare and held both of it close to her face.

At this point, she was already tempted to accept their offer until Sir Jacob say, "On top of that,"

"Wait?! There is more?!"

She immediately raises her head and looks at them

"Yes, of course. The royal chef has also agreed to give Ms. Ivy all the dishes recipes that Ms. Ivy has enjoyed at the palace so far. He says he will also personally train the Duke's chef until he perfected all the recipes."

The moment they saw her body shook, they knew they got her where they wanted.

But Ivy is a smart girl, she knows that they are luring her in, and she had experienced the same thing before, so she tells herself that she wasn't going to fall into their trap that easily.

Therefore she calms herself down and remains composed. Then she casually coughs and asked

"I need to look at all the terms and conditions first."

"Yes, of course. That's very important. Please take your time."

The Prince says as he remains his poker face in front of her.

As Ivy slowly went through the contract and read it word by word, it seems that everything was stated as to how they have previously discussed except,

"Wait, what is this breach of contract punishment for? We have never mentioned any punishment before this."

Sir Jacob then began to cut in and explain again.

"Ms. Ivy, on behalf of my employer, his highness is just concern that if during this agreement term if either party were to perform any dishonest acts that may potentially harm this relationship and if it were to be known publicly, it will be a terrible reflection on his highness's name, so the punishment is just there as part of a standard procedure to avoid that possibility."

"Huh?????!!" Ivy yelled as she jolted up from her seat, feeling dumbfounded by Sir Jacob's words.

"So what you mean to say is that your employer fears that I might cheat on him?!"

Her head started to flare in flames as she glared at the Prince, who is calmly drinking his tea.

<The nerve of this boy! To think he would even consider accusing me of cheating on him when he is the one who is going to cheat on me!>

"On top of that!" She continues to add as she points out the clause in the contract "The punishment stated here says that I have to serve his highness for life if I've ever been caught in the act. Isn't that slavery?!"

"Uhm, well..."

Sir Jacob started to back away as he slowly began to fear Ivy's fury. Then the Prince who has been calmly sipping his tea on the side took over and said

"Calm down Ivy, like what Sir Jacob says it's just part of a standard procedure, of course, I believe with my whole heart that my lover would never do such a thing, and if you continue reading the rest of the clause, you can see that I've also added that should I do anything the same, I will serve you for life as well."

"I don't need you to serve me. How does that benefit me in any way?" She rebuked as she squinches her eyes at him.

"Then how bout this?"

He walks over to her side, held her waist, and pulled her into his arms.

He gazes directly into her eyes and said

"If I were to ever cheat on you, you can have everything."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I say, you can have my wealth, my title, everything that I own, including my life."

Ivy's face turns serious as she thinks the Prince is going overboard with his games.

"You are taking things too far as a joke, your highness."

While she tried to push him away, the Prince just held her tighter and respond with a smile

"I'm not joking. I meant every word."

"As I said," she turns her gaze away, "I don't need your life. It doesn't benefit me in any way."

"Ok, name anything you want then."

Ivy held her chin down and went deep into her thoughts.

After a long paused, she finally made up her mind, so she turns to him and said

"1000 Gold Bars and a lifetime of pardon. No matter whatever mistakes I make in the future, even if that is against the law, I will receive a royal pardon for it."

At that very moment, he didn't understand why she made such a request. Though he doesn't believe that she will do anything against the law, he is just curious as to why the girl that he knew his whole life would sometimes say these strange things. It is as if she thinks that he would ever put her in harm's way.

But this wasn't the time for him to think about that, as his sole purpose right now was to get her to sign the contract.

So he agreed but with one condition.

"You must stay with me even if you don't love me and the agreement ends only when I say it ends."

He held his hands firmly on her shoulders and gazes at her seriously.

She can tell that he meant business, and he is not backing down no matter what, but she persisted and countered his offer.

"But, but that's not what we agreed upon before. We said that we will only be together until my social debut or until I figure out how I feel about you. What if I don't love you? Have you ever consider that?"

Suddenly he yelled at her and said,

"I don't care! I'm not changing this term, no matter what! You must stay with me even if you don't love me, and that's final!"

Ivy was surprised when she saw him bursts out like that, and she could feel his hands were shivering on her shoulder.

He showed an anguished look on his face, and his eyes seem to be filled with sadness.

When she reached out to him and asked, "Leon, why are you..."

The moment she touches him, he came back to his senses and immediately let go of her.

Then he turns his back on her and said,

"I'm sorry, I overreacted. It is just that getting a royal pardon requires his majesty's permission, and it will take a substantial amount of effort to do so. I just think that it is only fair that I request that much from you. So what do you say?"

After he finished what he had to say, Ivy just sighed and took a moment to think about all this.

<I don't understand why he is acting this way. To go so far just for his first love and to throw her away later when he meets his true love. Maybe he is the type that takes things seriously in a relationship. Perhaps even a little bit too extreme. Is it because he is the protagonist? It probably is, even when he is fighting, he is always taking things to another level.>

While Ivy continues to take a long pause, Prince Leon was actually about to lose his mind waiting for her answer.

<Why is she taking so long to answer? Maybe she thinks its too much trouble after all, and she doesn't need to agree to this if she doesn't want to. She could even end our relationship right here, right now, once and for all.

Did I just make a terrible mistake?!!>

While he is freaking out all by himself, we go back to Ivy's mind as she continues to analyze her choice.

<To be honest, I don't really have to agree with this. I can just end this relationship right here, right now, once and for all. But honestly, what do I have to lose?

If I don't stay, I will just continue my life as usual. I'll have my business, my family, and a lifetime of peace.

But If I stay, I can have a lifetime membership to the royal library, exclusive royal discount to all the silk fabric I want, and all the secret recipes from the palace chef. On top of all that, when he cheats on me with Princess Sophia, I will also get 1000 gold bars that will help me live luxuriously for life, plus I will be pardon for whatever mistakes if I was ever to make in the future accidentally.

Based on these two choices, the latter option does seem a lot more tempting, and there won't be any harm to the villainess as well but, why do I keep getting this uneasy feeling?"

While she was taking her time to think, she notices her boy's face, looking like he was about to cry.

She felt as if she was the bully in this scenario, so she sighs and said

"You talk about fairness, but all of this feels a little bit more unfair to me, though."

Then she points out the final clause in the agreement and said

"Here, it's stated that should Ms. Ivy Augustine wishes to end the agreement. She must say I love you, my prince, and marry him. How is that fair for me?"

"Ack..." he was speechless; he couldn't think of anything to say to help him out of this situation. So he just shrinks at a corner and covers his ears with his hands as if he was afraid of being scold by her.

When Ivy saw him acting like that, she thought

<He is always acting cunning and cool like a man, but he can also turn back into a spoilt child like this. Seeing him like this makes me confused about what I should do about him. I'm also surprised by the fact that he even quoted the title of the novel in the contract. Is this his style of courting a girl? Will he do the same thing with the princess as well? Is that why the author name the novel I love you, my prince? Thinking about all of this gives me a headache, but I guess it would be scarier if I say no to him, and besides that...>

Ivy turns and looks at the maids and Sir Jacob's sad face. Then she thought she seems even more like the bad guy now than before.

<Sir Jacob and the maids have been watching us this whole time, if I were to say no, they'll probably really see me as the villainess now.

Sigh... I guess I have no choice after all.>

So she took a deep breath and said, "OK, Leon. I'll sign the agreement."

"What?" The Prince that was crouching at the corner suddenly stoop up and ask her again, "What did you say? I couldn't hear it well."

"I said, I will sign it."


"Yes, Really."

"Are you really sure? Once you sign it, there is no backing out. Breaking the agreement under any circumstances will also be considered under the punishment of a lifetime of servitude."

Ivy just held out her hand and said, "So? Do you still want me to sign it or not? If there are no other terms to add, then hand me a pen please, I still got a lot to do today after this."

While the Prince continues to stare at her with amazement, Sir Jacob immediately flashed by and handed her a ball pen to sign.

When she signed every page in front of him, the Prince's heart was slowly pounding with happiness.

He was so happy that he couldn't control himself from carrying her into his arms and swinging her around the room as he yelled

"Finally! I caught you! I caught you!"

"Wait!!!! Leon, let me down!! This is embarrassing! I'm just signing what we agreed upon. I haven't said anything like marrying you!!"

Then when he finally let her down, he said

"It's ok. I won't disappoint you. You'll see, you will fall in love with me before you know it."

After hearing him say that, her eyes open a little wider.

Though she knew that was never going to happen, she just smiled and said

"Silly boy, you don't know that yet."

While inside her heart, she thought

<Since you're going to fall in love with another girl before you could get me to say I love you.>


After the contract was signed and sealed, Ivy then sees him off at the front door.

"I'll see you right after I finish my battles. I've already arranged Sir Jacob and a couple of guards with you, so be careful while you work and remember to stay far away from King Trevor."

"Alright, alright. Will you be ok today? I heard there would be lots of people challenging you, including Prince Edgard."

He smiles at her and patted her head

"Don't worry. I told you I'll never let you see me lose ever again. You'll fall for me when you see me win lots today."

"Hmph." Ivy blushed as she turns her gaze away. "I wish you lose then so that I can win our bet and retrieve another 100 gold bars from you."

"Haha, like I said, I'll comfort you when you cry later."

"huh?! Why would I even..."

Then suddenly, the Prince kissed her on the cheeks, and he smiled at her and said

"I love you, and I'll win lots and lots for you today."

Ivy touches the spot where the prince kissed, and then she remains speechless while her temperature grew instantly.

After the Prince ran off, the maids giggled beside her.

"What's so funny?" she squinches her eyes and asks.

"haha, it's just that you two look like husband and wife. Ms. Ivy looks exactly like a wife sending her husband off to work." Mina explains.

Ivy's face grew even hotter as she yelled

"We are not married!"

"Yet" x2

Both of them teased and chuckled at her.

While she just silently sigh and murmured, "I'm not the one he'll marry. Because the one he'll marry is coming here."

She already knew this day would come. Regardless of what the Prince says, she already told herself that she could never waver.

So she slaps her face hard, trying to get back into her working mood as she said

"Come on girls, we have some guest we have to greet."


Like this chapter? send me a smiley at the comments hehe

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