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76% Re:Zero Why Me? / Chapter 19: Horrors Of The Old One 2...

Chương 19: Horrors Of The Old One 2...

Chapter 17.5 - Horrors Of The Old One 2...

Ram face stoic as always "Sorry for what?"

"For burdening you further." He answered sadly "When they wake up, they will need a pillar. Rem... Rem will be broken, but you'll still be there, you can fix her, she will be damaged but you can still stand next to her but Emi..." He glanced at the half elf that unconscious "She will need help... No one will be there for her, you need to build it up from zero and Puck..." He remembered what that woman said "Puck won't be there..."

Ram blinked "What Aaron-sama mean by Puck-sama won't be there?"

"He's dead." He replied flatly "Dead before he even realized it, check his stone, there's nothing of his presence left, the one that destroyed the Capital killed him." He already checked the stone that contain Puck and found it turned to gray, like it was decaying, there is no sign of mana or magic anymore in there, the cat spirit truly dead

Ram take sharp breath, knowing just how powerful the spirit is but now she is being told that he died...

"I'm sorry..." He said again, and he really sounds sorry "I'm sorry Ram. It will be hard for you, you will face a harsh future, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this, not after everything you went through, you should get better, you should..."

He did not able to finish his words, his eyes that meet hers now tilted down, his fist clenched and shaking. Just imagining what Ram will go through bring ache to his heart. They maybe not close recently, but she still his friend, and he value her dearly

"How absurd..."

He stiffened when hear the stony voice and snap his eyes up, and he was greeted by the sight of Ram who sighed

"To think Aaron-sama will be this useless and stupid." She shook her head and give him look "Who Aaron-sama think he talking to? Ram is more than capable to handle such mundane things. Ram has done it for years." She bragged, smirk adorn her face "Such things won't be problem for someone as great as Ram."

He stared. Stared, stared and stared. Then he throw his head back and laugh

Of course... He shouldn't expect less from her, he knew what kind of person she is, just like how she knew him, they maybe don't have deep bond but they know each other character, even if it not full but they know the big picture

"Then... Things will be fine?" He asked after regaining his composure

"Of course." Ram nodded "With Ram, everything will be fine."

"I expect no less from you." He chuckled

The blond slowly turned to the earth dragon that only silent ever since the beginning, it eyes staring back at them and he approach the lizard creature

"It is the biggest earth dragon Ram ever see." Ram commented as she walk on his side

Indeed, the earth dragon is far bigger than one he ever seen, it big size is the reason why it could carry Emilia and Rem without much problem, it probably still able to carry Ram but he sure it can't carry him as well

Not without moving at maximum speed, and they need to get out from here fast

He stopped when he stood on Rem's and Emilia's unconscious body, his eyes shifted between the blue oni and the half elf for few seconds before he take one deep breath.

"Ram, can you give me privacy for moment? It won't be long."

"Sure Aaron-sama."

The pink oni take few steps back, making distance between them and she turned away, not even thinking to eavesdropping as she know just how important this for him

Aaron waste no time as he know he have to do this fast. He bring up his cellphone, activating it, he already put password to the gallery and separate each pictures. He make the one that every pictures he take when he arrive in here open for them. Then he tap the voice recorder and bring it to his lips

And he began to talk

It wasn't long, not even reaching three minutes but he already done. He dismiss the lock of the phone and put it to the bag on the saddle, then he bring out Excalibur

He can't use it... It will be useless... So it best to leave it for them... She said Emilia can use it, then it better if it was in her hands

He raise the holy sword up, then he close his eyes and begin to concentrate, he imagine the sheath, the wind. He compare them to onion. Silly and stupid it sounded but that the best analog he can come with. He imagine the wind as onion, then he start to peel the skin, one by one, layer by layer, he did that gently so the wind not rampaging and alerting any of the horror that might be able to sense him

It took a moment but he managed to release Excalibur without causing Invisible Air to rampaging around. And when he open his eyes, the sword is there, in front of him

Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory in all her glory

He feel sense of peace... And hope just by looking at it. This sword is beauty is... Immense. No, even calling it beautiful will be insult. The description from the novel clearly did not do any justice to it, neither the anime. This sword... This sacred object...


He turned behind and see Ram who supposed to be far standing close to him, her pink eyes wide and glued to the holy sword, he can see awe, respect, and joy through her eyes

Truly this sword deserve to be called Holy, even just by looking at it bring hope and delight

"That's... That's..." She gulped, taking few steps closer to him

"Her name is Excalibur." He proud that he sounds so calm and collected "Our only hope to defeat the monster that seeking for us." His eyes reflecting bitter light "Unfortunately I can't use her, my battle with the Witch Cult taking more of me than I expected. I can use her in future but we have no time for that." He glanced to Emilia sleeping form "One person though, able to use her." If that woman saying so then it clearly not lie

"Ram... Ram... See..." The pink oni murmured, her eyes still glued to the sword, never once leaving it

As much as he enjoy seeing Ram mesmerized by Excalibur he know he have limited time so he decide to end it "Give it to her, tell her that this sword is my legacy and..." He pull out his cellphone and show it to her "There's message from me to them in here, show it to them. Here is the symbol that will allow you to open my message." He said as he show the recorder icon

"Ram will do that." The pink haired oni nodded as she took the phone. She about to take the sword as well but found herself hesitate. Nonetheless the decision was not given to her as Aaron push the sword to her hands "Aaron-sama give this to Ram. How you will fight?"

Aaron turn back to the earth dragon, eyes locked to the sword strapped in there and he instantly took it "This will do." He told her while showing it to her "Now it's done, you better leave. Excalibur might draw their attention."

"Very well."

Aaron watched as Ram approach the earth dragon, her movement calm and steady but his sharp eyes caught slight hesitation in her steps, he also feel his throat become dry for some reason and-


Without realizing, he caught the maid wrist before she can climb the dragon, making she turned to him


"I... I..." It was hard to say, but he keep pushing it "I'm sorry." He blurted "I'm sorry for what I said moment ago and few days ago. I'm sorry for yelling at you and I-"

A finger touch his lips, preventing him from speaking any further

"Ram knew..." She replied, her voice that always calm and stoic now is soft, just like her sister "Ram knew Aaron-sama never mean it in first place and..." She close her eyes, taking breath before reopening them "And Ram also sorry, for suspicious on Aaron-sama, for ever thinking Aaron-sama working for the Witch, Ram knew that Aaron-sama never would do so but at that time... Ram too caught in her emotion. Forgive Ram."

Aaron feel his vision become blur slightly, his breath frozen for a second "Yes, I forgive you and I... Forgive me too..."

She smiled, kind, gentle, soft, benevolent, beautiful "Ram already did." She muttered in low voice

Green emerald meet pink flower, the pseudo Saber stare at the pink demon face, his eyes memorizing her, glued to her cheeks, lips, nose, every single of her facial feature

Then he leaned forward, and his lips meet hers

She was soft, warm, moist, there taste of copper from blood that was there moment ago but it doesn't matter, the delicate and the passionate taste overwhelming them. He drown himself in her, and even if it was slow but he feel her pressed herself to him, started to pushing back

He take it as sign of approval and use one hand to snake to her wrist and start to pull her to him, capturing her lips, kissing her further and she reply him by putting one hand to his chest but did not pushing instead like accepting his move

The pleasant sensation and ecstasy feels like hours for him, but in reality it not longer than a minute. He pull back from her, his face marked by red hue, so do hers, clearly embarrassed -or angry- for what just happened

Her eyes momentarily shifted away from him, refusing to meet him and he gulped, unsure what to say, and unsure what to do

After few seconds her eyes shift back to him


"... I deserve that." He admitted as he feel stinging sensation on his cheek

"Yes, Aaron-sama clearly did." She deadpanned "Kissing maiden and lady like Ram without permission, how despicable." Despite the harsh words there is no biting in there, they completely blank and dull

Aaron lips curled upward to smirk as he rub his red cheek "Forgive me, I about to go to my dead, I don't want to go there while still have my first kiss."

"So Aaron-sama decide to stole Ram's? Hmph, Aaron-sama second face not just hypocrite but also pervert. Ram disappointed."

"You're not even trying to push me away." He pointed "Well your lips did." He added cheekily


"Okay, I also deserve that." He admitted while putting sheepish face "But in all seriousness, there beautiful woman in front of me, and... Well..." His face flushed a bit "It was very convenient, no?"

Ram feel her cheeks become warm and turned away "Hmph, so Aaron-sama did admit that Ram beautiful?"

"Oh please." He rolled his eyes "You also think I'm attractive, and don't deny it, you admit it when we meet for the first time right? Remember our tea time together where I made my promise to you?"

The redness in her face intensified, she certainly remember that day but she won't give any satisfaction to him "Ram-"


She close her mouth after that and glaring at him, if look can kill then the smug blond already writhing in ground right now

Aaron : 1, Ram : 2

"You have to go now." He said softly, his eyes darted to the direction where the village was "They will come soon. And you can't using the path." There absolutely dangerous monster from he come from and there group of monster from where she come from, that leave her only one direction "Take the forest, it will be rough ride but I'm sure you will make it."

"Ram see, very well then."

The pink oni started to climb to the dragon, she certainly have hard time since carrying the sword with her and Aaron notice this and helping her, putting hand on her hips and push her up

Ram sit on the back saddle, fixing her position and she shoot him dull look "Sexual harrassment." She stated

"Please, you touch me more than I touch you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You change my cloth and washing me along with Rem."


"Rem told me."

The pink haired oni feel her face was on flame after that "R-Ram did not touch improper path! We not even strip you full, only cloth!"

"You touch my skin at least, I touch you through cloth."

She did not have reply for that

Aaron : 2, Ram : 2

"See Ram?" Aaron cross his arms and looking smug "It's a tie, I never lose. And I don't want this to end tie." He declared as he raise his palm and walk to the behind of the dragon

Ram eyes follow him like predator eyeing prey "What Aaron-sama-"



Her words trailed into shriek as the dragon instantly begin to run to forest the moment it rear got slapped by Aaron, the blond smirk curled to grin

"Stay safe and don't go to the crazy one Ram!" He shouted "And it's MY win in the end!"

Her reply of course was unheard due to the distance and wind from the earth dragon's speed

Aaron : 3, Ram : 2

They do not love each other. There's no romance between them. What just happened was simply a moment, a... Good bye present, nothing more nothing less. Both of them indeed found each other attractive but love? No, it did not work that way, they still have very long path to become couple

Perhaps there would be in future, Aaron can imagine it in a way if he did not pursue his goal to go home. Ram is clearly a girl that he found enjoyable and fun to talk with, she is a woman who have sense of independence, reminding him of woman from his World, and while her vision field is narrow and small but it could be improved

It will take time to fix that, but it not impossible

But that only a dream, something that will never happened. It was merely a imagination, he will never spend his whole life with her, not when there his family possibly waiting or searching for him, not when this World still in chaos like this

He want to go home above everything

The pseudo Saber keep his eyes to where the oni depart, even if the dragon pretty much out from his sight due to entering the forest and shrouded by countless trees he keep staring at her direction

'Now... Time to drop the blood to the sea of sharks.'

He take one deep breath, this going to be hurt, his body while still not in his limit but it closing. It not like he doesn't have Mana to spend, it more like his body still not adjusted to use such large amount of Mana, and he just recovering from near death state from burned from inside by his own power

He control his Mana before forcefully push them all out, letting it to explode from his whole body, creating turquoise electric energy that blaring and roaring to the World. At same time he feel his body started to burn from inside once again

He let out growl and groan of pain, not even bother to hold it since it can relief the pain even if only a little. At same time he also can feel the lesser spirits nearby start to healing him, even if it barely effective but any help was useful

He let the mana burst out for twenty seconds before decide to cut it off and let out small gasp while controlling his breath, he can't keep going since he need to be in state that capable to fight after all. And with the amount of mana he just radiate, he sure those teleporter monster will come soon

And he sure as hell the one that responsible for Capital's destruction also on it way to him

He tensed when he sense disturbance surround him 'They coming!' His hand quickly grab the sword he hold and-

He stiffened when he feel something flow inside him, flow to his body, a foreign energy, not aggressive or harming in nature, he feel his Magic Resistance accept them as matter of fact, though the sensation is... Unusual. It almost like having oil flowing to your skin

And he feel it

'This is...'

He quickly glance at the sword he held. While the sheath is normal and look common but the guard, the hilt and the pommel... It was elegant, the pommel curving into an edge, sharp enough perhaps to be used to stabbing, the guard meanwhile build in fashion that look like... Draconic

It did not need to take genius to know what this sword is

He allow grin crossed to his face, he did not need to afraid to these creature

And he will kill them all for daring to infect and corrupt his people

It was six before, but now it multipled, there dozens of them, all of them appear almost at same time, the gap was less than few seconds. They come from all his direction, above, front, behind, left, and right, surrounding him like he is single cow facing pack of wolves

They would be surprise to find instead cow they got Dragon

They all come out, lunged at him, they all shrieked, letting out inhumane and twisted voice, their claws raised menacingly, their movement was fast, swift, coordinated and in perfect sync

Divine Protection of First Attack Immunity! Divine Protection of Preceeding Attack Immunity! Divine Protection of Night Blessing! Divine Protection of the War God!

But Aaron see them all very clear

The Dragon Sword Reid drawn out from his seal, the legendary sword gleaming with power and practically humming, seeming eager to cut down those that stand against him

And cut them down he did

Body split into two, limbs teared from their torso, heads rolling or sliced away. Their skins that thick and can handle spell that superior than bullets was nothing to him. Aaron dance among the monsters, killing and slaughtering them like a children kicking bunch of lego's figure

He was fast, undoubtedly. Those monsters also fast but he simply faster, he was blur, almost a flash, there no waste in his movement. Every time his sword swinged one monster die, and when his sword out from range to protect him his hand or legs soar and smack the abomination away, breaking and shattering their bones like they were ragdoll instead creature that can put Giant to shame

There dozens of these creatures, reaching a hundred perhaps, but he slaughter them all in less than five minutes, killing them all like they were pack of rabbit before a lion

Yet, more of them still coming

Another wave of portals opened, ripped the space around him, they all like maw that open in reality, spewing blasphemous and twisted monster whose shrieked and roaring while lunged at the young man who oppose them all

Aaron merely glaring at them, then he let out roar, his own roar, humane and mundane, but the meaning behind it was clear, he did not fear them, and he will make them pay for killing those he hold dear

Claws meet blade, and claws giving in. Steel meet bones, and bones crushed

The monsters seems endless, they all keep spewing from the portals but Aaron was tireless. He keep moving. His face stony, cold fury, he cut them all with Reid, his punches and kicks shatter their bones and muscles. His performance and movement was inhumane and so inspiring, a testimony of his status as Servant and Heroic Spirit

They coming and he kill them. They keep coming and he slaughter them. He loss track of time how long he did that, how many monsters he kill and crush, but in the end they are not infinite or limitless as no more portal popped around him

He panted as he hold his posture; one hand holding sword while the other clenched into fist and legs spread. His breath heavy and ragged but his eyes stay sharp, observing his surrounding keenly. He look tired but his body keep tense, never once his muscle relaxed and he always ready if there's another attack.

His surrounding was a mess, bloods and torn flesh marred the earth, trees destroyed and uprooted, corpses of the twisted creature everywhere, their bodies mutilated and chopped, there also many that look like crushed and have their bodies bend into strange and impossible angle.

Sensing there no more enemy Aaron allow his body to -very slowly and very hesitate- relax, he take few deep breath to calm himself before he lower his stance and posture

After that he raise the sword in front of him and stared at it

"Shit, no wonder why Sword Saint considered OP." He murmured

The Divine Protection of the Saint Sword. The moment someone receive them they able to use Reid, the Dragon Sword, Sword that will imbue the wielder with their predecessor Divine Protection, each one they gain instantly locked to the Divine Protection of the Saint Sword.

And seeing Saint Sword is family that has live straight for four hundred years, no wonder each of them is monster and Reinhard himself is so powerful

'No... There's hidden reason why Reinhard become powerful and surpass even the first Saint...' In Canon it was implied something happen to him, reason why Reinhard OP in first place. And while he not sure why in Canon but in here... He have his guess what actually happened

And that also would explain why his mother went to coma

It was then he suddenly feel chill crawling to his spine and started to spread to his whole body. Dread sensation started to filling his stomach and all his Instinct screaming and yelling at him to run, to flee from where he currently is, to abandon everything and escape, to anywhere except here

He recognize what coming in that moment

HE coming for him, the one that destroy Capital of Lugnica and kill Reinhard van Astrea, the main problem of this Arc

He did not get any chance to think or prepare himself as he suddenly feel painful headache struck his mind. He let out scream, a loud and high pitched scream that resemble shriek, his vision become dark and blur, his foot give up and he fall to his knee, all while screaming bloody murder. It was hurt, hurt, like a needle piercing him in brain directly

It only lasted for a few seconds, but for him it seems like eternity

His breath that calm and controlled become heavy once again as he try to regain his composure. It work though as his vision that blur slowly become clear, his legs that weak regain their strength

'What just happened?' He thought as he slowly rose to his feet once again, his head still in pain and he hear ring inside his ears but it wasn't bad anymore, he can hear and see like-

He blinked when he notice there something strange with his surrounding. No, not strange but... Wrong. So wrong.

The forest and everything... They are still there but the space, the wind, the reality. They all blurring, they all look like image from... Hallucination. An off-focus photograph, the trees and the area was always shifting, like a mist, and sometime he see they doubled or tripled, they also adorned by mixture of strange colors, similar like kaleidoscope

Even the ground where he stand also not immune from that effect, except for him, everything look like a place that not belong to reality

It as if he's in another World now, another dimension

His hand went to Reid slowly and to his shock he found the sword... Empty.

When he hold it before the sword was humming with power, it was growling with enthusiasm, he can feel it, he can feel the weapon eager to be used and even happy when he used it to slay those monster

But now? Not anymore... It died

So do the Divine Protection that flowing within him

"You're right, Reinhard van Astrea is strong, the strongest as matter of fact. But you must know that HE is the worst opponent for him, a natural enemy, and Reinhard van Astrea walked straight to HIM."

The woman words echoed in his head and he feel his hand that clench Reid begin to shaking.

'So that's why Reinhard lose, he loss his Divine Protection.' He thought grimly

Just like Thearesia van Astrea who loss her power when she fought against Hakugei, the inheritor of Sword Saint also died due to lossing his power

He don't know either he should balk or laugh at the irony

He never have chance to decide as the World began to shake, literally

The ground where he stand trembled, quaking, he loss his balance and stumbling but thankfully he manage to get to one knee while one hand tapping the shaking earth as a support so he not completely fell

'Earthquake?! What actually...' He raise his head to see what actually happen and freeze at the sight that presented before him

Then he let out chuckle, it not his usual laugh, it was hollow, blank, empty, it was laugh that people let out when despair swallow them

"Ha, ha, ha." He chuckled mirthlessly "You are shitting me."

It was humongous, massive, big, titan, a mountain compared to him, literally. It was so big to the point the creature size dwarf him like a men stand before worm. And giving the... The thing true nature, that would be very accurate analog

For what Human in front of being like HIM? No wonder that woman terrified at HIM

His massive webbed hands was like hand of the death, they gripped small mountain like they a mere pillar for him, they crush them like they are fragile glass. His head is mockery of octopus and man, shaped into bulbous that seems pulsing every time. His eyes color is sick yellow, glowing with menacing and unkind light. And instead of mouth it was thin tentacle that flailing in blasphemous way. Gigantic and scaled wings that dwarfing mountain spread from his back, covering the sky and cast shadow to the World

Aaron only can mutter one word, one name the moment he saw this creature


Indeed, what stood before him is Cthulhu, the Sleeper of R'lyeh, the High Priest of the Great Old One, the Great Dreamer and the Slumbering One

As if hearing his name called the eldritch abomination face focused to his direction. The distance between them was far, dozen kilometer but Aaron feels like the Sleeper was very close to him


The eldritch monster let out blood curdling roar, loud and so powerful it as the sheer force it possess more than enough ripped out the trees and everything it crashed into

Even from far Aaron feel the wind blow him violently and he forced to use Reid -by stabbing it to the ground- so he not blasted away while the trees and everything around him got blown from the force of the roar and vibration it brought

The blond stare at the eldritch abomination with wide eyes, terror and horror expressed clearly on his face as he noted his surrounding

He destroyed almost everything around him just by a roar, the distance between them not small and yet... It almost like a gale of wind just run through him

He take step back, fear crawling inside his mind as he found Cthulhu glaring at him and he can sense it, he can see it, he can tell the wicked pleasure of the Sleeper feels the moment he found him

Then his massive hand extended and reached for him

For something that so big, Cthulhu is fast, inhumanely fast

Then again since when big mean slow? Human is very big compared to ant and Human is clearly faster than them

He feel his body move, the moment the hand raised he already meters away from where he was and just in time to avoid massive webbed hand that slammed and turn the ground into perfect chunks of dirt, crater and also creating another earthquake

He did not even get chance to relax because as soon as he dodge that attack the massive hand decide to went after him by dragging the earth with it, trying to capture him. So he forced to jump as high as he could and dodge the hand that only second away from grabbing him

He landed about few kilometers away from he was, eyes wide and breath heavy. Truthfully he did not see those attack coming! Not at all! ... Well, he did see them but he can't react fast enough, he saw the eldritch abomination move but he found himself freezing! Not to mention it was so big! The hand almost as big as skyscraper!

And yet, he dodge those two attack... How?

He glanced at the sword he hold, the sword was powerful and bright moment ago, he can feel it in his skin despite he wearing gauntlet. But right now he no longer can feel it and...

No, it still there... The power is still there, the Divine Protection still there, they are the one that protect him, but they not strong as before, they has... Dimmed... Weakened..

Yet they still there

And even if they only small, he gladly accept any help he can get

He quickly search for the power that can be used, his enemy is monster of cosmic and he can't hope to do devastating damage so he search for power that going to help him

And he found it

Aaron rushed forward with the legendary sword ready once again, Mana burst out from his back and he broke the speed barrier for a moment, spinning in his movement, he also enchant Reid to make it stronger before deliver clean spinning slash to Cthulhu backhand

Divine Protection of the Death God!

Much to his surprise, it did hurt the eldritch abomination, a liquid with various colors spurt out from where he attack, not deep enough to do something major and perhaps it only scratch but it enough to draw... What supposed to be blood

What shocking him more is that as soon those wound appear, it was disappear in instant as the eldritch monster flesh bulging and spew out the injured part while new one replacing it

'What the fuck?!'

Divine Protection of the Death God ensure that any wounds and injuries that inflicted to stay there, forever even if he willing it but...

It was then he hand that he attacked quickly move backward to backhand him. And it wasn't Divine Protection that warn him this time but his Instinct, he already run backward just after giving that attack, his legs twisted and-

He not fast enough

The backhand of the eldritch abomination hit him in full force

Some people compared losing consciousness to falling asleep. It wasn't like that at all. While there were many similarities between them to an outside observer, they were two fundamentally different states. For one thing, people don't dream when they fall unconscious like when they sleep. Their mind doesn't create the brainwaves necessary to dream, so most people have no memory of the time they lose consciousness. To them, it is like no time passes at all from the moment they fall unconscious to the second they wake up. From their perspective it feels like they blinked, only to suddenly find themselves someplace else.

Which is why Aaron sure he must be just blacked out

And his body hurt... A lot, like really a lot...

He try to move his arms but he hit with intense pain to the point he let out scream but that only come out as gurgle, he try to move his legs and meet at same result. He try to move his head and it also same, except it still can move

And it was then he noticed that both his arms and legs were crushed, they bended into awkward and inhumane angle, part of his left hand even missing and look just torn apart

And it was then he also realize that he just thrown away for about dozens kilometers from where he was judging from the trail of destroyed trees and earth that coming from his direction. The speed that hurled him must be so fast that it enough to breakthrough the tarmac, his body partially burying itself into the earth beneath, and still kept going, like a comet that crashing onto the earth

He barely conscious now, even if he aware of his surrounding but his mind was filled with nothing but pain, a very terrible pain. Obviously because his body right now look like broken doll, which is very ironic considering he did the same thing to Petelgeuse

And is it just him or... The moon was broken? And it color also black instead of bright

Then suddenly he feel shadow cast over him, forcing him to look upward

He should never do that

He was granted by the sight of the Sleeper that looming over him, the cosmic creature was directly stare at him, only few meters away from him

His eyes widened as he got a better view of the horrid beast. Up close he could see it's flesh was ever shifting. It's glowing yellow eyes never remained stationary. Rather they seemed to float on the surface. Then he watched in horror as the tentacles on the beasts face moved to reveal the leech like mouth

Then he feel something begin to probe his mind

The one that probed was not just his mind, but his soul as well... It can't be described... The corrupted being that infect his very soul... Flood of madness and horror and pain and raw, shrieking of insanity so intense it chilled him to his soul, all running rampant through his brain without his consent or any response to his attempts to fight it off.

What the giant horror did was not merely assaulting his physical form, it was laying waste to the territory of his soul, the most hideous indignity imaginable.

He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think. All he could do was helplessly lay in ground as the insanity seep to his mind and soul through the Great Old One stationary eyes

He want something. Anything. Anything at all to distract that painful and utterly wrong madness that violate his very existence. Please, let anything at all come now, he would welcome even death at this point... Just to get away from that sense of formless doom that filled the air of the mad World around him.

But even that did not granted to him

So he scream, he howl, he shriek, he cry, he yell but it was all in vain


And in middle of his own scream and madness that corrupted his existence, he hear another scream, roar, and shriek, filled with nothing but deep anger that make the World itself shudder

Still he did not stop screaming, not even when his vision become black...

next chapter
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