Chiron followed the messanger out the castle walls and into the night.
Out the castle, they stopped at a specific big fig tree.
The messenger placed a hand on the tree, and the totem of a small snake on her arm seemed to come to life. The snake slithered across her hand and wrapped itself around her finger.
A low dark light shone on her finger and the outline of a door appeared on the tree.
The messenger followed without hesitation, and Chiron followed along.
Once inside, they went through a series of steps that led down the dark pathway.
The messenger waved her hand, and another totem, still a snake opened its mouth and a low humming light appeared to guide their path.
Chiron took each step with care.
For some reason, he had a weird feeling about this.
He kept on looking at the corner of the walls with the side of his eyes and observing every movement that the messenger made.
Behold, the story thickens once more... i love kingdom power games everytime.