A few hours later, Chiron came out of the room, "Let's hope you will not have to use it!" he commented as he wiped the blood stains off his hands.
When he was done, he handed the cloth he used to Carla, "Let's go!" he ordered.
As he walked away, Carla sniffed the cloth. She was now a devil. Her nose was many times more sensitive than it ever was.
She could smell some of the blood she gave Chiron earlier on it, some of his, and then blood from another person.
She looked back at the room, and out of curiosity, she attempted to open the door a bit.
However, she stopped herself. If Chiron wanted her to see, he wouldn't have sent her out. This much she knew.
She also knew that if she stepped out of her boundaries, things would not end up well for her.
"I had a little tumble with the Elder. Do not disturb her, she needs a little rest!" Chiron instructed the maid as he left the manor.
Both of them went back home, where Chiron went back into meditating.
i really feel guilty for stopping were I just did, but forgive me. We are having chicken now... i have to hurry. lol