Of Bruno's eight brothers, all had served in the military at some point in their lives. Though none other than Bruno had actually taken part in combat operations, that is, until the Russian Civil War where the three youngest siblings of the family fought together in Ingria and Volga.
As for the three oldest brothers, Franz, Christoph, and Maximilian, they had all had very brief military careers, serving the minimum years on their contract upon becoming Commissioned Officers before exiting from the service altogether and instead pursuing careers in the private sector.
Of the nine children that Bruno's father and mother had brought into this world, only one of them had ever served in the Kaiserliche Marine. The rest were all army brats through and through. This brother was named Wolfgang, and he was the fourth youngest of his siblings.
There is just the one chapter tonight. I had some personal matters to take care of today and didn't get home writing until late into the night. And since it's a Friday night, it just sort of made sense to go light today. Thank you all for the continued support!
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