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2.81% Re: Blood and Iron / Chapter 9: Entering the Academy

Chương 9: Entering the Academy

Contrary to what Bruno's father initially believed would happen following his son's duel with the Prince of Lippe, the Kaiser was not at all offended by the boy's actions. And was actually quite pleased with his performance. Going out of his way to approach Bruno's father and establish ties with him.

Because of this, Bruno's father and the Junker coalition would gain a significant amount of favor in the Reichstag's next election. And in the coming years, Bruno's father would be appointed to the Bundesrat as he desired.

Despite Prince Julius' grievous injuries, he did not perish, and instead made a full recovery. And though he wanted to take vengeance on Bruno for humiliating him to such a degree, his father condemned him in the most severe of terms, and made sure that the Prince would not make any trouble.

Another two years had passed in the blink of an eye. Bruno finished up his schooling without incident and applied for admission to the Royal Prussian Main Cadet Institute. With the personal recommendation of the Kaiser himself.

Who had begun keeping a close eye on Bruno ever since his performance on that fateful night. Bruno was accepted with ease into Prussia's foremost military academy for training new officers.

Like most military academies, Bruno would be forced to live in the barracks. Meaning he would not be able to return home for some time. Because of this, he gathered his mother, father, and young fiancée together in his home. Where he said his temporary farewells, as he would not be able to see any of them until the holidays when they were granted leave.

Both Elsa and Heidi were in tears, as they did not want to wait so long to see the boy, no, the young man, return from the academy. However, his father had a look of pride on his face, as he congratulated Bruno on getting admitted to the academy like his brothers had before him.

"Bruno, I had no doubt that someone of your talents would get accepted to the Royal Prussian Main Cadet Institute. Your talents are exceptional, perhaps even peerless among those your own age. But you will come to understand that your noble status means nothing where you are headed off to.

Gone are the days where nobility gain esteemed positions in the military because of their heritage. The Army is a place of pure meritocracy. You will gain your position when you earn it, but you must start out from the bottom like everyone else.

I recommend that you do not behave poorly towards those of common birth, as they too will be alongside you as your fellow cadets. And it would be unwise to make enemies simply because our family has earned the honor of being called Lords."

Bruno naturally had no intentions of looking down upon commoners. He had never done so in this life, and the reason for that was simple. He still had memories of his past life where it was an era long after the monarchy and noble families had fallen from power and glory.

Because of this, he had no such arrogance simply because his family was born into a higher social class. Thus, he nodded his head and assured his father he need not worry about such things.

"You don't need to fret over such matters, Father. Since when have I ever treated someone poorly simply because they were a commoner?"

This assuring statement caused Bruno's father to smile and nod his head in agreement with his youngest son's remarks.

"Indeed, you are not like your brothers. Since a young age, you have had an air of wisdom and maturity that usually only comes with exceptional life experience. I do not worry about you in the slightest. Now, I believe you have two ladies waiting to say their farewells to you."

Bruno shook his father's hand before turning to address his mother. Despite the fact that she was in her mid forties, she looked as if she were ten years younger. She was crying profusely over the idea that her youngest son had finally become a man.

No matter how much she tried to resist the urge to hug her youngest son, Elsa could not do so. She clung tightly to Bruno and made him promise that he would be okay.

"My baby boy is all grown up, and going off to the Academy. Promise me, Bruno, that you will write to your mother every day! I want to hear how life is treating you in the Army! If anyone dares bully you, you tell your mother and she will straighten them out real quick!"

Bruno had to force himself away from his mother's embrace. He had long since grown accustomed to her overprotective nature. But he would also never make a promise he couldn't fulfill. Because of this, he was quick to reject his mother's request, but assured her everything would be fine.

"Relax mother, it's not like I am going off to war. I'm simply attending a Military Institute of higher learning. I'll be fine."

The woman tried to hug Bruno again, but he evaded with his catlike reflexes. Meanwhile, his father patted the woman's shoulder and held her in place with his firm grip to ensure that she didn't try to keep the boy any longer. After all, there was another young woman who required Bruno's attention far more than his mother.

Though she was only a bastard, and an unrecognized one at that. Bruno's father had long since grown accustomed to Heidi being a good match for his son, and had even begun to refer to her as a young "Lady" in private, despite her not being a noblewoman.

Bruno gave his father a slight nod of approval before walking over to Heidi who, like his mother was crying. She had grown up even more since that ball two years ago. And was now physically mature, even if she was not yet legally an adult.

Bruno wiped the tear from the young maiden's eyes with his finger. Before hugging her tightly, he assured the young woman that he would be back before she even realized it.

"Heidi, must you really cry over something like this? It will only be a few months before we see each other again. You're a grown woman now, one that I will one day be proud to call my wife. Surely you can wait for my return. After all, if I am ever called off to war, you will be required to wait much longer."

There was no fear in Heidi's eyes when Bruno said one day he will be marching to war. Rather, she simply smiled and nodded her head. Assuring him that she would faithfully await his return.

"I promise, I will wait until you come to find me. And in two years, we can finally be married!"

Bruno pat the young woman's silky golden hair, as he had often done in the past when they were children, and said goodbye, while the family servants grabbed his trunks and escorted them out the front door to the automobile.

"This is goodbye for now, Heidi. I will see you in a few months…"

After saying this, Bruno walked out the door of his family's manor, which had been his home since his reincarnation into this era. He did not take a second to look back, fully embracing his future. One which he hoped would allow him to lead Germany to victory in the coming century. So that the past mistakes of his previous life could be thoroughly rewritten.


Upon arrival at the Royal Prussian Main Cadet Institute found himself lined up with all the other cadets, as a drill instructor barked commands at them. As someone who had previously undergone a similar experience in his past life, Bruno was well accustomed to such harshness.

After basic orientation, Bruno was forced to change into his cadet uniform, along with all others, and was escorted to the Barracks where he met with several other young men. The Officer Corps of the German Army was filled with many men of noble blood. But there were also commoners among their ranks as well.

The young man who had the bottom bunk that was shared with Bruno had been born into a wealthy merchant family, albeit one without any noble titles. After all, it was the age of industry, and because of this many commoners were wealthier than noblemen.

But for whatever reason, either a lack of military gallantry, or a failure to provide to the Reich's scientific and cultural achievements. They remained as the status of commoners. Heinrich Koch, a man of such birth, was quick to introduce himself to his new bunk mate.

"The name is Heinrich Koch. It is a pleasure to meet you friend. And you are?"

Bruno smiled as he shook the man's hand. Like he had told his father, he held no contempt for the commoners, and if they were capable men, which one would have to be to attend this university, he would be happy to establish ties with them.

"Bruno von Zehntner, and the pleasure is all mine Heinrich."

Heinrich's eyes widened when he heard this. His experience with nobles had been a mix of good and bad. Many were happy to exchange pleasantries to his face, but were more than willing to smear his reputation behind his back. While other just openly looked down on him because of his family's commoner status.

Because of this, he had developed a good judgement of character from a young age, and could usually tell when someone was sincere or not. And he could tell by a single exchange of names that Bruno was unlike most nobles he had met. Because of this, he was quick to comment on this.

"A young Lord without an unearned sense of ego? Well, that's refreshing. I wonder, what kind of family did you grow up in to have such a humble attitude?"

Bruno chuckled when he heard this and began to speak of his family's background. They were a recently established house. One which earned their nobility through blood and iron in the Napoleonic wars. And one who raised their sons to be soldiers.

Because of this, he had grown up with a sense of duty to the Reich and its people. As well as a more humble attitude. When Bruno explained all of this, the man nodded his head, fully understanding why he was not like the others.

Unfortunately, one of the other noblemen within the barracks overheard him and was quick to approach Bruno. After all, he had made quite a name for himself after besting Prince Julius two years prior, and nobles seemed to have long memories.

"Hold on a second. Did I hear you correctly? Bruno von Zehntner, as in the guy who bested Prince Julius von Lippe in a duel of honor? That's you?"

Bruno looked over at the man who said this and was quick to confirm he was indeed that man.

"That's correct. Although it was really just a glorified fencing match. Why do you ask?"

The young nobleman was quick to push Heinrich aside and introduce himself, which was something that Bruno found distasteful.

"I have heard a lot about you. They say you're a peerless genius among those your own age. Although, I have been known to be something of a genius myself! I look forward to competing with you!"

Bruno looked at the man with an odd expression. Almost as if he was looking at an idiot who self-proclaimed himself to be more intelligent than he actually was. Which was something commonly found among stupid people.

And because of this, he leaned over and whispered to Heinrich, inquiring just who this young man was.

"I'm sorry. Who is this guy supposed to be?"

Heinrich sighed. He was well aware of who this man was. He was infamous for abusing his privilege as a nobleman, and that of his father who was in the Reichstag.

"That is Erich von Humboldt. He thinks he is some kind of prodigy. But in reality he is a bit of a dullard. The only reason he is here is because his father intervened on his behalf and pulled some strings. Normally that isn't supposed to happen, but when your father is in the Reichstag, certain shady deals can be made behind the scenes…"

Bruno was curious about this, he had earned his place in this school, what with his unapparelled academics, as well as the fact that he earned the Kaiser's favor through chivalric action who was more than happy to write a letter of recommendation on his behalf.

But that was the extent of the help he received from the Kaiser. Kaiser Wilhelm II was not willing to personally pull strings to get Bruno admitted, as the relationship between the Kaiser and Bruno's father was not that deep. Nor did Bruno or his father ask such a massive favor.

It was these kinds of people who Bruno despised. But he did not say anything to Erich. Because he figured that a guy like him would wash out of the Academy in a few weeks, maybe a few months at the top.

And so Bruno's life in the Royal Prussian Main Cadet Institute. It was a place where lifetime friendships would be forged. And where Bruno himself would earn his place as an officer in the Imperial German Army.


next chapter

Chương 10: A Day Long Awaited

Life in the Academy was tough, but fair. It was no walk in the park, but because Bruno already had experience in this regard from his past life, he was more than capable of fulfilling what was required of him.

In fact, he excelled where others had lagged behind. Even the drill instructors could not help but express surprise at Bruno's ability to complete the tasks required of him. Despite having no formal military training, the boy could march, salute, run, and shoot with the best of them.

On top of this, Bruno performed with the highest marks in all subjects, whether it was strategy, tactics, mathematics, science, history et cetera. He had demonstrated a clear mastery of all.

In addition to this, Bruno appeared to be quite innovative and forward thinking when it came to the subject of grand strategy. Gaining praise from all of his instructors for his revolutionary use of tactics within war games. 

In the three years that Bruno spent in the academy, he had grown close to two of his fellow cadets. Heinrich Koch, and surprisingly the arrogant young nobleman Erich von Humboldt. As Bruno had anticipated, Erich had a hell of a first week at the Academy.

Growing up as a pampered nobleman, Erich was in no shape to perform the physical tasks required of them as Army Cadets. But through sheer perseverance, he had survived, and somehow managed not to get cut from the roster.

As a result, he became much more humble and realistic about his own limitations. Going so far as to begin approaching those who excelled in various fields searching for their guidance. This was an admirable quality which attracted Bruno's attention.

Erich would ultimately improve his performance over the first semester, to the point where Bruno had no problem including him into his study group, as the man had actually turned out to be a hidden talent he could make use of in the future.

Today was the day before Bruno's wedding day. Heidi had just turned eighteen a few weeks prior. Whereas Bruno was twenty years old at this very moment. He would be granted a day of leave from the Academy to attend his wedding.

But that would only happen tomorrow. For today, he was still at the Academy. Currently discussing the ongoing geo-political situation among his two friends. Heinrich and Erich.

"The Kaiser challenges the British Navy on the seas. This Naval Arms race is destined to cause conflict between our two great nations. And if handled poorly, will result in a war on a scale which will cost the lives of tens of millions of men on both sides.

But it may very well be a decade and a half before such a war breaks out. My immediate concern is the outbreak of war within Qing China. As we speak, the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, or the Boxer Movement, as we more commonly refer to them as. Have gained considerable size and strength.

The Boxers are an anti-imperialist, and xenophobic movement which seeks to expel all non-Chinese from the nation by force. They have already attacked our missionaries and merchants. At their current rate of aggression, it is only a matter of time before they grow bolder. 

Their slogan is quite literally "Kill the foreigners! Slaughter the followers of the foreign devils!" If they are allowed to continue to gain power and the Qing Dynasty chooses to support them even further. Then I fear the end result will be military intervention. I give it a year at most before such a thing occurs if things continue to progress like this.

Now, the Chinese may be a few decades behind us in terms of military technology, but they have made great strides towards modernization these past few years. Because of this, they should not be underestimated under any circumstances. Such a thing could lead to a humiliating defeat.

It is because of this I intend to volunteer for the East Asian Expeditionary Corps the moment I graduate from this academy. Which should be just in time to get comfortable with my new unit before we deploy to Northern China to put down the Boxer rebellion…"

Matters in China were far away on the eastern side of the world. Few Cadets cared to actually bother themselves with learning of such matters. But Bruno would have a thorough conversation with his fellow cadets about the subject, educating them on the importance the region had towards the future.

By the end of the discussion, both Heinrich and Erich seemed eager to take part in the war alongside Bruno. With Heinrich being the first to voice his agreement to volunteer for the East Asian Expeditionary Corps as well.

"Fuck it, why the hell not? What's the point of joining the Army if you don't actually get to see battle? Besides, I hear China is an ancient and mystical place. Full of many beautiful women, it would be a shame not to visit at least once in my life!"

Erich nodded his head in agreement with this statement. With their performance in the Academy, they would likely be given priority to wherever they desired to serve. And China sounded like it would be a good place to gain some proper combat experience. Especially if Bruno was so confident that war was about to erupt in the region.

As for Bruno, he smirked before responding to Heinrich's comment about beautiful Chinese women.

"I'll leave the local ladies to you two. I'm a married man as of tomorrow. And I don't intend to take a mistress."

Heinrich immediately patted Bruno's back and commented on his situation as if it were something undesirable.

"That is the one thing I do not envy about you nobles. Imagine getting married upon reaching adulthood. Where is your opportunity to live and have fun?"

Bruno however shook his head. He had experienced quite a bit of "fun" in his youth during his past life. But his greatest regret as he got older was never getting married or having any children.

He would not ruin such a valuable opportunity given to him in this life by entertaining in such hedonism. Because of this, he shook his head and sighed, sounding like an old man as he lectured Heinrich on his words.

"You will understand when you're older…"

Both Heinrich and Erich broke out into laughter when they heard this, mocking Bruno for his words.

"What do you mean when we're older? You're the youngest cadet in our year! Mr. I graduated from High School a year earlier than everyone else!"

With that, Bruno would continue to have fun with his friends before going back to his studies for the day. He would have a long and peaceful sleep that night, because the next day he would be getting married.


Bruno was up bright and early the next morning, he was transported to his family's estate where he would prepare for the wedding, which was being held later that day at a church in Berlin. As a Prussian his family were protestants, not that Bruno cared for religion at all.

Still, the entire family had gathered. And not just his father, mother, and siblings. But all of his uncles, aunts and cousins as well. In addition to this, Heidi's mother was present. As for her father, and half-siblings.

None of them dared show up at a bastard's wedding. Heidi had never been legitimized, and thus, for them to show up to her wedding would be some kind of recognition that she was a von Bentheim-Tecklenburg, which she was not.

Because of this, the girl was walked down the aisle not by her father, but by Bruno's father, who had in many ways been more of a father to the girl in her youth, than her own. Bruno stood at the altar, dressed in the most luxurious tailcoat tuxedo of the era.

While Heidi walked down the aisle to the sound of the music, with a bouquet of white roses in her hands. Wearing a Victorian style wedding dress that was suitable for a princess. All the while her hair was one more tied up in an elegant bun.

Even Bruno's breath was stolen away when she approached the altar, and the veil over her head was removed. Throughout the past three years at the military academy, he had seldom seen the girl, only on holidays.

But whenever they did see one another, it was a warm and loving atmosphere. He had to admit, now that she was eighteen, and they were about to get married. That over the past fifteen years of being childhood friends, he had fallen under the woman's spell.

And because of this, Bruno simply smiled, and made a whisper towards his young bride while the Lutheran Priest was going through the motions, preparing his long-winded speech before the vows could finally be said.

"You look absolutely stunning… I am truly at a loss for words…"

Heidi smiled, and blushed, trying not to make it obvious that she was speaking to Bruno while the priest was continuing with the traditional wedding speech. She couldn't help but make a comment about Bruno's appearance. Albeit far more lighthearted.

"You don't look so bad yourself…"

Eventually, the part where the Priest asked about the vows came. Where the young couple both said the words "I do" before being granted to kiss one another. Where Bruno approached, his young bride and held her tightly in his arms. Placing a wholesome kiss on her lips, and thus sealing their marriage as husband and wife from this day forward, until final days.


The wedding reception was held in Bruno's family home. For the time being as a cadet, Bruno did not have his own home as he was living in the Barracks. But that would change shortly after he graduated.

Or so he thought. But during the night of festivities, drinking, feasting, and plenty of gifts to the newly married couple. Bruno's father approached him and took him aside. He wanted to have a few words with the boy in private.

The two of them entered the balcony of the Family's estate, where the light of a full moon was high in the air. Bruno figured his father was going to say something about how proud he was, like he had done the day he entered the military academy. But instead, the man surprised him by tossing him a set of keys.

Bruno's heightened reflexes caught the keys, where he stared at them with curiosity. That is until the old man finally spoke up and revealed what they unlocked.

"Those are yours now. I recently purchased this old manor, not far from the nearest military base. It's a quaint little home, one that has been thoroughly renovated to make use of all the modern technology that the two of you have grown up with. 

You and Heidi can make it your home as you build your family together. Consider it my wedding gift to you, son."

Bruno was surprised that his father had bought him an entire house. But only for a second. When he thought about it, he realized the cost of such a home was a drop in the hat compared to his family's wealth. 

They were quite wealthy, more than enough to afford such an expensive present as a wedding gift. But, still, Bruno had yet to reveal to his father his plans to go to war, and he was quick to do so as he felt guilty about owning a house he would not have the luxury to spend much time in.

"Father, this is more than I could ever ask of you… But when I graduate I intend to volunteer to the East Asian Expeditionary Corps…. I won't be home outside those few weeks of leave I am granted each year. At least not for the first two years of my service. After that, I'll request a transfer back to Berlin… Don't you think it would be cruel to ask Heidi to live in such a home by herself?"

Bruno's father was naturally surprised by what his son had said, but he was not ignorant of the ongoings in China. He, too, was certain that Germany would be deploying troops to the region within a year's time. And because of this, he was quick to ask his son if he understood exactly what he was getting himself into.

"Bruno… You are aware of what's going on in China right now, yes? Are you really going to go off to war so soon after graduating from the Academy?"

Bruno's father naturally knew about war and its horrors. He had earned an Iron Cross in the Franco-Prussian War. He had also fought in the Austro-Prussian War a mere five years prior. So he was more than experienced enough with battle to understand what Bruno himself was walking into.

But Bruno's confidence was more than enough to quell the man's fears. As the young man was quick to announce that he was not so foolish as to underestimate the enemy.

"Contrary to popular belief, the enemy are not savages. They are quite advanced, and though victory is certain should the Reich go to war in China, let alone alongside the other Great Powers, we will still need capable officers if we wish to mitigate our losses.

I am confident enough in my own ability to lead men into battle. And besides, my generation has yet to earn any honor or glory for our house on the battlefield. Wouldn't it be poetic that it was the youngest of us who first did so?"

Bruno's father sighed heavily and shook his head. He looked up at the stars and thought to himself for a few moments before finally responding.

"You're a man now, so you have a right to choose your own future. If you wish to go off to China and fight for our family and nation. Then that is your right. But regardless, I still think it would be best if you and Heidi moved into the house.

It's close enough to the nearest military base so that when you do finally transfer back home, you will be well within your rights to live there as an active duty officer. And the house is small enough that your wife will be able to take care of it by herself. Although if she does wish for servants, I can spare the expense.

Now I have held you up enough. It's your wedding night. And I think it's time you and your bride spent some proper time alone together. After all, tomorrow you have to be back at the Academy. So go, enjoy yourself while you can!"

Bruno smiled and nodded towards his father, stashing the key to his new manor away in his pocket, before running off to regroup with Heidi. They would continue to enjoy the festivities before retiring for the night together for the first time as husband and wife.

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