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22.22% RE:2 Redfield's True Route / Chapter 1: Chapter 0 - The Gas Station

Chương 1: Chapter 0 - The Gas Station

*SPOILER WARNING FOR RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE... really... its 2021! and I am warning people about spoilers for a 2019 game... wtf... why am I even warning you... Just read it or play the god damn game*

The sky is void of light and the clouds up above weep gently. The streets are quite and null of any noise besides the drops of rain smacking against the ground. Off in the distance, the roar of a motor closes in. A Motorcycle bolts across the glossy road and breaks apart the coating of water like glass. There on the bike, a 19 year old girl with a red leather jacket rides across the lone street lamps leading to the city where her brother works at. Shards of glass shatter against her helmet and goggles as she speeds down the road. At the edge of her field of view, a MIZOIL gas station sign glows through the starless night. She begins to slow down as she approaches it and notices a sign with the words "WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY" with the Umbrella logo plastered at the bottom of it. She turns right into the gas station and sees a pay phone booth. She remembered she needed to call parents to let them know she made it to Raccoon city safely as they easily get worried for their precious daughter.

The girl parks her bike by the booth and undoes her headgear. It doesn't take her long for her to dial the number. Mumbling from the line leaks out from the phone as she can't help crack a smile. "Yeah, I'm almost there." She replies. She fidgets inside the booth revealing a necklace right above her grey tank top that covers her modestly sized chest. Her red leather jacket is zipped up just below her breasts revealing just the slightest bit of cleavage. "You know me, I'll be fine." she says in a nonchalant manner. "Sounds good. I'll be back as soon as I find Chris." She pauses for a moment as the mumble grows. "I will, but I gotta go." She hangs the phone back on to the line and steps out of the booth back into the cold rain. She cracks a smirk and shakes her head. "Why does everyone think I'm going to get in trouble?"

A crash of glass shattering echoes from the little store. The girl snaps her head towards that general direction a bit alerted. "What the..." She whispers out. She hesitantly walks over to the "Yes, We are OPEN" sign and quietly calls out a questioning "Hello?" She pushes the door open and leans her head into the building and this time, she calls out a more stern "Hello?" The door effortlessly swings open and she is greeted with the darkness of the store. "Anybody here?" she slurs out questioningly. The light from the Gas station pumps casts a slim but curvy silhouette thanks to her rather tight jeans. However, a flashlight on the ground disrupts the shadow from the abdomen up. She takes few steps forward and carefully crouches down to grabs the flashlight off the ground. Slowly, she swings the flashlight right to left illuminating a mess of shelved items on the ground. "Hello?" She calls out once again but with a quiver of fear this time. She sheepishly rises up and notices a shimmer on the ground. Her light trails over to the ground to reveal patches of red.

She gulps and takes a deep breath. Her feet pushes past her fears and slowly walks deeper into the store. There aren't many rows but each row she creeps up and checks. On the third row by the fridges, her heart drops. A old but decently sized man is leaning against the wall of fridges with his hand to his neck. Blood seeps out of his fingers as he pants and rocks back and forth.

"Are you OK." She gasps out as she jogs over to the injured man. She sits besides him to check on him. His eyes seem hollow and he seems near his last breath. He says no words. However, with ever ounce of his strength, he lifts his right arm up and points to the door next to him. The girl looks at his bloody finger and knows what she has to do. "Wait here, I'll check it out." She takes a deep breath and steps through the door. A blast of frigid air greets her exposed upper chest and neck. Chills run down her spine and her nipples go hard as she turns the corner to a long ally of cold storage. Her right hand instinctively goes down to her hip where her revolver rests. She takes a few steps down the cold storage and the door to her right closes but she doesn't notice. She is too distracted by the metal door in front of her that is slightly opened. The sound of struggling and squirming echoes through the hall as she slowly approaches the door.

She takes a deep breath and slowly swings the door open. The stumbling and rustling grows louder and she hears a man's voice yelling "I said hold still!" Her flashlight reveals a police officer wrestling against someone that is pinned against the wall.

"Excuse me, is everything OK?" She asks the officer as she advances towards the struggling pair. The officer whips his head around towards her and the glare of her flashlight forces him to squint. Beads of sweat roll down his forehead as he suppresses the man with all he has.

"Stay back ma'am, I got this." He tries to say calmly. He lets go of one of man's hands and extends it towards the girl to stop her from advancing forward. But that was his first and final mistake. The pinned man breaks free of the officer's hold and savagely jumps him, knocking the officer over to the ground. Now the man was on top of the officer, pinning him to the ground like the officer did to him. But something was different. The girl could feel something was off with this rabid man. Before the girl could react, the crazed man lunges his head into the officer's neck. A gush of blood splatters out of the exposed neck. The officer screams in agony as he feels dull teeth penetrate into his tender skin. The officer tries to thrash around but its too late.

"Oh my god!" The girl covers her mouth in shock as she sees a chuck of goopy flesh getting torn out of the officer's neck. The girl then remembers the gun on her side and quickly pulls it out "Get off him! I said GET OFF HIM!" The officer is quite and still on the ground as the chuck of flash snaps off of his neck. The rabid man looks up at the girl with a tender of flesh dangling from his grey decaying face. His eyes are a milky white lock with the girls terrified blue eyes. The cannibalistic man inhumanly stumbles up from the officer and staggers towards the girl. His hands reach out for the girl. "Don't come any closer!" She yells at the man but the words fly past his deaf ears. Her palms are sweaty and her heart is racing with adrenaline and her mind scatters itself for a fight or flight response. She slowly backs up to the door behind her as the man progresses towards her slowly.

Her feet starts turning and she runs for the door she came from. She manages to make it to the door but it is closed and locked... no... something is on the other side blocking it. "Hey! What the Hell!" She pushes against the door with all her might but it won't budge. She turns her head to see the man half way through the hall with blood rolling down his chin. She quickly pulls her gun back up and aims it at the decaying man's head. "Stand back! Stand back or I will shoot!" The grey man does not listen. He continues to scurry towards her and right as he is about two arms lengths away from her, he lunges. The girl closes her eyes and pulls on the trigger.

*BANG* Her ears go deaf and the man's body stumbles onto her, knocking her down against the floor. His body weight pins her under him as she shakes the concussion off. "Ah. Fuck." With one of her free hands she pushes the man's head off to the side of her head and wipes the blood off of her face. But then the man's body's weight shifted a bit. She freezes under his weight and her skin chills with goosebumps. There was no way this guy could live after getting shot in the head. There is no way! She thought to herself. But she was wrong. This wasn't a man. It was a zombie. And soon, she is it with the grim realization that the man is still alive. The zombie lifts his head up on top of hers and looks down at her pearly blue eyes. She is frozen in fear as the milky eyes stare into her soul. She closes her eyes ready for the worst, clenching them shut with all her might. Her hands fists up and she prepares herself to have her neck bitten off at any moment. For blood to stain these dirty white walls with bright red as she screams in agony when the man chomps down on her larynx...

But nothing happens. She opens her eyes to see the bloody man just staring at her with those damn milky eyes, And then she felt it. Bony slender fingers sending shivering touch by her crotch. Her tight jeans offer little to no protection from this horrifying sensation as the fingers try to dig into to them where her vagina is. Shock and horror spreads across the girl's face as she tries to push this crazy man off her. But his grip on her was too strong and he his weight easily over shadows hers. Another hand creeps up to her chest and the fingers pinch down at her rigid hard nipples. She yelps out an unexpected moan as the lightning like sensation shocks its way up her nerves.

"No! STOP!" She screams out as she thrashes around but to no avail. From the corner of her eye, she spots her gun on the ground. Just a few inches from her. Her right hand reaches for it but a sudden moist object invades her mouth with the taste of metallic fluids coating it. Her eyes grow wide as the man plunges his tongue deep into her mouth and his lips meeting hers. His groping grows stronger and the pinching grows rougher. She breaks away and leans her head away. She spits out the red fluids out of her mouth and coughs out whatever managed to go down her throat. The fingers on her crotch leaves and she hears a zipper being pulled. She gasps thinking he is unzipping her jacket but it was much worse. She felt a plop on her left leg. Its mass was notice as it was poking her leg. She looks down and sees it. A mass of muscle pulsing with excitement and life. "no... No. No.NO NO NO!" She punches him right in the jaw and shoves him away to her left with all her might. She struggles to shake herself free from his weight but instead reaches for her gun on the ground. She pulls the gun up to his chin and closes her eyes once more.


The man's body drops down to her side. This time for good she thought. She wiggles her way out of his weight and takes a moment to catch her breath. He retrieves the flashlight on the ground and looks to her side where the closed door is. She pushes against it once again with her weight but it won't budge. "Shit." She whimpers out. She walks down the hall back to the room where the officer is but she stops in her tracks. The sound of groaning and stumbling echoes behind her, sending chills down her spine. She slowly turns around to see the dead man rising up again. His hazy milky eyes lock with her wide blue eyes. Her feet scurry backwards as she breaks through the door back to the room with the officer's body. She makes a sharp right towards another door. She prepares herself to tackle the door open right as she turns the door handle, but the door handle doesn't turn. Instead, she is bounced off the door and slammed backwards. She yelps out in pain as she lands on her soft buttocks bounce a bit before coming to a stop.

The stumbling from the freezer echoes through the hall and the girl quickly deduces that the undying man is about 3/4s of the way there. With speed she had never used before in her entire life, she recovers from her fall and quickly sprints across the room and slams the freezer door shut. The a great thud pushes her back but the door holds. She stumbles over the officer's lifeless body but manages to catch herself this time. Her flashlight rolls out of her hands and she quickly pulls her gun back up ready to open fire when the door opens. The man on the other side continues to brutally beat away at the metal door, but nothing happens. The door holds and the girl finally decides to pick the flashlight back up. Out from the corner of her eye, a sliver flash of light reflects back to her eye, drawing her attention. She points her flashlight towards it and notices a key. Dozens of thoughts race through her mind as to what this key could be and her hopes get the best of her. She quickly works her way past the end of the shelves and grabs the key from the rack and makes her way back to the locked door.

Her hands are shaky and she doesn't manage to get the key in. But then the freezer door busts open right as the key goes in. The same hollow milky eyes meet her blue eyes. Her thoughts race with doubts of the key. What if this isn't the key? Why isn't that crazy man dead? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!! She thinks to herself in a nano second. It took every ounce of nerve in her body to attempt to turn the key in the key hole as all the doubts in her mind built up. With a satisfying click, lady luck has finally given her a break. With about 6 feet before the undying man reaches her, she dashes through the door and close it behind her, leaning against the door to prevent him from getting out. Her breaths are ragged and adrenaline is directly pumping from her heart. Her ears ring and it is finally over. She is back out at the front of the store and she spots the beefy man leaning against the other end of the freezer door. A wave of relief washes over her as she sees him stand up unnaturally.

Then a dark though entered her mind that she wished never would happen. Her heart began to pound even harder and her aura wreaked with fear. Her dilated eyes meet with the beefy man's milky dead eyes. "It's like... a nightmare." She whimpers to herself when the door behind her bursts open, knocking her forward. The beefy man in front of her begins staggering towards her and groans out in agony and sorrow. She quickly makes a sharp left turn but another decaying man stands in front of her. She quickly shifts her heels to her right and makes a sprint down the row. Right as she is near the end, the beefy man tries to lunge for her from her right side but the pool of blood under him causes him to slip. She attempts to jump over him and manages to do so, however, the beefy man grabs her by her boot. But the blood all over his fingers does not help with his grip. She slips out and makes another sharp left U-Turn to a row leading to the entrance, but another zombie on her right shoves his arms through medal dividers. He almost grabs her pony tail but she manages to slip away. The force of his lunge was so great, it caused the medal divider to fall down. The frame of the medal divider clips her heel causing her to stumble. But she wasn't about to let this pain stop her. No, she was gonna get out of this hell hole. She grunts as she limps her left leg towards the door.

Right as she is about to reach the door, her body freezes in terror. Another silhouette rushes outside towards the door. But something was different about this one. This one was holding something in his hands. It was a gun. A sway of relief washes over her as the guy bursts into the store but then he points the gun at her. "Whoa, don't shoot!" She hastily blurs out, raising her hands up as well. But the guy wasn't looking or aiming the gun at her. He last looking past her.

"Get down!" He commands and without missing a beat, the girl ducks as a pair of hands reach for where she was. A groan follows along with a loud BANG! There was a loud thumb behind her as she quickly turns around to see a man with part of his face missing. The girl lets out a sigh of relief but the scurried sounds of footsteps echoing in the store reminds her of the other threats.

"We gotta get out of here!" They both exit the store and close the flimsy glass door behind them.

"You alright?" The guy asks in a surprisingly calm and soothing voice. The girl turns her head towards him and notices his features for the first time. He was shockingly handsome and fit. He was just her type of guy. She looks down at a puddle of rain water and sees the blood on her face. She quickly wipes it off and fixes her hair. She then mentally shakes her head and starts scolding herself for thinking like this at a time like this.

"Yeah... I think so..." She says a bit shaken up and ashamed of herself for thinking of a booty call first instead of her life. "Thanks." She finally manages to croak out.

The guy looks towards the girl but quickly flicks his head away as he notices something in the shadows. "You can thank me later, when we are safe." he says as he cocks his head up signaling her to look forward as well.

"Holy shit." A crowd of zombies waltz towards them into the station light. Each one decaying more than the other. Some missing chucks of flesh while others are just missing dots of flesh. Then a loud bang draws both their attention behind them. The zombie the guy had shot earlier is back up with a great chuck of his face missing. Blood smears on the glass door and the zombie threatens to break it with each pound.

"Come on!" The guy commands her as he run towards an open police car. He sprints for it and skillfully dodges out of a zombie's lunge. The girl attempts to do the same but her heel from earlier prevents her from moving fast enough. Instead, she redirects the force and pushes the zombie off of her. "Get in!" He yells as he closes his door and revs the engine. The girl does the same and practically throws herself into the police car. "Hold on!" He quickly shifts the gear to reverse and floors the accelerator. He skillfully makes a reverse U-Turn and shifts the gear the drive and floors the car out of the station, passing the sign "WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY HOME TO UMBRELLA".

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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