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87.5% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 216: Indigo League: Ash vs Remo part 2

Chương 216: Indigo League: Ash vs Remo part 2

As Remo returned Bouffalant he brought out his next Pokemon, "Go, Pelipo!" From the ball, a Pelipper flew out and squawked.

The area also started to Drizzle due to Pelipo's ability, but Machamp didn't go back; he just raised his fists and got ready to keep going.

"Pelipo use [Hydro Pump]," Remo yelled out as he swung his umbrella around and dropped it on his shoulder.

Pelipo raised his beak and then spat out a beam of water that was aimed directly toward Machamp.

"Machamp use [Cross Chop]!"

Machamp raised his arms and made them into an X position and started running forward using his hands to block and disperse the water around and running close enough to grab Pelipo and land a double chop.

Ash quickly spoke up "Now [Seismic Toss] him into the air and jump!"

Machamp quickly spun around and threw Pelipo into the sky and then with one quick powerful motion jumped high into the sky reaching where Pelipo was falling.

Remo panicked for a moment, "Pelipo recover and blow him away with [Hurricane]!"

Pelipo quickly spun around and flapped his wings multiple times starting to blow air in an attempt to stop Machamp, but it was no use as Machamp closed the distance and grabbed the bird before using him to soften his own landing.

When they both landed back on the ground Machamp jumped back over to Ash's side, though he was doing a bit worse than preferable since that [Hurricane] did a heavy chunk of damage.

On the other side Pelipo was still able to flap his wings and get up, "[Roost] then [Hurricane] again!"

Pelipo began shedding broken feathers as he got some health back and began to flap his wings violently again creating a tornado of wind around Machamp.

Machamp was blocking his face from being hit with the constant air blads and he clenched his teeth.

But Ash just smiled, "Alright, let's try what we practiced, Counter shield!"

Each of Machamp's fists was covered in a different Elemental punch then he spun his entire body anti-clockwise, the opposite direction of the tornado, which caused it to disperse into the air.

The move caused Stirs in the crowds and in the top VIP stands where a certain muscular man who is always meditating raised his eyebrow, although his face remind stoic he was somewhat impressed.

Then before anyone could react to that Machamp leaped forward and sent 4 individual punches at Pelipo sending the bird to the floor.

"Pelipo quickly use [Hydro Pump]!" Remo yelled out

It was still raining so as Pelipo was still on the ground he shot another blast of water at Machamp's face forcing him to cover it.

With that, Pelipo managed to flap his wings to get off the ground but as soon as he got up Machamp's bottom arms reached out as his top ones were still on his face, the hands grabbed Pelipo by the wings Stomping him from flying.

In a panic, he used [Hydro Pump] again but Machamp used his hand to block the stream as he approached then he closed Pelipo's mouth.

"Let's finish this, [Thunder Punch]!" Ash commanded.

Machamp was only still up due to adrenalin, if this was the game he would literally be at 0%, but even still he kept going as he brought his top arm up and delivered an electrified punch directly into the bird sending it to the ground with a loud *bang*

Then when it was clear enough they saw that Pelipo had spirals in his eyes as Machamp breathed into the air as the rain dripped off of him.

Right before the announcer called that Pelipo was unable to battle Machamp fell over onto his back, breathing heavily but he probably couldn't keep going, so it was effectively a double KO.

Both Ash and Remo returned their Pokemon, then they released their next, Ash sent out Blastoise while Remo pulled out Rhypo the Rhyperior.

"Rhypo use [Stone Edge]!"

"[Shell smash] then [Aqua Jet]!"

They both said at the same time, as Blastoise slammed his own shell as a thin layer of white energy broke off of him, Rhypo stomped on the ground causing stones to start rapidly piercing through the ground and approaching Blastoise.

But as they got close Blastoise bit down on the White herb he had in his mouth and was covered in water as he blasted through the rocks and flew into the sky where he released the water and sent a punch onto Rhypo's head.

Then with an agility that you wouldn't expect from a Blastoise, he did a backflip and fell onto the other side smirking.

Remo clenched his teeth, "[Swords Dance] then [Megahorn]!"

As spectral swords appeared around Rhypo his horn began glowing green and he attempted to jab it into Blastoise.

Blastoise managed to grab Rhypo by the arms pushing him and forcing the rock type to stop just barely before he could stab him in the face, but Rhypo wasn't giving up as he was trying to overpower Blastoise.

Ash raised his arm, "[Iron Head]!"

Blastoise smiled as his head turned silver and he met the horn head-on, literally, they both took damage but Blastoise managed to knock Rhypo back.

Remo spun his umbrella again, "Rhypo use [Earthquake]!"

Rhypo slammed his fist onto the ground as a shockwave was sent out from under him, forcing Blastoise to fall onto his shell.

"Now use [Stomp]!"

Rhypo ran forward and raised his foot high ready to stomp on the turtle but before that, he saw Blastoise smile.

"[Rapid Spin] then [Ice Beam] on the ground!" Ash commanded

Blastoise spun from underneath Rhypo before he could stomp him, Rhypo ended up stopping the ground creating a crack from where Blastoise was, but then Blastoise opened his cannons and shot a blue beam onto Rhypo's foot freezing it in place.

As Rhypo started stomping at the ice trying to break his foot out Ash took the next move, "Now [Jet Punch]!"

The bottom of Blastoise's feet retracted and started shooting out blasts of water as he shot at Rhypo like a rocket and hit him across the chest, but because of the ice, he didn't go anywhere.

But that made Remo smile, "Rhypo gave him a taste of his own medicine, [Metal Burst]!"

As Rhypo was pushed he quickly came back and sent a glowing headbut at Blastoise sending him falling back and rubbing his head.

Ash raised his arm, "Alright then, keep your distance with [Aura Sphere]!"

Blastoise lowered his cannons and started rapidly shooting orbs directly at Rhypo, and it kept going since Rhypo couldn't move out of the way until eventually the ice on his foot broke and he fell to the ground.

Remo frowned as she slammed his umbrella into the ground "Rhypo use [Stone Edge] over and over again!"

Rhypo got up and began stomping on the ground as multiple sharp jagged rockets began throwing themselves at Blastoise, so he popped back into his shell as the stones crashed into him.

As the rockets stopped coming the area looked like you dropped a bomb in it and there was now a giant pile of rockets near the center, everyone was looking to see if Blastoise was even still up, after a moment the announcer was going to call it until they heard rumbling.

Ash smiled and yelled out, "Blastoise use [Gamera Spinner]!"

From the Rocks, a spinning shell was shot out and spun through the air as it then changed direction, but what surprised most people was when light blue blades came out of the shell turning the spinning ball into a spinning blade.

Rhypo stomped on the ground as a stone wall was quickly made in front of him but it was no use as Blastoise broke through and slashed at Rhypo appearing on the other side where Blastoise made a pose as he had his new pair of sunglasses.

Rhypo fell over as the wall he created broke in half down the middle, the top half fell over him as he fell unconscious.

Remo clenched his teeth, he was being pushed back on what was supposed to be an easy tournament, and this kid, he's younger than 'him' and yet he was getting the same feeling.

He shook his head pushing that thought out of his head and returned Rhypo as he brought out his last Pokemon, Garchoo the Garchomp, his necklaces shining.

"Fine then kid, you've gotten this far, but now is when everything changes," Remo said as he spun his umbrella extremely overdramaticly.

Ash just sat there and waited, he could easily tell Blastoise to rip that thing off of his neck but he waited.

Finally, he brought the top of his umbrella up and pushed on the stone, "Garchoo Mega Evolve!"

Garchoo was enveloped in a familiar shining light as his body changed and he roared into the sky, as now standing there was Mega-Garchomp.

Blastoise was still breathing heavily from all the attacks from Rhypo but he shook his head and got ready to keep going, "[Flash Cannon]!"

"Garchoo use [Dragon Claw]"

Blastoise shot a sliver beam from his cannons as Garchoo's axe hands glowed green as he ran forward and ran through the beam splitting it into 2, then getting close enough he slashed at Blastoise.

Blastoise took a step back holding the spot where he got slashed as he immediately threw a [Scald] back at Garchoo that he took to the face.

"Garchoo use [Dual Chop]!"

"Blastoise use [Jet Punch]!"

They both said as Garchoo's arm blades started glowing green and Blastoise's fist was covered in water, then they both brought the attacks to each other with a *Bang*.

After the interaction, Garchoo was sent sliding back with the mark from where he was punched on his face, and Blastoise finally fell over with spirals in his eyes.

Garchoo roared into the air and Remo smirked as Ash returned Blastoise, then he brought out his next Pokemon, the one he was planning on finishing this with, Scizor.

As Scizor came onto the field he exhaled and stared at Garchoo, but there was one thing that Garchoo and Remo noticed: this Scizor had a certain stone on his chest.

Ash noticed Remo's wide-eyed expression and smiled raising his mega bracelet, "So you noticed huh, Beedrill wasn't my only mega," Ash said as he touched the Keystone "Now Scizor Mega Evolve!"

The same energy surrounded Scizor, his armor grew as his claws also separated and became 2 separate larger claws still on one fist each, His wings extended into more like vents for his metallic body, becoming Mega-Scizor.

Then, before Remo could react Ash yelled out, "[Bullet Punch]!"

Scizor appeared in front of Garchoo and sent a glowing sliver fist directly into his chest knocking the wind out of the dragon as he spun around and in a backflip motion sent a few more kicks.

Remo snapped out of his quick trance and slammed his umbrella again, "Whatever, 1 mega or 1000, it makes no difference, Garchoo use [Fire Blast]!"

"As if, [Acrobatics]!"

Garchoo's jaw was covered in fire as he shot out a blast of fire aiming for the Scizor, it hit him but it was only an afterimage as the real Scizor appeared behind and sent a glowing punch at the back of Garchoo's head.

Garchoo was sent taking a step forward as both he and Remo clenched their teeth, "[Outrage]!"

Garchoo stomped on the ground as steam exerted his mouth and his body started glowing red then he turned to start trying to bash and punch into Scizor, and Scizor was just taking short sidesteps from the random attacks.

Then finally Garchoo charged his strongest punch and sent it at Scizor hitting him right in the face and the wind pressure behind blew people's hats off all the way in the stands, but Scizor didn't move.

The fist was on Scizor's face but he looked unamused due to it being both resisted and Scizor's insanely high defenses, base 140.

At that time the Outrage was over, Scizor was wasting time dodging everything and now Garchoo was now confused.

Ash raised his arm. "Use [Metal Claw] to get him away from you!"

Scizor's claw glowed as the energy created a large red pincer made from energy in front of him that grabbed and threw Garchoo back.

Remo panicked "Garchoo get up!"

But it was no use as soon as Garchoo tried he slipped over, the confusion was messing with his head, he barely got to his feet.

But by then Ash smiled and tipped the top of his hat, "Alright then, let's finish this, Scizor we've been working on this one, [Iron Meteor Dive]!"

Scizor made 2 orbs of energy inside each claw that closed and crushed it, coating his claws in energy, then he charged upwards hitting Garchoo with an uppercut that sent him into the air, then his wings glowed as he jumped up hitting Garchoo multiple times in a zigzag pattern before smashing Garchoo onto the ground.

As Garchoo was on his back he was still up so Scizor let the energy from his body finally escape as giant energy wings grew from his back and he shot down with the full force of a meteor on his claw.

The resulting impact created a bright explosion that filled the area, when it finally finished Scizor hovered out going back to base as in the crater left behind Garchoo's body was there with spirals in his eyes.

Ash won and he only used 5 Pokemon to Remo's 6, as the crowd started cheering and yelling as Ash gave Scizor a fist bump.

The announcer spoke up, "And that's it, with a battle of Mega Proportions, Ash has come out on top, which means we have our finalist ready, and tomorrow we will find out who comes out on top!"

As the crowd cheered Remo walked up to Ash, then held his hand out, "Not bad kid, you really did a number to me,"

Ash returned it, "Yeah well I needed to wipe that cocky smirk off your face,"

"Ha, yeah I'll give you that one, but I'll be waiting for a rematch one day,"

"Fine and when we do, I'll just beat you up again,"


I feel like writing again, so question, do you guys want me to go over the Orange League? Like I kinda don't want to, he is going to go to the Orange Archipelago, but I just don't know if I should bother doing the League stuff.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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