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58.82% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 189: A Chance

Chương 189: A Chance

As soon as Giovanni raised his right hand the gauntlet on Mewtwo's right fist started glowing as its body began being enveloped in a bright light as the forearms and chest bulked up revealing Mewtwo-X.

Although as soon as this happened Yellow from the stands clutched her head slightly, at the moment she was the only one who could hear what Mewtwo was saying, and the only thing she could hear was pain.

Gary and Green were taken aback by this transformation, before they could barely hit this thing and now Mega evolved, at the same time they each took out their Pokedex and scanned it, although they got the same result.

{Species: Unknown - Contact Professor Oak for further details.}

{Type: Unknown}

"What is this thing?" Gary asked looking at his dex

"I've never seen anything like it, and it doesn't look like it's in the Pokedex…"

"Not the time you two!" Ash yelled at them, snapping them out of their trance, "We can talk about this after for now we need to find a way to beat this thing."

Of Course on the inside Ash did not think they could win, even if he assumed Mewtwo was on the low end of power they still wouldn't have a chance, so the only option Ash could think of was to take off that armor.

Ash looked at his friends, "That armor is protecting it, I think if we can get it off we'll be able to win."

Gary and Green looked at the new mega and nodded, "Seems like a good enough plan, let's do this!"

Giovanni smiled, "That's enough talking, now Mewtwo let's try something new, break out and [Low Kick]"

With a flick Mewtwo-X broke through the ice and reappeared in front of Charizard and Blastoise, then it grabbed them both by the arms and flipped them over its shoulder and onto the ground.

Green took this chance, "Venusaur use [Solar Beam]!"

Venusaur's flower extended, absorbing the sun's light, then shot a bright green beam at Mewtwo-X's back.

Giovanni smirked, "Well time to see if this works," then he raised his left arm as Mewtwo's left gauntlet started glowing, "Switch!"

Mewtwo was enveloped in another bright light as the muscular form diapered and its head extended revealing a slim form, Mewtwo-X turned into Mewtwo-Y.

Mewtwo-Y extended its hand and the beam stopped in mid air then with a flick it was dispersed into nothing.

Giovanni then said, "Now [Ice beam]"

Mewtwo-Y extended its arm towards Venusaur as a bright blue beam formed, but Gary quickly shouted before it could launch the attack.

"Get in the way with [Rapid Spin]!"

As Mewtwo-Y shot the beam Blastoise jumped in the way and blocked it before it could reach Venusaur, but it still caused something, and his fist was frozen.

"Now give it back with [Ice Punch!]"

Blastoise quickly used that blast to his advantage as he started spinning around frozen fist in the air as it glowed a deeper Blue and approached Mewtwo-Y.

Giovanni smiled, "Not good enough u-"

Before he could speak Ash yelled out, "[Smokescreen]"

Charizard was still on the floor, unlike Blastoise he stayed there waiting for an opportunity and now he had one, Charizard shot a breath of thick black smoke that blocked Giovanni's vision.

Something he noticed from fighting is that Mewtwo's attacks are all extremely powerful, but they are also extremely unrefined, it's like if you were in a game and you gave a level 1 character a max-level sword.

This meant that Mewtwo had no real combat advantage of its own, and even when Giovanni issued a command it was rigid meaning they could exploit that.

As the smoke covered the area Giovanni frowned and he raised his right hand, "Switch!"

From the smoke came a bright light then a muscular hand extended its arm and swiped, creating strong winds that blew the Smoke out of the way, but it was too late as Blastoise was close enough and landed a punch that shattered the ice covering his hand.

Mewtwo-X had to take a step back as it covered its face, then when it opened its eyes it saw Venusaur again absorbing the sunlight,

Green raised her arm, "Let's try something new, [Solar Petal Storm(Petal Dance + Solar Beam)]"

Venusaur stomped its foot into the ground as petals that were glowing started surrounding Mewtwo-X, slashing at its side every few moments and circling around it in a cyclone.

As Mewtwo-X started swiping away at the petals Ash gave a command, "[Fire Dragon's Roar]."

There was still some smoke surrounding Mewtwo, and Charizard was almost point blank as he took a deep breath and released a thick torrent of flame that created a small explosion, the cyclone from Venusaur's attack creating a fire tornado.

With that Charizard flew back next to Blastoise as everyone watched to see what happened, though from the bright light, no one noticed Giovanni raise his left hand.

But Ash did notice the shift in energy inside the tornado with Aura, he knew that wouldn't take Mewtwo down but he suddenly panicked when he saw Mewtwo's energy condense near the front finger aiming for Charizard and Blastoise.

Ash looked at Charizard, "Push Blastoise and fly Now!"

Without hesitation, Charizard tackled Blastoise sending him to the side as he flew up before Gary could ask why he did that a beam flew past and barely missed Charizard as Mewtwo-Y waved its hand and turned off the fire.

Even after all that it didn't look like they were doing anything to it as Giovanni looked forward, "Now [Psychic]."

Mewtwo-Y raised its arms as Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur were covered in energy and started floating.

Everyone panicked seeing that he looked over at Green and Gary who seemed to be thinking about what to do, so Ash thought of something, "Hey he said we each have 2, and we can use as many as we want!"

Green and Gary immediately snapped out of their trance and looked at Ash both putting on smiles, "You know you're right, and this isn't unfair it was in the rules."

They both pulled out a Pokeball each and from them came a Gengar from Green's side, and an Electabuzz from Gary's, but Ash didn't let out another Pokemon not yet.

"Gengar [Shadow Ball]!"

"Electabuzz [Electro Ball]!"

Gengar created a deep purple ball and Electabuzz created a bright yellow ball, they both threw it at Mewtwo-Y, and Mewtwo-Y had both its hands full holding up the 3 Pokemon so it got hit in the side.

That split second where Mewtwo-Y lost a bit of power was all Ash needed, "Charizard break free and [Flare Blitz]!"

Charizard's form became covered in fire as he started pushing through the Psychic energy from Mewtwo, and with a lot of effort, Charizard managed to break through and crash into Mewtwo-Y forcing it to drop concentration on Blastoise and Venusaur.

Mewtwo-Y recovered as it saw this and Giovanni slightly grit his teeth at the annoyance, "Mewtwo [Gravity]"

Mewtwo-Y pushed down and everyone was forced to stay on the ground, Charizard was the only one that wasn't completely suppressed but even still this was much stronger than Clefairy's.

Then he raised his right arm again, "Switch and use [Frustration]."

Mewtwo's form was once again enveloped in light revealing the muscular form of Mewtwo-X, in a moment it reappeared in front of Charizard and sent a punch directly across his face sending him flying back at Ash's feet just barely still up.

Ash looked down at Charizard who struggled to get up as his wings were barely still flapping, he couldn't help but feel like this was his fault.

He grabbed at his head as both Gary and Green started giving more commands to their Pokemon.

Ash couldn't help but feel like he should have done something, anything else, he was the only one here that knew what was happening and yet he couldn't do anything about it.

And that went for everything he knew and yet all he could do was make someone else fix it, on the S.S. Anne while everyone was fighting he was in the water grabbing the eternal evolution stones, on Cinnabar he had to call Lance and the International Police so they could take care of it, and even now.

As he grasped his hair as he felt his head spin, but then he heard something.

"Do your best!"

"Come on, you can do better than that!"

"Don't give up yet."

"Gary, Ash, and Green, their the best, if they can't win no one can!" x6

Ash looked up seeing everyone cheering for them despite the fact they were all getting destroyed, he couldn't help but kinda smile seeing everyone cheering, when suddenly he felt a slight hum in his pocket.

When he pulled it out he saw it was the Keystone, it was now glowing and it looked like the cracks were mending, and that gave Ash an Idea.

He looked at the two, "Gary, Green do you guys trust me?"

"Wh- why are you asking this now?" Gary asked, slightly taken aback.

"Not the time, do you trust me? I think I have a plan but I need to know!"

"Yeah, I trust you," Green answered.

"I-I guess I do too," Gary said.

"Alright then get Electabuzz and Gengar to stall that thing and bring Venusaur and Blastoise close to us,"

They wanted to protest but with what Ash just asked they closed their mouths and started making the orders.

Meanwhile, Ash looked at Charizard, "Get ready to use [Roost] and wait for my order."

Charizard nodded as he let his wings rest and Venusaur and Blastoise stepped next to him, Ash went to his pocket and pulled out 3 different familiar stones, and tossed 1 to Charizard, 1 to Blastoise, and 1 to Venusaur.

"What are those?" Green asked.

"No time to explain, I just have one question, are you ready to get cringy with me?" Ash said as he held out the Keystone and started pumping as much Aura as he could.

Green smiled, "Oh yeah I am!"

But Gary covered his face in embarrassment, "I can't believe I'm about to do this."

Ash smiled, "Well then say it with me," the Keystone started glowing a deep blue collier as the Mega stones he gave them also started to glow.

"Mega Evolve!" x3

The field was enveloped in a bright light covering everything, even Giovanni had to stop to see what was going on.

From where the 3 Pokemon once stood Blastoise lost the duo cannons for 1 large cannon and 2 smaller ones on his hands, Venusaur's flower extended to a tree as a new flower bloomed on its head, and Charizard was now black with Blue flames brushing against him, they all mega evolved.

And just in time since Electabuzz and Gengar went down, so Gary and Green returned leaving them on the field, and Ash sent a cheeky little message to a certain Pokemon that was sneaking.

Giovanni frowned his composure slightly slipping, "So what, you changed your forms, it makes no difference, Mewtwo [Shadow Ball] again and again"

Ash smiled, "Charizard stop that attack with [Dragon Claw]!"

Mewtwo-Y shot out multiple dark purple balls through the air aiming towards them, but Charizard's claws extended as he rushed forward, slicing through each one before they could get to the other two.

When he was close Giovanni raised his right hand saying, "Change" as Mewtwo-Y went to Mewtwo-X.

But that's what he wanted as instead of attacking, Charizard flew up to go behind, and from behind Blastoise was there holding his front cannons forward as a dark shot was being charged.

Gary smiled, "[Dark Pulse]"

Blastoise shot a dark wave of purple ring that shot into Mewtwo-X giving him little chance to dodge or block.

Giovanni clenched his teeth harder, "Mewtwo [Rock Smash] now!"

Mewtwo awkwardly cocked its fist back as it aimed to punch directly into Blastoise's shell, but since the attack was slow and uncoordinated from the constant changing, Blastoise used his cannons to shoot water and propel himself to another side.

As Mewtwo missed it was met with Venusaur charging another beam along its flower and going from the tree.

Green raised her arm and smiled, "Not this time, [Solar Beam]"

Venusaur shot a blast forward and Mewtwo was mid swing so it couldn't dodge as this time it took the full attack.

When Mewtwo opened its eyes again both it and Giovanni now noticed that Mewtwo was surrounded from each side.

Giovanni clenched his teeth, "I'll admit this was more eventful than I thought but even still you've given everything you've had and my Pokemon can still keep going."

But Ash smiled back, "Well then let's put that to the test, one final Attack!" Then the 3 of them spoke in unison.

"[Water Pledge]!"

"[Grass Pledge]!"

"[Fire Pledge]!"

Each of the Pokemon began charging one final attack that would combine creating a chance, this was it all or nothing.

Giovanni smiled, "Do you really think I'll let you charge your attack, Mewtwo use-"

But just as he said that a sound that caught everyone's attention came from the ceiling, "PIKA!!"

From the top Pikachu climbed up and got the signal as he started flying down, Ash smiled, "I still had 1 Pokemon, now Pikachu use your greatest most powerful [Thunderbolt]!"

As Pikachu fell he smiled and shot the electricity he had been charging since Ash sent him that message, the force and strength made it look like it was stronger than a [Thunder].

Giovanni saw this and clenched his teeth, "Mewtwo!"

Mewtwo raised his hands creating a barrier to try and block the bolt, but the [Thunderbolt] broke through and shocked Mewtwo, causing it to actually feel pain and screech.

When it was done Pikachu fell behind Venusaur, and Mewtwo looked tired, Giovanni clenched his teeth, "Mewtwo attack now!"

But nothing happened, even the armor began to malfunction from the electricity, everything he had been planning was falling apart, that's when he realized something and time seemed to stop for him.

He looked at Pikachu and then at the state Mewtwo was in as his eyes widened, "It's you…"

Then time continues as Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur shoot out their attacks. Charizard created columns of fire, Blastoise created a ring of water, and Venusaur made a vortex of flowers as they all collided into Mewtwo.

The attack was so strong the building began to shake as it created an explosion, but also leaving behind a rainbow over where Mewtwo stood.

Everyone held their breaths wanting to see if Mewtwo was still up, and when the smoke cleared Mewtwo was standing there, weakened but still up.

Everyone looked worried and Giovanni was about to celebrate when suddenly *thunk* one gauntlet fell, *thunk* then the other, *thunk* then the chest piece, and finally the helmet revealing what Mewtwo really looked like.

Mewtwo was now free.

next chapter
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