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88.88% POKEMON: DRACONIC / Chapter 13: Elite Level Seafood

Chương 13: Elite Level Seafood

The next day I decided to continue onward to Route 12, the path on Route 12 was a nice change of pace from the dusty terrain of Route 13 which even penetrate its wooded areas as Route 12 is a lightly forested environment near the coastline the smell of the sea breeze easily permeates through it's surroundings.

Wild Pokémon are also more peaceful unlike most of the ones in the badlands however there is still one dangerous line of Pokémon that are known to prowl this area which is the Inkay line specifically it's evolved form Malamar who are known to cause unwarranted mischief and holds the moniker evil personified in tentacle form but luckily it's something that Repels can easily solve.

Whilst I was sightseeing through the route I was interrupted several times by trainers that were looking to challenge me in a battle, I accepted all the challenges that came our way with Gible as the main battler while the other team members only participate if ever Gible was put out of commission which rarely ever happens.

At the moment Gible has a 70-30 percent win-loss ratio as I made it so that Pokémon that are in the ace level which is near the 5-6 gym badge level is included in his battles and being only a 4 badge level Pokémon it was quite a challenge for him but I know that this is the right way to go in term of his training as currently he has never lost against any Pokémon on his level or below and those above are the only ones who can put up any challenge.

In just a matter of two days, Gible had battled seven Pokémon and still rearing to go for more which was a great help as I was able to come up with a way to finally make use of Gible's odd habits in battle. The most effective strategy I found was to make it so that when Gible was rising underground to show his fin he is to make random use of the move bulldoze to lightly shake the ground. It was effective in confusing the opponent about whether Gible is about to attack or not.

Before the day ended I was able to reach the first town on Route 12 which is one of the three towns that travelers need to go through to reach Shalour City. It was a lake town that is only a few kilometers off the coast with a fairly sizable Lake situated at the far side of the town.

Near the lake, large boulders filled the area and I found the place to be a great spot to try and teach Gible some new moves with the help of Zweilous while the lake itself is a fine training ground for both Milotic and Steelix to spar without worrying of damaging the surrounding too much due to their size and so I set camp and decided to spend a day or two training my team before continuing on our journey.

The moves I decided to try and teach Gible were Slash, Dragon claw, and Metal claw in such order. I already started Gible's training on the move Slash a day or two before our battle with Ramos and now that we're in such a nice place with large boulders which are perfect targets for Gible to decimate, we immediately proceeded in training.

Gible clearly looks up to his seniors in the team but has a special respect for Zweilous being also a Dragon-type to whom he can relate too. Zweilous did not mind Gible's presence which had already become a norm for him as whenever we are on break Gible always goes to Zweilous to play. It was a strange dynamic that almost never happens in the wild as Dragon-types are both prideful and territorial creatures to those not of their kin, especially in the case of the apex dragon lines of each region.

'Gible Gib Gible'

'Zwe Zweilous'

'Gib! Gible'

'Zwei ...'

(That's nice, Gible is asking advice from Zweilous but for some reason it's hunting-related and since from what I know Zweilous had never hunted for his food before it became an awkward situation for him, It would be for the best to help him get out of this jam or else he might get vio .... uncomposed)

"So Gible how's your progress with Slash"

'Gible Gib'

"Ohh! you were able to learn it already?!"

(Well that was quick as it has not been even a few days since we started)

"That's great Gible! well at least now we can move on to the next phase which is learning Dragon claw"

Dragon claw was one of the Dragon-type moves that I had already known the concept of for a very long time since its actually the second dragon type move my mother taught me the concept for after Dragon breath however since I had only recently got a Pokémon that can actually learn it, it was shelved up until now.

(It's too bad that Zweilous can't learn Dragon claw since his line does not have the adequate appendage for the move or so my mother said even though Zweilous have a mighty big pair of claws. I sometimes question the logic of this world where a Wooper that has no arm can learn punching moves while a dragon with a full set of claws cant learn claw type moves, well considering I'm in a world of magical creatures that can shoot laser beams logic may already be out the window in a sense)

After learning Slash Gible proceeded on training to learn the move Dragon claw however he still takes the time to visit Zweilous to ask for advice once in a while but even with Gible's constant disruption, Zweilous is still able to continue on with his own training which is still composed of trying to add Dragon-type energy to the move Hyper voice but its starting to become clear that we needed to try something different as currently, Zweilous is only able to use a bit of Dragon-type energy in the attack however the move always end up failing as the Normal-type energy and Dragon-type energy does not mix well together causing the whole thing to collapse on itself.

'Zweilous Zwei Zweilous'

(Looks like my two-headed friend is feeling a bit distraught, need to fix that quickly or else another counseling is in order)

"It's okay Zweilous, it will take time but in the future, I'm sure we could make it work but for now you can proceed to train Steel wing on the boulders in the area it may help in releasing some of your frustration"



"See, Gible enjoys it"


"Good, now I just need to check on those other tw ....."





Milotic and Steelix's battle are truly one of the Elites as just the shockwaves they create from their attacks encompass quite a large part of the area they occupy, luckily they are far enough from shore to avoid destroying the landscape.

(Well Gible and Zweilous are already doing that but still, it's only in a small amount not on the total terraforming degree that the serpentine creatures are currently inhibiting with their battle.)







(I stand corrected)

"Zweilous this is not a destructiveness competition so please take it down a notch, that goes for you too Gible"


'Zwei Zweilous'

Milotic and Steelix's spar mainly consisted of exchanging attacks while also practicing new ways to counter each other. It is evident that Milotic was still salty about her loss against Ramos' Venusaur even though I made it clear that it was clearly a tough match-up for her with the type disadvantage as well as Mega evolution to boot.

Whilst training, Steelix was also able to learn a new move after Gible. It happened while battling Milotic when he used one of the tactics we planned to utilize against Gurkinn, while Steelix was in the process of releasing a high amount of Ice-type energy it also inadvertently also affected the environment to the point of freezing the rain that Milotic summoned using Raindance making it hail and after the spar, Steelix somehow manage to figure out how to do it on his own albeit differently.

(Is it really hail though? I'm certain that when Steelix froze the rain the by-product can be considered as a version of the move hail however now that Steelix is doing it on his own the move is move remanence of an Ice-type sandstorm as like sandstorm it starts by whirling up a tornado but instead of sand it was filled with ice particles before fully engulfing the environment so it leaves me to believe that the attack itself may be Sandstorm but due to Steelix's ability while still kept its properties however now it's centered towards Ice-types and not Rock-types.)

Learning Hail was a great boon for Steelix as with this move he is able to easily make the surrounding conform to one he has the advantage on however it does not bode well for the Dragon-types in my team who are unlucky enough to enter the battle in which Steelix used Hail.

I continued on my journey through Route 12 on the morning of the next day leaving behind the quaint lake town but I made sure to clean up as it became a desolate place after Zweilous and Gible's escapades. I proceeded on the path near the shore on route to the next town.

While traveling through the Route I was able to encounter several trainers in the day's worth of travel but in the evening of the second day, I was able to cross paths with a certain trainer who was camped near the clearing of the forest. The person was a blond guy wearing a suit remanence of the type the character Cilan wore in the anime and by the look of it he is somewhere between 15 and 18 years.

'...' Stare

'...' Stare

(Another eye contact. Why does battles half to be initiated through eye contact of all things, and who in their right mind would were a business suit while traveling)

I planned to also set camp to prepare for lunch but too bad as it seemed that I made eye contact with the trainer and in this world, it means two things, and since we're both guys then it was clear that I'm in for a Pokémon battle .... hopefully because I'm straight and in the body of a 10 yrs old.

"Hello, would you care for a Pokémon battle?"

"You're asking but it's clear I don't have a choice in the matter"

(Hmm? he looks familiar and considering he has a hairstyle that screams not a side character so my intuition must be correct but where have I ...)

"Haha true, then follow me and I'm Siebold by the way a Pokémon trainer as well as an aspiring chef, thank you for accepting my challenge as my Pokémon is in need of exercise as they had been stagnant for a while"

(Stagnant? Are we really traveling through the same route? I already battled multiple trainers on my way here and Siebold, hmm ... Ahh! He's the future Water-type Elite four of Kalos that wrecked the guy with the Mega Charizard .... I think his name was Allen or something.)

"I'm Albert but you can call me Al and battling my Pokémon would be more than an exercise"

"I mean no disrespect for your Pokémon, follow me theirs another clearing up ahead which is a good spot for a Pokémon battle"

(Battling the future Elite four, well ain't this interesting. I hope his at least close to Elite level or this would be another boring match)

"Is a two on two fine with you?"

"Hmm? yeah sure why not"

"Before that how many badges do you have?"

"One but better not use that as a reference as my team is mostly composed of Elites"

"Not this again, rookie's like you always look down on what an Elite level signifies which makes it clear that it's either you're overestimating your team or you're underestimating the weight that the title of Elite Pokémon holds"

(Hmm .... considering it from his perspective it is near impossible for a ten-year-old to have an Elite level team however like everything it depends on the situation and in my case I started five years earlier and had almost everything I would ever need at my disposal but still, it's not good to look down on me and my team even if I'm not a spiteful person I still want to make him eat his own words)

"Yeah ..... now that clear disrespect towards me and my Pokémon so I think its better to make you witness firsthand at what level my team is at, come out Zweilous"


Upon being called out to battle Zweilous gave a mighty roar towards Siebold giving the opposing training quite a scare at the appearance of the large two-headed dragon.

"That gave me quite the scar .... surprise, I may not know what Pokémon that is but it's clearly a Dragon-type however I've yet to see if it lives up to the mantle of an Elite. Blastoise show them what a true Elite Pokémon looks like"


(So his using the Charizard busting Blastoise, but there's no Mega stone insight so it must be that he is yet to gain access to Mega evolution at this time, too bad I was hoping to have a battle with a blue Bowser with water cannons.)

"Blastoise use Rain dance"






Immediately after hearing its trainer command, Blastoise started shaking his tail in a way that looks like a very strange dance.

(So that's how a non-serpentine or fish-like Pokémon uses Rain dance and I have to admit it looks weird but it seems that the big turtle is enjoying the groove so I allowed it to do its thing and waited for it to finish twerking its shell)

While Blastoise was setting up Rain, Zweilous was also setting up with Work up without me knowing as I was too flabbergast about the dancing turtle and by the time I noticed what was going on Zweilous had already become buffed up so much it was ready deliver some beatdown to the opposing Pokémon.

"Blastoise let's give them a nice introduction with Water pulse!"

(A nice introduction? Y'all got no right to say that after showing us a twerking turtle)


"Zweilous answer in kind use Dragon pulse"





The two attacks collided and canceled each other out however it was clear that Zweilous was at an advantage based on power output alone.

(This guy has the gall to question if my Zweilous is at an Elite level when his Blastoise is clearly only at low Elite level of the 7th badge)

"So your Pokémon is really at an Elite level but don't think that means that its stronger than my Blastoise. Blastoise, use Hydro Pump"

"Zweilous show them the difference between the two of you"

'Zwei, Zweiloooous!'





Zweilous as if understanding what I wanted, he once again used Dragon pulse however not Zweilous did it so with both of his heads. The power of the attack was so great that not only did it cancel out Blastoise's attack it also went strain through attacking the opponent and blasting it a few meters away.

"What a scary Pokémon each head is able to deliver a powerful attack that is equal to one of Blastoise's"

"You're way deep in denial man as one of my Zweilous heads is obviously stronger than your Blastoise"

"Blastoise stand up and prove them wrong!"


"Good, now let's see how they can take a head-on approach, Give them a taste of your Aqua jet and Skull bash combo meal!"





Blastoise blasted toward Zweilous so quickly it did not allow for any preparation for me to command a counter maneuver and so Zweilous was hit by a direct attack however Zweilous was able to hold his ground and even catch Blastoise like a giant baseball.

'Zwei Zweilous!'

"Zweilous nice catch but how were you able to ..... your wings!"

It seems that Zweilous once again made his own judgment in the situation and used Steel wing to puncture the ground for him to anchor himself firmly in order to redirect some of the force coming his way.

"Let's not waste this opportunity Zweilous use Thunder fang!

Zweilous locked Blastoise down by biting it with Thunder fang with both of his heads effectively giving it a very unpleasant experience.

"Blastoise getaway!"

Blastoise tried to shake himself out of Zweilous but it was for naught as the two heads had a firm bite on it.

"Zweilous keep up the Thunder fang!"

"Tch, Blastoise use Withdraw and then follow up with Dragon pulse while inside the shell to escape"

Blastoise who was heavily damaged by the constant intake of Electric-type attack tucked inside its shell then released a barrage of Dragon pulse that blasted Zweilous and made him loosen his grip thus giving Blastoise enough time to escape with the momentum gained from the attack spinning itself away.

(So it knows dragon pulse, that's quite a rare move for a Blastoise to have but if I remember correctly it's the same move it used to defeat that Mega Charizard)

"Blastoise can you still go on?"

'Blas Blastoise'

"Good, then we better give the main course, Use Surf!"


(Surf? are they trying to drown Zweilous? Too bad Zweilous can swim though although not as skilled as others in my team he is still buoyant enough to look like a stationary two-headed Loch Ness monster when seen from afar.)

"Don't think we're done. Blastoise, follow up with Whirlpool"

When the column of water was close to Zweilous, Blastoise suddenly changed course and used Whirlpool effectively making use of the water generated from Surf to create a giant whirlpool that spun Zweilous around with the use of the strong currents and slowly sucked him towards the center. Whirlpool has a myriad of ways to be utilized in this world but the two main way of using the move is either to trap the foe or to literally chuck the whole whirlpool towards the opponent.

"Blastoise now barrage Dragon pulse!"





Zweilous who was swept by the currents was bombarded with several hits of Dragon pulse and even though Zweilous tried his best to fight the current and tank the attacks it only left it disoriented in the process.

(So this is their finishing move, disorienting Zweilous and making him an easy target while also subsequently making it so that Zweilous is unable to use Electric-type attacks without shocking himself in the process due to the water he is submerged in.)

"Zweilous don't fight the current and flow with it"


Zweilous heeding my advice was able to stabilize itself and get a clear view of Blastoise who was in the middle of the Whirlpool.

"Zweilous let's finish this up with a bang, use Draco meteor!"



"Blastoise quickly use Withdraw!"






The Draco meteor exploded in multiple fragments with most of it directed at Blastoise who quickly hid into its shell to protect itself from the upcoming bombardment, the other fragments hit the surrounding water from the multitude of water moves used prior resulting in a large explosion of steam that caused the area to be covered in mist making it hard to see the result of the bombardment.

"Blastoise are you okay!?"

'Blas ... toise'

When the mist settled a fainted Blastoise was shown no longer tucked in its shell in the middle of a crater with its belly directed towards the sky.

"Blastoise return, that was a splendid fight, my friend"

"So do we qualify for the Elite status now?"

"You're still hung up on that? Yes, you and your Pokémon is already at an Elite level in both power and ability. I apologize for what I said earlier but I'm still far from losing this battle, come out Clawitzer"

'Claw Clawitzer'

"A Clawitzer, huh. Zweilous rest up a bit. Milotic stand by for battle"


Like always Milotic's entrance is started with a spotlight Raindance even though it's already raining but best to keep it up and unlike the wacky turtle dance Milotic's performance with the move was a lot more dazzling to the point that both Siebold and Clawitzer was stunned on the spot.

"Wha .. what is that!?"

(Why do so many people ask that question when most of the Pokémon literally say their name repeatedly.)

"It's Milotic my oldest friend and figure that as a water type specialist you would know of it but it seems that she is really that rare huh."

"Even though its a beauty let's see if it has the strength to back it up, Clawitzer swords dance"


"So its a dance-off then Milotic show them more of your moves with Dragon dance"

"Mi Milotic!'

Both Pokémon boosted their offensive capabilities while Milotic was gracefully spinning Clawitzer was doing a Crab rave type of moves.

(I never thought that I would see that set of moves in this world)

"Now Clawitzer use Aqua jet!"



Clawitzer quickly rocketed towards Milotic with Aqua jet however I already prepared for such an attack after battling Blastoise.

"Milotic use Disarming voice"


Due to the high intensity Disarming voice, Clawitzer's momentum was halted and the charging crustacean was left confused in front of Milotic.


"Clawitzer get ahold of yourself and use Crab hammer!"

'Clawitzer? Claw Clawitzer!'

"Well Milotic this is a good opportunity for that, isn't it?

'Mi Milotic Mi'

"Then let's make use of it, Milotic fight back with Iron tail!"






Milotic flawlessly fended off Clawitzer's attack while also delivering a counter-attack that hit so hard it sent the crustacean pummeling to the ground. Milotic's Iron tail's power is really high due to the way she executes the move where Milotic uses her body like a whip to strike at the opponent. Milotic never stopped her training with tail attacks such as brutal swing, Aqua tail, and Iron tail, however amongst all those three Iron tail was the one Milotic fully mastered to a point of looking like a serpentine swordsman while using the move.

(It looks like Siebold's Clawitzer is stronger than his Blastoise, from what I can tell this Clawitzer is at an Elite level of the 8th badge but it's still below the level of Milotic.)

"Clawitzer get some distance and use Water pulse!"



"Milotic show them what a true Water pulse looks like"





Surprisingly enough Milotic's and Clawitzer's Water pulse were evenly matched and canceled each other out as even though Milotic is clearly superior in strength Clawitzer's ability Mega launcher made up for the disparity and boosted its Water pulse to match Milotic's level.

(Since Clawitzer is also Water-type it will be better to use something aside from Ice-type or Water-type attacks.)

"Milotic use Wrap!"



Clawitzer is unable to dodge Milotic's attacks and was caught by Wrap with its whole body being coiled around by Milotic along with its large pincer which made it unable to escape.

"Clawitzer breakout with Crab hammer!"

Clawitzer tried to break out however it could not even move an inch to initiate the attack.

"Milotic let's help them out use Brutal Swing"





'Claw ... witzer'

Milotic Lifted the part of its body still wrap around Clawitzer and bashed it into the ground several times dealing heavy damage, at the end Milotic threw its opponent away.

"Clawitzer can you go on?"

'Claw Clawitzer'

"Good now use Water Pulse!"

'Clawitzer Wit Witzer'

"Huh? Clawitzer what are you doing?!"

Clawitzer was able to continue battling even after Milotic's bashing however when commanded to attack Clawitzer instead started dancing in a way remanence of a courtship dance in an infatuated manner. While Siebold was confused about the situation it was clear to me and Milotic that Clawitzer was affected by her ability Cute charm.

"Haha, Milotic it's our lucky day finish it off with Dragon pulse!"




Clawitzer was hit by the Dragon pulse and unable to handle the stacked-up damage it received from the prior thrashing it fainted on the spot after crashing into the ground.

"Clawitzer return, that was a great performance, my friend"

"Milotic you rest up too"

'Mi Milotic'

"Mind me asking but where did you catch it?"

"Catch who?"

"The serpentine Pokémon called Milotic"

"Wait, your a trainer too right what do you have to give in return for the information"

"Hmm, then what do you want"

"Your a water type trainer then information that can be beneficial for Milotic"

"That's quite broad .... how about I tell you information on how to learn one of several water type moves if you tell me information on things about the Pokémon Milotic"

"Ohh? isn't that a bit too much of an offer for information about a Pokémon?"

"Consider it as an apology for belittling you earlier and besides It's worth the information I want as that Pokémon Milotic has the qualities that suit me as a trainer mainly finesse, style, and elegance so catching one of my own is no brainer."

(That's one way to stroke your own ego well whatever as long as the information I get in return is at least beneficial)

"Then which water type moves do you offer for tutelage?"

"I can give you a guide on learning either the move Whirlpool, Hydro pump, or Aqua jet

(Hmm since Milotic already knows Hydro pump and is not able to learn Aqua jet from what I can remember then Whirlpool is my best option. I do want to try my luck with Aqua jet since Milotic may be able to learn it in future generations I don't know about but to be safe ill stay with Whirlpool.)

"Then I'll take some tips on the move Whirlpool"


Siebold immediately started providing information about the move Whirlpool while not worrying about me going back on my word. After hearing all the things I need, I explained things about Milotic such as it's a Pokémon native to Hoenn and is said to have a pre-evolution amongst other stuff. My mother already told me about the matter of the public not accepting the existence of Feebas as the pre-evolution of Milotic so I decided it's best to leave it out.

"Thank you, I now know my next destination after catching a Lapras"

(So his here to catch a Lapras? but isn't Lapras found much farther out to sea? And this dude is seriously going to another region just to catch a specific Pokémon ... well I'm not one to talk considering I did something similar a few years ago.)

"Um, good luck? best check Sootopolis City in the Hoenn region for more information though as they are exceedingly rare."


As we were headed on the same path we agreed to travel together in the direction towards Shalour City however it seems that it is only until we reach the mouth of a large river connecting to the sea that boarders Shalour city and Route 12 which is where Siebold heard the news of several Lapras sightings being seen in the area.

While I was setting camp Siebold started cooking up a storm and called out his Clawitzer and to my surprise, his Clawitzer severed its own large claw and gave it to Siebold evidently to be used as an ingredient.

(What the Ducklett did I just witness?! I know that Clawitzer is used as food and it only takes a few days for its large claw to regrow but it is still an unsettling sight to see a Pokémon dismember one of its own appendages and give it to its trainer as food)

"Want some? My skills in cooking are par on my skills as a trainer so you can expect it to be good"

"Um .... sure?"

Tasting a serving of the huge claw I was flabbergasted at the mouth-watering juiciness of the claw meat that is only rivaled by the soft tenderness that is on par with the stuff the chef back home cooks on occasion which was unexpected as I thought that the meat and muscles in a Clawitzer claw would at least be a bit rubbery to be able to power the claw but no it was soft and succulent.

(Woah .... this is one delicious crustacean but its a bit unsettling that the source of the main ingredient is staring at me with a proud look in its eyes)

"Thanks for the food"

"Think nothing of it, as an aspiring professional chef it's always fun to share food with someone once in a while in my opinion. So, if you're headed to Shalour City I reckon that you're going there to challenge the gym?"

"Not really, I am going there to challenge the tower of mastery but it could still be considered as me challenging Gurkinn, although not as a gym leader but as the Tower Guru"

"Ohh right you don't meet the badge requirement to challenge the Gym, no offense. Still the Tower of Mastery huh, I've heard quite a bit about that place. From what I know very few are able to reach the standard required of one to have the opportunity to be personally guided by Gurkinn. To be honest I also planned to visit it in the near future after all my team members reach the Elite rank."

(Guided by Gurkinn? Isn't succeeding in the challenges put forth by the Tower of Mastery gives the trainer a chance to be given access to Mega evolution so the reasoning they gave to the public must be a front to find potential trainers worthy of Mega evolution or something)

After a bit of chatting, I made an agreement with Siebold that he will manage the cooking throughout our journey on route 12 as long as I provide most of the ingredients. It could be seen as a scam for regular trainers however since I always have an overly abundant supply of food ingredients it was more of a steal in my case.

(I'm actually prepared to even pay Siebold to cook just to see what traveling with a Brock like character would be like but this guy is closer to Cilan which is the best I could get so I'm not complaining.)

The process of learning the move whirlpool was more complicated than expected and made me appreciate the decision of traveling with Siebold even though I already got most of the information required for Milotic to learn it having someone to guide us whether we're making any mistake has helped us quite a lot. The main idea of the move is to create a spinning cone structure using water to either pull and trap the opponent or chuck the whole thing at them.

Milotic already got the manipulating water to rotate as most of our tactics involves rotating attacks however the process of manipulating it to form a funnel-like cone is still out of reach for her in the meantime.

Near the end of the second day of traveling with Siebold, we were finally able to reach the second town appropriately named Lagoon town which is located a few kilometers away from a coastline that is filled with several lagoons which are famous recreational spots.

We only stayed the night in the town before immediately traveling again in the morning and after a few days on the road, I was able to see a familiar place filled with students aspiring to be future well-educated professionals. It was an academy a day's travel away from the third town and it is also the rival of school the Pokémon trainer school where I dropp ... graduated from, with the difference of this academy is mainly a boarding school for future specialized workers which recently included Pokémon training in its curriculum a few years back to be able to compete against the Pokémon trainers school.

"Stop right there!"

As we were making our way through were suddenly stopped by a woman wearing a researcher outfit seemingly out of breath..

"Um ... can we help you?"

"Haaah, ugh haaah, sorry I ran all the way from the top building to catch up to you guys"

"Then why are you going after us?"

"Well ..... you guys are trainers right?"

(It seems that the answer we give will decide the trouble we half to go through which is similar to a side quest in the games of my past life that will eat up most of our time with minimum rewards. With that in mind sorry miss .....)

"N .."

"Yes we are, I'm Siebold a Pokémon trainer as well as an aspiring chef and this is Al"

(What the ... did I just get side charactered in a conversation?! Even my intro was short, maybe I need to introduce myself as Albert the future Dragon-type master or something to at least have a lasting impression on people)

"Great! I'm Charlotte a professor of this academy and I was hoping if you guys can help us out as we're in a dire situation"

"Ohh you're an instructor here, then sure, we can help out considering you're in need of help and whatnot, that's not a problem right Al?"

(It seems that there no dodging this then better play the part)

"Of course, it's no problem at all, as trainers we are always happy to help, so what can we be of service Miss Charlotte"

"That's wonderful! but let's cut pleasantries here as there's no time to waste! Several of our students had gone missing a day ago and even with the help of the authorities we still yet to find any clue of their whereabouts so I've been asking every trainer that I come across for assistance in finding them even if it's only a bit of their time as right now any help we can get is a welcome one"

(What in Giratinas' tentacles is this side quest. Now remembering my earlier inner monologue makes me feel like a Garbodor.)

"That's horrible! so is there any information that could help us in our search?"

"That's another problem as from what officer Jenny said there is no apparent ties between the missing students, not even similarities other than the fact they are sons and daughters of politicians and nobles. From eyewitness accounts it seems that one of the missing students was last seen leaving the campus in the middle of the night while still in his sleepwear, one of the students tried calling to him but he was unresponsive which he thought was just him ignoring him as in his own words the individual in question was always been an arrogant rich kid that looks down on everyone that does not hold the title of nobility."

(So an actual person with the dreaded young master complex, looks like he went out the way I feared I potentially would in the past ... but why does this remind me of that Hypno line case that I saw in the anime but that's unlikely the case as there is no known Hypno pack known to inhabit this route and kidnapping that many children would require at least three Hypno's working in tandem to accomplish. So the Hypno line can be considered out of the suspects and if this is still the work of a psychic type then only one Pokémon comes to mind which is the Malamar line since it's the only known psychic type to prowl route 12.)

"Miss Charlotte mind me asking but have there been any Malamar sighting's around the vicinity of the campus or are there any known close Malamar habitats around the area?"

"Actually, Malamar sighting had been reported a few months back and are known to have taken a cave that is located behind that mountain as their home we were worried about their appearance at first but they never caused any problems so far so we just ignored them. Why do you ask?"

"Well it might be me jumping to conclusions here but the Malamar might be the route cause of all of this considering that they are Pokémon known to cause mischief."

"That's some big accusation you're making Al but considering we practically have zero lead in this case it's better to check them out."

"I'll call Officer Jenny and some of the other trainers to tell them about this so stay put."

.... A few Minutes later ....

After some time we met up with three other trainers which were then followed by the arrival of Officer Jenny along with two other officers. Even though Miss Charlotte informed them of the situation I was still asked to explain in detail my theory which made most of the officers including Officer Jenny's face turn sour.

"So your Al and Siebold, it may sound weird but I hope the two of you are right and wrong in your assumption as I would really like to locate the missing kids as fast as possible but if they are held captive by a Malamar then they might have already gone through several awful things as I've come across cases where Malamar was involved in the past and let me tell you if left long enough unchecked the outcome is horrendous and the victims are left forever mentally scarred. It's still fortunate that we now know that a group lives nearby as the faculty of the academy seem to think that it was irrelevant information but considering the sinister habits of that Pokémon they may have already been compromised from the start and hypnotized to think little of their presence which is a scary thought all to itself"

After making some preparations we stormed our way towards the mountains, Officer Jenny provided us with two Great balls for each person which are registered to the international police as the Malamars are planned to be caught and rehabilitated. It took ten kilometers of walking through the densely wooded forest before we were able to reach the cave where the Malamars are said to inhabit.

Upon our arrival Officer Jenny's Growlithe immediately acted hectic confirming that it picked up the scent of the missing Students inside the cave along with something foul. We made our way inside the dark damp cave with only a few Flashlights including my phone as our only light source. A foul smell filled the surrounding of the cave which caused everyone to become a bit nauseous but we still continued on and after a few minutes we reached a large expanse where we saw the missing students lying unconscious in the middle.

"It's great that we found them but where are the Malamars"

After Siebold raised the million Pokedollar question a foul-smelling slimy substance fell from the ceiling onto the shoulder of one of the officers which led everyone to raise their heads upwards. Upon setting our eyes above we were met with five pairs of glowing yellow eyes followed by several glowing spots which illuminated the cave and with that, we were faced with five Malamars hanging from the ceiling looking at us with looks of amusement which is followed by a sinister grin by the largest one in the middle that seemed to be the leader of the group.

(So that foul smell is actually coming from the digestive fluids that are released by the Malamar huh ..... gross.)

Everyone immediately called out their Pokémon for battle with me choosing Milotic to be the one to battle as I thought she is the best pick in the situation considering her experience with Psychic-types in general.

Right after we called out our Pokémon all the Malamar dropped down from the ceiling near the fainted students and the leader of the group proceeded to grab one of the student on the back of the head with one of its tentacles which caused everyone present to freak-out worrying about the safety of the little girl.

(I've seen enough to know where this could be potentially be going)

"Milotic stop it with Water pulse!"





The other four Malamar used Light Screen to protect their leader and when everyone was about to attack the little girl who was in the Malamars grasp started making grunting noises while still unconscious which slowly turned to understandable words that made it clear that she is being used by the Malamar as a communication tool.

'Foolish humans so you finally figured out our plan, even though you have managed to arrive in the nick of time you will still be unable to foil our plans. We had gone through a lot to reach this point, brainwashing these children is only the start of our plan as just as what you humans always say, the children are the future and since these carefully selected children are in our control we hold in our tentacles the future. These chosen individuals will slowly crawl their way into the highest ranks in your government with our help their rise will be unimpeded and when the final curtain comes I Tentacular the Malamar will be the one who will secretly rule over you all from the shadows!'

(Well we were clueless about this whole fiasco before this tentacled freak monologued everything like a typical B-movie villain but it's overall good since its yapping answered our unasked questions about the situation.)

"We will not allow that to happen so you better put all nine of your tentacles in the air as I Officer Jenny will be taking you in custody"

'Your attempt is futile as the only way to stop us is to defeat us all and that is a laughably improbable scenario.'





The leading Malamar put the girl back down and fired a Psybeam toward Officer Jenny which her Growlithe stopped by shielding her with its own body taking on the full blast of the attack thus heavily injuring one of its legs.

"Growlithe! Are you okay?!"

'Growl .... '

Facing the attack of the Malamar leader unprepared effectively put Officer Jenny's Growlithe out of the fight while the other Malamars also started battling the trainers alongside Siebold which for some odd reason ended up with me and Milotic facing off against the big bad Honchkrow of the group.

"Milotic let's finish this battle quickly as those kids might urgently need help from all the meddling the Malamars may have done with their minds"


(Hmm Milotic seemed to be overly enthusiastic about defeating the Malamars but why does it seem it had nothing to do with the kidnappings? .... Ohh right! Malamars are also part Psychic types, well I thought She would be a good match considering I trained her in a lot of ways to counter Psychic types but I forgot about her personal agenda. Well its now clear that this Malamar isn't gonna be having a good time)

"Let's start this up with Surf!"




'Pzz Pz Pzzz'

(Psychic? well Milotic has a good answer for that)



Milotic charged in close to Malamar by using surf which the Psychic-type tried to stop with Psychic but it was easily countered by generating a substantial amount of Dark-type energy by using Brutal swing thus continuing her charge towards Malamar unimpeded.

"Now Milotic use Iron tail!"





Milotic's Iron tail was able to land a few hits but Malamar fought back with Psycho Cut creating sparks of energy to burst out every time the two attacks collided. The close combat battle of the two lasted a few seconds however it was enough to see that Milotic was far superior in both power and skill as the Malamar is clearly only a low Elite level Pokémon but considering it was a wild Pokémon that onto itself a respectable level of strength to reach without a trainer.

Milotic came out only slightly injured from the bout which she quickly fixed with Recover, Malamar however, lost several of its tentacles that was cleaved by the barrage of precise hits of Iron tail.

"That's a nice hair cut you gave it Milotic"

'Mi Milotic'

"Haha true, but too bad that its tentacles are able to grow back in a matter of a week, so it is unable to keep it for too long"


"It seems that we made it angry, Milotic lets wrap this up"






Milotic once again charged toward Malamar however when it was close enough Malamar immediately used Throat chop which Milotic tanked in order to effectively Wrap around Malamar and successfully immobilize it.

"It's been so long since we last tried that one so for old time's sake let's see how it can handle it but first use Ice beam on its head!"

For a long time Milotic asked the question of how to drown a Psychic-type that can breathe underwater, Milotic looked deep within herself, and then a simple realization came to her 'Water is not the only method of suffocation' and thus Milotic started experimenting with ice beam which she trained alongside Steelix and one day I was faced with the sight of an ice type slowly being suffocated and drown underwater with its head covered with a large layer of ice. It was then that the initial stages of the development of one of our main tactics that we rightfully named Ice burial was started.

'Malam ..... aaaar!'



"Now follow it up with dragging Surf!"







Milotic dragged Malamar to the ground crashing it into several large rocks while also being propelled by surf causing it to squeal in pain due to the constant damage it received.

'Pak' 'Crack'




Due to one of the collisions with the rocks the ice that covered Malamars head got broken off which allowed it to Peck at Milotic in hopes of lessening the grip Milotic has on it and escaping from its grasps.

"Milotic finish it off with Disarming Voice!"

Not wanting to make this battle last longer than it should Milotic threw Malamar who was Pecking at her in the air making it spin several times before bombarding it with a blast of Disarming voice. Malamar unable to handle the onslaught of attacks fainted from super effective attack and crashing to the ground.

I threw the Great ball provided by Officer Jenny and was able to catch the Malamar and so I was able to move on to helping the other trainers deal with the remaining Malamar grunts however seeing their leader get caught the remaining Malamars tried to flee but with the help of one of the officers who called out his Wobbuffet the Malamars were unable to escape due to its ability Shadow Tag. The remaining Malamars were then caught one by one after which were then surrendered to Officer Jenny who was tending to her Growlithe's injuries.

(Ain't that a handy Pokémon Ability for catching criminals, well it's more not allowing them to escape but still I can't imagine anyone being able to escape a prison where Wobbuffets are used by the guards)

After a bit of time the medic team that was called over arrived and took care of the victims of brainwashing. Officer Jenny then proceeded to share the fate that will befall the Malamars which is mainly composed of rehabilitation and relocation however I know well enough the truth of the matter as my father told me a while back about the dangers of the world that stems outside the involvement of Pokémon and that included the existence of special agents working for the International Police code-named Move Deleters. They hid in plain sight having a public image of someone being able to make a Pokémon forget a move for free but unbeknownst to the populace it is but a part of their overall capabilities.

Move Deleters are Psychics who actually have the ability to make both people and Pokémon forget anything it may be a memory, skill, move, or particular emotion. It is said that only one in a million people is born with the ability and many grew up not even knowing that they have it as it requires training and a large amount of focus to use but when a person with abilities even vaguely similar to it is found they are quickly apprehended and forced to work as agents for the international police as letting them roam around without supervision could have unimaginable consequences. Luckily Move Reminders also exist which are individuals who have the ability opposite of that a Move Deleters as well as being able to awaken ancestral memories allowing Pokémon to learn moves that can't usually be learned normally like the move Ancient Power with the Piloswine line allowing it to have access to it's evolution.

A century ago in Kanto, a certain Move Deleter is said to have removed the ability of a guy to feel anything aside from happiness. That person became insane after seeing his family die in an accident, unable to feel anything aside from happiness the person laughed while holding his family's corpses which drove him mad as he was still feeling the pain of the situation but was unable to understand how to express it aside from laughter and not knowing what to do in the situation his mind collapse. The individual created a persona called Mr. Smile and with his Pokémon which was an equally insane Mr. Mime they caused chaos anywhere they go and managed to even be the cause of the death of several people and Pokémon but this also sparked the rise of the Hero called Zubatman who took down Mr. Smile with his Crobat. The truth about the whole incident was redacted from history and only the higher-ups of the international police as well as several Noble families know of the truth of what truly occurred.

(I still remember chuckling when my father first told me of the story a few months back which got me a look of disappointment for making light of such a horrendous moment but the scenario of which was just too similar to a certain fictional superhero of my past life. However the Malamars most likely have their memories erased turning them into blank slates which only then be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. It may seem unethical but considering the said individuals tried something that hits a little bit close to world domination the International Police may not think that it is the right amount of precaution to have.)

After Officer Jenny finished explaining the situation that may happen next which includes us being interviewed by several reporters upon our return to the academy, Siebold started collecting all the severed tentacles of the Malamars that were spread all over the ground.

(Please don't tell me he's gonna use it as an ingredient but I am interested in what evil calamari would taste like.)

Just as I expected Siebold started a fire outside the cave and started grilling the tentacles in skewers after cleaning and lighting seasoning them with salt and pepper. Surprisingly enough everyone tried it and got a share including officer Jenny. The meat is a bit rubbery and is strangely spicy even though only a small amount of pepper was added but it was overall a delicious dish that everyone who partook in enjoyed.

Just as Officer Jenny stated, upon our return to the campus we were flooded by several reporters asking about the whole incident. I answered a few questions before being able to escape the ensuing torrent of people however Siebold seemed to enjoy the spotlight and actually stayed and volunteered to be interviewed and little did I know that by the end of it he was shown in almost all the news channels and each interview was actually all taken separately where he just answered the questions repeatedly. The victims were taken to the hospital via rescue helicopter while the officers and trainers that helped in taking down the Malamars were treated as valued guest of the academy.

At the end of the day, we were thanked by Charlotte and the Academy by giving us each a Quick claw and Focus Band for our contribution to the retrieval of the missing students and also allowed everyone to use some of the vacant rooms in the academy for the night which includes big feast prepared by the school cooks to celebrate our success.

The next day we proceeded on our journey and were able to reach the 3rd and last town very quickly as we were given a ride by Officer Jenny in their Police vehicles which were several motorcycles with a sidecar attached. Our journey towards the last town was cut from half a day to only a few hours.

(Note to self Officer Jenny drives like a maniac, might not be applicable to all Officer Jenny's but precaution is advised when on the passenger seat.)

Upon our arrival, we immediately proceeded toward the Pokémon center to have our teams checked out. We decided to spend the rest of the day in town in order to allow our Pokémon some rest from the battles yesterday. While in town I stocked up on some food, healing items and repels as I'm now running low in supply.

Even though it was a rest day Milotic still continued training to learn the move Whirlpool and by late in the afternoon her whole week of hard work paid off but not in the way we expected as instead of the move Whirlpool Milotic actually learned Aqua ring. It was a welcome addition to Milotic's move set as it further strengthens Milotic's healing capabilities and helps her last longer in battles of aggression.

At first, I was skeptical about how Milotic was able to learn the move but after thinking about it some more I came to the conclusion that it must be because of the training process that is slightly divergent from the one Siebold told us to do. It's evident that continuous training tires a Pokémon fairly quickly but as Milotic knows the move Recover she is able to use it to remove her fatigue whenever she feels tired out and thus is able continuously to train without any backlash or ramifications, what's more Milotic does not stop training to use the move Recover as while practicing Whirlpool she spams Recover whenever it is needed.

"Milotic congrats on learning Aqua Ring!"

'Mi Milotic'

"It nothing much? Well it's okay to be modest but your smug and proud expression defeats your statement"

'Milotic Mi Milotic'

"Ahh ..... so you're not satisfied with Aqua ring and want to learn Whirlpool instead huh, well don't think much of it as you're sure to learn Whirlpool in the near future with your progress but for now let's switch up by training that new move of yours after a bit of rest"


"Are you sure you don't need to rest?"


As I was questioning whether it is fine to let Milotic continue her training without taking a break first she made it clear that she is fine by using Recover to freshen herself up.

"All righty then just make sure to not overdo it understand?"

'Mi Milotic'


We continued our way through route 12 on the following day, while stopping for lunch in a meadow in addition to some light training, Gible finally learned Dragon Claw. In all introspect it would have taken longer but with the help of Zweilous guidance in Dragon-type energy manipulation, it was accelerated by a reasonable amount of time. To reward Gible's first big step in his training I gave him a Dragon Fang Necklace like with Zweilous however due to Gible's body type he was unable to properly wear the accessory.

(I should have seen this coming considering that a Gible can be considered as literally a shark head with appendages with little to no neck for the Dragon Fang to hang off on, so accessories like necklaces are not equipable on him and would most likely be possible after he evolves into a Gabite or if I custom ordered an accessory which will take quite some time to get so I think its better to just put it out of mind for now.)

Two more days passed by and we finally reached the huge river which is Siebold's destination while Shalour City is only on the other side and can be accessed with a ferry scheduled to arrive twice a day, once in the morning and another in the afternoon.

"This is my stop, it was nice meeting you Al but this is where our paths diverge"

"Same, so where are you going from here?"

"I will ask some of the fishermen hanging around if they have info about the whereabouts of rumored Lapras in the area so it's either upriver or towards the open sea."

"Then I wish you luck on your hunt for a Lapras"

"Same to your challenge in the Tower of Mastery and take care on your journey."



After giving farewells to my temporary chef, I proceeded to the pier and there I found out on a sign that the next scheduled ferry towards Shalour City is still a couple of hours away. Considering that my destination is already within sight there's no point in waiting any longer so I called out my friend who took down the vile Tentacular to help me once again in my time of need.

"Milotic come out"


"Milotic care to ferry me towards the other side?"

'Mi Milotic'

"Great! just take it easy okay I don't want to fall off"

It only took a half an hour's ride on Milotic to reach the other side which was a lot faster than I thought considering the strong side currents that push us outward towards the sea along with that random Sharpedo that started chasing us who Milotic then left encased in ice after a single blast of Ice beam after it tried to take a chomp on her.

Unlike the simple pier where we started from the Shalour City coast riverbank is a long stretch of beach with a small port in the end of the mouth of the river where a lot of people and Pokémon are enjoying their day on the hot sun.

Even though we still haven't reached the banks we have already garnered the attention of a lot of people. It was not a surprise considering I was riding on Milotic who naturally gathers stares simply by existing but what did surprise me is that several trainers actually recognized my identity and from what I can tell from the faint whispers it was due to the interview I was on a few days ago and little did I know that I was actually hailed as the main contributor of the rescue due to the statement of the other trainers and Officer Jenny.

It seems that the story got blown out of proportion and the reporters even dug into my profile and discovered that I was also a local celebrity of Lumiose city who was given the pretentious title of the Young Prince of Lumiose while also having the identity of being the former Penthouse Landlord.

(It seems that what Gurkinn and Ramos said is true, my reputation does proceed me but do these people recognize me because of my face or because of Milotic's presence? It's not really an important information fore say but it does affect my self-esteem quite a bit so I do want to know)

After successfully navigating my way through the masses I made my way toward the Pokémon center. Since it was already late in the afternoon I decided to visit the Tower of Mastery on the following day as it would also provide us some time to go through some of our strategies for the battle to come.

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Line break llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

POV Gurkinn

(A few hours after Albert's battle with Ramos)

It's been quite a while since I heard from that child of Drasna but from I did inform Ramos to call after their bout. I can remember when the last time someone of that age come around having the luck to actually come across a Mega stone as only those destined are usually the ones to find them, as from what the past tells almost all Mega stones are found by trainers that have a Pokémon that is compatible with it and if not they will soon enough find a new friend that will be able to make use of it.

The certain fact that I know from studying Mega Island is that Mega stones have the ability to attract Pokémon that has the potential for Mega evolution however without the other half they are unable to make use of it and just guard it as if it's their most important treasure until someone worthy arrives to be the key to unlock their hidden potential.

The life of a gym leader is not easy but I found it as a great way to spot talents that do not hail from the noble families who started with advantages most people would only dream of but it was still not enough as the Tower of Mastery is still the only reliable way in seeking those that is worthy of being a successor and gain the knowledge involving Mega Evolution.

"Excuse me Sir Gurkinn, Gym leader Ramos is on the line wanting to talk to you about something"

"Ohh? Then direct his call to me."

"Yes Sir"

(If Ramos is calling then that would mean his battle with Albert must have finished already, makes me quite excited to hear his opinion about the kid.)

The screen of the video phone turned on and I saw leafy bearded face of an old friend who just like me is clearly getting on the years.

"So Ramos how was the kid, did he do well?"

"Seriously you should have told me the one I was gonna battle was the sprout of Drasna and yes he did great, in fact, he went beyond my expectations."

(That's not really a surprise as a member of one of those dragon clans the teachings and training they are put through are considered as one of the best in the world sadly that's also the reason why almost all of them turn out arrogant that can't easily accept defeat.)

"Then that's good but still if I told you that he is Drasna's protegee it would not be much of a surprise ain't it? Well in the end at least a loss for him will be a great lesson for the kid as well as a good introduction to what's to come."

"He won the battle, Gurkinn. His Steelix was able to best my Venusaur in all sense of the word"

(I never thought Ramos to be one to suddenly make a joke in the middle of a conversation but here we are, It seems that time really does change people for the better.)

"Hahaha that a good one Ramos"


" ... You must be joking or are you seriously telling me that he was able to defeat a Mega evolved Pokémon without having one of his own? Even with the type advantage that his variant Steelix may have, A non Mega evolved Pokémon winning against a Mega evolve Pokémon is unheard of especially considering your Venusaur is a veteran who mastered mega evolution long ago."

"What else do you want me to say? I lost to the kid! What he has accomplished was a truly exceptional feat of skill for someone of his age so I fully accept my defeat as that battle is one to be remembered ..... actually I even had it recorded"

"That's not how it was supposed to go .... did he really defeat your Mega Venusaur? He did not cheat or anything right?!"

"No, it was a legitimate 3 v3 gym battle and I lost even after giving it my all along with my ace"


"Gurkinn that kid will be part of this generation's Elites ..... no he might as well be considered part of them at this point as he is already walking in the path of champions and I know for a fact that even past champions did not start out this astounding so he will surely be able to reach a higher level given the time and proper nurturing. To be honest, I don't even see the point of you battling him anymore so why not just make him a successor or heck an apprentice and get it over with?"

"No, I still want to see firsthand his capabilities, and it's not that I don't trust you but a trainer's ability to train a Pokémon is not the only thing I judge when choosing, one's personality and demeanor are also taken into account and in a Pokémon battle is where a trainer shows their true self and that's when I will judge him. I also can't make him an apprentice as from what I know he is already both a destined and also a potential successor so theirs no point in taking him under my wing"

"Ohh yeah he is Drasna's sprout after all. Still, be honest if you just want to see him battle you could have just asked for a copy of the recording of our battle as from what I can tell you just want to get a piece of the action."

"That may as well be true. Besides, even if is exceptionally skilled there has never been an Elite four or Champion in the past that did not face hardships to be as strong as they are, for all of them are not only stars destined for greatness born with talent, they are also individuals who went through tribulations and had to work hard for their position which made it possible for them to use the skills that they gained as an effective tool for their rise to success. So again how in the world did you lose?"

"How did I lose? Hmm ..... explaining though words will not be sufficient so here's the recording of our battle, it's best for you to see for yourself how my loss came to be."

.... A few Minutes later ....

"Amazing, truly amazing it looks like I also need to prepare for our battle. It may seem improper since I'm battling someone who had just started his journey not to mention only being about one-fifth of my age but making preparation to counter some of that kid's strategies might be necessary from what I have just seen."

"That may be for the best but as much as I like catching up I would half to cut our conversation here as Me and my staff still have a lot of cleaning up to do"

"Just from what I saw from your battle, it's certain that your battlefield must be totaled"

"That is an understatement, my once grass-type oriented battlefield became one for waters types as there is now a pool in the middle of the battlefield due to the large crater at the center which filled with water that his Milotic generated and the large Ice pillars that came from his Steelix is still slowly melting which makes patching up the place take a couple of days to finish. Ohh right if possible send me a recording of your upcoming battle with the kid also."

"That would be no problem, then I'll call you again and by that time ill update you on the outcome of our match"


Thesilentwooper Thesilentwooper

Hello everyone, this is an 11k word chapter that got delayed long enough .... I watched the new Dr. Strange Movie as well as The Batman movie and well .... ya'll know what happened after that. Once again feedback on mistakes and possible improvements is greatly appreciated.

next chapter
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