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43.33% pokemon ash harem / Chapter 13: chapter 13

Chương 13: chapter 13

After a peaceful and wonderful night's sleep, the journey to Lumiose was just about over. As the sun began to rise over the mountains of Eastern Kalos, the sun glistening upon the ocean to the West, Ash woke up to meet the sight of dawn out the plane window. "Hey Serena. Serena, we're here, wake up." Ash quietly said, slightly shaking the still sleeping Serena who laid on his his. "Mmmm, I would love to cook up a meal for you, my Master. Anything for you…" Serena mumbled quietly in her sleep, having what seemed to be quite a pleasant dream with her and her owner. Ash, blushing a little at his slave's sleep talk got slightly more aggressive with his shaking, hoping Serena would be awake and ready to move by the time they landed.

"Hey, rise and shine beautiful." Ash said to her with a smile, the girl now waking up to his call. "Mas- I mean Ash. How did you sleep?" Serena almost calling Ash her owner "Master" in public due to her being half awake. "I slept fine, beautiful. What about you two?" Ash asked. "Oh I had a great night's rest." alexa replied, already awake even before her dominator was. "I slept great honey. I had the most amazing dream with you in it." Serena said happily. "Yeah I know, you were mumbling in your sleep." Ash said teasing the girl. Upon his words, Serena blushed madly, wondering what she may have possibly said. "Don't worry, you didn't say anything bad." Ash said, comforting his most loyal and loving slave.

Serena's blush went from embarrassed to elated, glad to know she didn't say anything compromising. She remembered the dream vividly. Ash sitting down at the dinner table back at the mansion, commanding his slave make him and her a delicious lunch they both could enjoy. Alone with only each other to keep company. Luckily, today was a day where Serena hoped that part of that dream could come to reality. Ash looked over to the other row, noticing that Korrina was still fast asleep, her hair now all messy from her awkward sleeping position. As the plane began to land, Ash had Serena reach across the center isle in order to shake her fellow slave sister awake.

Upon her waking, the plane came to a full stop on the tarmac. The gang was finally back in Lumiose City. After Ash and his company set off the plane, the four made their way through the terminal to the entrance of the airport. "Ah the old Lumiose City Airport. This place brings back many memories for me. Coming into the region with Alexa…" Ash began to say, just as he turned to lock lips with Serena. "And you kissing me." Ash finished slyly, Serena blushing madly at her Master's movement towards her, surprised but not upset by his bold action.

"Well, I'm afraid this is where we part ways Korrina. Don't worry, I'll see if I can make a little trip to your bedroom on Shalor before I leave." Ash said, giving his blonde slave a seductive wink and a stealthy slap on the ass. "I'll be waiting, my Master." Korrina whispered into Ash's ear, giving her his approval by bringing her in for a close hug, his now semi erection brushing up against his slaves thigh, giving her a comforting sigh. After the two broke off, Korrina then put on her roller skates, waving goodbye to her group while skating away. "Well then girls, shall we?" Ash asked his pair of slaves, holding a hand out for each one to hold. "Wait, hold on Ash." Serena said urgently.

With Ash wondering what she was holding them up for, Serena took a cap out of her bag while Alexa took the pair of sunglasses she had nestled in her cleavage. The two then approached Ash, putting on his disguise themselves. "That way the champ of Kanto won't receive any attention." Serena said. "Unless its from us." Alexa added seductively, giving her owner a wink to sell the innuendo.

Ash and his company began traveling the streets of Lumiose, Serena and Alexa happy to be in their home country. "Alexa, could I possibly ask you to check us into the room I booked for us at Hotel Richissime?" Ash asked his slave. "It's the best hotel in the whole region and it's just a few blocks down. Serena and I will be going to visit some old friends and we'll join soon." he continued. "Sure thing Ash!" Alexa obeyed with glee, coming closer to Ash's and Serena's ears to speak up something else. "Try not to have too much fun without me, my Mistress, Master." she teased seductively.

As Alexa walked away, her hips swaying to entice her Mistress and Master, she looked back at them, gave them a seductive wink and wave goodbye and then continued down the road to the hotel. And with that, Ash and Serena were alone, to journey through the beautiful city with just them and them alone. "This feels like that date we were on before we left Kalos, doesn't it? Serena said wistfully, remembering fondly of the past. "Yeah, it does. Only thing that's changed is you. You really did keep your promise. You really are a beautiful woman." Ash said to his lover, caressing her face.

Serena grabbed her Master's hand gently with her own, closing her eyes at his gentle touch. She knew that even without the mind stone to influence her, she'd still want to be right her beside her boyfriend. After a moment, she finally spoke up. "I did it for you Ash. I'll do anything for you if it made sure you were the happiest man on the planet." she said, blissfully smiling at him. "I already am." Ash replied back, giving an equally loving smile back. The pair then leaned into each other for a gentle, yet heartfelt and drawn out kiss.

This wasn't a kiss formed from lust or sexual desire, but love. Love between not only a Master and his slave, but a man to his girlfriend. As the two slowly broke up from each other, Serena took both of her hands and rested them on Ash's face gently, making sure he retained his soft eye contact with her. "I love you Master." Serena said under her breath so any potential onlookers who were beginning to stare at the couple wouldn't hear them.

The two then began to walk down the street, hands bound to one another, now making their way to Prism Tower. Upon reaching the front doors of the gym, a robotic voice called out to the couple over a PA system. "Hello trainer, do you wish to challenge the Lumiose City Gym? If so, show yourself and your badge case to the camera, as a minimum of 4 badges is required for acceptance." "What about old friends? Do they get in without any?" Ash said jokingly, approaching the camera for a better look. "Oh, hello Ash." the robotic voice of Clembot spoke up. "I did not recognize you at first. Forgive me." the android continued with its memorable monotone voice, opening the gym doors for Ash and Serena to enter, standing to meet them on the other side. "Shall I call sir Clemont and miss Bonnie to see you two?" the robot offered.

"No its fine, I'm sure I know where he is." Ash said, knowing fully well what his inventor friend was up to. Due to Clemont wishing to stay home and keep inventing his gadgets as well as monitoring the gym, he didn't have the time to visit Ash at his party, even if he desperately wanted to see his old friend in person again. Bonnie was now a beautiful 18 year old girl, taking notes from both her mentors Serena and Ash and trying to succeed both as a trainer and a performer, with outstanding success in both fields. She was unavailable to get invited to Ash's party, as she was now almost always on the road. This time however, she was fortunate enough to have returned home at this moment, and Ash wanted to see how far she's progressed since they last met.

Upon getting into an elevator and taking up to Clemont's lab in the higher levels of the tower, Serena brought up a question to Ash. "Say Master, what say you give Bonnie the chance to enjoy our harem?" the honey blonde girl offered. She really looks beautiful now, and her 18th birthday was a few months ago. She'd be perfect for you. You know how much she adores and looks up to you." she continued. "Perhaps, but I'll leave the task to you. I imagine you two will want to spend some girl time together." Ash said with a wink, Serena picking up on his meaning, nodding affirmatively at the command. "Use this if you must, but return it to me when you are done." Ash said, giving his partner the mind stone. "You can count on me, my Mas- I mean Ash..!" Serena replied, quick on her feet with her words at the end as the elevator opened.

The elevator doors opened up fully to a slightly cluttered and disorganized lab, littered with spare parts and gadgets strewn about. The two then peeked at the main table of the lab to their right, noticing a familiar tall blonde young man in a jumpsuit tinkering with something they could not see. "Hey Clemont! How's it been man!" Ash spoke out suddenly, patting his friend on the back, only to spook him, what with him being so involved in his work to the point he didn't hear the doors open. "Wait, who's ther-" Clemont tried to speak, turning around to see his unexpected guest, only for his hands to drop the gadget he was working on, causing a small explosion as a result.

As the smoke cleared, with Ash and his friend coughing up dust, the two shook off. "Ash, is that you?!" Clemont asked still shaken up by his sudden arrival. "I didn't know you returned to Lumiose!" he finished, gaining his composure and entering a firm handshake with Ash. "Yeah, Serena and I were just planning a small vacation here, hoping we'd stop by and see you while we're here." As Ash gestured over to his girlfriend standing behind him, Serena approached her old friend. "Clemont, its so good to see you." she said kindly, gently hugging her platonic friend. "It's nice to see you too, Serena." the electric gym leader replied.

Just as the three finished their introductions, the door from the other room opened up, the slender, elegant and sexy figure of a teenager entering view. "Man, yet another explosion big brother? And here I thought you were making some progress here." Bonnie said, chastising her brother with a stern yet respectful voice. "So, back to the drawing bo..red..?" she finished slowly, noticing Ash and Serena were there as well. "SERENA! ASH!" Bonnie shouted excitedly, rushing into the two's bodies for a group hug.

She'd grown quite a lot in those past 10 years. As a late teenager, Bonnie had many features that many girls her age would sell their soul for. Long and sleek blonde hair that ran down just past her shoulders and very slender and sexy hips to mention a few things to start. She also had a very modest sized chest, a c cup size bra perfectly fitting on her, one such bra Ash could slightly make through the teen's slim, yet loose orange shirt. As for her leg wear, he noticed she wore a nice pair of dark brown yoga pants to compliment her round and firm ass and meaty legs. After taking notice of her outfit, Ash hoped to give the teenager a compliment to seduce her if he could.

"That's a nice outfit you're wearing Bonnie." Ash said cautiously, choosing his words carefully around Clemont. As Bonnie broke off from the hug, she looked at Ash with a slight blush, wondering what he meant. "It makes you look a lot like Dedenne." he added swiftly, hoping his added words him play it off well. "Oh, you think so?" Bonnie replied, happy to know that Ash noticed what she was going for. "Well, I'm glad you saw that!" she added on, her delight showing on her face clearly. "I'm just so happy to see you guys again! What are you here for anyways?" Bonnie then inquired, to which Ash told her the same story he did her brother.

"Oh, you two are having a vacation? Together?1 Oh how romantic! If only I could get Clemont here a a wife to give him that kind of love." she said, that last part flustering Clemont. "Say, why don't you guys go out for a bit! Don't worry about me, I'm just finishing my project here and I'll be with you." Clemont said quickly, hoping he'd be done as soon as possible. "Actually Clemont, there was something I wanted to talk to you about. The girls can head out for now, we'll catch up to them." Ash said, putting his hand on his friends shoulder to assure him.

"Oh…Alright then." Clemont said, curious as to what his friend is talking about. Just as Serena led Bonnie to the elevator and Ash turned Clemont's back to the girls, the two looked over their shoulders, giving each other a devious wink, hoping their plan would bear fruit.

"Clemont, I was wondering if you could by any chance build a teleporter." Ash said, proposing an idea to his friend. "Well this is quite sudden. What on earth would you need a teleporter for ash?" Clemont asked, wondering where Ash was going with his plan. "See, I travel around a lot talk to a lot of people, deal with a lot of paparazzi, get caught up by aspiring trainers hoping to test their mettle. My point is that I'd like a few portable teleporters made for me. I hope that's something you can do for me." Ash said, only to have the smile he had slightly fade when Clemont shook his head.

"It's not that I don't want to help you Ash, really I do, but there's one little problem. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START!" Clemont said hastily, thinking what his friend proposed to him was an impossible feat to do. "If you're unsure of how to go about building a teleporter in the first place, I think I can help you with that." Ash began, pulling out a flash drive from his pocket. "About three years back, about right after I took up a position as a Fronteir Brain for a while, an interpol friend of mine asked me to help in an op to shut down Team Rocket for good. What we found there was unbelievable. The tech those guys had was top of the line." Ash stated, hoping that last line gave incentive to his inventor friend.

"Long story short, when we raided their base, I happened to get my hands on this little schematic for a portable teleporter device. How it works is beyond my understanding, perhaps even your's, but apparently these things work, and work well. I'd know myself since I saw their leader use one to escape us right before our eyes. Honestly it was pretty sloppy of him to leave the schematic lying around.". As Ash placed the flash drive in Clemont's hand, the Gym leader took it to his computer, plugging it in to study the files. While he looked at it, Clemont spoke up another of his concerns. "If I'm gonna build this thing, I'll need supplies. Supplies that are hard to get, very expensive and will take time to get. I simply don't have the ability to do this for you."

Ash simply patted Clemont on the back, hoping his friend would be more cooperative if he calmed down. "Then let's not rush genius then?" he asked Clemont. "I can pay you whatever you need for the parts as well as a fee for your hard work. As for time, at the moment I can live with my current predicament.". "Look I know you got money, but do you really have enough for all of these? How many do you intend to have me make anyhow?" Ash pondered that question for a moment. Between all his slave girls he currently had, he had 11, 12 if Serena's plan to bring Bonnie to the harem would be a success.

Even after he hypnotized his slaves with businesses and/or had a Champion status, like Flannery's hot spring business, Elesa's beauty catalogues, Skyla's cargo running, Alexa's journalist papers and Cynthia's championship money, all of it at his disposal, he still didn't have enough after he made the renovations to the mansion. Ash began to think of who else he could get money from. Then it occurred to him: the Kalos champion Diantha. Not only did she make money from the league, she also was a well paid and well received actress. If he could get her under his rule, he'd have more than enough money, even plenty more to spare should he and all his slaves pool together.

"I'll tell you what Clemont. I'd like to order at least 14 of these teleporters. I'll pay you for half now and get the rest to you later. Deal?" Ash asked his friend, holding out his hand for a shake. Clemont was still unsure if he could pull of a task that great. He still felt as an inventor he could be much better. After a long pause for thought, Clemont then looked up to his friend and inspirer. If Ash could trust him to do this, then he wasn't going to let him down. "You can count on me pal!" Clemont said with determination, meeting Ash's hand with his own, the two then giving each other a firm handshake.

"Well, I'm gonna go off and catch up to the girls. You'll join us when you can right?" Ash said, making his way to the elevator. "It might be a while for me to study and copy these plans and write out a list of items, but sure. I'll catch up when I can!" Clemont replied, calling out to Ash who was already making his way to the elevator. On his way down, Ash pondered his options. As much as he'd love to personally induct Bonnie into his harem, he needed to catch up with Diantha, but the where and how he could get to her part of his plan he didn't know yet.

Just as he exited the tower, Ash got a call from Alexa. "Yeah babe, what's up?" Ash asked his slave. "Hey honey, I got us the hotel room. It's super spacious, even has two queen beds!" Alexa said with joy. "So, were you by any chance thinking of finding some other sexy Kalos girls you could convince to join us?" Alexa said seductively. Ash had almost forgot that the mind stone gave him a small mind link to share with his slaves so they all knew how they could help please him further. "Yes actually. I'm hoping to get Diantha into our little group. Could you do some research and get back to me if you can find where she is?" Ash asked his slave. "I don't think that's necessary Master. When I was heading to our hotel room, I heard two guys in suits talking about the Kalos Champ doing a photo shoot right here in Lumiose. In fact, I think its just right across the street from the hotel in that Boutique store. I guess that explains the security. Should I introduce myself?" She asked, only for Ash to shut down her offer. "Nah, it's fine. She knows me, so I'll greet her. With any luck, we'll have two new slaves by the end of day. I'll talk to you later.". With those words, Ash hung up his phone, only for his heart to sink.

He'd forgotten that he handed Serena the mind stone in the elevator. He was not sure of himself enough to seduce the actress without the stone. Ash grew worried, but yet he did not want to waste time looking for Serena, as any time wasted would be a missed opportunity. Seeing he had no other choice, Ash took off for the boutique, hoping he was charismatic and seductive enough for the fashionable Champion.

As Ash was doing this, Bonnie and Serena were sitting at a diner together, eating outside in the beautiful sunny weather. But little to the teenager's knowledge, Serena had much more interesting plans for the two of them.

next chapter
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