Wes together with Endou left the Gym of Pewter City behind them. They moved towards the center square of Pewter City. The square was made from rare minerals excavated in Pewter City. A lot of trees similar to those in Viridian Forest could be seen standing tall full of majesty. Around the square was surrounded with some buildings made from huge boulders giving an ancient and full of mystery vibe. Wes and Endou chose a random cafe to have a discussion.
After all even though they didn't know eachother for a long time, the events in Viridian Forest, they're training session and late night discussions. Made them something more than simple rivals with a similar goal. Since Wes got the Boulder Badge it's time for him to leave Pewter City and visit the next Gym. So they will have to go they're separate ways and this was one last chance to spend some time together, since it will probably take a lot of time for eachother to meet again.
ENDOU: This was an amazing fight. Brock couldn't do anything.
WES: Yes. It went way better than i was expecting. So what's your plans for now?
ENDOU: I plan to challenge Brock tomorrow. After all our training sessions together, i believe i can definitely defeat him.
WES: Of course you can. As for me, my next stop is Cerulean City.
Then they're coffee's arrived and they started talking about different topics including battle strategy's. Then at the evening they split ways. Endou went to his home in Pewter City preparing for tomorrow's Gym battle while Wes went to the Pokemon Center to treat his Pokemon and rest for tomorrow's journey. While Nurse Joy took care of his Pokemon, Wes called his parents back home. His mother was out with Leaf's mother, so he spoke with his father about everything that happened.
Then Wes received his Pokemon back and went to sleep. While he was on the bed, he had in his hand a tiny gray Badge in the shape of a boulder. While looking at it, a tear could be seen falling from his eyes.
" Finally i am truly in the world i desired."
Wes was thinking of his death where he had to make a choice about his reincarnation. Even though, he arrived in this world and he was shocked to see the Pidgey flying throughout Pallet Town, the Pokemon league and Elite Four matches live on TV, or him receiving his first Pokemon. Something made Wes think that was missing. After gaining this badge he finally felt sure that he was in the Pokemon World for sure.
In the morning Wes woke up after those nostalgic thoughts and left Pewter City for Route 3 moving towards Mt. Moon.
Route 3 was a path carved into a mountain with only some patches of grass that Wild Pokemon could hide. Wes immediately checked about the encounters of this route.
Pidgey: Very Common LV 1-13
Spearow: Very Common LV 1-13
Mankey: Common LV 1- 15
Jigglypuff: Rare LV 1-14
Nidoran♂: Rare LV 1-15
Nidoran♀: Rare LV1-15
Nidorino: Very Rare LV 16-18
Nidorina: Very Rare LV 16-18
Charmander: Ultra Rare LV 1- 15
Charmeleon: Ultra Rare LV 16-20
" So there is a Charmander here. That's good."
So Wes started searching for a Charmander while training his Pokemon. He also encountered a Bug catcher.
WES: Metapod take the stage.
BUG CATCHER: Caterpie i choose you.
Then the battle began
WES: Metapod use Harden.
BUG CATCHER: Caterpie Tackle
Then Metapod glowed while Caterpie hit Metapod with the Tackle Move sending it backwards.
WES: Metapod use Electroweb
Before the Bug catcher or his Caterpie could react. Metapod threw a web made with pure electricity, hiting Caterpie directly. Caterpie received critical damage
WES: Metapod one more Electroweb.
BUG CATCHER: Tackle Caterpie.
Caterpie immediately dashed towards Metapod but Metapod's Electroweb hit first. Caterpie fainted making Metapod the winner. Then Metapod started glowing in a white bright light and Metapod's cocoon broke of reviling a Butterfree.
" Finally. it was about time Metapod evoved. Let's see your summary."
Butterfree: female LV 10 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust.
Wes was satisfied with his Butterfree. Butterfree Ability without a problem after evolution became Compound Eyes.
After that during the night Bulbasaur and Nidoran♂ started also glowing in white light, their appearance rapidly changing. In their place appeared they're evolved forms. A Nidorino and an Ivysaur.
Wes was totally excited for this event. After all in a single day 3 of his Pokemon evolved. Now his Eevee is the one that's left. Ivysaur will need to gain 16 Levels to evolve again, while Nidorino will need a Moon stone. Luckily for Wes, Moon stones can be found into his destination Mt. Moon. Wes immediately checked the summary's of his newly evolved Pokemon.
Nidorino: male. LV 16 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM).
Ivysaur: male LV 16 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM).
" Everything looks fine. Now i only need to find one Charmander to catch. I only found 2 today, but both of them weren't good enough. I need to reach Mt. Moon by tomorrow since i lost a lot of time in Viridian Forest, though i had a lot of gains. I also need to find a Moon stone since Nidorino needs one to evolve."
Wes was writing in a notebook he had, the plans for the upcoming days. After he ate with his Pokemon he fell asleep. Ivysaur and Nidorino will be the first guards for the night followed by Umbreon and Eevee. In the morning Wes moved towards Mt. Moon while training his Pokemon and battling both trainers and wild Pokemon. Wes finally was close to Mt. Moon but suddenly a powerful Dragon Pulse attack was moving straight for him. Wes immediately summoned Umbreon.
WES: Umbreon use Protect.
The Dragon Pulse hit the green dome that Umbreon created and it exploded with a boom 💥. After the smoke subsided Wes finally had view of what wild Pokemon had attacked him. After Wes saw his attacker a big smirk could be seen on his face.
1: Eevee: female LV 19 Ability: Adaptability Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM).
2: Umbreon: male LV 20 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack.
3: Nidorino: male. LV 17 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 16 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM).
5: Butterfree: female LV 13 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore.
Sorry for the long absence. One of my best friends died so i was not in my best condition to write. Thanks for your patience.
While Wes was about to face a sudden attack from a wild Pokémon Daisy finally reached Pewter City.
When she left Pallet Town she found a Pokemon egg in the wild. She had immediately returned towards Pallet Town to give the egg to her grandfather. After she gave the egg to professor Oak, she stayed home for one day to wait for the egg to hatch. During the noon of that same day of waiting, the egg finally hatched. From inside the egg a Rattata appeared. But this Rattata was very strange. Instead of the normal purple colour of its fur, this Rattata's fur was light green/yellowish. Professor Oak made the conjunction that this was a very rare shiny Pokemon. He was quite overjoyed by this result, that he had Daisy stay some time more so that he could teach her Charmander the Dragon Rush Move.
In the end after spending a total of three days in Pallet Town, her Charmander had learned the Dragon Rush move. Then Daisy left Pallet Town immediately after that event. She was quite anxious because she had heard about the successful challenge of her brother at the Pewter City Gym. Actually she was still quite anxious, because just before she reached Pewter City she had received a call from her brother Garry. In that call Garry told her that in around 3 hours, he would reach Cerulean City. So as one of the quartet that started their adventure together she was quite far from her twin brother.
So after finally reaching Pewter City she run straight to the Pokemon Center, to heal her Pokemon and call her parents back home. In that call she learned that Wes had also won against Brock. This news made her relax a bit since she was only a day apart from Wes. After she finished her call and received her Pokemon back from nurse Joy she immediately left for the Gym. When she reached the Gym. Like destiny playing a trick to her, she found out that right now Brock was already battling a stranger. That stranger was the same person her brother Garry had seen fighting Brock, when he reached the Gym.
In the right corner a samurai cosplayer was fighting against the always half naked Brock. On the field a Beedrill was fighting against a Rhyhorn.
Before she had reached the stands Endou managed to defeat Geodude with his Venonat's Giga drain. But the combination of Rhyhorn's Scary face and a critical hit from Horn Attack. Where enough to defeat Venonat. Now Beedrill was exchanging Moves with Rhyhorn.
ENDOU: Beedrill use Iron Defense.
BROCK: Rhyhorn Furry Attack.
Beedrill was instantly enveloped in a shining silver luster while Rhyhorn hit it 4 times in quick succession. This was the second rime that Beedrill used Iron Defense so it had +4 Def.
BROCK: Rhyhorn use Thunder Fang.
ENDOU: Beedrill use Protect then Drill Run.
Rhyhorn's fangs where enveloped with electricity. Then Rhyhorn dashed towards Beedrill and bit it, but Beedrill was protected by a green dome. Then Beedrill flew high in the air and it fall fast like a drill and smashed itself on Brock's Rhyhorn. The damage Rhyhorn received was to much to withstand so Rhyhorn fainted.
BROCK: Great job Rhyhorn return. Onix go.
Brock switched his Rhyhorn for his ace Onix. Endou started to get nervous. it was the first time he reached this step. He for the first time had 2 Pokemon left while Brock had only 1. The training with Wes really paid for him and his Pokemon.
ENDOU: Beedrill use Drill Run.
BROCK: Onix Take it and use Bind.
Beedrill did the same thing that it did against Rhyhorn and hit the Onix right on the face. Onix's head was blown back but its lower body and tail moved at the same time at lighting fast speed binding Endou's Beedrill.
BROCK: Throw it in the air.
ENDOU: No Beedrill get away.
Before Brock finished his order Onix already fulfilled it's trainers order. Then without needing any instructions Onix used it's Twister and Rock Tomb combo. Onix's Rock Tomb managed to score a critical hit knocking out the Beedrill.
ENDOU: Great job Beedrill. Pinsir come on out.
Then as Pinsir came out of it's Pokeball a huge PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIRRR cry was heard. Pinsir was 100% ready to take revenge for last times battle.
Brock: Onix Heavy Slam.
Endou: Pinsir Protect.
Then Endou's Pinsir was enveloped by a green dome. When Onix came in contact with the dome, its body was deflected by it. Endou immediately saw a chance.
Endou: Pinsir use Rock Smash.
Pinsir immediately hit Onix using its Rock Smash Move hiting for super effective damage and lowering the Def stat of Onix by 1 stage.
Brock: Onix Twister then Rock Tomb.
Pinsir was immediately thrown in the air and then buried by huge boulders. Endou was anxious but he instantly gave an order.
Endou: Pinsir use Revenge.
The boulders that buried Pinsir where blasted apart and Pinsir enveloped by Red light appeared close to Brock's Onix doing an uppercut. Onix was throw in the air screaming from the pain. After all the Revenge Move power became twice as powerful when the Pokemon was hit before it used this Move. Onix Tried to get up from the ground with a lot of difficulty. On the side Brock was cheering for it rising its battle spirit even though it was in a really bad condition. But all this came to an end as Endou gave a certain order.
Endou screamed this order to his Pinsir. He couldn't contain his excitement because after all this time and previous 2 failures he finally had a chance to win. Pinsir immediately attacked with multiple punches on Onix like a character in the JoJo anime. Onix couldn't take anymore damage and fainted giving the win to Endou.
Daisy after seeing the results left the stands and stayed in the waiting room to finish her final preparations for the match and analyse the 3 fights she had seen. Daisy after waiting for 45 minutes was called to come in the battle field.
When she finally reached her corner right on the opposite corner stood the half naked Gym Leader of Pewter City Brock.
BROCK: Welcome challenger I'm the Gym Leader of Pewter City Brock. This fight will be a 3vs3 single battle as you were informed.
DAISY: I understand.
BROCK: Last week 3 trainers from Pallet Town challenged me. I hope that you a lot better than, that freak that challenged me last time.
DAISY: ????????????
Daisy had a confused look on her face wondering why this Gym Leader called her friend Wes a freak. From his tone, she understood that this "better" line of his, was implying as a better person. She was really curious about what Wes did to have this Gym Leader react like that, when he saw that she came from Pallet Town.
BROCK: OK. Time to begin. Call your first Pokemon.
Then Daisy called out of its Pokeball her Pidgey while Brock summoned out his Geodude. Then the fight started.
BROCK: Geodude Rock Polish.
DAISY: Pidgey use Sand Attack.
Geodude increased its Speed by 2 stage while Pidgey lowered its Accuracy.
DAISY: Pidgey Sand Attack.
Daisy was shocked by Brock's outburst. She had an idea about what Wes did. Even though this was not a honourable strategy, the third pokemon that she had caught, needed some experience to catch with the rest of her team.
BROCK: Geodude Power-Up-Punch.
Geodude missed Pidgey and it used the same strategy 4 more times.
DAISY: Ok Pidgey return.
Daisy called her Pidgey back and summoned her Nidoran♀.
DAISY: Nidoran♀ Tail whip.
BROCK: Power-Up-Punch Geodude.
Geodude was faster and it managed to hid Daisy's Pokemon this time rising its Atk stat by 1 stage in the process. But not everything turned well for Brock as Nidoran♀ ability activated poisoning his Geodude.
BROCK: Geodude use Tackle.
DAISY: Nidoran♀ use Double Kick.
Nidoran♀ avoided the -6 Accuracy Geodude and counter attacked with its Double Kick Move. Geodude was smashed right through a rock spire and immediately fainted. Brock called his Geodude back and brought ot his Rhyhorn next.
" Rhyhorn is the next opponent. This Rhyhorn knows Thunder Fang. So if Pidgey gets hit by it it could be game over to this strategy. Ok then Charmeleon you are up next".
Immediately after seeing this Rhyhorn that knew Thunder Fang, Daisy figured out that she may face some problems, if she used her previous strategy. So she called back her Nidoran♀ and called her ace Pokemon Charmeleon. She could set up with it and take down Brock ( Set Up Sweeper).
DAISY: Charmeleon use Dragon Dance.
BROCK: Rhyhorn use Furry Attack.
Charmeleon dodged Rhyhorn's charge and then it increased, thanks to Dragon Dance its Atk and Speed stat by one stage.
BROCK: Rhyhorn use Thunder Fang.
DAISY: Dragon Dance Charmeleon.
Charmeleon wasn't able to dodge this time but luckily for Daisy it wasn't paralyzed or flinched. Then it increased the same stats again.
BROCK: Horn Attack Rhyhorn.
DAISY: Dragon Dance then Power-Up-Punch Charmeleon.
Thanks to its +2 Speed stat Charmeleon completed its Dragon Dance Move before Rhyhorn could reach it then it dodged the Horn Attack of Rhyhorn and counter attacked using its Power-Up-Punch. Rhyhorn screamed in pain while Charmeleon increased its Atk by 1 more stage.
BROCK: Rhyhorn Scarry Face.
DAISY: Charmeleon use Metal Claw.
Brock after the previous strike knew that if he didn't check the Speed of this Charmeleon then his Onix will be in a lot of trouble.
Charmeleon attacked really fast but Rhyhorn managed to complete its Scarry Face Move, lowering by 2 stages the Speed of Daisy's Charmeleon. The 10% chance for Charmeleon to boost its Atk stat for 1 more stage hadn't triggered. Brock's Ryhorn had fainted. Brock called back happy that he managed to lower Charmeleon's Speed. Daisy's Charmeleon and Brock's Onix faced eachother now and were ready to fight.
DAISY: Charmeleon Smokescreen.
BROCK: Onix use Harden.
Onix shined with a grey luster while Charmeleon breathed out a lot of thick smoke hiting and lowering Onix's Accuracy. Brock chose to use Harden in order to combat a bit better the +4 Atk Charmeleon.
DAISY: Charmeleon Metal Claw.
BROCK: Twister Onix.
Onix before even its trainer gave the order knew what the order was so it managed to send Daisy's Charmeleon into the air but before it could finish its combo Daisy put a stop to it.
DAISY: Charmeleon Dragon Rush.
Charmeleon while in the air was immediately enveloped by an azure flame like aura. Then it rose higher in the air and came down with a lot of force and speed smashing Onix face right through the rocky arena.
BROCK: Onix Noooooooo!!!!!
DAISY: Charmeleon Metal Claw.
While Brock's Onix was still stack with its head into the ground, Charmeleon's claws shined with a gray metallic luster then Charmeleon's Metal Claw connected with Onix, totally knocking it out. Daisy just now had won the match. Both Daisy and Brock called their Pokemon back and met in the center of the arena.
BROCK: Congratulations to your victory. Here is your Boulder Badge and the money for your victory. So what is your choice? The unbrakeable Rock Tomb TM or the Iron Vitamin.
DAISY: I choose the TM.
Then Brock spoke a bit more with Daisy about the battle they had. She also didn't forget to ask what Wes did that shocked this Gym Leader so much. Brock's answer shocked her completely. Learning about what happened put a bit of pressure on her self because, she realised that while Wes was only one day in front of her, they still where trainers for the same amount of time. Even though that happened, Wes was way to powerful. She needed to up her training.
Then Daisy and Brock said their goodbyes and Daisy left the Gym. She went straight ahead to the Pokemon Center to heal her Pokemon and call back home. After she received her Pokemon back she went out to train a bit. Later she would return to the Pokemon Center to Sleep and leave for Cerulean City tomorrow. While training a certain someone finally reached Cerulean City and his next goal.
Daisy's TEAM
1: Charmeleon: male LV 19 Ability: Blaze Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Dragon Dance (Baby), Power-Up-Punch (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Rush (Tutor), Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Rock Tomb (TM).
2: Pidgey: female LV 16 Ability: Keen Eye Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Brave Bird (Baby), Swift (Baby), Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Air Slash (Tutor).
3: Pikachu: male LV 15 Ability: Static Item: no
Moves: Tail Whip, Thunder Shock, Electric Terrain (Baby), Endure (Baby), Quick Attack, Thunder Wave (Tutor), Electro Ball.
4: Nidoran♀: female LV 14 Ability: Poison Point Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Body Slam (Baby), Poison Tail (Baby), Tail Whip, Double Kick.
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