Aspen's POV
"Don't. Touch. Me" I snapped at Dante as he and my son doubled over laughing.
"Honey I'm sorry" he apologizes twirling my wet hair around his finger.
"Did I want to do the ice bucket challenge?" I ask frustrated and Talon frowns.
My six-year-old son frowns and stands at my feet.
"I'm so sorry mommy. Daddy made me do it" I stifled a laugh at my son and turned to Dante.
"Wow Dante" He gaped at his son.
We both looked at his mischievous smile and sprinted for the door.
He gained on us and I turned to Talon.
"Save yourself!!" I yell and he looks at me and giggles.
"Okay mummy," he giggles again and runs. I try to regain speed but I'm quickly thrown off and onto the ground.
"Gotcha," he whispers and I still shiver.
"Baby, please, have mercy," I say dramatically
"Nope" he gets up and throws me over his shoulder and Talon giggles.
"Dante!" I scream.
He laughs and carries me upstairs winking at Talon who goes to play with his toys.
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