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Chương 3: Chapter 3

Omar was at his desk, confirming the state of the grain in his dukedom. They currently had a population of twenty thousand, which was truly quite sparse considering the land available. It was dismal, to be honest, but thanks to there being so few people they had enough food stores for the next year and a half or so without any issue about it or need to worry about resupply so, as long as Omar could deal with the bandit and monster problem, he would be able to start expanding on farming to deal with the food stores.

The issue Omar saw was, again, the lack of security due to bandits and monsters. As long as this persisted nothing he could do would solve anything and at most he could keep things afloat.

"Damn my ancestors. War, war, war, all they seemed to think about was a war during the last 50 years! Can't they fucking think about self-sustenance? With the end of the war and no more supplies being transferred over to the frontlines we can't even properly sustain ourselves now, we will need to do an agricultural revolution or two before we are even able to survive without depending on others. And what the hell made them decide to build only military ships? We can't even sail without being seen as a war arc as we are now!"

Omar yelled in frustration at the stupidity of it all.

He had money, being the third richest in the entire kingdom and being only behind the Royal Family and the Three Heroes Church, but that was about it when it comes to what positives he had for now. Just having money isn't enough to sustain a land as large as his and Omar knew they only had a limited time before the waves started. He would only have at most 12 years before the waves started and he had to face who knows how many monsters, heroes, and reincarnators of other worlds trying to destroy this entire world for Exp and bonus skills (it was that stupid of a reason, yes).

As he was thinking about what to do someone came to interrupt his paperwork and rantings.


"My lord?" Brian's voice was heard behind his office door.

Omar smiled at the loyal butler who was one of the very few he felt he could trust absolutely, as felt by his Hyper Instinct that said he was absolutely trustworthy. After recomposing himself a bit he answered his butler.

"You may come in Brian."

Brian opened the door and entered the room. He walked towards Omar's desk with an elegant stride before bowing down to his lord.

"I have finished my task as you ordered."

Omar put down his pen and stoically at his butler.

"Did you now? That is good news, you made sure the letter was sent directly to the queen, correct? Was there any complication in the process?"

"Do not worry, my lord. I have sent the letter directly to the hands of the Queen of Melromarc as you ordered." Brian answered to Omar.

Omar nods his head in acknowledgment of Brian's ability. Truly, good subordinates are the best if one intends to truly command. It may sound easy, but most any letters would be looked over by the King, ministers, or all forms of spies before they ever reach the Queen. Being able to make sure the letter arrived at the Queen's hands and ONLY her hands were not so simple.

"I see, excellent job, as always, Brian. Is there anything else you wish to inform me?" Omar questioned.

"As a matter of fact, yes. As you know have been several tutor applicants until this moment but they all lack any credentials and, when tested, came short." Omar nodded at that since he had personally seen some of them and he was quite sure some of those paid for their recommendations as they were incompetent or useless deep down. "We have found someone we believe will be an exception to this. She has arrived a short while ago and her recommendations are perfect." Brian says and Omar nods his head.

It was to be expected that some actually capable person would eventually want to approach considering the money and benefits being offered... if only not so much trash did it as well. Seriously, Omar was quite sure some of those 'famous swordsmen' barely knew with what end of the sword to stick at the opponent.

Brian continued speaking.

"The one in question is an instructor for magic. She has come with spectacular recommendations and when we did a check at her skills it was more than good enough. I've come to inform you about her, she currently was led into the library to wait for the first meeting with you, apparently, the magic instructor was interested in verifying the books available to facilitate teaching and we left a few guards to ensure she doesn't try to steal anything and to watch over her until you can meet her."

"I see. Then I believe we will be going there next, if only because I need a break from reading all this." Omar said with a light joke in the end causing Brian to chuckle slightly.

"Yes, I can imagine you need this my lord. You likely has read more in these last few days than your father during the last year." Brian said the unfortunate truth.


Omar's P.O.V.

As I walk I can feel the strain in my body and grim inside as this strain is already slightly less than the one I felt a short while ago.

These last few days I started practicing with one of my flames, namely the Earth Flame. Its ability to manipulate gravity is very interesting since one must pay attention not only to the volume of flame but the objective you have in mind. If you want a great change but the volume of flame is not enough then the effect will not work, but as long as there are enough flames in an area you can manipulate a larger factor of gravity. The problem comes with the fact that using too much flames is hard on the soul and vitality, even if I never feel physically tired my mind can still tire out which is not comfortable.

But, I could keep a small steady stream of flames I keep around myself and use it for a simple enough reason, increase the gravity in my body. It was a small difference, I always stop before I get to the point I suffer any actual damage, but thanks to that my body is constantly being pushed further and my physical stats are showing improvement.

It is still very tiring to do it though.

I moved to the library to meet the magic instructor that came as well. It was a short track to the place and inside was someone a bit interesting.

I have never seen hair so pink before. She looked about 12 or 13 years old with a babyface, vibrant and wavy pink hair as well as blue eyes. She had on a set of clothing that look like a sexualized version of what a magician's robes would be like, considering it shows way too much skin to protect her from anything, but with her childish body without any curves it just made her look all sorts of wrong... or right, depending on the person.

"Hello, are you the one that came to teach me about magic." I ask to make sure. I want to make sure and, honestly, treating every potential tutor nicely is tiresome, especially after the 13th that was a complete fraud and actually tried to speak terms of employment with me that were downright absurd.

"Yes, I was passing through these lands when I heard of your request and decided to pass here to see as it sounded somewhat interesting." She said with a shrug.

"Very well, what are your credentials regarding your capabilities exactly? I was only informed you were capable, but I would like to know more." I question. I won't just accept anyone to be my tutor, after all.

"I have completed my studies in record time in the magic kingdom of Kimia with exemplary grades. I am also one of the pupils of Grandmaster Avros of the council of thirteen." She said proudly, as if that should impress me.

It didn't.

"Okay." I said nonchalantly.

"Eh, you are not impressed? I am quite amazing, you know?" She said surprised, she feels like someone that is too used to praising. It would be bothersome if I let her be like that with me or, worse, anyone else I ask for her to teach while here (I do intend to buy a large number of slaves and I want as many as possible to know magic).


"Yeah, but I mean... I never even heard of the Kingdom of Kimia." I said honestly and it was almost visible her recoiling from the 'damage'.

"I, I know it is a very small kingdom, but we are the best in magic research!" She said with a hint of anger.

"If you guys were so great, shouldn't your institute be famous though?" I countered and, again, she looked like she took actual damage from my comments.

... She is actually quite funny to tease, she is a child through and through and she tingles my 'sadist' side a bit.

Her eyes watered as she glared at me.

"We are great, we are not some no-name magic group!"

"I never said you were that, you said it." I told her and she bite her lip in frustration, which is quite cute with her childish face, before pointing at me.

"Then I will show you. I will show how amazing the magic research of Kimia kingdom is!" She said and I shrug.

"Fine by me, I don't know anything about magic anyway so whatever you teach me helps, even if it is very little." I said and she glares at me by insinuating she has little to teach me.

She is funny, her face gets all red while her hair is so pink. If I do hire her, I can see myself keep teasing her to no end just to see what expressions she will make.

We go to the courtyard where she showed me her skills.

Not that impressive.

I mean, yeah making five golems is kinda impressive. They all look sturdy and she also showed herself able to use fire magic and even ice magic, but besides the golems, everything seems pretty basic.

"... Not that impressive, but I guess you work just as well." I said with a bit of disappointment. I have seen the anime of Shield Hero and saw what the Queen and other magic casters could do, by comparison, she is quite lacking.

The pinkete glares at me as I said that before pointing her finger at me.

"Just you wait, after I teach you enough you will be able to see how amazing I am!" She said and I just raise an eyebrow.

"Good luck with that, sweety." I said and she glowers at me before sending one of her golems after me.

I did what any sane person would in this situation though, ran.


"*HUFF* *HUFF* How, how are you still managing to move?!" The witch asks while sitting in her golem. She must have been using mana to keep the golem moving all this while, which is quite impressive in its own way.

"I have good stamina." I said while running in place.

As it turns out, infinite stamina is extremely overpowered. I don't feel the slightest bit tired even after running for the good part of an hour at full speed. Not only that, my speed grew due to exercise without me needing to level up.

I didn't even have a single drop of sweat in me as I look at the girl who was clearly tired even if she was only controlling the golem while sitting upon it until now.

Seeing her state I decide to have some pity for her.

"How about if we go eat something? It is tea time anyway." I speak and she nods her head reluctantly.

We walked side by side towards the dining room where one of the maids had already prepared the tea and snacks.

Thus was my first meeting with my first tutor, the magic instructor, Astrid Flamel.

It has been three days since I met Astrid and I gotta admit, she is knowledgeable.

Sure, she specializes mostly in earth magic while my specialty is fire magic (which I blame in having the Dying Will flames) an barely able to use the other elemental types, but even so, she was able to teach me plenty about the theory for all of them, even those she had no relation with. She is very capable, even if I still tease her whenever I can just to see her reactions.

I fear that my mind is adapting a bit to my body and making me childish, but as long as I don't forget about my mission I will just have to handle it. At least, this way, it would make interacting with others feel a bit less awkward as they would be able to tell I am a kid and not a grown-ass man pretending to be one. If I continued acting like if I was an entire adult it would be suspicious, but if I show this childish side now and again it would make others feel that I am a kid trying to act mature and growing up fast due to the environment.

It wouldn't be as suspicious, which is a positive in my eyes.

Walking to the parlor I hope that this time I will have a good find. After Astrid, I met four other applicants in these three days, and, again, they all were useless. With little expectations, I come face to face with quite an interesting sight. I was a girl of around the same age as Astrid, but unlike her, she had a fox tail and ears with golden hair as well. She was quite pretty and, in her arms, she held a small baby who looks like he was born not long ago.

"Hello, you are?" I question, trying to figure out who this girl is besides a potential tutor.

"Pleasure to make you acquaintance, my Duke. My name is Kohaku and this little one in my arms is my baby brother Menou. I am from the Mirage fox tribe and learned all the secret techniques of the clan and am willing to share them with you and teach you them, all I ask is a place for me to raise my brother in peace and somewhere to settle the rest of my clan." Kohaku says with a serious expression.

I stop to think about what she said. I have some impression of the Mirage Fox tribe, a unique race of demihumans who are very well known for their stealth and intelligence gathering techniques. They are amongst the top groups of intelligence gathering on the lands and were widely used by Siltvelt during the war to great success.

Only, well...

"Weren't you all killed at the end of the war?" I question. There were clear mentions that this clan was destroyed by the actions of the Claw Hero who worked for Fabley at the time. No one can say precisely why, but considering that the loss of this clan was the start of the true decline of Siltvelt in the war due to their lacking intelligence gathering in comparison, it can be well imagined that Fabley simply wanted to have Siltvelt lose.

It did make sense, Siltvelt is the second strongest country and their power was rising despite the war so having them lose the war would make sure Fabley would remain the top country on the mainland.

As my words hang out I see Kohaku shake her head in the negative.

"We were scattered, not destroyed. While we did lose most of our numbers we still survived, but our numbers now are very pitiful and we have had many enemies. I know it might be dangerous to have us, but I believe that you would not regret taking us in. Our spy and other abilities should be of great use to you, if only to protect you against the same." Kohaku says and I almost agree with what she says.


After all, I use my senses and don't feel like she is trustworthy at all right now. She must be working for someone else right now and came over under orders. And yet, I feel that she doesn't represent any danger to me and she was telling the truth about teaching me and wanting to settle her people here as well as have her brother here with her.

... Thinking for a bit, the answer is simple. She must be working for the Queen, sent here for my protection and surveillance most likely. Well, who am I to look at a gift horse in the mouth, if Kohaku really teaches me well I can develop my own spy group.

Besides, I have to look for my Guardians anyway and the Mirage Fox demihumans would certainly fit well with the Mist or Desert flames. Not many people are good for illusion techniques and this race specializes in those, I may be able to find one of my Guardians amongst them.

With a friendly smile, I speak.

"Very well, if you really are willing to teach me then I promise you a place to stay for you and your people and my protection as well. I will do it even better, there is space around the mansion, with a forest to the back and a lake to the west, we have here a useful earth magic specialist and she should be able to help you and yours to erect houses for you people as to not need to sleep in tents or something like that. Later I will buy proper and better building materials to help in constructing the place your tribe will live. As for you and your brother, as my tutor I will give you a room in the mansion and you and your brother will lack for nothing. Your salary will also be paid properly and, after the tutoring ends, you can move as you desire and continue to live here or leave for greener pastures, you would still have a place here regardless." I explain in detail.

It honestly isn't that high of a monetary price for me and, even if she is spying on me for the Queen, I don't really have much to hide right now. By the time I start having things to hide, I should already have learned enough about her as well as about her skills as to be able to deal with any problems she and other spies (which I already know off thanks to Hyper Instinct/mutated observation haki) might cause.

Kohaku smiles at me and nods.

"Thank you, I will inform the others and scout a place where we can set up our village in the surroundings. Can you introduce me to the master earth magician that would help us?" Kohaku says and I give a crooked smile, remembering the sweaty and tired mess I left behind a short while back.

I 'might' have pulled a small prank in her when using a fire spell that made her clothes be mostly burned resulting in her running after me with her golems again.

Good times.

"... She is a bit tired today and it is getting late already. It would be better if you two meet tomorrow. You can take tonight to talk with your people and look around for a suitable location." I suggest to which she nods, bows, and leaves.

I will have to be careful around this one, but nothing risked nothing gained and I will need spies and likely assassins if I want to survive what is to come.



Can anyone guess who these two tutors are? Hehe, the first one to do can decide ONE guardian for the MC.

And yes, for those in doubt, I changed his Essences. Namely, I removed the Blanck Essence and gave him the Grand Line Essence and the Dying Will Essence.

Before anyone complains about it being too OP, I nerfed the Grand Line Essence's ability to produce DF quite a lot so it won't be an army of DF users. And as for me removing the Blanck Essence, it didn't really do much to him since it would remove his own level limit, not that of others. He can just go the natural way to unlock the limit, namely using a Hero weapon and a dragon with a piece of the dragon king. As for stats, he can just train his own body.

His body is similar to that of someone from OP, and we all know how absurd their bodies can become

He already knows the location of one such dragon from CANON, and he knows some characters who can become heroes naturally as well as knows much of the plot regarding the other weapons.

Besides, he only really needs to go beyond level 100 during CANON time, and even then not at the very start, so he can always just get the help of the Cardinal Heroes as well.

There are plenty of ways, no problem.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. And, just a reminder, the MC will have 12 Guardians. Ideas are accepted, but the first one will be for the first person who finds out where these two tutors come from.

As for the delay, sorry, I had the final year exams from college and two papers to be done in a group, where the group ditched me at the last moment and I had to do it all by myself. IRL sucks.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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