"Hyung! What have you done? POINE is known for being so rigid. To the extent of..." Moon Young Jae did not dare to continue his words. POINE might be his dream company. But it never changes the fact that they were ruthless monsters who ruled everything they ventured into with an iron fist.
"Being assholic! I know. I also know that they are vengeful if anyone else uses their name for the own benefit." Moon Chin Hae smiled at his cousin's concern. POINE would never get back at him even if they find the truth.
Young Jae felt so hopeless for his cousin brother that he wanted to whack his cousin brother on the head with something heavy. "Then why would you drag them into this mess."
Geol-keo - A man whose homosexuality is evident, little leaning towards the feminine side
Ou ddae-jja - A Korean term used for top or seme