[Guild Quest, The Fallen Cities has been updated]
Contact Neb Eruna at the Bright Sun Tavern in Oliphia.
Nix stood on the walls of Inferno City. The haze of the shield made it difficult to see more than a few hundred meters. "We'd have to be very close to the other cities to even see them."
Yandro had placed the former city of Elynmoor on the highest mountain range in Everspire. The Inferno Guild was able to see for miles in all directions from their viewpoint before the shields were raised. Halla had made it very clear, none of the cities dare lower their shields while in the air. There were too many very dangerous flying creatures inhabiting the lands.
Hyai had a hand tucked into his arm while they talked quietly. "Are you going to try and reclaim the lost cities?"
Thanks for reading.