Somehow, I ended up doing fundamental work.
Or rather, Chirion forced me to write a summary of the latest events and a reflection on my actions.
Well, here it comes.
For the past six and a half years of my life, I've been forced to follow prophecies and save the world from monsters, gods, titans, mothers of titans, and any other kind of calamity that appears in front of me. And I made it without a single break for four years!
When I finally fulfilled my destiny in Greek mythology and got a well deserve break... from a half year. After it, I discovered Roman mythology and I joined them to save the world again. I Almost died a thousand times and again lost many people I knew but I also made a lot of friends to whom I would trust my life. One more time they gave me a short vacation of prophecies. Which I enjoyed very well while they lasted. At least everything had turned out well, I had Annabeth, Leo was alive (got a girlfriend), Pipper and Jason got together, Nico and Will assumed they were dating and there was love everywhere. And on top of that, the world had been saved.
Having saved their asses twice, the gods decided to reward us, and again came that old immortality story. The difference is that this time I was not the only one to receive the proposal. It seems Jason was also a favourite of the gods now.
Why am I using the past tense? You should already know the result.
I refused. Simple and easy, but this time I asked for something in return, in fact having a desire granted by the gods is not something that anyone sees every day.
I took the opportunity and paid all the debts I had with the gods, it was a simple request. I asked Hecate and Hades to be part of the Olympians.
And you know what they did! They refused and asked me to think more about it!
To my relief and surprise, Jason also declined the gift and asked for promotion to Hecate and Hades.
To no one's surprise, they refused again and started asking the rest of us if we wanted some reward.
I have to admit I have wonderful friends who will always support me. They all refused any reward and repeated my request.
In the end, the gods had little choice but to partially accept our request, the category of "lesser gods" was removed and now all gods were "almost" equal. The Olympus will never be changed, for the bad or in extreme circumstances for the good. We were once again portrayed as heroes and gained the recognition of Hades and Hecate, which is not so bad.
A lot of people would say saving the world and being a hero is a dream.
But believe me, after the third time it'll eat you up from the inside out, and at some point, it'll drive you crazy.
All I want from the bottom of my heart is to live a peaceful life with Annabeth away from any trouble or God and spend the rest of my normal life quietly.
Unfortunately, the gods, the earth, and the whole universe don't seem to like my idea, because when I was just crossing the street a 20-foot crocodile decided to attack me.
After that, a lot of things happened.
I defeated the Crocodile with a boy who turned into a giant warrior with a bird's head.
Annabeth found the bird heads sister, and we had to defeat an Egyptian chimera together.
Yeah, apparently, gods exist in more ways than I thought they existed. Another example of this can be seen when shortly after Annabeth discovered that her cousin had died and became a living dead warrior in Norse mythology.
A few days after she travelled to visit him, and a pimply-faced teenager and a little girl dressed in a lighthouse knock on my door.
I was no longer surprised when he said he was the god Apollo, and that he needed my help.
At least it was gratifying to see the god of beauty trapped in a body out of shape, weak and full of pimples begging me to help him.
I was sure to just drive them to camp, no more, no less.
But it turned out that disease spirits attacked us. I crashed Paul's car.
And I caught a cold.
That wouldn't be too much trouble if I didn't blow a water pipe every time i sneezed.
I hadn't even recovered from the right cold when Annabeth came back from her trip only to ask me to train her cousin, so he could stop Ragnarök (apparently a Nordic word for the end of the world, that is, the same as ever.)
I may have been a little hard on him because I was in a bad mood, and he still had a little cold, but since he wasn't really dying, I don't think there were any consequences.
When I came home and decided to see how things were at the camp, I discovered that half the class had gone to help Apollo.
Even Grover!
Then I had a Happy moment for a while! Ok, maybe too happy. I, some kind of freaked out and blow up a whole pier when I found out I had a little sister!
Unfortunately, like every summer, the bad news has not let me enjoy this until now!
I didn't believe that anything bad was going to happen, they were strong and had already survived a lot.
So I went into shock when they came back with the news that the world was safe, thanks to Jason's sacrifice.
Losing one of the heroes of the prophecy affected the entire camp, but the one who really suffered from the news was Camp Jupiter and especially Pyper and Thalia.
I could only be shocked.
Most demigods were expected to die before the age of twenty, yet, little as I thought, the mythological world would be calmer after all the sacrifice we had made.
The two camps met and held a very large funeral for one person.
Even some lesser Gods were present, but as expected, Jupiter or even Zeus were not there. I bet he didn't gave a damm if one of his kids died.
He had saved Thalia's life so why the hell, not Jason's?
It really pissed me off.
I have never liked the gods since I discovered their existence, but it had crossed the line.
If they could decide so easily whom to kill or if they would destroy the world, why would they leave all the weight on their children?!
Why were they so arrogant and hypocritical?!
Couldn't they just leave the world alone and live their luxurious immortal lives?!
Okay, I think I better calm down before something bad happens.
Back at the funeral, I kind of freaked out a little bit, one more time. I don't remember how I did it, but apparently, I drained the water from everything around me from the underground canals to the body of my friends and hurled it towards Olympus.
I swear, if I was sane, I would never move a finger towards my friends.
I also thank my father Poseidon very much for saving my friends from being dried to death after I fainted. I have to say my opinion about my father is slowly getting better, not that I forgive him for abandoning my mother to the mortal world.
Finally, I reflect on my actions and I promise to try never again to lose my temper or use my gifts inappropriately.
I know the consequences and I will try to find a way to fix the situation. Personally, I don't think I deserve any kind of punishment.
Percy Jackson.
I love Rick Riordan's universe, but it's been almost 5 years since the last time I read them ...
Even more, that I didn't like the style of the Apollo trials so it's up to me not to read them and miss out on a lot of important news.
I will try to be as consistent as possible, but I would appreciate it if you could leave it in the comments when something doesn't feel right or incomplete.
Have some idea? Comment it and let me know.