The sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the neighborhood as Marcus walked towards Sally's house. He had just put a tired Jaya to bed. He had made up his mind earlier today to have a conversation with Gabe Ugliano, the man who got involved with Sally around a year ago and they had been living together for a few months now.
Marcus was glad Sally had found someone that she fell in love with. She deserved someone nice. But at the same time, the relationship felt somewhat forced. Sally barely spoke about Gabe and ever since he had moved in he had seen less and less of Sally. When he did see her, she was more conserved than usual and didn't speak as much as she used to.
As Marcus approached the front door he heard loud voices from within. Marcus took a deep breath, preparing himself for what lay ahead. He raised his hand and knocked firmly. Moments later, the door swung open, and Gabe stood there, an irritated expression on his face.
Gabe was fat to put it lightly. Marcus had overheard Percy telling Jaya that he looked like a tuskless walrus in thrift-store clothes, and he couldn't help but agree. He was bald but for three black hairs, that were haphazardly combed over his scalp. Marcus could smell the cigars wafting off of him, as well as the smell of day-old garlic bread.
What the hell did Sally see in this man?
"Can I help you?" Gabe asked, his tone guarded.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you," Marcus replied, his voice calm yet assertive. "May I come in?"
Gabe hesitated for a moment before stepping aside, allowing Marcus to enter. The house was dimly lit, the air heavy with tension. It was a far cry from when Marcus had come over before.
Marcus noticed Sally sitting on the couch, her eyes puffy as if she had been crying. Percy was peeking out of his room looking worried.
"Sally, Percy, are you both okay?" Marcus asked, his concern evident in his voice.
Sally sniffled and nodded. "We're fine, Marcus. Just a little upset."
Marcus turned his attention to Gabe, his gaze steady and unwavering. "Gabe, I wanted to talk to you about your relationship with Sally and your involvement in Percy's life."
"I wanted the same. You need to stop talking with Sally. She's basically whoring herself out to you." Gabe sneered and crossed his arms defensively. "And why do you think what happens in my house is any of your business?"
Marcus took a step forward, Gabe was pissing him off. Marcus took a breath trying to calm down and as he spoke his presence radiated authority. "First of all, this is Sally's house. Not yours. It's my business because I care about Sally and Percy. I've known them for years, four times as long as she has known you. I've been there for them when they needed support. I won't stand by if I feel that someone is causing harm or treating them poorly."
Gabe's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Who do you think you are? Just because you run a stupid dojo next door doesn't give you the right to interfere in our lives. What are you gonna do? If you so much as touch me I'll sue you for all you are worth."
Marcus held his ground, his voice firm. "I'm not here to fight. I'm here as a friend and a protector. Sally and Percy mean a lot to me, and I want to ensure their well-being. I've seen the changes in Sally, how she's become distant and withdrawn. I've noticed Percy's apprehension and anxiety. I need to understand what's going on." Sally flinched when Marcus heard him talk about Percy.
Gabe clenched his fists, his face turning red. "You don't know anything about us. Sally and Percy are just fine. You're the one who should stay out of their lives."
Marcus took a deep breath, centering himself. He knew that losing his temper wouldn't help the situation. "Gabe, I'm not here to fight with you. I'm here to understand and make sure Sally and Percy are in a healthy environment. If you truly care about them, you would want the same."
Gabe scoffed again, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, how noble of you. The mighty champion looking out for the poor, helpless victims. Well, let me tell you something, Marcus. I'm her fiancee. She is mine. Sally works in groceries and at the corner store. She barely makes enough money to pay rent. I provide financial stability. I'm basically her savior. Both her and the brat should be grateful to me."
Marcus's eyes widened as Gabe's words hung in the air. The revelation that Gabe had only been in Sally and Percy's life for the past year yet were already fiancees sent a surge of anger and concern through Marcus's veins. He had no idea the extent of the situation until now. The dojo had been keeping him busy.
"You've only been in their lives for a year," Marcus exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "And you speak as if you're their savior? Sally and Percy have been through so much, and they don't need someone like you adding to their struggles."
Gabe sneered, his face contorted with anger. "You think you know everything, don't you? Well, let me enlighten you, Marcus. Sally and Percy were alone and vulnerable. I stepped in to give them a better life, and I've done more for them than you ever could."
Marcus's heart raced, a mix of fury and concern surging through him. He glanced at Sally, whose eyes were filled with pain and reluctance. Then his gaze shifted to Percy, who sat there, silent and withdrawn. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the true extent of Gabe's abusive behavior and neglect.
Before Marcus could say anything Percy stormed out of his room looking at Gabe before yelling, "You made everything worse! It was better before you got here! Marcus was a much better dad than you! GO AWAY!" And with his scream the sink tap exploded with a rocket of water and he heard hell going on in the bathroom.
Marcus, Gabe, and Sally wore matching expressions of shock. Gabe was the first to recover, raising his hand over Percy, "You fucking brat, don't you ever raise your voice at me." And he swung his hand at the five-year-old child.
It was stopped midair. Marcus had a completely neutral face as he stared at Gabe. His hand wrapped around Gabe's wrist stopping him mid-motion. Gabe tried to wrench his arm out of Marcus's grip, but there wasn't the slightest inch of movement.
"Let go you bastard! I'll sue you to hell for this! You hear me, everything yo- AAAAAAAHHHHHH." A loud crunch was heard from Gabe's wrist before Marcus let go. A clear handprint was left on his Gabe's wrist, it was clearly bent in the wrong direction.
Gabe backed away from Marcus towards the door. "AAH, AAH, fucker, you piece of shit. You're dead. I'm going to sue you and in the end, they'll still be mine. The bitch loves me, you'll see." Gabe then ran out the door without another word, fleeing from the house, and disappearing into the night.
With Gabe gone, Marcus turned his full attention to Sally and Percy. The weight of the situation settled on his shoulders, but he knew that he would do whatever it took to protect them.
"Sally, Percy, you're not alone," Marcus assured them. "You have me, and you have Jaya. We're here for you, always. If you guys need stability I got you, if you need anything really I can help."
Sally's eyes contained very complicated emotions, one of which is worry and regret. "Thank you, Marcus." Before she looked down.
"Sally, we do need to talk separately though. Okay?"
Sally winced before nodding. Percy looked at Marcus with shining eyes before wrapping his leg up in a huge hug. Marcus chuckled before looking at Sally,
"We can talk tomorrow morning, but I'll leave you be for tonight. I got a little mess I have to clean up on my end." Marcus said with a large comforting smile, before saying his goodbyes and leaving the house.
The atmosphere changed as he reached outside. The warm atmosphere that he seemed to emit inside was now gone. A cold, gloomy look was on Marcus's face as he walked down the stairs and pulled out his phone. He typed in a number before putting it up to his cheek. After a few moments, the person picked up.
"So, the famous Gonzales finally contacts me," a deep, gravelly voice rumbled through the phone line. There was a brief pause, filled with the tension of past dealings. "You know, after we helped you get on your feet, you disappeared, cut ties. And then we hear of this famous champion. Out of the grace of my heart, I spared you. But to actually call me again... What could make the oh-so-holy fighter reach out to the devil?"
Viktor Kuznetsov, a notorious Russian mobster known for his iron grip on the underworld, spoke with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of menace. His words were laced with a heavy Russian accent, dripping with an air of authority and danger.
Marcus, aware of the dangerous ground he was treading on, chose his words carefully. "Viktor, I wouldn't be reaching out if it wasn't a matter of utmost importance. I know we had our differences in the past, but circumstances have changed, and I find myself in need of your... unique expertise."
A low chuckle emanated from the other end of the line, carrying an unsettling aura of power. "Oh, Marcus, my dear former associate. What could you possibly need from me? Have you fallen from your lofty pedestal? Are you seeking my protection now?"
Marcus gritted his teeth, trying to maintain his composure. Dealing with Viktor was always a delicate dance, one wrong move could have dire consequences. "I wouldn't say I need your protection, Viktor. I have built a life outside of our previous arrangements. But I have an issue that requires a... delicate touch. Something only someone with your connections and resources can provide."
Viktor let out a long exhale, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and skepticism. "Ah, delicate touch, you say? What is it that troubles you, Marcus? Is it personal? Or is it business?"
Marcus took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. He needed to tread carefully to avoid revealing too much. "I need someone to disappear. Completely."
There was a brief silence on the line as Viktor contemplated Marcus's words. The gravity of the situation hung in the air, and Marcus could almost sense the wheels turning in the Russian mobster's mind. The deep grave voice echoed with laughter over the phone.
Finally, Viktor spoke, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "So business then. I can help you out, Marcus. But do know that if I agree to assist you, there will be a price to pay. And it will not come cheap."
"I understand, Viktor. I am prepared to pay."
"I miss our previous agreement. I arrange the underground fights with the wealthy investors, and you fight for cut."
"Absolutely not, I don't fight anymore."
"Then the deal is off and you will have to solve this on your own."
"... one fight."
There was a moment of silence as Marcus contemplated Viktor's words, his mind weighing the potential benefits against the risks involved. Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of dread. "Fine."
"I'll send one of my men to your little dojo operation whenever I arrange a fight," Viktor spoke with a hint of joy in his voice. "It will be good business. Speaking of business, who do you need gone."
"Gabe Ugliano."
"It'll be done by tomorrow." Without waiting for Marcus's response, Viktor hung up the phone.
Marcus felt a mix of relief and trepidation. He had managed to secure Viktor's attention, but the path ahead would be treacherous. He knew he was taking a step back into a world he had tried to leave behind, dancing with the devil once more. But for the sake of those he cared about, he was willing to take the risk.
Marcus took a look a look at the stars twinkling above him, contemplating the busy night. He didn't question it at the moment. But there was no way that Percy and the tap water exploding was a coincidence. He had a sneaking suspicion that Percy and Jaya were more similar to each other than he thought. But that would have to wait for his talk tomorrow with Sally.
A/N: I know the reason Sally married Gabe, but that will be covered in later chapters as for the steps that Marcus will take to protect his daughter and his friends.