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Over the rusty rails Over the rusty rails original

Over the rusty rails

Tác giả: ArudAstra

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The woods

It was after school, around 3:30 pm, and Shaun had just gotten out of the hell that he had to call "school"

He hated "school" with his soul, but not because of the homework or the teachers, but because of the students. They hated him, he hated them, simple as that, except there was one exception, a boy around his age. But he didn't matter right now, not yet, because Shaun was on his way to his favorite place in this god forsaken town, the forest.

He went to go sit at his usual stump, which had a perfect view of the nearby beach and cliff. He loved to draw the scenery, until the kids at school would tear his drawings up everyday. What was the point of doing what he loved if it would inevitably be destroyed? He put those thoughts aside and decided to just sit there and take in the moment... which was later interrupted when he heard a group of the worst bully's in school approaching. Billy, that little... well, you know. Sounds like a typical bully name, right? Well, he's just that, and he's was heading that way now. Shaun started walking deeper into the forest, for the bully's blocked the only way out.

Shaun decided to hide in a bush, that's when he bumped into something hard and metal. An old rusty cart on even rustier rails. What was this thing even doing out there? This also didn't matter right now, he needed a way out fast and this was his ticket out of this situation. He gave the cart a starting push and as it slowly picked up speed from the slightly slanted hill, Shaun saw the almost never ending tracks winding down further and further, into the trees. He quickly realized he probably wasn't going to make it back home for dinner.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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