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41.17% Osmosian Sorcerer?! / Chapter 5: Chapter - 4:

Chương 5: Chapter - 4:


Chapter - 4: True Osmonian


I stepped forward, without hesitation, extending my right arm and sinking my fingers into its scaly skin, touching the body of the magical beast that was clearly struggling to breathe, its life force waning.

This was the moment I had awaited since awakening. For an Osmosian, using one's gift was a vital necessity, akin to breathing to survive.

With closed eyes, I strained to relax and focus my mind, attempting to prevent my power from corrupting me, at least for a while until I was in grave danger.

Slowly, I began to drain it completely. And as the process continued, a sensation of warmth began to spread throughout my body, focusing primarily in the palm of my right hand.

It was an intense feeling, as if life energy was coursing through me, making me aware of every single cell within my body.

As soon as the skin contact was broken, the warmth subsided, but remained present, a tangible trace of the transformation underway, while I observed the serpent's body vanish from existence.

I could clearly feel the changes occurring within me. It was as if my insides were beginning to reconfigure, adapting to the new energy I had absorbed.

My skin began to change color, taking on a pigment similar to that of the source from which I had absorbed the energy.

Scales that seemed harder than steel began to form, merging with my skin in a way that felt both natural and alien, evidently due to my memories.

As magical power rushed into me, fueling my strength, my body was overwhelmed by a sensation of burning heat, and my vision turned red as my power exploded outward.

Something... clicked.

And I found myself standing, stumbling forward, a roar of pure primal instinct erupting from my throat. I heard a scream of panic, but I ignored it. My arms were heavier, stronger, and I felt the ice giving way beneath my feet.

When the haze of absorbed energy finally cleared after what seemed like hours, I found myself gasping deeply, staring at the wide-eyed girls, their arms shielding their faces.

"What the fuck?" Stormy stared at me, mouth agape, lowering her arms and staring at me incredulously. "What the hell?!"

The other two Trix seemed calmer, but they were visibly shaken too. Icy maintained a wide grin, while Darcy had a fascinated expression, her gaze a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Well, it was a predictable reaction. After all, none of them would have ever expected something like this to happen, which I had to admit was mildly amusing to me.

I completely disregarded their surprise as I looked down at myself, and then a smile couldn't help but creep onto my lips at what I saw, my new form making me feel like I was reborn.

My arms, up to the elbows, were covered in thick white scales leading to scaly hands and clawed fingers, large white claws over an inch long.

My bare chest had changed little except for armored scales running along my shoulders, and my pants and shoes had been swept away, revealing that, like my arms, my legs and private parts were also covered in thick, powerful white scales and clawed feet.

A heavy weight on my lower back made me turn, and there I saw a long, scaly tail ending in a trident-shaped tip. I knew, almost instinctively, that tip was filled with venom.

Automatically, I raised a hand to my head, driven by habit to run my fingers through my hair. Instead of finding my usual hair, however, I saw a completely silver mane.

But that wasn't what surprised me the most. Among the hair, I sensed the presence of a pair of long, sharp black horns. They were sturdy and pointed, the tips curling outward, giving them a menacing and imposing appearance.

The daze was quickly leaving me. Because I felt strong. Stronger than strong. It seemed like my strength had doubled, no, perhaps even tripled, maybe even more.

Feat Achieved

[First Mutation]

Pull Granted

"Not bad at all..." I muttered, footsteps beside me ignored, it seemed

Though the transformation lasted only a few minutes, my body adapted incredibly quickly. Even my breathing changed, becoming deeper and slower, as if my body was learning to operate differently.

My muscles were clearly more powerful, a sensation of strength and control coursing through me, as if every fiber of my being had been optimized to perfection.

Swinging my tail with a simple movement, I watched it move gracefully and flexibly, tracing a smooth arc through the air. Then, with a decisive strike, my tail slammed onto the icy floor, effortlessly shattering it like glass. Ice shards flew everywhere, creating a web that spread throughout the surrounding environment.

My vision was sharper, perceiving details that had eluded me before. I could hear distant sounds, distinguish scents with incredible clarity; everything felt natural, as if I had always been this way.

And I felt no side effects from draining an entire living being, surely because I hadn't absorbed many powers yet.


Result: Rare Talent (Arcane Knowledge)

[Archmage's Wisdom]

Source: Skyrim

[Magic comes naturally to you as if you were born with it, allowing you to learn and create spells with ease and speed that astound all mages who watch you]

Okay, that was a really good roll. Especially because of the universe I ended up in with thousands of planets in the magical dimension, each with their unique magics that would be really useful for me.

Moreover, with this new mutation, it wouldn't be wrong to classify myself as a magical creature. This would give me an additional power boost, especially in the use of ice magic.

Afterwards, all I would need to do is study other magical creatures to gain affinity with all elements. This would allow me to master a wide range of spells and magical techniques.

Suddenly, a sensation of warmth touched my horns, leaving me stunned for a few seconds. When I looked up, I saw the beautiful ice witch staring at me.

Her hands, delicate but cold, rested on my horns. I had to admit the sensation was surprisingly pleasant, considering they had become a sensitive part of my body.

The cold, gentle touch of her fingers sent a shiver of pleasure through me, making me tremble slightly. I hadn't expected this part of my body, a novelty from my mutation, to be so responsive to touch.

"What are you doing?" I couldn't help but ask, noticing that my voice had taken on a deeper, more menacing tone.

Her eyes shone with a warm, intense light and a sensual smile formed on her lips. "I was just fascinated by your new form," she said with a voice full of desire. "I didn't think you were capable of it." Her hands moved slowly over my body, stopping near my lower body and lingering with a light but firm touch.

Darcy nodded in agreement with her sister, "I agree with her," she said as she licked her lips in a slow, teasing gesture, as if looking at a piece of quality meat ready to be savored.

Stormy stepped forward, breaking the sexually charged atmosphere. "I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but can you return to your former form? I mean, you are drawing a little too much attention for when we get out of here," she said in a practical tone, earning unhappy looks from her sisters for ruining their moment.

I did not react as my body began to change back to my normal Osmosian form. The transformation was quick, and I could feel my muscles readjusting and reshaping themselves back into my original form, the one I knew so well.

I ignored the screams, clearly embarrassed and excited, caused by the sight of my naked lower body, which was much larger than average and, I had to admit, made me feel proud.

I summoned my perfect outfit and without hesitation, I put it on as it adapted to what I wanted it to be: a snug black shirt, loose brown training pants, and black military boots.

"Now it's time to take what we came for..." I said with a smile as I walked towards the ice monolith.

The Trix followed behind me, their obvious glances at my muscles ignored. They were teenagers in full puberty; it didn't surprise me if they saw me as...

I approached the core slowly, feeling the magical energy enveloping me. "This will keep me satisfied for quite a while," I said, my desire to absorb power returning even stronger than before.

Without hesitation, I reached out towards the core, ready to absorb the power that would mark the beginning of my return to power.

The sisters were behind me, not daring to approach the energy I intended to absorb, and without hesitation, I reached out towards the core. I immediately felt a surge of pure energy flowing into me.

It was like an uninterrupted flow of power being absorbed by my body. I felt my veins burning with infernal coldness, my muscles swelling, and my skin pulsating with new life.

The energy was overwhelming, a torrent of power that seemed endless. I felt every fiber of my being vibrate and strengthen, as if I was becoming one with the heart of this world.

As the energy continued to flow into me, I felt my body undergo a delightful surge of power, becoming stronger, more resilient, making me feel damn good.

My hands shimmered with an intense glow, and an aura of power seemed to emanate from every pore of my skin, with veins pulsating with magical energy. But as I stared at my hands, something extraordinary began to manifest.

My right hand started to shine with a bright red glow, a burning heat that spread along my arm—it was the power of the dragon shard I had absorbed within me.

From the tips of my fingers, fiery flames erupted, dancing like serpents of fire. My skin glowed as if it were incandescent, the heat so intense that the air around shimmered.

At the same time, my left hand began to emanate an icy coldness. A blue ice glow enveloped the arm, ice crystals forming on the skin and spreading along the veins.

I couldn't help but feel satisfied with the duality of power coursing through me. The flame in my right hand roared with wild strength, while the ice in my left hand exuded a deadly calmness.

Fire and ice alternated in perfect harmony, like two sides of the same coin. Not bad at all; now I was truly beginning to wield control over two elements that would only grow stronger with time.

The sisters stared at me wide-eyed, witnessing the extraordinary spectacle unfolding. I saw in their eyes a mix of astonishment and desire, aware that following me for the moment would be the best decision for them.

Feats Achieved: You have absorbed the heart of an ancient world. Your power has increased immensely. However, this act has unleashed a catastrophe in the world around you.

Two rolls Granted.


Result: Uncommon Item

[Scrap Mithril]

Source: Final Fantasy

[A small piece of discarded Mithril metal. Despite its humble appearance, this scrap retains fragments of its ancient magical power]

This roll could have gone much better, yes, but finally, I had a material from which I could absorb essence and thus its properties to give me more options during combat.

Mithril is known for its lightness and strength, as well as being a good magical material—a combination that makes it extremely valuable to me, regardless of it being just scrap...

Now all I needed was a blacksmith, a craftsman with the necessary skills to transform this raw piece of Mithril into something I could easily carry as a small accessory, so I could transport it with ease.


Result: Rare Tome

[Tome of Common-Style]

Source: Tokyo Ravens

[A tome associated with arcane secrets in the currently used eastern style, Onmyou. It is slender and straightforward, but does not grant access to a large number of spells.]

This has been truly excellent. I needed to acquire all elemental affinities as soon as possible to ensure my powers fully developed.

And with this tome, which contained detailed information on how to perfectly integrate my elements, I would hunt down all the magical creatures in this universe to achieve my goal.

[The Serpent is pleased to see his dimension filled with new knowledge. For this reason, he wants to invite you to his library, but to do so, you must prove yourself worthy of this opportunity, something many would die for]

This is truly intriguing. I couldn't wait to admire and visit the most coveted library in the entire multiverse.

Mission Added

[Forbidden Library]

Main Objective: Collect 10 Magical Tomes (0/10)

Optional Objectives:

Retrieve a Tome containing a significant story.

Collect a Tome that can capture The Serpent's attention.


• One roll for each objective completed.

• Permission to enter the Wanderer's Library.

• ??? for completing all objectives.

Hmm, a reward just for obtaining tomes? I doubt I'll manage all the optional objectives, but I'll certainly try, given it's too good an opportunity to pass up.

But is it really worth getting involved with the SCP universe?

Who am I kidding...

Of course it's worth it, since my power could increase much faster this way, surrounded as it is by beings capable of easily destroying the world.

I looked at my arms again, fascinated by the contrast between fire and ice. "This is very interesting," I murmured with a smile, feeling a new confidence growing within me.

The sisters smiled in return, aware that this moment marked the beginning of a long collaboration for all of us. But our triumph was short-lived. A tremendous vibration shook the ground beneath us, followed by a deep and unsettling rumble.

I looked around, the smile fading from my lips, and saw the ice covering the planet begin to crack and crumble. The cracks spread rapidly, like webs expanding endlessly.

"What's happening?" asked Icy, her face pale and eyes wide with terror.

With growing doubt, I realized that in taking power from the core, we had deprived the planet of the only thing keeping it alive and maintaining balance in this world of ice, which was now broken.

"We've taken the power that kept this world alive," I said, observing with detached indifference. "The planet is dying."

The sisters looked out at the landscape with evident panic in their eyes as the ice continued to crumble around us. Ice mountains shattered, frozen rivers melted into rushing torrents, and the sky above filled with stormy clouds.

"We have to do something!" exclaimed Stormy, her voice trembling with fear.

"But what can we do? He's already absorbed the power of this world's core, and we're certainly not giving it back," Icy asserted, locking eyes with me intensely.

Our only hope was to find a way to escape this prison before it was too late. I looked at my sisters. "We can't stop this process," I said seriously. "We need to leave this dimension. Andros will be our new destination."

"But how do we get there?" Darcy asked, panic evident in her voice.

"The portal," I replied nonchalantly. "We need to find the portal that leads to Andros. It's the only way out."

With a determined nod, we began to run through the devastated landscape, avoiding the cracks and debris falling around us. The ground shook beneath our feet, but we didn't stop.

It took us a few minutes before we reached the portal. It was embedded deep within the icy core of the planet.

"Here it is," I exclaimed, inspecting the portal and contemplating how it might work to attempt to replicate it in the future.

"It seems to be protected by several high-level magical barriers," remarked Icy, her left hand resting on her hip.

Stormy chimed in. "It also seems to be closed."

In response to her sister's obvious statement, Darcy rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "What ever gave you that idea?"

However, despite the world around us growing warmer, my magic within them continued to function, rendering them as immune to the cold atmosphere as I was.

Seeing tension rising, I intervened as we didn't have much time before this world crumbled upon itself. "Girls, no fighting!" I commanded.

After absorbing power from the prisoners of this world, effectively killing them in the process, my voice had acquired a certain authority. "We just need to create a crack in this portal to get something to work with."

"Say no more." Eager to make an impression and get out, Icy was the first to stride towards the portal, gesturing for her sisters to follow. "Ladies!" Curious to see their skills, I held back from intervening and watched what they intended to do.

The three attacked together, pooling their magical forces into an obvious conjunction. They fired a globe of combined magic towards the center of the structure. The smell of ozone filled the air as their magical lightning clashed with the portal to Andros.

In an instant, a flash of light emitted from the gate, colliding with the magical globe created by the Trix. The collision of energies sparked an explosion of sparks and waves of power that shook the surrounding air.

With great effort, their attack was pushed back. "Oh no!" Too shocked to avoid or defend, it promptly exploded in the Trix's faces, sending them flying backward.

I caught Stormy, who flew straight towards me, in my arms and prevented Icy and Darcy from crashing to the ground, forming snow under them and softening their fall.

Moments later, I gently laid them all down on the ground. "The gate is stronger than anticipated," I remarked casually. "But at least the power I've given you wasn't wasted," noting a small crack in the portal.

Not willing to give up, Icy responded, "I think I know how to overcome this." She turned to me and suggested, "We should all hit it together this time." Seeing no fault in this plan, I consented.

They surrounded the circular portal with Icy standing northward, Darcy westward, Stormy southward, and myself eastward. "On three!" I shouted, preparing my attack, a weaker version of the attack I had used to kill this world's guardian.

"1... 2... 3."

All four of us unleashed our attacks simultaneously, focusing them at the center of the portal. A few seconds later, the portal's magical protection was overloaded and destroyed.

With that done, I leaped forward, placing my hand on the crack and establishing a connection to the other side, preparing to wrench the portal open.

"This should get us noticed in no time," I said, knowing from the Trix that these Paladins would come to seal the portal and put us back in prison.

A bluish flame engulfed us all in an instant, carrying us away from the desolate, icy land known as Planet Omega.


Osmosian Sorcerer?: 3 advanced chapters:


Chapter - 5: Ice King

Chapter - 6: Hunt for Satiation

Chapter - 7: Sorcerer's Journey.

A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

AU ho aggiunto che ogni pianeta dell'universo Magico al suo ineterno un "Cuore" che permette di spiegare diverse forme di vita magiche all'inerterno della Dimensione Omega che non potrebbe essere possibile.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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