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12.5% Origins meets Parallel Universe / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Origins meets Parallel Universe Origins meets Parallel Universe original

Origins meets Parallel Universe

Tác giả: burnable

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

AN: I own only my original Characters.

Harry and Natasha were sitting in the children's pool, playing with little James, named for Harry's father, a baby of only six months. He was their first son and had his father's black hair, but Natasha's darker green eyes. Natasha was not ready for another child, and nobody was pushing, but Xera was already pregnant with her and Harry's second. Hers and Harry's first had been a beautiful girl with dark brown curls. Her name was Xelia, chosen for Xera's mother, apparently. Xera and the child were inseparable, as was the norm for Nymphs. The child would need regular contact, until she was old enough to plant a seed, which would sprout her tree.

They were watching over the children who were enjoying the water, including a tan-skinned golden-blond-haired girl that seemed to be around three years old. She was the first known Nymph to sprout from a Golden Apple tree, specifically the one which was located in the Nymph House. She had been named Xara and she was the envy of all the Nymphs for her coloration. Nearly all the Nymphs had pale skin and hair ranging from brown to red, the colours of autumn. There were a few exceptions though, with dark hair, which seemed almost black, but with a green sheen to them, when caught in the light. Golden-blond was new, though.

The atmosphere on New Atlantis was what it had been for the last year; peaceful. The island had blossomed even more life, with the arrival of Xara. There was something about her that radiated vitality to everything around her, more than the average Nymph was capable of, even though the little Nymph was quite mischievous. She was a free spirit and fearless, when confronted with the magical animals on the island, even the ones that were normally territorial.

It had scared the hell out of Harry when he found her playing in a field where the local population of Erumpent were busy with their mating rituals. She'd simply smiled and giggled at the explosions, clapping her hands and making encouraging sounds without a care for her own wellbeing. The animals, for their part, seemed to ignore her presence, besides keeping a bit of distance from her, but that didn't make Harry feel any better.

A Light Elf guard had since been appointed, to ensure the little girl didn't find her way to one of the enclosures, where the more dangerous animals were kept, although when Molly Weasley had heard about the erumpent incident, she'd been like a hawk watching the girl. The little girl had since never had the opportunity to wander too far and was, more often than not, being coddled by the over-mothering woman.

Arthur, her husband, had taken to life as a magical consultant with PI and Stark Industries, for his experience with magically modified mundane artefacts. He was in heaven, most of the time, since he was being allowed to learn about things he'd never even dreamed of. Tony had been right to send him on those courses to have his mundane knowledge brought up to speed. Or, to be more precise, to hire him a tutor to bring him up to speed. It had started off difficultly, trying to break many years of misconceptions, but the man had a real thirst for anything mundane and had eventually gotten to the point where he became useful, and on occasion, even insightful. That was expected though. Many years in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts department had taught him a lot.

Bill had started working with EPI, as a ward specialist, working with many of the divisions of the peace-keeping organization. His expertise with the magics of the ancient world had given him a certain edge when it came to securing locations and setting up traps for enemy combatants, as well as detecting traps and helping EPI's people find the best ways to infiltrate enemy locations.

Fleur, his wife, had taken a post at Xavier's institute, teaching French and ethics classes. She'd originally taken a post so that she could keep an eye on her younger sister, Gabrielle, but since had learned that her own experiences gave her a certain insight into helping the mutants, or Enhanced, as Harry preferred to call them. When she could, she'd even help them acclimate to their powers, or help put out fires, sometimes literally.

Her father, previously a French diplomat for the French Magical Government, had taken a post at PI, as a public relations official. He was a godsend, as he was a talented word-smith. He could receive a scathing call and have the person apologise to him by the end of the conversation, even if the client had a good reason to be upset. He loved his job.

Fleur's mother, Apolline, was a new addition to the staff on New Atlantis, ensuring all the sentient life had everything they needed, not only for their physical health, but also the emotional. It had started off as intervening with the local population of Veela and Logan, AKA Wolverine, when his relationship with May Parker ended, when she seemed all too willing to bring Veela or Nymphs into the relationship with them. May was apparently just a little too open-minded for him and the Veela had thought the end of the relationship meant that they could sneak into his cabin at night, for a bit of 'fun'.

He'd since started spending time with Hela, the Norse Goddess of Death, and Harry's adopted sister, to her great delight. She wasn't pushing and they weren't anything official, but they had time and it seemed to be going well, with how they were both stoic, but with a dark streak. Logan was just enjoying the fact that people left him alone with her around and she didn't mind capitalizing on that.

Charlie, who was loving life on the island, even though he didn't end up getting a dragon familiar, had delighted in all the attention from the Veela and he'd since become the de-facto male to see to their needs. He wasn't taking any chances though, and none of the Veela had conceived from their interactions, yet. He'd also made his stance very clear, at Apolline's insistence. Besides that, he was enjoying working with all the dangerous animals, but not as much as Hagrid.

Hagrid was ecstatic. He was constantly trying to coax the monstrous creatures to play with him, when he went in to feed them. Logan had just smirked when he found the big man wrestling with a Manticore, who was desperately trying to get away from Hagrid's monstrous strength. Its stinger had not been able to penetrate Hagrid's protective gear and he hadn't acted like he felt it. Logan actually thought the creature was afraid, but he couldn't understand what it was saying, while Hagrid was just laughing while he played with the 'misunderstood creature'.

Sirius had not been doing much more than dating and drinking, for the first few months, but even he had become restless and had ended up joining EPI. His training as an Auror had given him certain skills that were very much appreciated in the field. He'd complained about having to go through basic training, even though, as a wizard, he recovered more quickly than any normal human. Since then, he'd been incorporated into one of the stealth squads, which used Harry's gear to infiltrate and extract information. He didn't know about the Ghost Squad, but Fury had an eye on bringing him up to that level in the next few years. Sirius was no slouch and had already achieved many successes that his team would have been hard pressed to achieve without him.

Remus and Tonks had taken up residence on the island as well, but they were treating it as a holiday and just wanted to spend time with little Teddy. Their near-deaths had been eye opening. That being said, Tonks was sometimes called in as a consultant for her own expertise in infiltration, while Remus was happily reading through Harry's extensive Library, on all manner of dark magics. He was trying to find out how to permanently cure the werewolf infection and believed Harry's tomes held the answer, since nobody had been able to come up with an effective permanent cure for him.

Doctor Henry ���Hank' McCoy, or Beast, had since tried to start a relationship with one of the Nymphs, but that hadn't worked out, as the nature of his girlfriend meant that she kept on trying to invite others to their bedroom. They had ended things shortly after, but gentleman that he was, it was an amicable break-up, with both understanding that they weren't a good fit.

The Nymphs were patient though, and they continued to take their time, looking for males who seemed viable and interested, from the many guests to New Atlantis. Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America, was at the top of their list, but he was just not the type to start something that he couldn't see working out in the long run. He also secretly hoped to one day have a son, and Nymphs were incapable of having male children.

Ron and Hermione had dated for a while, but it soon ended, when their clashing personalities drove them to fight after fight, which at first had driven them to passionate make-out sessions, but had later ended with them resenting each other, when either of them inevitably went too far.

Hermione and Steve had since started a friendship. She was younger, but they both delighted in learning about the modern world together. Hermione was quickly falling for the man, but he was resisting, due to the age difference, even though she appreciated his maturity. That being said, he still made time for her, since they were both relatively new to this modern age and had similar sensibilities. The fact that Hermione was very mature for her age and her English accent helped quite a bit too.

Hermione had been hired instantly as an assistant to Tony, for his work with Runes, while EPI often called on her knowledge as a magical consultant, to see where they could use magic to improve things or to help with the day-to-day. Repairing items that got damaged, especially with how much work EPI did, was a common occurrence, and Harry had not been able to make a Reparo Spell-Shell, since the wielder needed to know what they were doing to shape the spell properly.

Ron was happily playing and coaching Quiddich, as a team-building exercise at Xavier's Institute, at the newly built Quiddich stadium, his strategic mind taking full advantage of all the enhanced abilities. It wouldn't be useful to the children to play without using their powers, after all. This had had the side-effect of teaching all the children how to use finer control. Misdirection and feints were also part of the game.

Minerva had taken to spending time with Wanda, helping her advance her studies and learning quite a bit in the process from Harry's many books. She was also spending quite a bit of time with Yao, the previous Sorcerer Supreme and current island counsellor. There was something there that just made an instant connection, likely the fact that they had both seen to the education of mystical and magical students for many years. They were often seen just chatting and laughing, over a glass of wine, while watching the island's children at play.

Dumbledore was enjoying helping Bruce with his studies into Alchemy, since Harry had yet to achieve success in making someone a magical. He had no doubt that there would be new magicals at some point, likely including some of the current residents, like the younger elves. The rest of the time, he simply enjoyed the tropical paradise Harry had made. Something about the place invigorated him. He felt like a younger man. He suspected it was the Bahama Mama's, which had quickly became his favourite too, but his had just a dash of something extra. Eldrin, the elf at the bar refused to tell him what it was, though.

Odin and Frigga were happily chatting and watching the children play, while they sat in some shade and drank some cold drinks. Harry had no illusions about how long he'd have with little James, before Frigga couldn't resist joining them to play with her grandson. The baby boy, even at this very young age, had connected instantly with his grandma, and he would often start crying when she wasn't in the immediate vicinity. Especially when his mother was not around, which wasn't really all that often.

Natasha had taken to motherhood more than anyone had expected. Her fierce protectiveness over her family had only grown, but was fortunately mostly directed at her son. Harry didn't want to imagine her being more protective of himself as that would be pushing at the boundaries of obsessive behaviour. It wasn't his fault that the crazies inevitably showed up and attacked him, after all. To be fair, that hadn't happen for a while, either.

Thor was still spending most of his time on New Asgard, the duplicate city Harry had created to house the Asgard when their original home was destroyed by the Fire-Giant, Surtur. It floated above and slightly to the side of New Atlantis, never casting a shadow on the island, even though it was hidden by a Fidelius and was unplottable.

Baby James's favourite pastime, besides sleeping, eating and crying, was when he and Natasha went on the newly created kiddies' water-slide. It was completely level and ran around the inner pool, which surrounded the Bar in a never-ending circle, with a few twists to keep things from getting stale. The inner pool had, like much in the resort, many protections from children falling in or getting hurt, not that the ever present Veela or Nymphs would allow any accidents to happen with them around, especially with the Prince of New Atlantis.

James' Aunty Hela, was almost as protective of him as his own mother, checking up on him on many occasions during the course of any given day.

Frankly, with the amount of attention the baby was getting, Harry worried that he might grow up spoiled. Logan had just smirked and pointed out that, as the godfather to baby James, he'd never allow the kid to become too full of himself. That had been a hard pill to swallow for Sirius and Tony, but Harry had not really given a damn. Logan was the most responsible of the three.

Tony and Pepper had had their first just three months after James had been born and Tony had since turned into a puddle of paternal love over his daughter, Morgan. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she would grow up spoiled with him going on like he was. Fortunately Pepper was a little better and could still reign Tony in when he overdid things.

Grandma Frigga, as predicted, soon showed up to play with the little boy and to give his parents some free time, which they accepted easily. The baby boy was starting to sleep for longer periods, but it was an on-off thing and he'd been a little monster the previous night, keeping both parents from getting proper rest, so they went to the bar, for a cool-drink and some quiet conversation. They sometimes cheated, by using Harry's time-turner to get some solid sleep, but hadn't needed to do that in weeks. They were discussing doing just that, when the scouting party, who had gone to Alfheim to look for more animals to bring to New Atlantis, showed up.

Luna and her father Xenophilius had both joined them this time, as had become the norm, and Luna was instantly off the intergalactic magic carpet, when they appeared, running full tilt to where Harry and Natasha sat.

"They're coming!" she all but shouted. When she reached them, she stopped, breathing a little heavily, but still smiling from ear-to-ear. "They're coming!" she repeated.

"Who's coming?" Harry asked, with an amused smile on his lips.

"The Fae!" Luna said excitedly.

"You found them?" Natasha asked.

"Well, no." Luna said.

"My little radish found a connection." Xenophilius said. "There's an anchor-point on Alfheim, in a cave we were exploring to look for the ever-evasive Snorkack."

"We were looking for Nifflers." Logan corrected.

"We can look for two things." Xenophilius stated, easily.

"So, how do you know they're coming?" Harry asked.

"The anchor wasn't there when we entered the cave." Luna said. "That must mean that they are planning on coming soon."

"Or they were waiting for the right people to come looking." Xenophilius said, nodding at Luna.

"Well, if they are related…" Harry allowed.

"Do you know when they are coming, or when to be there?" Natasha asked.

"Actually, I was hoping we could borrow Harry." Luna said.

"They need his power ring to open the doorway." Logan said, cutting through all the back and forth. It had been irritating him. Luna actually did pout. She had been enjoying the game. "Those eyes don't work on me, missy." Logan growled at her.

Luna huffed, but turned back to Harry. "So, can we do it?" she asked, hopefully.

"Do we need to make preparations?" Harry asked.

Luna thought about it, but Xenophilius replied. "If they were able to sustain themselves, wherever they went, they likely won't need anything too urgently." he said.

"So, we're just planning on opening the world up to new unknown powers?" the gruff voice of Mad-Eye Moody asked, as he walked up to them. He'd since received a new leg from EPI, which walked much more naturally. It could even feel, with the adamantite wiring and Jarvis's rune-based nerve functionality.

"Well, they did live in this world long ago." Luna said. "They have more right to be here than I do."

"We'll also not be offering them a place on New Atlantis, unless they are capable of controlling themselves." Harry said. He knew Luna wanted to bring what she called the Summer Court, to New Atlantis. The Winter Court was his real concern. His research into folklore had made him think that they were darker creatures, with similarly dark tendencies. He had no problem bringing the Fae back from wherever they'd escaped to, but he also didn't like the idea of leaving them to do as they pleased. He'd at least meet with them to talk about what they intended to do. Chances were, he'd be able to help them in some way and that would give him leverage.

"But they'd love it here!" Luna exclaimed.

"Only some, and you know the rules." Harry said, with a pointed look, to which Luna nodded in understanding. The more violently inclined and less intellectually capable would not be allowed to enter the island proper, and would likely need to be kept in enclosures. He'd not do it with intelligent creatures, and in those cases, it was best to simply not bring them at all.

"I'll speak to Fury first, before you run off doing things like the foolish boy you sometimes are." Moody said, as he activated a portkey and was taken away.

"Call your brother." Odin said, as he joined the impromptu meeting happening at the bar. "Asgard had ties to Alfheim before their fall and we could add some influence to the talks. We were once allies."


It had taken only a day to make their preparations. Fury and Moody had shown up shortly after he left, so that he could be part of the planning, and paranoid bastard that he was, there were questions upon questions. By the end of their discussions Thor had joined and had volunteered to have his people on stand-by, so that they could render support, should it come to a fight, but Odin was, like Luna, of the opinion that things would not go in that direction. The Fae had gone into hiding to avoid their slaughter at the hands of the Dark Elves, after all. Chances were, they'd not have enough magical power either, especially if they needed help coming back.

So it was that Heimdall, since he'd seen where the cave was, had opened a portal for them and Harry had walked through with his friends, his wife and the Avengers who were available. He'd upgraded Heimdall's capabilities, when the need for him to open many portals for their allies arose, and he could now open portals between two different places, without the need for people to come to New Asgard first.

The first person through the Portal was Harry, followed by Natasha, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bruce, Sif, Tony (who could instantly call up either his current nanotech Iron Man suit, or a magical version of the same from his pouch), Wanda, Jarvis (in his Vision body, just in case), Logan and finally the Lovegoods, who were to stay behind the trained professionals.

They entered the cave and Logan led them to the location where Luna had detected the magical connection.

"This is the place." Logan pointed out.

Harry went directly to the indicated location and started scanning with his magic. It didn't take a lot of time, before he felt the faint pull of something. "I think I have it." he said. "I just don't know how to go about opening this."

"Would you mind?" Luna asked, as she walked forward. "I can show you." she said. Harry nodded and she lifted her hand to the spot and closed her eyes. They waited only about twenty seconds, before Luna said, "Now, if you'll give me a bit of power, Harry? I'll show you how to direct it."

Harry tapped into his ring and put his hand next to hers, following her magic with his own, until he felt it. There was something on the other side, almost greedily taking in the power that he was feeding, so he started feeding it a steady flow.

"A little bit slower." Luna warned, still feeling the connection. "We don't want to overpower her."

"Her?" Harry asked, even as he slowed the feed.

"It's likely one of the queens you're feeding your power to." Luna nodded. "They would have been the most powerful of their people, before they went into hiding in the in-between, but not even they would be able to handle that much power."

"You know where they are?" Loki asked, intrigued.

"Sorry. It's a family secret." Luna said.

"On her mother's side." Xenophilius agreed.

"So it's part of your Fae heritage?" Natasha asked.

"Something like that." Luna said, evasively.

It took a few more minutes, before Luna nodded and stepped back, indicating for Harry to come away from the point.

They waited only a few seconds, before something that looked akin to a tear formed in the air in front of them. It shone with a bright light and soon a person stepped through the tear.

The woman before them was beautiful and elegant, with light-blonde hair and a feeling of agelessness about her regal features. There was also an ethereal light shining from her very skin and while she looked to be in her late twenties, you could also see in her golden eyes that she was much older than she seemed. She was also looking directly at Harry.

"Are you the one that has paid the tribute?" she asked.

"I paid no tribute, but I sent you magic, so that you may open the door." Harry said. "I count a descendant of your race as one of my closest friends." he said pointing at Luna.

She looked at Luna and her eyes narrowed, before a spark of recognition shone in her eyes. "Are you the last of your line, Fae-born?" she asked.

"I am." Luna said sadly, a moment of sadness crossing her eyes.

The woman nodded slowly at Luna then. "I am sorry for your loss, child, but we will have to mourn the loss of your mother later." she said sadly, a look of loss crossing her eyes as well. Then she turned to Harry. "I see no altar, nor sacrifice. How do you possess the power to do this without such, and why do you attempt it?" she asked then.

"I merely wish to offer you the opportunity to return to the world and to ensure you intend no harm to the rest of the realms." Harry said. "Forgive me, but in my culture it is considered polite to introduce oneself, before such heavy matters are discussed. I am King Harry James Potter Odinson. King of New Atlantis, Prince of Asgard. Adopted son of Odin Borson."

"The Allfather still lives?" the woman asked. When Harry just nodded, she decided to play nice. "I am Queen Titania of the Summer Court and we of the Summer Court do not wish to partake in war. That is why we fled, when the Dark Elves invaded."

"Thank you, Queen Titania." Harry said.

"Well met, Queen Titania. I am Thor Odinson, King of Asgard." Thor introduced himself then. "Fear not. My brother saw to the Dark Elves' ruin, when they attempted to turn all the nine realms into realms of eternal darkness." he said proudly, as he stepped forward and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"A mighty feat." Titania said, as she nodded at Thor and then looked at Harry with a look of calculation. "Your power is great. Do you possess more, or did you spend yourself, bringing me here?" she asked.

"Power isn't a problem for Harry." Loki spoke up. "My brother has devised ways by which he can store much power and he used but a drop from his ocean to achieve this feat." When Titania looked at him in question, he said, "Loki Odinson. Odin's second son."

"You feel like those of the Winter Court." Titania said.

"I was born of Jotunheim." Loki said, with a nod. "My blood is that of my Aesir parents, due to a magic my brother gifted us with." Loki said, nodding at Harry again.

Titania looked at Harry again. "How many magics do you possess? It seems your influence knows no bounds."

"We can discuss that at another time." Harry redirected the conversation. "Where are the rest of your people?"

Titania accepted the change. "Our people sleep, awaiting our return to Alfheim."

"And the Winter Court?" Natasha asked. "Natasha Potter, Queen of New Atlantis." she introduced herself belatedly.

"They slumber as well." Titania nodded. "Mab and I stand sentinel in shifts. She slumbers now."

"Can you step away from this place for a while, so we may discuss your needs and what has become of Alfheim?" Harry asked.

"I may not leave the portal, now that it is open. If others find it, those who slumber would be in peril." Titania said.

"I will protect the portal with my magics, and bind the protection to you, if you prefer." Harry promised. "We have much to discuss." If it was only this woman, he'd have no problem with bringing her to his home, so that they can discuss things in comfort.

Titania seemed to be weighing her options. She didn't know these people, but that her beloved daughter's descendant was with them, spoke to their nature. If nothing else, that would persuade her, but it seemed that there was more going on and she was curious, despite herself. "Very well, but I must see this magic done, before I leave the portal. I will not chance an unknown magic until I can see it for myself."

Harry nodded then. "If you'll please step away from the portal for a moment, then I shall hide it and your people behind a veil of secrecy so strong, only when you speak it aloud will anyone be able to find it." he said. Titania took two steps away, but still looked a little worried, until Luna walked up next to her and took her hand with a smile. It seemed she knew what was coming and knew to trust the man.

Harry cast the Fidelius around the portal quickly, meaning he was using a lot of power at once. Luna whispered something to Titania just before Harry approached her and held his hand out to her, which she then took, as Harry passed the secret to her through the touch, making her the Secret Keeper.

Titania examined the knowledge and the magic connected to it for a few moments before she smiled and nodded. "It is as you said, descendant of my beloved daughter. This is a very powerful enchantment. Never have I seen its like. It will most certainly suffice, for us to have a chance to speak."

"Let us be away then." Harry said, smirking at his friends who had come along, just on the off-chance that things went differently. Tony just rolled his eyes at him. Steve was smiling, though. He was glad things went this way. Luna was a friend as well, and seeing her happy face at being claimed as family by Titania was heart-warming.

Harry lifted his hand, index and pinkie fingers extended, and turned it, as a portal formed to New Atlantis.

"You tap into the pathways with such casual ease." Titania said, slightly shocked. She could also tap into the pathways between worlds, but it usually took a ritual and a lot of power.

"My husband is a powerful wizard. He's also been attributed with Enchantment and Artifice by the Asgard and his adopted family." Natasha said.

"But he was an Enchanter before even that." Thor pointed out before he stepped through the portal, leading the group through.

When Titania stepped through the portal, she was overcome by a sense of power and life. She could tell that the very land was alive. "Where are we?" she asked in awe.

"Welcome to New Atlantis." Harry said with a smile. "This is my island, a refuge for magical creatures and plants."

"How long has your family lived here?" Titania asked, wondering how many generations it must have taken to establish such a place.

"Actually, I only bought the island a few years ago." Harry shrugged.

Titania stopped dead in her tracks. She saw elves and nymphs and felt life that had lived on Alfheim for thousands of years, and so much more. All of the life was in complete harmony with each other as well. How dare someone think they had the right to simply purchase such a place? Mere gold could not be valuable enough for such a place! Surely it belonged to those who lived here first?

Luna, insightful as ever, spoke up then. "When Harry bought the island, there was no intelligent life here. He brought everyone here as a haven for those who had no home, or for those he rescued from being hunted and enslaved."

"But this island has a spirit and a will of its own." Titania countered. She could tell the island was alive, after all. It sang to her like the most beautiful melody. The island wanted to protect all its life and it had means to respond should any be threatened. She didn't know what those means were, but had no doubt it was not something even she would want to test.

"That was also Harry's doing." Luna nodded.

"Truly?" Titania asked, looking over to where Harry was already ordering a few drinks from an Elf. At least it seemed that the elves still had their gifts, as she sensed the elf access his affinity to better perform his duty. Sure, it was a very limited connection to interpret the future, but it was still there and being harnessed to its fullest.

"Eldrin is the barkeep." Luna said, following her gaze. "The Light Elves became magical again, here, after Harry rescued them from slavery."

Titania looked down at Luna, then. She looked around thirty by mortal standards, which likely meant she was probably a decade older. It seemed her daughter had had to give up on her timelessness and the gift had been lost by her children, due to lack of contact with other Fae. This girl, however, was still as insightful as her daughter had been. "You are giving me much to contemplate." she said. "Tell me, young Luna, where on Alfheim are we?"

"We're on Earth." Luna said, quickly adding, "That's what people from here call Midgard."

"This is Midgard?" Titania asked in shock. No magic user on Midgard, no matter how gifted could ever boast what she was seeing here, before she and her people went into hiding. It was a land of peace and beauty, and she could tell that there were many magics here that made it an eternal refuge for summer. Her people could live here and never be contested by the winter court again.

"I was hoping Harry would allow you to bring your people here." Luna said. "Normally, he'd not mind such things, as long as you promised to keep your people peaceful. No violence is tolerated on the island, after all. Unfortunately he doesn't know your numbers, nor do I believe you wish to give up your throne. Harry is King here."

"Luna?" Harry asked as he walked up to them, a tray floating next to him with a drink for her and a glass of white wine for Titania. "Are you going to join us?" he asked of them both.

"Grandma was just asking about everything she was feeling here." Luna said. "She doesn't know what to think about it all. I think, for her, this must look like a place where the Fae had lived before. I was just assuring her that you didn't steal their lands and that you established New Atlantis yourself."

"Surely you have created a marvel of life and beauty here on your lands." Titania complimented, even as she controlled her features to not show her real feelings and taking the offered glass of wine. It was good, but it wasn't as good as the wine her elves had once produced on Alfheim. She nodded at the Elf in the bar, who had looked her way and he bowed back respectfully. "We will join you currently. I thank you for the moments you have allowed me to speak to my daughter's last descendent." she said, then.

"I will allow you all the time to talk that you wish." Harry said. "We aren't in a hurry, really, but my friends were just hoping to learn a little more, before they departed to their other duties." he said, indicating the people who had come with them.

"Perhaps it is time for a few introductions?" Luna asked, as she noticed that Firenze was standing at the outskirts of the forest, watching them as well. "And maybe we can take grandma on a tour?" she asked hopefully.

"Maybe once we know more." Harry allowed. "No offense, your majesty, but I do need to consider the safety of my people first."

"I will take no offense, King Harry." Titania said. "You are correct. To you I am an unknown and your duty is to your people first. I will assure you, however, that I am not a threat to you or your people. If what I am seeing is not a dream or illusion, we have much to discuss."

"Will the shiny miss be staying in the guesthouse, Master?" Dobby asked, as he appeared next to Harry.

"A Brownie?" Titania asked. "We have not seen them for many generations. We feared they were extinct."

"Dobby is being a house-elf." Dobby said.

"That's what we know them as." Harry added. "As I understand it, people use different words to describe different creatures in different cultures." he said to Dobby, trying not to elaborate too much. He also sent a look at Luna, who was about to elaborate. She closed her mouth and nodded in understanding.

"Whatever you are called, it is good to know your kind still live." Titania said, with a smile just for the house-elf.

"We don't know if the lady is staying yet." Harry said to Dobby. "If she does, I'll be sure to call for you, okay?" To this, Dobby nodded and vanished.

Dobby and the other elves had not needed long to adjust to life on the Island and working the dorms and kitchens for EPI's armies. They all carried amulets with connections to New Atlantis, which had become their master. The house-elves had technically bonded to Prongs, as the spirit of the Island, and had since started asking for work. Harry was just glad they didn't all need to connect to him. Logan and the local creatures took such care of the land, they didn't need anything from the house-elves. The Light Elves had also objected when the helpful little creatures took care of all their duties before they could attempt to work their fields, where they were attempting to grow a vineyard.

Dobby, however, had kept his connection to Harry. He was a good house-elf, though, and was seldom seen. Harry never complained when the house-elf had already set his kitchen up for breakfast, or when his pantry restocked itself. Harry didn't know that Jarvis had been keeping the house-elf informed when Harry would appreciate having those things taken care of, like when Harry worked late, or when James kept them up at all hours.

Besides those duties, Dobby kept a constant vigil over little James. He was a house-elf after all, he would care for all in his master's family.

"He is a very dutiful Brownie." Titania stated. "Powerful for one of his kind too."

"Dobby's always been a special house-elf." Harry said with a smile.

"Where we come from, the lands didn't have enough, or the right kind of magic to sustain them, so most house-elves swore themselves to serve magical people, to sustain themselves." Luna said. "We solved that by bringing them here, though. The island is more than enough to sustain them and Prongs doesn't ask them to do too much."

"Prongs?" Titania asked. She got a far-off look in her eyes then, before she nodded. "Ah, I see. The Spirit of the land was named thus. It is not what I would call a worthy name for such a powerful Spirit, but the island feels a sentimental connection to it, so I will not judge it negatively."

Harry just nodded and led the woman back to the group, who were all now comfortably attired and chatting quietly.

Harry handled the introductions and Titania understood that these were the knights of New Atlantis, when they were described as heroes. The wilder man, Logan, was akin to her Satyr, Cassius. He had once been the one charged with upkeep of her realm during the months when summer ruled the lands. He had had a connection with the beasts of the land as well and had a wild protective streak about him, often resorting to violence to ensure everyone knew their place and respected others' territory.

There was also a sorceress, Wanda, who was following in King Harry's footsteps, hoping to learn his trade of enchantment. She was also apparently a capable crafter of foci, for the direction of magical energies. She had a paramour, Jarvis, who seemed to be an intelligent construct of sorts. He had seemed powerful, when she saw him first, but now he was inhabiting a different body, more human but also a construct of immensely complicated design. Less powerful perhaps, but also with human flaws and weaknesses, supposedly made so by design, for the intelligence to experience life more naturally.

There was also the man, Bruce, who seemed a real intellect, if she read his eyes correctly. She hadn't seen what made him special, but he had immensely powerful potential, and it seemed hidden somehow, almost lurking in wait for any opportunity. She would continue to watch him, to see what she could learn.

She could tell quite a few of these people were ageless, but young. She had not known the men of Midgard could achieve this, but it also seemed that much had changed since they had gone into hiding. It seemed that without the influence of the Fae, Alfheim had been reduced to a land of wild animals, rather than magical beings. They didn't remember their former glory, either. Not until the masters of New Atlantis had brought them to this land.

She felt much sadness as they talked, even as she kept her features in check. She would not allow these people to see how much of what she had learned had affected her. If it came to a discussion of trading favours, to secure either support, or a place for her people, it would not do to have them know how much power they had in their hands. If Alfheim was lost, as it seemed it might well be, New Atlantis was likely their only hope of survival. The fact that Luna was there was heartening, though.

"So, what do you want to do?" Harry asked, after most of this had been discussed.

"You have given me much to think about." Titania said. "I will need a bit of time to consider our options."

"Then time you shall have." Firenze said, as he stepped over the bridge to the bar area. "I'm sorry for my interruption, Harry Potter, Queen Summer, but my people have prepared a place for you to join us for the evening."

"Firenze, I don't-" Harry started.

"It will be fine, Harry." Luna said easily. "I will go with Titania. We have much to discuss. I'm sure Firenze knows what he needs to." she added. Titania had asked her to call her by name, as she didn't like hearing the term 'Grandma' used to describe herself.

Harry looked between Firenze and Luna for a moment, before he finally nodded, thinking he understood. "Fair enough." he said, then. "I will leave Queen Titania in your hands. Will you need transport?" he asked then.

"I will transport the Queen and Luna Lovegood, personally." Firenze said. He was still the only Centaur Harry had ever heard of, who would allow someone to ride him.

Harry didn't put too much more thought into it, but he and Tony got down to discussing possibilities for the long-overdue project of creating a second island nearby, with the others making suggestions as they went. In the end it was Arthur, having joined them after work, who made the best suggestion. It would mean very little sleep for Harry, but then, he cheated.

He, Jarvis and Natasha took a last bit of time away from the rest, where they discussed things no other soul knew about.


When Titania returned the next morning, it was by Luna apparating her. It was not something she intended to use again. Such an undignified way to travel! Slipping through the lower dimensions like that made her feel dirty. She didn't seem to be negatively affected, though, which was a bonus, at least.

When they turned up, Molly Weasley was already in her kitchen, which Harry had taken some time to modify to her liking and then he'd made it a permanent addition. The elven and nymph children were already sitting by the benches in front of it, eating their breakfast, while Molly watched over them with her motherly smile. The permanent residents mostly had breakfast in their own houses and the house-elves would prepare something for the guests in the Guest House and the maids from the Room of Requirement would deliver it, like room service.

This morning, however, Molly had opted to prepare something for their one guest, not having really talked to the woman yet. She beckoned her and Luna over and Luna skipped over, with the more dignified Titania walking more sedately.

"Luna dear, I made some breakfast for you and your, um, matriarch?" Molly asked.

"You should just refer to me as Titania, while I am a guest with no titles in this realm." Titania said.

"Titania, then." Molly smiled. Titania understood that this woman was a hearth-witch of some sort. Very motherly and caring, with a mother's instinct to protect all the children in her care with a passion. Apparently she was also a caregiver for the nymph and elven children, while their elders busied themselves with tending to their duties on the Island.

Molly was looking at Luna strangely then. "Luna, did you do something different today? You look… younger."

"I have restored her Fae heritage as much as I could." Titania said. "I cannot let my darling Luna outlive me, after all. She will be important to our people and may one day be needed. Hopefully, a few thousand years from now." It was actually done as a reward for finding the anchor to the in-between. Without assistance, the Fae may have stayed trapped for all time. The Fae tended to trade in deals and barter, where the value of a service was rewarded by equal compensation. Or, at least, what would seem to be equal. It was only natural to always try to get the better deal for oneself, however. The Winter Court were less than forgiving, when a fool made deals with them, often finding themselves the recipient of something that they didn't really want.

Luna just smiled at Molly. "I do feel younger." she said. She looked it too. Where before she had started showing the signs of laugh lines, her face was now smooth, her hair was curlier and her skin had a slight glow, if you knew to look for it. She was definitely looking more other-worldly and more beautiful because of it.

Molly shook herself from the staring, before she turned back to the smiling older woman. "I wasn't certain what you eat." she said apologetically. "The elves are vegetarian and since they came from Alfheim, I prepared a selection." She waved her wand and a few platters of steaming food appeared. All were carefully prepared, and most would be edible for the Elves.

Titania dished up a modest selection of foods, along with a bowl of porridge, liberally drizzled plied honey and milk. Her kind were more like the nymphs than the elves, in that they preferred sweet things, but they didn't normally mind normal foods and could be considered omnivorous. They did prefer other forms of protein, though, like fish. Seeing as how wild game had once lived with them in peace, eating animals like that didn't appeal to them in the slightest.

Harry joined them part-way through breakfast, just after Titania had gone to fetch more milk and honey, a third time. Harry had watched this happen the last two times from his own kitchen and had brought some tea with milk, honey and a dash of whipped cream for the sweet-toothed Queen. He wasn't the world's best cook, but he knew how to serve people what would suit them.

"This is delicious!" Titania exclaimed, after trying the tea for herself.

"I don't normally add quite as much milk or honey and the whipped cream was just a guess, but I'm glad you like it." Harry said. "In England, morning tea is a tradition I still stick to, though."

"I appreciate the thought." Titania nodded her head, before turning serious again. "So, I assume we are to discuss what is to become of my people?" she asked then.

"Right to the point then?" Harry asked. He noticed Luna looking off to the side and realised she'd somehow intuited something. "Not now, Luna." he said quickly, before she could give anything away.

"Right." Luna said, a smile blossoming on her face.

"You're looking good this morning." Harry complimented. He turned to Titania. "Your doing, I suppose?" he asked.

"She has been partially restored to her heritage." Titania agreed. "It was diluted by all the mortal generations in her family, but it's there. With time, it will blossom fully."

"That's great news." Harry said with a smile for her. "Thank you."

"Do not thank me." Titania said. "It was only proper." It was also done in an attempt to gain some favour.

"So, I'm assuming you've had time to talk to Luna about how things work here?" he asked.

"Indeed." Titania said. "I've also been informed of the current state of Alfheim. It will be the work of many lifetimes to restore balance to our old home, before we could consider returning there."

"And in the meanwhile?" Harry asked.

"I would like to request sanctuary for myself and my people, from the Kingdom of New Atlantis." Titania said. It would be their only option.

"Okay." Harry said.

"In return for your support…" Titania said quickly, before his answer permeated her mind and interrupted her well thought-out arguments. "You would offer it freely?" she asked, shocked.

"Sure." Harry said. "I trust that Luna has informed you of all the rules and laws of the kingdom and that your people will follow your command to follow them and to respect the many beings that live and visit here?" he asked.

"She has, and they will." Titania said, still in shock. "You do not require service, or an oath of fealty?"

"My Harry never asked for subjects." Natasha said, as she joined them, with Xera following.

"Our Harry isn't one of the Fae. He does not require lopsided deals and bargains." Xera said. "As long as you understand that you will be considered a visiting Monarch and people, and respect his wishes, the only service he requires is that you add to the Kingdom in your own ways to ensure the life here flourishes." It was what her own people had come to discover. Be yourself and add to the beauty of the Island.

"Grove Mistress." Titania nodded respectfully. She'd only been told of this woman, who had previously been indisposed with her duties. It was one of the reasons she had been considering offering Harry one of her more beautiful maidens. "It is good to meet you. I have heard much of your grove and have felt your influence and that of your grove throughout the forest."

"It is our duty and we fulfil it with pride and joy." Xera said, nodding back. "We are the ones that chose to subjugate ourselves to our King. He took the title only at the urging of his subjects and Natasha." she confirmed Natasha's statement. "Our Queen Natasha was the one to understand our culture first and helped convince Harry."

That made sense to Titania. The Nymph influence was layered on top of powerful magic that ran throughout the land. If the king's power had been there when they arrived, it would be very difficult not to treat him like their lord, once they were brought here. Service in exchange for said power, so that they could grow and be happy. It was strange that he only had one Nymph consort, though.

"If you don't mind my asking, how is it that you are the only consort to the King?" she asked, giving voice to her thoughts.

"The Queen Mother, Frigga of the Asgard, has influence with bonds and relationships." Natasha answered. "She bound the grove together, so that those who needed it could gain the benefit of Xera's connection to Harry."

"Ah, that does explain it." Titania said. It was quite ingenious really, and spoke volumes of Harry's character. Normally a man would not give something like an entire grove of willing Nymphs up for the pleasures they could bestow upon him. Though it was also possible that it also served as protection for him. Such a situation could also be a man's downfall. She'd seen it happen before.

"Don't misunderstand." Xera said. "Harry would have been more than enough to sate the hungers of an entire grove of hundreds. His power and prowess is legendary, here and even in the halls of Asgard."

"He doesn't like that spread around, though, so please keep it to yourself." Natasha said, when Harry looked miffed at Xera, who couldn't help but brag. "Harry's bed is full." she added sternly.

"Truly?" Titania asked. Damn. There goes that bargaining chip. She had spoken to Natasha a bit and could feel her strong connection to Harry. Something about her also told Titania that she should never try anything with this woman. She was no mere mortal. "So, you would simply require that we maintain the peace and add value to your lands?" she asked Harry then.

"That's about the gist of it, yes." Harry said, turning his scowl from Xera, who was smiling unashamedly at her insinuation that he was a sex-god. Again. "Luna is of the opinion that you could turn New Atlantis into a fairy realm of beauty. We have darker creatures on the island, though. Creatures of violence and ferocity. They are kept in places that suit them best and we try to maintain their ecosystems separately from the rest of the inhabitants. I have prepared such a place for the vast majority of your people, with some input from my own."

"You intend to keep us isolated?" Titania asked, not understanding.

"No." Harry said. "I have created a large place where you may rule your own subjects. While they are there, you may rule it as your own kingdom. When they exit it, they will need to follow the rules of New Atlantis. Consider us a neighbouring kingdom." Arthur had asked why he didn't just make them their own land, in one of his pockets. He knew it could be expanded with runes and application of directed magic. Harry had taken the idea further.

"You could not have created a large enough space for all my people in the last few hours." Titania scoffed.

Harry just smirked. "Come on, then. Finish your tea and let me show you."

Titania quickly finished her tea, as Luna just clapped her hands in excitement. She'd felt something very powerful off to the western side of the island. She felt something similar off to the eastern side, but it didn't call to her like the other.

Odin and Frigga had also joined them. Odin wore a smile that Titania read as indulgent, while Frigga looked proud, but slightly worried. That didn't make sense to her, but then she didn't know Harry well enough to know how much time he had spent on this. Not as much as when he had worked on duplicating Asgard, but definitely enough to show on his face.

When everyone was almost ready, Logan walked up to them with his carpet, followed closely by Hela and her ever present servant, Amora, the Enchantress. She had become something of a handmaiden to her mistress, the goddess of death, who was also her warden until such a time as she was considered eligible for parole, which wasn't likely any time soon.

"Saw your addition to the island." Logan grumbled. "For her?" he asked, indicating Titania with a nod of his head.

"Perfect timing as always." Harry said, nodding and smiling at the man.

"Prongs informed us." Logan shrugged.

"You speak to the Spirit?" Titania asked. She knew he was the keeper of the lands, along with the redhead and the half-giant, but hadn't realised that he was close enough to it, for it to seek him out and inform him of the happenings on the island.

"Not really." Logan said. Prongs had simply appeared for a moment and had given him a look, and he'd understood that something was going on, so he'd taken Puppy, his large female dragon familiar, for a flight and they'd seen the additions. He turned to Harry, not saying any more to the new arrival. "East or West?" he asked, as he unrolled his carpet for them.

"West." Harry answered. It didn't surprise him that Logan knew. He always turned up when anything happened that might affect the island. He didn't even bothering to inform him anymore. Logan would just turn up unannounced and join them, so that he could see what was going on for himself.

Titania looked at the carpet and when everyone stepped on and took seats, she followed them, not really understanding, even if she did detect the magics on the carpet. When it lifted up, she was only slightly shocked, but she was even more impressed at how smooth the movement had been and how easily Logan had controlled it with a mere thought.

They quickly started flying along the coast and Titania was impressed with what she was seeing. There were many magical creatures roaming the island. She even saw some of the Nymphs walking and applying their magics to regrow plants that had the unmistakable signs of large herbivores having eaten from them. She didn't see them for long, because the carpet moved quickly and before long, they approached a grassy path, which extended into the ocean from the shore, until it reached a stone archway. Even to her eyes, the archway contained too many magics to properly identify.

When they landed, Harry took the lead. "This is the Summer Gateway." he said. "It's how you get to your new home."

"Summer Gateway." Titania repeated, as they approached the stone archway. From far it had seemed to be simple stone that you could see through, but as they approached, she detected a rainbow shimmer, which grew more pronounced as you neared it, until you could no longer see the ocean behind it.

"It will be protected more carefully, once you have your people ready." Harry said, as he walked to the stone and placed a hand on it. There was a flash and the undulating rainbow solidified into a large set of wooden doors, which started swinging inward of their own accord.

When the door was open, Titania saw for the first time, that there was a large forest before her, with sunshine peeking through the leaves of the trees as a gentle breeze blew through them. She stepped through the arch, and a feeling of crossing a magical protection went through her.

"Simple intent-based wards." Harry said, when she looked at him.

"Stay here." Hela said to Amora, whose jaw clenched for a moment, before she nodded meekly and took a step back. She seldom had the opportunity to see new things and Hela seemed to like tormenting her like that.

The group stepped through the archway and looked around. There seemed to be no end in sight for the large forest, with equally large trees.

"How big is this place?" Titania asked, in wonder. She felt the magic of the place. It felt familiar too.

"It's only a couple of kilometres, not infinite." Harry said. "If you go too far in one direction, you'll soon appear from the other side of the forest, going in the same direction, but it has the potential to grow with your population, if you can generate enough magic for it."

Harry had set the place up like a combination of his power ring's pocket dimension, which could expand and grow as more power was added, and with the same setup as he had used for New Asgard, so that it could store energy that was generated naturally by the beings living there, to support itself.

"An expanding pocket dimension with infinite potential to grow." Odin said in awe. "My son, you have amazed me yet again with this enchanted forest. Well done!" he cheered, clapping Harry on the back, even as Luna hugged Harry exuberantly.

"Well, it's not complete yet." Harry said. "I'll still need to help them with a few water-sources and I have no idea what all they will need. It will likely take some time before they can become self-sufficient here."

"In the meanwhile, your guild, New Atlantis and Asgard will render support, to help them establish themselves." Odin said in understanding. He had no doubt that Thor would approve of the plan.

"The East?" Logan asked, after taking everything in.

"The Winter Fae!" Luna exclaimed, as she finally let go of Harry, a large smile seemingly surgically attached to her face. She started running around and inspecting the trees, with the enthusiasm often found in the very young.

"Where did the forest come from?" Xera asked. She could tell they were real trees, not conjured by magic.

"Stole it, from Alfheim." Harry shrugged. It hadn't been the most difficult part of the plan. He simply had to ward a place, to have all the creatures evacuate, before he transported the whole place into the pocket, which he then moved here and anchored to the Stone Archway.

Titania had since fallen to her knees. He'd brought them a piece of their home and made it so that they could establish a realm all of their own in the lands that had been lost to them for so long.

Harry noticed her position and went to her, kneeling before her. "If you'd prefer I return the forest and bring something else, I could still do that." he said apologetically, wondering if he had offended her with his actions.

Titania had tears running down her face, but she smiled sadly at Harry. "You have no ties to us, but you would expend so much power to ensure our happiness." she said. "I'm not upset. I'm overwhelmed by your generosity! To even bring a part of our old home for us, so that we may feel comforted by its presence, you are surely the most generous being I have ever come across."

"You're wrong." Logan said. "Luna is his friend. He'll do anything for his friends." he said matter-of-factly.

"Logan is correct." Hela said. "My brother is a kind soul. He will spend much effort on ensuring the happiness of his chosen companions and friends, and consider it a trifle."

"But this," Titania said, spreading her arms, indicating the forest, "is much more than a mere trifle!"

"It is within my son's power to do this and much more." Frigga said, proudly. "And you are correct, though, in that this took much effort and time, which I'm certain he'll refuse to explain." she added, sternly.

"You know me so well, Mother." Harry said, smirking impishly at her.

"I was with him." Natasha assured Frigga. "He did not overwork himself, but his excitement at the project drove him to little sleep as he worked tirelessly at it. He will need to catch up on some sleep, before he can bring anyone here."

"Good." Frigga said. Her daughter-in-law was always there to ground her son.

"I will not request more of you, until you are rested, then." Titania said, finally having regained control of her emotions, but as she stood up, with a hand from Harry, she pulled into him and hugged him tightly. "But you will be honoured for your help and you will always be welcomed by Summer, as a lord among her people." she said, as she crushed him to her.

He had not only offered them sanctuary, but having taken into consideration her station, he had created a new realm for her and her people, so that she may rule her own land and people in a place that would be blessed by summer always. Having heard that he had made similar arrangements for Winter, left her no doubt that there would finally be peace between the two Courts, with a dividing land that brooked no violence and magics to protect their homes.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"We will need to talk." Logan said to the Fae Queen, as she finally let go of Harry and wiped the last of her tears away.

"Luna has explained the rules of your land and our people will abide by your laws." Titania said. "But we may speak, so that I can arrange with you our additions to your lands, once ours is settled. It is the least we can do for New Atlantis."

"Snorkack!" Luna exclaimed then, as she ran back to the group. "I saw a Crumple-horned Snorkack!"

"What?" Harry asked.

"Oh dear." Titania said. "Did you not expel the creatures before transporting the land?" she asked of Harry.

"But I did!" Harry objected. How could he ward for something that he didn't even know existed for real. "Where did you see it?" he asked the excitedly bouncing Luna.

Luna started to turn and point, but then a look of horror crossed her face. "I can't remember!" she exclaimed in mortified realization.

"That's it." Natasha said with a smile. "You'll never get her to leave your home now." she said to Titania.

"I don't think that will be a problem." Titania said, with a bit of a giggle, as she watched Luna darting between trees, trying to find… something. The name had meant nothing to her. "Perhaps, when my people are here, we can help her look, even." she mused.

The group made their way back to the resort, with Titania and Luna having stayed behind to explore the area. Both Harry and Natasha wanted to spend some time with their son since, from their perspective, it had been days since they'd held him. Not many people could understand the hardships of repeatedly jumping entire days back in time, but one of them was that you couldn't interact with anyone during that time, if you were known to be busy elsewhere.

The rest of that day was spent in relaxing pastimes and, as was usual, people showed up during the course of the day to either visit, or use the amenities. Fury showed up to get an update on the new arrival and by the time he left, it was with a whole new set of ideas and schemes running though his head. Harry still impressed him with his capabilities on a regular basis and while he couldn't make demands, there was a very long list of things Fury would like him to try for them at some point. The average magic user simply didn't have access to Harry's capabilities. Even the Weasley twins, now working for EPI's R&D division on magical items and potions meant to incapacitate and trap enemies, while circumventing security, were no match for Harry's prolific skills.

Speaking of which, the Twins had never admitted defeat to the Odinson pranksters in their private pranking war, even though they were more often than not the ones that fell into traps left for them by the divine pranksters, rather than the other way around. Decades of experience and their own prank war had given them a certain edge the Weasleys were incapable of overcoming, without help.

Unfortunately most people just laughed at them, when they tried recruiting co-conspirators and they had long since learned not to plan anything where any of Harry's people could see, since it inevitably failed before it could even be implemented, or they found themselves the victims of their own prank. Be that as it may, they had not given up and tended to still enjoy the experience, saying that it just gave them more ideas, before they went into a frenzy of inventing that tended to result in new toys for EPI, so nobody complained.

next chapter
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