Words: 1260
As my eyes fluttered open, I noticed the hard floor I was laying on, and immediately knew something was wrong.
I adopted a sense of panic, and became serious. I got up and observed my surroundings, and what I saw, was nothing but astonishing and nauseating.
For as far as the eye, it was nothing but trash and junk, for miles and miles. I was in a giant junkyard, and I had no idea why I was in it.
I begin to recall my past memories right before this, and I frowned, because it made no sense. I was walking home from school, when I got hit by a truck. It was after failing the Bar Exam, the test that would have helped me become a lawyer.
I didn't get the results, but I knew I failed. It's like my mind went blank the moment I got the test. I choked, and the walk home was brutal.
The rest was history. I walked across a crosswalk, and a truck slammed into me, caving my skull in, effectively signing my untimely death.
my last moments, or so I though, was thinking about my life. I guess it was true as when you think you're on your final moments of your precious life, all of your life flashes before my eyes.
My birthdays, my father abandoning me, my mothers' death, all of it was presented to me at my lowest moments. Safe to say, I didn't liked what I saw.
To be honest, I didn't live the life I wanted. I was a pushover with no actual edge over anyone else. My life was the greatest wake up call. Too bad it only appeared during that moment where death was certain.
I snapped back to reality, the one where I was now in a junkyard. After what I assumed was my death, I'm now suddenly here. How does that even work?
Along with this, that wasn't even the worst part about it. It was myself, or the fact that I wasn't myself. I didn't need a mirror to realize I was smaller than usual. And looking at my hands, this was a stature of a kid .
I need to relax. Panicking isn't going to do me any good. For all I know, I'm in a coma and this is some sick joke my mind is pulling on me.
I liked my theory. Perhaps this is some sick joke and my brain's death will happen any minute now, effectively erasing me and any of this junkyard.
That's when a sharp plan echoed in my head, causing me to clutch my head for a few moments. After a minute of straight pain, where I thought this was my supposed brain's death, a voice talked to me.
[ Hello Host, congratulations on your rebirth in the One Piece World ]. The voice was talking to me, and I didn't hear it from my ears, but my head. It was like some telepathic activity.
I then focused on what it said to me. Rebirth? One Piece World? What the hell was happening now. It seemed like the entity heard it, as it responded.
[ That is right, Host. You were reborn in the One Piece World, after the death in your old world].
It took many more minutes to understand this. So if this system is right, I was born in the world of One Piece, one of my favorite pieces of fiction. That was better than believing this was a reality manufactured by my brain.
I guess I will play along with this now. I mean, what's the harm in it.
' So I'm now in the One Piece world. Where am I, and what are you?', I said in my head, getting the gist of how to communicate with this entity.
[ Host , I am a system that was designed to help you obtain everything this world has to offer, I am the Perfect System. And for where you are, you are in the East Blue, more specifically Dawn Island, extra specifically, the Gray Terminal.]
Oh so a system? I think I heard what those are. My brother, who is now worlds apart, read fanfics like it was his second nature.
Being in the East Blue is a god send though, as it is the easiest place to live in the One Piece world. Being on Dawn Island is kind of interesting too. Maybe I would have a chance to meet the three brothers of Sabo, Luffy, and Ace. That also led me to my next question.
' What year are we in right now', I asked the newly identified system.
[ The year, 1512. Right now, it has been a month since Sabo has been deemed "Dead", even though he is alive and well with Dragon].
Oh, so I guess Sabo is out of the question, but I could still theoretically meet Luffy or Ace. They're at Mt. Colubo though.
' Can you tell me everything you can do', I asked the system. I need a full scope of the system before doing anything.
[ Certainty! First off I have a Map Function. You have a full scope of the world( Except special locations like Laughtale). With this, you will be very knowledgeable of the many islands, as most of these were not covered in the manga. They will also be judged on the threat level,⭐ to ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and a short description of the island.]
I was amazed. That could, and will be very useful to me. The system was right, as many islands weren't talked about in One Piece, and there are millions of them.
[ I also have an Inventory Function. It's a pocket space for all the rewards you will receive and anything you deemed fit. It's an Infinite pocket space so you can put anything you own, or steal. The only limitation is you can't put any living beings inside of it.]
Another great function. This will be very good for me, as I'm quite the hoarder. An infinite pocket space is quite the skill indeed.
[ And the last function I have is my Quest Tab. It's not quite like Quests, more like milestones for you to achieve. Once you reach these preset milestones, you will gain gift packs for it. Inside those gift packs, you can gain anything from them. Don't worry about Devil Fruits being eaten, or weapons in possession, as I can make a replica of all items of this world.].
This system really is perfect, isn't it. This will certainly help me on my journey as a pirate of these vicious seas. I already have a goal in mind, to reach the apex of this world, no matter what.
I'll make the best crew of the century, and sail across the seas. I'll accumulate influence and allies until I have the power to challenge the World Government. I didn't live under the control of one messed up government, to live under an even worse one.
[Host, I would like to ask you a question. Would you like me to call you by your original name, Adam]
' Yes, please. Just go for it.', I told the system.
[ Ok, Adam. I also have something for you. It's a starter pack, designed to help you get started in this world.]
[Would you like to accept?]
That's it for the first chapter. After reading on this website for a long time, I have finally decided to make an account to write.
This will be updated every other day.
This is my first book, so criticism, constructive or harsh, is welcomed.