Viktor and Raven went back to the customs office to get a permit to visit the hell region. And as luck would have it, they meet the same customs official from before.
When the customs official saw Viktor and Raven again, he almost peed his pants.
' What the Fuck?! Why are they back here so soon? Oh God, please don't tell me they're here to finish the job. I don't wanna die, I'm still young!' The customs official thought in a panic.
However, as a corrupt official, he was used to controlling his facial expressions and not acting on his emotions. He then relaxed a bit when noticed that Viktor and Raven didn't appear to be hostile and managed to enter his customer service mode.
" Hello, how may I be of assistance to the young master and young mistress?"
" Wow, didn't expect you to call us that. Most people don't make the connection as we usually don't act like nobles, especially Raven."
Raven took obvious offense to this, " Hey, what do you mean I don't look like a noble? I'm the spitting image of excellence, right, uh, what's your name customs official guy?"
The customs official saw this as an opportunity to ingratiate himself with Raven, the scariest of the two demons and pounced on this opportunity.
" It's Justin young mistress and I would like to say that you are indeed the spitting image of excellence. If one were to search excellence in the dictionary, your picture would be all that's shown. After all, you are all that's needed to define the word excellence-"
" OK, OK, we get it, Raven's awesome, you can stop it with the ass- kissing already. In fact, not gonna lie, it looks kinda sus that you're kissing her ass this hard. "
Viktor then gasped in horror, " Oh my god, are you actually into little girls? I knew you were corrupt, but I didn't know you were this corrupt."
" What the hell are you talking about kid? I may be a corrupt government official, but I have standards. I personally prefer women with a more mature, sexy body. Honestly, I think those guys that like little girls are compensating for something if you know what I'm saying."
Viktor began to look at Justin in a new light as he realized Justin was a fellow man of culture. However, before Viktor could talk with Justin about culture, Raven stopped him.
" Don't do it Viktor. I see that look in your eyes. You want to talk with Justin here about your so called "culture". We have business to attend to after all."
Viktor relented and they went through the registration process to enter the hell region. They used the basic permit that comes with their citizenship for a 3- day visit that refreshes every 3 months. To extend the visit, they'd have to pay more.
As Viktor and Raven left the customs office to go to the hell region, Justin breathed a sigh of relief.
' Thank God, they're finally leaving and I'm still in one piece. I even managed to score some brownie points with them, and it seems they don't want to kill me anymore. Still, I hope I never have to see them again. I can't actually be that unlucky to see them again, right? '
As Viktor and Raven went towards the address Blitzo gave them, they saw firsthand the reason it was called the hell region. There were people being gunned down in broad daylight with no one batting an eye and people taking clearly illegal drugs without a care in the world.
Strangely enough, no one tried to mug Viktor and Raven. It seems that the locals can tell who's an outsider and since those coming to the hell region are those of higher social standing than common street thugs such as themselves, the locals steer clear of them.
In the Hell Kingdom and the hell region in particular, there is a huge degree of classism and anyone that tries to attack someone of a higher class is purged with extreme prejudice. Of course, you'll always have idiots that think they'll get lucky, but even those idiots after living in such a hellish environment have survival instincts.
Despite the fact that Viktor and Raven are children, any that calls his/her self a criminal could smell the blood on their hands and knew that they were dangerous.
Eventually, Viktor and Raven reached the address Blitzo gave them, and it turns out it was some rundown office that said IMP on the front. They entered the office and saw Loona working the front desk.
Upon noticing Viktor and Raven entering the office, Loona immediately screamed in joy and rushed to hug Raven.
" Hey girlfriend, how you doing? You didn't encounter any trouble on the journey did you, because if you did, I can round up the boys to take care of whoever dared threaten my dear Raven. "
" I'm alright. In fact, I'm doing great. Your fur is so soft. I could just lay in your embrace forever. "
" Awh, thanks. You're welcome to pet me fur anytime you wish. However, that only applies to you and not to Viktor. I appreciate everything he did for me, but he's still a stinking boy, and I won't let any boy pet me. That honor is reserved for you Raven. "
Viktor cooked his eyebrow, " Wow, didn't know you guys were so friendly. "
Raven gave him a smug look and Viktor shelved the matter as he didn't want to get into yet another argument with her on how awesome she is. Thankfully, Blitzo and the rest of IMP showed up, so Viktor immediately greeted them while Raven and Loona were off into their own world.
" Hey Blitzo, how you doing man? Sorry for being brash, but you said you had a business opportunity for me? "
" Yeah, come into my office and we'll discuss it. "
Viktor entered Blitzo's office with Blitzo, Millie and Moxie.
" So Blitzo, what do you got for me?"
" I know you're probably looking for some work, so I could introduce you to my employer that handles assassination requests. Fun fact, he was Millie's former boss."
" Yeah, he's a fucking asshole, but he does provide opportunities to those able and you're certainly able. " Millie said in her southern accent.
Ever the contrarion, Moxie put in his two cents, " Uh, Blitzo, are you sure you want to do this? Our finances are in the red and we need every job we can get. I know and appreciate Vikror saving us and if he asked us to assassinate someone for him, even for free, I'd be okay with that."
" Shut your fucking mouth Moxie. I don't give a flying rat's ass about that. My literal fuckint savior wants help, I give it to him, no questions asked. "
" Woah guys, take it easy. I don't plan on simply being an assassin. I'll only start off with assassin work and after proving my startling efficiency, I'll showcase my talents in business management and become a boss myself. "
This bold statement stunned Blitzo, Moxie and Millie and they couldn't respond at first.
" Hey, what's that look for? I know it would be difficult for you guys given your social status, but you gotta remember that I already have a higher social status than you guys. While being an outsider might make things difficult, some social networking and showcasing my strength via assassinations will help my case. "
Blitzo responded, " See Moxie, he won't take away our business for that long. In fact, once he becomes a boss of his own, we could get get even more work. Right, Viktor?"
Viktor nodded and Moxie sighed in exasperation. Millie, the ever dutiful wife, took Moxie away to comfort him in the best way she knew. Viktor finally got an address to meet up with Blitzo's contact, and he and Raven left to meet with Blitzo's contact.
When they got to the address, Viktor and Raven had to go through a weapons check. However, it seems that Viktor and Raven's status as children caused problems for them yet again.
" Ha ha ha ha! What are you kids doing here? You guys can't actually be the professional assassins the boss said we're coming. You guys don't look like you could hurt a fly, much less kill people. "
Viktor stopped Raven before she could teach the guard his place.
" Are you sure that's how you want to play this? I can sense that most of your Boss's defenses are inside the building, so it really wouldn't take much effort for me to kill all of you guys out here. "
Viktor then looked at the hidden Transpoder Snail that was recording him and said, " You should stop with these petty tricks. I know Blitzo told you how skilled we are. If you want to do business, then show us the proper respect. I have other ways of making money, this is just the easiest. "
The guards got a signal from inside and they brought Viktor and Raven inside after confiscating all their weapons.
Viktor immediately went into the Boss's room with Raven right behind him and said, " So, are we doing business, or are you wasting everyone's time here?"
The boss, who identified himself as Angelo nodded and negotiations began with Viktor getting straight to the point.
" So, how would you like me to kill this person. Loud and proud with all his guards dead as well? Or perhaps silently with nobody noticing until after the deed is done? Do you want people to know it was you who ordered the hit, or frame it on someone else, or leave it anonymous? Is there a timeframe? Tell me your requirements, otherwise I'll do it the easiest way possible. "
" Which way is the most expensive?"
" Depends on the job. If the target has lots of guards, it'll be easier to silently kill them, thus I'd charge more for going loud and proud rather than silently. "
" Alright, I got the gist. This time, I want the target killed loud and proud as you call it, and I want it to be known I ordered the hit. The sooner it's done, the better and I'll pay you accordingly. "
Angelo handed the target's information to Viktor and Viktor and Raven set out to complete the mission. The target was a former member of Angelo's crew named Aaron who got greedy and stole some product. Viktor and raven were to kill him and recover the stolen product.
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