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70.45% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 155: Chapter 155

Chương 155: Chapter 155

"Faster... faster, Lucci! Don't just rely on your senses alone. Use your instincts, use your will!" I was currently helping Lucci train in Observation Haki. Since he had already mastered Tekkai, Armament Haki seemed to come more naturally to him. But I wasn't letting the kid off that easily.

Little Lucci was blindfolded and trying to dodge attacks from a makeshift cane I had fashioned from sea king bone. Nearby, Leo was going through similar training, with little Mansherry merrily beating him up while his eyes were blindfolded.

"Kuzan-san, don't you think you would understand the method much more easily if you observed closely?" I spoke without shifting my eyes away from Lucci, my hands moving in practiced motions as I swung the cane.

"Arara! And here I thought I could keep myself hidden longer. Seriously, you want me to get closer to a monster like you? And then what? You expect me to get cut like last time? No thanks," a voice sounded from the edge of the makeshift training ground. From behind a tree, a tall man stepped out. Mansherry gave him a look, shrugged, and went back to merrily hitting the blindfolded Leo.

"You still haven't forgotten that, have you, Kuzan-san? From what I remember, you were attacking my home and trying to freeze me into a popsicle. You don't see me whining about it," I chuckled, taunting my former senior.

Despite his initial reluctance, Kuzan steadily made his way closer to where we were training and stood next to me. With how honed my Observation Haki was, I wasn't afraid Kuzan would suddenly attack the kids; he wasn't that type of character anyway.

"So, do you think such a crude method really works?" Kuzan asked, intrigued. He picked up another bone cane and started swinging it wildly at Lucci, who twisted and turned at unnatural speeds. As Kuzan increased the speed of his swings, Lucci struggled to keep up.

Suddenly, Kuzan infused a bit of Armament Haki and swung at Lucci's chest. Lucci's instincts kicked in. "Tekkai!" In his defensive stance, a small layer of Haki covered his chest area. Despite his defense, he was sent flying back ten meters but managed to somersault and stay on his feet.

"So, you tell me, Kuzan-san?" I raised my brows in a mock challenge. "Do you think the method is a viable means to awaken Haki? I'm sure anyone can awaken at least one type of Haki with enough beatings, hahaha." I laughed and asked the rest to take a break from training.

Kuzan's face soured. If such a method were used as general training, only one out of every hundred Marines would even be willing to stay; the rest would pack their bags and leave.

"So, tell me, Kuzan-san, what brings the future Admiral to my humble abode?" I asked teasingly, although I already knew the answer.

Kuzan sighed and scratched the back of his head. "We've got orders from HQ. There's something big going down in Ohara, and your presence here complicates things."

I leaned on the cane, giving him a sly smile. "Complicates, huh? What exactly are you planning in Ohara that you need to keep secret from little old me?"

Kuzan's gaze hardened. He knew for a fact that Ross must be aware of the matter; it was Ross himself who had told him about poneglyphs back when both trained under Garp. "The scholars of Ohara are researching the poneglyphs in secret, and the World Government believes they're trying to recreate ancient weapons. We've been ordered to put an end to it."

I chuckled darkly. "And you seriously think these people here are planning to create some kind of weapon of mass destruction? Look at me, Kuzan San. Do I look that naive to you? The people of Ohara are not criminals. They're scholars seeking knowledge—dangerous knowledge, yes! But I don't think they would have the guts to research an ancient weapon. I would have rather believed it if you had pointed at me, saying that I was currently building an ancient weapon in my backyard."

Kuzan's expression softened slightly. "Look, Ross, I don't want to fight you. Just stay out of this. The World Government has decided, and the Marines have to follow orders."

I leaned closer, my voice low and dangerous. "And if I decide not to stay out of it, what then, Kuzan san?"

He met my gaze, unwavering. "Then it gets messy. But I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. I've got four Shichibukai on their way, and I'd rather not see a bloodbath."

I smirked. "Now that's a surprise. Since when did you start relying on pirates, Kuzan-san? And do you think they'll be able to stop me? For all I know, they might turn their attention to Ohara instead."

Kuzan's face remained stoic, but I could see the tension in his eyes.

"Two Admiral candidates, a complete division of CP agents, four Shichibukai, and the full might of a Buster Call. Don't you feel that's a bit much to hunt down innocent people? Well, whatever. I'm just sightseeing here, so as long as you guys don't mess with me and my little crew, I won't bother you. And just so you know, besides the ones you see here, there's one more in the library. So stay away from them." I casually sat down on the easy chair, gesturing for Kuzan to take a seat next to me.

"So you already know about the Buster Call?" Kuzan couldn't help but sigh in frustration. What he feared had come true: the information network of Donquixote was too dangerous.

"Of course, Kuzan-san, I know. Why do you think I'm waiting here? I'm just going to enjoy the show and see how you plan to establish the so-called justice you always preach about." As I commented, Lucci returned with a tray from inside the house. It had sorbets of different flavors. I picked up the blackcurrant one and savored it. Leo and Mansherry dug into their own portions while Lucci mechanically offered the tray to Kuzan, who reluctantly picked one and tasted it.

"Kids love desserts; they can't help it. It's a new specialty of Dressrosa. I hope you like it," I said, completely disregarding the earlier topic. I knew Kuzan was here to keep me out of the matter, and with Clover asking me to stay out of it, I intended to do just that.

"These scholars are criminals, Ross. They are breaking the law, and we have proof. We will only persecute them after we have found ample evidence," Kuzan added, wanting to justify the actions of the Marines.

On the side, sitting on the grass, Lucci couldn't help but snort in disdain, which made Kuzan sulk. Even a kid was mocking them. "Lucci, get back to your dessert," I said with a chuckle and turned to Kuzan.

"See, Kuzan-san, even a little kid knows that's all bullshit. And you seem to have mistaken my point. I was never referring to the scholars. They may be criminals. What I'm talking about are the civilians on the island of Ohara. Do you believe the whole population on the island is working to develop an ancient weapon?" I questioned him.

"Ross, we Marines are the ones who embody justice. We will not harm the innocent. We have already arranged for evacuation ships to safely escort all the innocent civilians to a safe place, just in case," Kuzan shared.

He knew about all the arrangements made and still naively believed that the World Government was going to spare the innocents. Maybe that was what they had originally intended, but after Clover ran his mouth directly at the Elders, it sealed everyone's fate.

"Well then, I hope everything goes according to your plan, Kuzan-san. Enjoy the sorbet."

Kuzan paused, clearly struggling with the morality of the situation. "It's not as black and white as you make it out to be, Ross. If the knowledge they uncover leads to the resurrection of ancient weapons, countless lives could be lost. We're trying to prevent a greater catastrophe."

I leaned back, letting his words hang in the air. "And you believe that killing innocent civilians is a necessary sacrifice for that greater good?"

"By exterminating an entire island?" I scoffed. "That's the justice you're here to uphold?"

Kuzan's jaw tightened. " We are not here to massacre civilians."

I chuckled darkly. "You really believe that, don't you? But let's be honest, Kuzan. When has the World Government ever shown true mercy? They deal in absolutes, in control. They're terrified of what they can't understand or manage."

Kuzan finished his sorbet and stood up, the easy camaraderie of earlier was replaced by the gravity of our conversation. "Ross, just stay out of this. If you get involved, it will only escalate the situation."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Relax, Kuzan-san. I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it. I won't interfere unless provoked. But remember, my eyes are open, and I will not forget what happens here."

Kuzan nodded, a shadow of doubt flickering in his eyes. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."


Meanwhile, a couple of days passed, and a few miles away from the shore where Ross had made his adobe, Lily and Robin were making their way towards a small, cliffy area where they had found a giant a few days before. Both girls had immediately recognized it was a giant, but since the giant had been unconscious, they had poked him with a stick, waking Saul from his unconscious state.

Despite Saul's initial attempts to scare the girls away, they remained unafraid, their curiosity getting the better of them. Soon enough, they began interacting with the gentle giant. Now, the two girls were hauling a large sack of food that they had taken from the library upon Robin's insistence.

Lily had initially wanted to inform the others, especially her grandfather, about the presence of a giant. However, Robin had persuaded her not to do so. Robin, who had forgotten her previous sadness, was actively interacting with the giant, who managed to make her laugh. Seeing this, Lily reluctantly agreed to keep it a secret. Saul, whose full name was Jaguar D. Saul, had shared that he would soon leave Ohara, which also helped alleviate Lily's concerns about causing unnecessary panic.

As they approached the cliff where they had left Saul, Robin looked up at Lily, her eyes filled with excitement. "Do you think Saul will like the food we brought today?" she asked, her small hands gripping the sack tightly.

Lily smiled down at her. "I'm sure he will, Robin. Giants must have big appetites. Didn't he say that he liked the fruit jam yesterday?"

When they reached the small cliff, they saw Saul sitting there, gazing out at the sea while his hands were diligently working on the raft. He turned and smiled warmly at the sight of the two girls, and he noticed the two large sacks they were dragging behind them. "Ah, you two are back! And you brought more food, too. Thank you."

Robin grinned and ran ahead, placing the sack down in front of him. "We brought all kinds of food today. I hope you like it!"

Saul chuckled, his deep voice echoing off the cliffside. "Thank you, little one. You've been very kind to me."

Lily, still a bit wary but warming up to the giant in the past few days, sat down on a rock nearby. "You said you would leave soon, right? Where will you go?"

Saul's expression turned somber. "I'm not sure yet. But I must keep moving. It's dangerous for me to stay in one place for too long."

Robin, sensing the sadness in Saul's voice, asked, "Why is it dangerous for you?"

Saul sighed, looking out over the ocean. "Because there are people who are looking for me currently. People who might try to hurt me or capture me because I might be a hindrance to their plans."

Lily frowned, understanding a bit of what he meant. "You mean the Marines?"

Saul chose not to answer the question and continued working on the raft. He needed to finish it quickly, find a safe place to hide, preferably an uninhabited island, and, if possible, make his way to Elbaf.

To shift the topic, Saul turned to the girls and asked curiously, "You both have quite a bit of time on your hands, eh? You've been with me here for days. Won't your parents look for you?"

Robin shook her head, her expression serious. "We don't have parents. All I have is Sister Lily here... Actually, I do have a mother." Robin's face blossomed with a smile as she thought about her mother. "When I was little, she went out to sea for her work. Honestly, after all these years, I don't even remember her face properly anymore. All I have is this bounty poster that I found." She unfurled the bounty poster and offered it to Saul.

Saul glanced at the poster casually at first, but then he froze. His huge form shifted immediately as he stood up, taking a more careful look at the bounty poster in Robin's hands. It was a face he recognized—Nico Olvia. His mind raced as he processed this revelation: This little girl was Olvia's daughter.

Saul's expression turned serious as he handed the poster back to Robin. "Nico Olvia... So, you're her daughter."

Robin nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "You know my mother?"

Saul's heart raced as the realization hit him. "Is this the island known as Ohara? This is terrible. Oh boy! Don't tell me I ended up being washed ashore on Ohara."

Both Robin and Lily were confused by Saul's sudden panic. Lily stepped up and answered, "Of course, this is Ohara, the island of knowledge. Little Robin here just recently became a scholar," she stated casually.

"No... No... No!, this can't be happening. You cannot tell the others you are scholars. They are coming! They are coming to wipe out all the scholars. I can't have you kids die," Saul murmured, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Saul, what's happening? Who is coming? Who would want to kill all the scholars?" Lily yelled, trying to catch Saul's attention.

"I can't waste time like this," he muttered to himself. "Listen! Lily, Robin, you may not believe what I am going to say, but please, you need to listen carefully," he said urgently.

"Tell me, who is coming?" Lily demanded, her voice rising in panic.

"The Navy. The Marines are coming to eradicate all the scholars of Ohara. You must not tell anyone you are a scholar. You kids need to leave the island; you must warn them," he added, desperation clear in his voice.

Lily's mind raced as she finally recalled the conversation her grandfather and the pirate had a few days prior. Robin wanted to refute Saul's words, not wanting to believe him, but Lily had already started sprinting towards the library, dragging Robin along with her.

As they ran, Lily's thoughts churned. She remembered how her grandfather seemed so serious and how the pirate Ross had warned them about a storm coming. It all made sense now. The storm was the Navy, and they were coming to destroy everything.

"Lily, slow down!" Robin cried, struggling to keep up with her friend.

"We don't have time, Robin! We need to warn everyone!" Lily shouted back. "If Saul is right and the Marines are coming, we need to get everyone to safety!"

The urgency in Lily's voice spurred Robin on. Despite her fear and confusion, she matched Lily's pace. They dashed through the familiar streets of Ohara, past the homes and shops, towards the grand library that stood at the heart of their island.

When they burst into the library, the scholars inside looked up in surprise. Professor Clover was there, along with several other familiar faces.

"Grandfather!" Lily shouted, her voice echoing in the grand hall. "The Marines are coming! They're coming to destroy Ohara and kill the scholars!"

The room fell silent as the words sank in. Professor Clover's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Calm down, Lily. Tell us everything," he urged, helping Lily calm down and start explaining the situation.


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