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41.89% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 75: Surprising News & Preparations done for sailing

Chương 75: Surprising News & Preparations done for sailing

Entering inside the room, he was met by an old man who bowed his head a little before saying.

"Your Highness, you've been rather quick to come this time."

"Would you expect me to come later? Well, forget it. I finished my training early and had nothing on my schedule. There's also nothing to do at night. The criminals are at the lowest point since we took over." said Vlad as he walked towards a table where opposite to it stood Aldenis

"Hmm, maybe the tales of your might scared them after you've constantly been killing all the criminals causing trouble in the district the first two months."

"That for sure was annoying. I hope the training of the new guard progresses well because while I enjoy cleaning up those criminals, it's getting boring at one point."

"Don't worry, prince, my boys are training the new recruits, and after some more months, we'll be able to fill all the missing spots."

"Well, that's good news. But let's get to the real discussion. How is that school idea I gave you last month, any progress?"

"That one is progressing well, my prince, just that it requires a lot of materials and skilled people to built it. There's also a problem with our budget. So far, we're running on deficit using the sum of money collected by the syndicates."

"So we're on the minus. It's deep or something that can be recovered after one or more?"

"I'll be honest with you, those nobles are messing up with the trade agreement I started making with the big cities. Valent and Photos are all ignoring my letters.

But aside from this, I also have good news, the noble families still siding with the royal family reached out to me wanting to establish a trade route with our district. Apart from that, our neighbors from Common District agreed to strengthen our trade and connection."

Ended Aldenis saying that while taking a sip from a teacup.

Vlad tapped on the table for a while before opening his mouth.

"So those nobles want to be tough? You said that most of the fleet of the kingdom is stationed in the Common District?"

"Indeed, Your Highness. Why are you asking?"

"I don't think if this idea of mine could work, but why don't we cut off the noble district from the trade ships going to their harbor? The guilds would gladly agree to this idea. We just need to build our fleet and do some piracy and steal all their convoys."

"This. I think it might work, but the time required to build a sizable fleet would be around one year. Still, my prince, who would take the fleet to plunder the nobles?"

"It's something I can easily do. I just need some capable men who know to steer the ships."

"But, Your Highness, you're a devil user. It would be a tragedy if an accident would happen to you on the seas."

"There's nothing to worry about. When the fleet is built in one year's time, I would want to see who from the noble side would push me on the water. What else do you want to report or want advice for Aldenis?"

As Vlad asked that question, Ricardo came inside while holding some food plates steaming hot. Vlad nodded at Ricardo as he walked away before saying out loud.

"Thirty minutes already passed so quickly. "

"Indeed, my prince. Well, do you remember asking me 2 months ago about Mayer Loftso? I've got some news concerning him. He is said to stay for 1 year in Valent city. At least that's what the idiot said while attending a restaurant dinner. His location in Valent is still uncertain, but if you want to kill him, it would be easy to find his location, however..."

"What's else to add, old Aldenis? Go on, tell me, it's this Valent city that dangerous?"

"Not really, Your Highness. The problem is that the city is controlled by the Navy, so they are really protecting that port city like guard dogs since Kaysang is in the center of the South Blue. If they lose their grip on the city, their strategic location would also be taken away from South Blue." (A/N: I've thought of this part similarly to how US Army has bases in other countries ex. Romania, Turkey, Germany, Italy, S-Korea, etc)

"Those damned nobles, they even gave out their own lands to foreign people. The marines, you say? Do they have strong people based in the country?"

"Your Highness, I know that a Commodore is leading this branch base. He has 2 captains under him and the rest of the lower officers under them. The commodore's name is Kirin. As for deeper details, I have no information."

"The ranks of those men are so annoying sometimes. I know their ranks, but there are so many to keep track of."

"Prince, think of those ranks similarly to the noble ones. From King and Prince to the lowest Baronet. That's in a way how the Marines work being led by the Fleet-Admiral, in their case Sengoku."

"I think that's enough information about those guys. I'll wait for news about Mayer. If he ever comes back to Sagletius, notify me immediately. Aside from this, any information on that Darrell Graham or the pirate Dethel Bloktel?"

"This Darrell Graham is quite the hidden person. I don't know his auction house's location because I was never invited, but the leaders of the guilds of Sagletius should know the place very well.

As for his personal information, there's some information about him circulating, such as him being once part of Golden Lion Shiki pirate crew, but aside from this, nothing much is known about him. However, I'm willing to bet that he has deep ties with the underworld organizations, those who support the nobles, and lastly, he has the support of the nobles who are letting him do as he wishes in Kaysang."

"Hmmm, to think this old man actually had such a background. Who is this Shiki guy again? Was he really strong?"

"I know only the stories circulated by men. But one thing I can say for sure is that he was a great rival of the Pirate King. However, you don't have to bother thinking about him, my prince. He's been imprisoned."

"Tsk, so he's just an old shackled dog. What about that pirate Dethell Blokted."

"Right, Your Highness, I have good news for you about the pirate. There's some news circulating around Kaysang that his ship was spotted cruising around the neighboring islands."

"That's some interesting news right there. An estimation to where he could have stopped?"

"I can't tell you for sure, but where he stopped is around the islands of Picodras, Esvir, Lathast, and Calmaria."

"Can you get me a map towards those islands and prepare a ship for me. It doesn't have to be a heavy ship. Just a small Caravell will do the job. I'll go look for that pirate in one week since he should still be around those islands."

"Your Highness, I don't know what history you have with that pirate who roams around South Blue, but please reconsider. You're still young for sailing the seas."

"Old man, I know what I'm doing. Just get me that ship and a map, and I'll go hunt down that pirate since he's close to my kingdom." ended Vlad saying a bit coldly to Aldenis while taking a sip of wine.

"Fine. If that's what you wish, I will see it done. "

"Good. Aldenis, I see a good future for this place if we do things patiently. Once the school's construction is done, make Kavos start designing a hospital where people can be treated for diseases or injuries."

"That, we can afford. But if the revenue for the next year is small, we need to cut down our spending."

"There's no need, in one year or sooner, I will kill that Mayer Loftso and take over his business and fortune, which will destabilize those nobles and also get us a great revenue such as the mine." Ended Vlad while giving an evil smile while looking at Aldenis.

Aldenis also smiled evilly and chuckled a bit before saying to Vlad.

"Your Highness, if we get that pig business, we'll be able to invest a lot in the district, and with the mine, we can also easily get the materials to rebuild the district."

Then as he ended the food on his plate, Vlad only said. "That's just a gift from Mayer to his old friend before journeying to hell."

After staying a bit more to talk about some casual things, Vlad raised on his feet and said to Aldenis.

"Old man, I'll take my leave for now. Wait a bit more before exiting Marcus's place, so there's no connection between us. I'll meet you again on the 6th day, here."

Aldenis nodded his head while looking at Vlad, saying to him shortly. "I'll take care of the ship and map my prince. Well, I know you don't need it but, good luck on the seas. If you find that pirate, don't show mercy and put an end to him and his antics.

I've heard that he raided a lot of small islands, having some communities there. Always plundering and killing until he got his money. What was his moniker? Right.

"Dirty Money" Dethell Blokted, with a bounty of 75.000.000 𝔅."

"Hmph, he's just a lowly criminal, nothing impressive. I got captured because I was small and weak and placed in a miserable situation. But that's enough. Take care, old man."

Ending saying that he calmly left the room before walking towards Ricardo and paying him for the meal.

He then walked a bit in the district to see the people moving around as if they were working ants before going back to his wooden house.

Getting back home, he could see while walking on the forested path, the sunset nearing the sky signaled the end of a working day approaching.

When he arrived home, he saw from a distance that the 3 boy orphans were talking something with Robert before he would show them a sword movement. He smiled from the side as Robert showed around his sword skills, making the orphans boys praise him a bit, even asking him to teach them his sword skills.

"What? But I barely know how to use a sword myself? Ask Vlad to teach you, not me."

"We tried, but he tells us that we still didn't recover completely. You're only our hope, brother. We've seen you since the first week that big brother is teaching you his sword, so for sure you can do it yourself."

"Come, big brother Robert, help us. We also want to protect ourselves, or be at least strong body-wise." said the smaller guy Mathew to Robert with a pleading expression.

Looking at their expression, Robert wanted at first to refuse them, feeling that the process of training others was too annoying for him. Still, along the way, he remembered that Vlad also taught him patiently without even complaining about his mistakes.

"Fine, I'll teach you what I know, but you need to train your body before actually handling an actual sword."

"Not a problem, just tell us what to do, and we'll do it." said Tomas to Robert with a smile on his face.

"Come here again tomorrow, and I'll tell you the first steps." said Robert as he prepared to walk back to the wooden house.

"Yes, brother Robert!" responded the 3 boy orphans with smiles on their faces before also walking to the orphanage building.

After some minutes, Robert made his way to the wooden home and spotted Vlad seated in his study room, while on his desk was Aerius.

"Ohh, finally, you've come. Robert, I want to tell you something, so come to my study room."

"What is it, Vlad? Do you need some advice with the district reconstruction yet again?" asked Robert, arriving in the study room and looking at Vlad and Aerius.

"No, buddy, we're going on an adventure on the sea." responded Aerius to Robert in an excited manner before Vlad could say his part.

"We're indeed going to the sea, but I need your navigation knowledge, little Robert. I don't know anything about navigating a ship, but I remember your stories about how that old teacher would fill that small head of yours with all sorts of things. Navigation being included."

Hearing Vlad and Aerius say about sailing on the sea, Robert looked with a surprised face before putting a serious face quickly asking.

"With what ship? Any map? Place? I can sail ships, but if I'm alone, it will be hard to pull the main sails on the ship."

"It will only be the three of us, no need for others to know about my Blood persona. Also, little Robert, you'll only need me on that ship. Aerius will be there just for emergency sake."

"What emergency sake? Wait, wait, I'm no one's food. I'll not be the first gryphon in history to be cooked by humans." said Aerius while puffing up his fur like an angry cat, staring hatefully at Vlad.

Vlad only chuckled and patted Aerius' head. "Well, if you place it like that, it would also be an idea, but what I had in mind is to have you sent an alarm to old Aldenis if things really go bad, which I doubt they will. But just to be safe."

"Ohh, so that's why. Then I have no problem going on the seas with you guys."

"When are we set to go on the seas?" asked Robert while calmly staring at Vlad.

"In one week, we will go hunt a certain individual."

"That... From how you sound, this person seems to have some history with you. Is by chance the pirate who raided your small village?"

"That's right, I've got news from Aldenis about this person being spotted by some merchant fleets being close to Kaysang."

"I understand. I'll help you out with the ship, but if a fight comes, you better protect me since I'm not so capable with the sword now."

Then as he ended saying that, he walked back to the main room and got to the dinner table, selecting out some food that got cooked last day. Aerius also jumped on the table and started picking up some food.

Not long after that, the night settled down over Sagletius, and most people were already preparing for sleep. However, there were also cases of people who were right awake even when people slept. This case was Vlad, who was writing some short journal to keep on tabs with everything he did and, in a way, documenting his way forward.

He contemplated on the changes going on with his body, even putting it down with his quill. As he ended writing in this journal, he leaned on his chair and thought of the small village island he first woke up.

"Sigh, little Zagreus, your memories are really not helpful. Not even the name of the island or village you lived, poor children. If by chance I get back to your small village, I'll see if I can find this orphanage lady and ask for your mother."

"Dethell Blokted, Darrell Graham, and Mayer Loftso, these people will see no mercy from me. Just like how they didn't show mercy for other unfortunate people or me."

He stayed a bit more to contemplate under the warm light of the oil-lamp before not long also going to bed and sleep.



Six days have passed since Vlad met with Aldenis. He spent this past days walking around the district and watching the farms on the green hill. Sometimes he would advise Robert on certain things he did wrong with his swordplay before leaving him to do his revision.

Aerius also accompanied Vlad on his walks and always salivated on Vlad's shoulder whenever they arrived at the green hill and looked at the cattle and sheeps gently grazing the green fields.

"Can I eat those delicious-looking sheep and cattle?" asked Aerius, still salivating while looking at the animals.

"No. Those are the property of the farms. If you do something to them, it would also affect the people since they depend on those cattle and sheep to deliver milk, new offspring, and why not even meat products."

"I understand. I'll leave them alone. However, for that, you need to give me a feast to eat until I drop down."

"Little guy, you're greedy. I'll see your performance in the following days we're on the sea. If it is satisfactory, I'll happily hand you some filling meals."

"Hehe, that's more like you, boss."

Then he got up and walked down the hill towards the district while Aerius was on his shoulder looking around the busy people.

"This is really new to me. The people here look happier compared to when I first got here."

"That's right. Their lives are far more stable, and it will keep improving slowly."

As he walked around the district and looking around the people, this time, he took the path towards Sofiya's family shop. Arriving in front of the shop, he could see that it remained unchanged, while the rest of the buildings got repaired while others were rebuilt by the citizens.

Entering inside the shop, he spotted Sofiya reading a book with a bored expression.

Sensing that someone walked inside the shop, she took a slight break from reading to look at the newcomer. Seeing that it was Vlad, she closed the book and asked him with a smile on her face.

"What would it be, sir Blood? Are you looking again for my help?"

"Sigh, drop the jokes, Sofiya, but you already guessed what I was going to ask anyway. I'll be away from the orphanage tomorrow, so I need your help looking over the kids."

"Hmm, what are you planning again? There are not many criminals roaming around the district since you took out the Syndicates. Don't tell me, are you now going after the nobles?"

"Haha, I'm not that crazy to try to commit suicide and attack the nobles without even having basic information on them. No, my lady, I'll be going on the sea to hunt a person."

"Wait, are you going on the sea? Take me with you. I always wanted to sail the seas since I was young." said Sofiya with a puppy face, thinking that it will instantly collapse Vlad's heart and make him agree.

However, Vlad looked at her puppy face and smiled a bit before chuckling.

"Good try, Sofiya, you almost got me with that cute face. Nevertheless, I'll be serious with you. I'm not going on the seas to have fun but hunt a person, a pirate. I don't want to be distracted and watch over you even if you're capable of protecting yourself."

"Pretty please, I can fight from a distance and support you from behind." tried Sofiya again.

"No. I'll rather have you go protect the little kids if something unthinkable happens, such as that beast slumbering waking up or some criminals making their way inside." replied Vlad to Sofiya with a serious tone which made Sofiya think about the situation.

After half a minute passed with a slightly disappointed face, she said to Vlad. "Fine, I'll pass on this adventure and stay with the kids. It seems I also have to bring my rifle."

"Thank you for understanding me, Sofiya. Don't think I'll not repay you. I'll tell you some of my plans for the future. My fleet is being built, and in one year, it should be done. After that, I'll bring you to play around with the nobles and take out some of their fortunes."

"Ohh, interesting. Playing around with these nobles sounds fun compared to hunting a dirty pirate. I'll remember this Vlad. If you dare take back your words, I will really get angry at you." said Sofiya while staring intently at Vlad's green eyes.

Vlad looked at Sofiiya's emerald eyes and long white hair before smiling at her. "I'll be damned if I step on my words, my lady. Well, I would love to stay for a bit more and talk, but I also have a meeting with the old man. Take care, let's get going, Aerius."

Ending saying that he left the shop while smiling slightly at Sofiya. When Vlad left, the girl went back to her seat and settled down while opening the book, continuing to read the book as if nothing happened but still having a sweet smile on her face.

Then the voice of an old man was heard in the reception room asking Sofiya. "Lass, did that Vermilion prince come again?

"Yes, grandfather, now can you not pester me about my personal life? I know what I'm doing." responded Sofiya while her smiling expression turned frosty when hearing the old Duke voice.

"Heh, lass, you're already Dutchess Selentes while I'm just an old man waiting to die. However, I have to say, you youngsters sure are a good match."

"Hmph, keep it to yourself, old man." replied Sofiya, a bit annoyed, while stopping from reading.

Meanwhile, Vlad was already moving towards Marcus's place to meet Aldenis again. Entering inside the restaurant, he had Ricardo again guide him and give the server boy some pocket money.

Not long, he also made his way inside the meeting room together with Aerius. The old man greeted Vlad but suddenly stopped when his old eyes saw Aerius.

"Your Highness, did you get yourself a pet? Why bring him to our meeting?"

"Hey, old man, I'm not a pet. I'm Aerius, Vlad's protector, a mighty gryphon." said Aerius, a bit offended by Aldenis's comment.

Aldenis looked surprised at this talking creature looking similar to a black cat, only that it had an eagle head and 4 wings. Looking with an apologetic expression, he said to Aerius.

"Little friend, sorry for not observing that. What can I say? I'm old. My sight starts deteriorating with each year I live."

"No problem, old man, just remember it for the next time." replied Aerius from Vlad's shoulder with an arrogant expression.

'Damn, I've grown senile or something to apologize to this weird creature? Well, forget it, since he's most likely the prince's pet, is expected for him to act arrogantly.'

"That's enough, little guy, settle down. I got some things to talk with this old gentleman."

Hearing Vlad said that Aerius became quiet and just stared at Aldenis from his shoulder, the two talked about what happened in the following days. It was something hard for him to understand, so he just made himself comfortable on Vlad's shoulder.

"What about the map and ship Aldenis? Are they prepared?

"Yes, my prince. Here, takes this envelope. Inside is the kingdom's map and the neighboring islands, respectively, what you're looking for, Picodras, Esvir, Lathast, and Calmaria. As for the ship is a triple-mast sails caravel around 10 meters. It's in good shape. I've bought it from the shipbuilders guild at a low price."

"Good job Aldenis, probably I will come back with those pirate's ships, so spending too much on the ship would be wasteful." said Vlad while taking the envelope from the table.

"Hehe, you'll be pleased with the ship for sure. When you go to the harbor tomorrow, just tell the guys watching over the ships that you're looking for the Red F since that's how the boys call it."

"Sure, now let's get going and eat something. It's on me." ended Vlad while eating the food Ricardo brought while Vlad and Aldenis talked about the district progressing steps.

After twenty minutes, Vlad walked out of the restaurant and strolled back to his wooden house.

Arriving home, he quickly summoned Robert, who was teaching the orphan boys how to train their bodies.

Getting inside the study room, Robert asked Vlad with a confused tone.

"What is it, Vlad?"

Vlad just pointed at the spread-out map for Robert to see, where it left the boy looking with a surprised face. The map had detailed coordinates for all the places around Kaysang, including the names of the islands Vlad was looking for.

"With this map, I'll be able to get you anywhere located here. Damn to think there are capable people to make such maps in this place. I thought only my teacher was capable of making such maps, but it seems I'm wrong."



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