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9.52% One Life Ain't Enough. Ball. Is. Life / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Fresh Start = 11 Years Old = Bigger, Better, Badder

Chương 2: Chapter 2 - Fresh Start = 11 Years Old = Bigger, Better, Badder

Life had started.


It had.


It was just... another flash.


A flash in the bang.

{3rd Person.}

Somewhere within America - A couple of new parents were within a hospital and celebrating the birth of their child.

"Miss. Richardson. Mr. Richardson." Looking over to them whilst holding a newborn in hand; the doctor whom had overseen the labor process shuffled over to show the new mother and father.

"He's a healthy baby, boy." Speaking where the infant was brought to the mother's open arms. Her shock was present where the father's tears drippled out.

"He's beautiful... *Sniff* He's Beautiful!" The mother wrapped her child up to her where the infant snuggled up to her. Scared and seeking warmth upon being brought in this new and unfamiliar world.

"You did great, honey... By god; you did." Her husband shifted down where his towering height and size caused him inconveniences but at the moment; he used those gifts to wrap around his now-bigger family.

"*Mwah*That's baby boy." Cradling her son whom squeezed tighter where she looked to the father of her child whom smiled back. Kissing him on the cheek only for him to turn it into a kiss on the lips.

"You did amazing... I'm... speechless." Speaking whilst his core was shaking since she cried out from labor pains early in the morning.

"How do you think I feel?" Questioning the man whom felt stupid at the moment; he wasn't the one whom gave birth.

"Well?" Turning to her as she appeared to await an answer where a small smug grin appeared on the very corner of his lips.

Sighing to herself whilst he cradled him.

"Say his name, dummie." Beckoning in exhaustion as everything was beginning to way down on her mentality and physically.

"Ricardo... Ricardo Richardson." A smile formed on his head where he raised a hand and gently rubbed the head of his son.

A small sigh came from his wife whom just shook her head with a smile.

"I like... For once... I like your opinion." The two had kissed one another to commemorate this event in itself.



[Later In Life]

At a small house within the bustling city of New York; a young boy was relaxing in on a couch. Sinking completely into the couch because of his rather hefty weight.

Comfortably napping as his eyes were shut with his chest rising falling and descending every moment.



"OPEN UP BITCH! RUN YOUR SHIT!" His eyes' snapped open whilst he sprang to his feet where he watched as several males clothed in dark clothing run into his home with... Firearms! The front-door was practically thrown open with intruders sprinting up the stairs.

The boy switched in a different direction to escape only to find a pair of large hands wrapped around his wrist. A pair of these people violently drag him down despite the youth's attempts to escape with a loud crash where one of the lamps near the couch was knocked over and clattered against the ground.

Grunting where he tried to crawl away but his attempts were naught but absolute failures! They were too strong together with him only being able to crawl away a couple feet where the rest of them came up the stairs.

"YO! OOOOH; WE GOT 'INK!'" One of them struggled aloud where he gasped with the boy underneath himself being able to arise! He weighed around 180lbs (81.6 kgs) flat at least and his buddy that was helping him weigh alittle bit more yet this punk was carrying them where he put one of his feet down to stand.

"FUCK HIM UP, THEN!" Shouting where another man came smacked his fist against the boy's head as the blow had staggered him severely followed the now-three grown men violently forced him onto his backside. More of them came up and began stomp him out with all-black sneakers slammed against the now-curled up boy.

Helpless getting smashed about only for one of their legs to be grasp that lead to him dragged as the named 'Ink' pounced like a cat and slammed his own fist into the face of the leader. His mask was shifted from the blow revealing a speck of his skin but that didn't matter as the strike had knocked him completely unconscious.

A dark-brown in contrast to the youth's lighter shade where his next strike failed with the other members tackling him off. The remaining members hit him with even more vigor with their fists, elbows, knees and feet to smash this younger male like he was a soccer ball or a punch-bag.

One of the sneaker's toecap cleanly smacked into the side of the boy's head which had also knocked him unconscious from the heavy force behind the hit. His guard was loosened where these thugs begun to beat the crap out of the now non-functional boy.




Minutes later; a bloodied and broken tooth boy was laying out in a stunned stupor as an audible groan of pain came out every other moment.

One of them had picked up their leader whom was shouting off early where another looked at the boy whose conscious came back.

Shifting his mask slightly only for his lips to appear where he gargled slightly before spitting a black glob of spit directly in between 'Ink's eyebrows that startled him in current state but he could only groan.

"What you get for my little bro's squad, Bitch." Shifting only to swing his foot to smack into his unprotected ribs caused a grunt and fit of cough.

Hurrying out of the empty house where this group sprinted out of the house leaving 'Ink' to groan and gasp in pain for a long.








'Ink' had awakened later where his eyes snapped wide where he had shifted upward that caused a gasp from the person whom was beside him.

"MY BABY!" The shout of a middle-age black woman screamed aloud. Her face was filled with worry in contrast to it's normal smooth surface, her hair wasn't done up properly but in a crude bun of curly hair where she wore casual clothes finished with a zip-up hoodie that was a couple dozen sizes bigger than it should be.

"M-Momma?" Speaking aloud in a somewhat deep yet under developed voice as he tilted his head in confusion only to find a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and his head brought close to the the crying woman's body. His mind hadn't completely come too as he was slow on the uptake at the moment.

Defined and large arms wrapped around the woman as he hugged her back. A bit of warmth could felt from her as his muscles flexed and she was brought closer.

*Bang* The door of the room which 'Ink' shifted his eyes to look elsewhere. A dark-brown haired, blue-eye, tanned yet white-skinned man had entered - A Hawaiian shirt and a pair of cargo-shorts with saddles was all that he wore but interesting series of tattoos completely covered his arms and hands with patches on his legs.

A giant whom practically ran over as he shouted.

"R-Ricardo!" 'Ink's eyes widened at his father's concern towards him where the massive man reached and grasp his son's hands as he had released his hug on his mother. Squeezing them to death only to hug his son as well.

"Jesus. Thank you... Thank you so much." His mother spoke under her breath as she hugged the boy whom noticed his father had hugged his as well but released his hold on his child.

"'Ricky' are you okay?! What happened?!" Panic formed as the man backtrack to shift about to stand to his full height whilst his wife released her hold on her child.

Sitting back in her chair as she too looked up to her father whom stood to his full height of 6,5ft (1.98 Ms) with his hands clenched into skin-digging fists where his son looked down.

A face of concentrate only formed to one of relaxed confusion where he spoke once more.

"I... Dunno, Dad." His voice was worn despite limited words at the moment; following this afterwards. A pair of nurses whom came up to the family; one of them attempted to calm down the man where the other spoke to the injured youth and mother.

"Sir! This is a hospital; please relax during your stay." Speaking in a harsh tone to the man whom instantly snapped.

"MY SON IS LAID IN THAT DAMN BED AND YOU EXPECT ME TO STAY CALM." The nurse back away leading to his wife to cool him off by standing to him and looking dead in his eyes.

"Marcus! Richard is hurt!" She shouted back where the two looked to their son whom shifted his head down with his ears covered by his large hands.

"Uuuuuugh." A groan was the only sound that he proceeded where he felt like his head was ringed to hell and back; these shouts weren't so pleasant for him at the moment.

"Ricky... I'm sorry." Shifting about as he whispered to his son with the only response to this was nod of acknowledge where the two nurse silently kept quiet.

One of them left to acquire the Doctor whom was in charge of Richard where the other came over to speak more directly with the injured youth.

"Excuse; Richard. Are you feel any abnormalities?" A long pause with Richard's mother twisted her face and opening her mouth to say something only for her husband this time to halt her in action.

Their child shifted uncomfortable at the moment where the two parents felt their heart sink. Their son was never like this and this entire thing scared him to kingdom come.

"... My... Head is ringing... and.... I'm hungry." An audible growl came causing the Nurse's eyes to widen by a slight margin. Richard's Father ruffled his boy's hair at the response where his mother softly said.

"You'll get food in a minute, baby... You'll be fill." Telling her boy whom nodded sadly at the news that he wasn't going to receive food right away.

"Well... Doctor Ronald will be here in a moment. Please; just rest Richard." Speaking to the boy where she shifted away only to beckon the parents over. His mother gave her 'baby' a kiss on his forehead where his father gave him a rub on his shoulders as the two parents exited the room after the nurse.

Left to his own thoughts...

Richard just thought to himself. 'Why did they come?' 'Why did they come?' 'Why did they come?' All of these things plagued his mind aside from his growing hunger.

The noise of the door opening drew the boy's attention whom found himself looking towards a man whom was dressed in what he would assume was a Doctor's outfit and all whom sat down in one of the chairs.

"Good morning; Richard. You have finally woken up." That last little part caught the young man's attention swiftly whose head shot up.

" 'Finally?' What do you mean?" Questioning the older male whom raised a hand to tell the boy to relax... A slight pause as he proceeded to shift on the bed.

"You been in a coma for some time... You just awoken yes?" The Doctor spoke to Richard whose eyes widen greatly as he nodded in response.

"I see. Well; it seemed the surgery was successful as well. Some internal damage was done during that assault against you." Shifting his head to the side whilst a hand unconsciously traveled to his torso... Feeling it through the fabric as the slightly-callous finger-pads traveled all over...

Only to stop on a singular stop on the right side of his body which had formed into a large scar traveled underneath the arm-pit and down to hip. Eyes growing bigger at this examination.

"It was... a troubling time these past couple of works, Richard. I'm sure that you would love to leave as soon as possible however you have been in a coma for some time." Words shocking the young man whom looked directly into the eyes of the older male.

"You'll be kept at this hospital for a couple months to assist in rehab and the lik-" The doctor wasn't able to his sentence where the shaken voice of the young man openly rumbled aloud.

"H-how long was I... Out?" The pause was cemented by a nervous gulp as it was finished off with the boy looking up and was seeking an answer.



A humbling silence made the boy turn to the licensed professional where the man shifted in his sit to deliver the news.

"7 Months, Young Man."

A wide-eye Richard snapped his eyes in shock at the answer.

[A Year Later]

Whilst the Richardson family initially struggled during those long months with their child in a state of unconscious only to wake up once more out of nowhere.

It was a shocking event!

The two were visiting every day and for long periods of time. As their son was slowly adjusting to being conscious, easing and comforting their boy whom was still quiet about everything.


Til rehabilitation began. Richard had seemingly bounced back in mindset; his energy levels was up and his hunger had returned but one thing that the young man always asked about happened to be...


They knew the boy didn't have an extreme passion only that he seemed to always play during school recess or run out to play on the neighborhood courts... Now? He was riddling his parents with questions and 'demands' to find out what was happening at all-levels of ball.

AAU & Under 16 Years.



Even the IBA (International Basketball Association) which their son was asking numerous questions to the point where his father got sick which the day afterward; he gave his son a tablet which was loaded with dozens upon dozens of Apps about news, stats, games & even a subscription to IBA's sponsored viewing app that allowed for him to watch all of the side-shows and the games as well.

After receiving it, Richard gave his father biggest hug that his still-weak self could provide which lead to him getting absorbed into viewing even when his parents were in the room!

The occasional shout and smack from his mom usually got knocked him out of his craze during their stays however he was hooked.

Watching the stars of the modern age made his love grow. The rookies whom were arriving to challenge the old lions and those greats in their 30s trying to prove that they could earn titles on their respective teams.


However; his need to play had expanded into his rehab. Practically begging whomever if he could have a Basketball in his room but that right was swiftly taken away. Complaints from other patients whom heard the bouncing an inflate ball made it difficult at the earliest times in the morning.

All of this time... The Richardson parents tried to find the reason for their son's unbridled love for the game of Basketball.


If only they knew where the first moments of Richard's rehab... His dreams and mind was filled with a lifetime of knowledge.

Not knowing why but he did... He had also received a weird image in his sight which no one but him could see.

[Player Details & Progression]

At first; he was beyond worried for this strange series of image where his concentration was interrupted by it opening to reveal info.

[Current Build & Archetype: Physical Build = Athletic Rebounder

Skillset -

Freethrow: F- (SSS+)

Lay-Up: A+ (SSS+)

Dunking: S (?!?!?!)

Close-Range Shots: C- (SSS+)

Mid-Range Shots: F (SS+)

Three-Point Shots: F-

Ball-Handling Skills: E+ (SS+)

Playmaking Skills: B+ (SS+)

Passing Skills: C- (SS+)

Post Moves: A (?!?!?!)

Rebounding: SSS+ (?!?!?!)

Post Scoring: A (?!?!?!)

Perimeter Defense: C+ (SS+)

Post Defense: AA- (SSS+)

Steals: E+ (S)

Blocks: SSS+ (?!?!?!)

Athleticism: SS+ (?!?!?!)]

If that was his starting point... It must've been good... He however couldn't wait to bouncing onto his street's courts.

But his rehab was inferior.

One night as he was resting his head whilst he leaned his head back. Whispering to himself.

"Why must everything be so damn long. I have to get out of this crapshoot, fast." The odd curse escaped him where he closed his eyes and ruffled his hair.


Sighing before opening to eyes to look at the ceiling only to gasp where numerous words formed into a message.

[Main Task: Exceed Expectations! - Pushing yourself hard during Rehab to not only build yourself up physically but mentally! Hell - Go beyond your limits! Success: Badge Awarded based on Build. Failure: Athleticism lowered by several grades.]

"... WHAT THE FU-" The once-quiet youth nearly exploded out of his seat but he couldn't... The words also flowed out of him like it was walk a single step. Hands clamming onto his face to prevent words from escape where he relaxed only to look the door.


The sounds of steps could be heard where Richard swiftly shifted about to calm down and fake the sight of him sleeping. The door opened up where a visible concern male nurse opened to examine the situation.


"Poor Kid." Whispering under his breath as Richard's eyes were tighter than a new crack in a wall. Unable to look at him where the sounds of the boy's shoes could be heard with the door closing after him.

*Exhale* A hefty breath escaped the youth whose eyes snapped open. He nearly got a heart-attack! 'I'm not havin' some 'doctor' poking at my brain and write crap down. Screw that!' An anger expression was plastered across his features.

Managing to calm himself down where he double checked this... Whatever it was... It seemed that if he didn't do so... He'd get messed up.


A convinced expression appeared as the youth face where he had not choice. If he didn't push himself... He would lose one of his most valuable skills. His athleticism... Richard didn't know how it would work out but... It just would if he followed the rules.


Basically; bust his ass during rehab get some 'Perk?' The hell was a Perk?

Well... If anything... getting his Rehab going would be good.

The following weeks after acquiring this message where Richard worked... Practically grinding himself to the very bone and building up. Eating nearly quadruple the amount of food that he did before as much as he was possibly allowed to do so where the Nurses had to cut him off after his 5 or sixth plate during meals.

Long walks when he could do so to clear his mind from all of the stress.

Heck; he somehow was able to get hold of a pumped-up basketball on one of his walks which he casually dribbled about to test out his ball-handling. A couple crossovers, hesitation, in-and-out moves.

All of his walks had slowly shifted into runs with full-blown burst of spirits down streets with hard crossovers and change of direction cuts had been done.

The shoes that his parents brought were running shoes where the rubber mid-and-out soles had been worn down from their grooves into smooth and torn pieces which the initial cushion lead to it breaking on his dominant foot with his less breaking afterwards.

The doctor and his parents had 'banned' him from his 'walks.' Accepting all of this with a sneer on his face which was shut down by his mom tell him that she'd smack the attitude out of him.

Sneer turned to smile faster than a F1 Race Car.

This lead to him being more focus on body-weight workouts in his freetime whilst listening to popular player breakdowns on youtube and tutorials.

Every jab-step, head-fake, shoulder-fake. Their preferred positions to score or how they were able to defend their tasks... Some even switched onto the other teams' Star Players to defend them.

The mechanics of their jumpshot. What foot is their preferred to gather and launch; how low they got, how long their strides were.

Their mannerisms and celebrations. How they were able to carry themselves during every game; response to trash-talk or highlight plays to answer with their own.

Even the way that they breathed or sweat.

Richard watched everything whilst he did numerous workouts in free-time as he was watching and absorbing everything... 'Everything.'


[Pre Rehab Size -

Height: 5,9 ft (1.75 m)

Wingspan: 5,8 ft (1.72 m)

Hand Size: 3.1 Inches (8.12 cm)

Weight: 186 lbs (84 kgs)]

Sitting his bed where a casually clothed Richard looked out of a window to his city. His hometown.


Standing up which the youth turned over his shoulder to look at the nurse.

"Richard? Your parents have arrived to take you home." She said clearly where a small chuckle could be heard where the boy put his hands against the window.


"... O-Okay... I'll be on my way... Could... I have a minute, Miss?" Asking the Nurse which he turned around.


She nodded and closed the door.

A long-winded sigh escape the boy whom looked out and whispered to himself. "... No place like home, Ricky... No place like home." Putting his forehead against the glass where he felt his feet shake for a moment.


Putting his hands away where his hand clenched into a fist.

Turning around before he popped open the door and walked out of the door... Cracking it open as he peered side to side which the nurse beckoned him onward to follow.

In moments; the two were in the lobby where Richard came over and surprised his mom with a hunger that gave her spook. She would've slapped if they weren't in public but she only responded with her own hug.

A heavy hand came down on his hands which Richard looked up to his father and hugged him as well.

[Post Rehab Size -

Height: 6 ft (1.82 m)

Wingspan: 6,1 ft (1.85 m)

Hand Size: 6, 6 Inches (16.76 cm)

Weight: 205 lbs (92 kgs)]

Just as the family went out; the youngest and now-grown 10 Year Old on the edge of his 11th looked the at the hospital.


For some reason...

It looked alot smaller than it did when he first woke.

"Richard?" Shifting as the boy looked to his mom whom looked at him with a shade of concern for her boys' health but also in wonder as she tried to understand what her son might've been thinking.

"Nothing... It's just... Good to go back home." Speaking with a slight smile.

"... About that..." His father perked up causing Richard to turn back to his parents. His father's head was down whilst he ruffled his hair whilst his mother turned his head.


'WHAT?!' As the family drove away from the hospital; Richard instantly noticed during the drive in the families care (Which was alot smaller than it was beforehand) that they didn't go back to the old neighborhood.

Instead; they had ventured to a different neighborhood whilst they had founded themselves in apartment building.


Only to open the doorway with a couple dozen suitcases packed to capacity.

"... Oh Boy."

Purplish_Red Purplish_Red

Thanks For Reading if you did.

If you like the story; please comment and add to Liberary.

Be Safe and Have Fun.

next chapter
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