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76% Noble Will / Chapter 54: Knowing the Enemy

Chương 54: Knowing the Enemy

In the darkness of the night, gathered in the middle of the field, a group of young men dressed in black with part of their faces covered were talking to each other.

- Why aren't they coming yet? The idea was to ambush them and retreat immediately.

- Well, it's only been a couple of minutes, besides, you already know Carlo.

- Just because he's the one I'm a bit anxious about.

- Yes, we understand you; that's why we decided that from the very beginning Alexia would keep an eye on him.

 The young man who seemed to be the leader of the group sighed.

- For the moment we have to worry about hunting one more, we are missing one more token for Bairon.

- No problem, we've spotted about three more nearby.

- Haven't they already been captured by the others?

- Maybe ... but there are two guys who were hiding just like this group ... I don't think they came out at night.

- Well, let's get going then; let Carlo and Alexia meet us over there.

- ... I guess ... but one of us has to stay behind to warn them.

- ... Well, it will be me.

Having agreed, that group of three got ready; however, the sudden noise of animal grunts that could be heard closer and closer to them surprised them.

- Is that them? ... it's like a group of animals approaching.

- Yes ... but which way?

Soon, that small group recognized where the sound was coming from; it was from the direction where the group they had ambushed had been hiding.

Everyone was puzzled; however, they acted cautiously as if they were preparing for an attack by those animals.

In the distance, those three observed some silhouettes running towards them and behind them a group of tigers chasing them.

- Are they trying to escape? But, what bad luck that they came right in our direction.

- ... No ... It's not them! - exclaimed one of the young men when he recognized that the ones running away from the animals were not the ambushed group, but the pair that were his companions.

- What the hell!

However, those three boys lost sight of what was really important; without being able to react in time, they were attacked. The impressive thing was that the three young men could have dodged, but they all felt as if they were petrified.

They did not know who they were and where they were aiming at, but the attacks they received were not intended to hurt them, but rather, by cutting their clothes, the stolen chips fell to the ground.

As if a gust of wind had blown the leaves away, the chips disappeared.

When the minds of the three were able to process the situation, they recognized a group that had gone unnoticed trying to escape the scene.

- What's going on! Why are they...?!

Within seconds, the three young men were able to move, but that would not allow them to follow the group that had fled, as they had another problem on their hands.

A few meters away, the group who had successfully carried out their counterattack began to laugh.

That laughter of relief was not entirely pure, for there was some malice for having left those who had ambushed them to their fate. However, this test was not about doing good or evil, but what was necessary to pass.

- I don't think they were expecting it.

- Yes, and it was all thanks to Liam. - Daniel added.

- Seriously, it's good to have you on our side. That power you have is really convenient. - commented Renato who was carrying Liam on his back.

- Yeah yeah... I just want to rest for a while. - replied Liam who looked exhausted or with some pain in his patched eye.

- Whatever you say, boss. - replied Renato as they continued running towards an unknown direction during the night.

Although it was hard to believe coming from a bunch of brats, those watching this trial had been amazed at the quick and efficient response of that group of youngsters who had managed to escape successfully.

- I can see why he wanted us to be careful with that kid ... it really is a pretty ... 'unfair' ability I would say. - commented one of the supervisors inside the video camera room.

- Yeah ... but he's not the only one ... that guy with the black hair, he looks like he has a better control of his ability compared to the rest.

- ... Notify the upper management about this second group as well ...

- Roger that.


The day passed, on a bright morning inside a room, the first news of the day could be heard.

- Currently China has had a greater proliferation in its transportation of resources that are exported to South America and Germany. It is believed that competing countries have been forced to limit the amount of products exported by means of a customs inspection for possible unjustified over-shipment of goods. On the other hand, the eastern country has shown signs of an increase in what are known as 'growers' which in our language would be synonymous with the Reformed as reported by OSAE. - mentioned the reporter from the news channel.

In that room, a young woman with fiery blonde hair was changing her clothes; suddenly, she heard the door being knocked on.

- Miss Lois, are you ready? The others are waiting for you.

- Yes, I'll be there in five minutes.

- I understand, please... let it really be five minutes.

This comment embarrassed the young woman a little, but, as if it was someone she trusted who had spoken, she just smiled and tried to finish getting ready soon.

As she went downstairs, Lois could see a group of more than seven people gathered in the living room who, like her, were watching the news on the television set on the wall.

- Oh, Ms. Lois; you finally came, I think we can start now. - commented Lorenz.

- Yes, sorry for the delay.

As she joined them, young Valdelomar looked at one of the only two women in the room.

- I am glad that nothing bad has happened to you, Mayor Victoria.

- I am grateful for your concern and for the help provided by your bodyguard who, if it had not been for him, we would not be here. - Victoria replied.

- Well, then... shall we begin?

The television was put on mute so that it brightened the mood a bit to still have it on.

- So ... what have we got so far? - Lois asked.

The explanation, though long, was not difficult to understand, even more so with the help of young Alexander who was somewhat revealing the identity in front of Lois and the others including with the identity of Lily. The situation was dangerous: Le Front knew about them and now they wanted to get rid of at least the mayor's group quietly.

The only thing that was perhaps not very credible was the truth revealed by the mayoress having seen the memories of Lirio who was now more willing to talk because she knew they were after her too.

- Zombies? Are you serious? ...

- ... Do you think I would be lying to you with something so silly if it wasn't true?

- ...

- So... How are we supposed to solve this?

- I sent an email to a contact close to the kings... to have an audience with them and inform them of this; plus we have enough evidence in Luesia.

- I understand, but how long will it take for them to respond? Besides, do you think they will believe what you say?

During the talk of those women, a young man intervened.

- We have information that Princess Lisbeth went with reasons to visit Luesia because of the kidnappings ... although she was not allowed to enter, it seems that the disappearances have not happened anymore, besides the officers are guarding the crime scene where we found the bodies. If we could talk to the princess and tell her what we know that would make things easier for us if everything goes well. - Lorenz commented.

- The princess? ... Well, I understand her point of view, but, in case they believe us, what's next? ... We have no information about the enemy's bases, nor what their organization is like ... we don't even know an approximate of how many people operate in it, not even any of their leaders ... we know nothing. - Lois emphasized.

This blunt, but true reality made that the problems did not stop appearing and silence took over the place.

Not even Lirio knew about these things, moreover it was already unbelievable where she had acquired this information from the mysterious pharmaceutical organization.

- It's true, in the Deep Web ... Could we contact them through their website? ... If they really are the same organization we would be shooting two birds with one stone. - commented Eric.

- The Deep Web?

-Yes, we have done our own research and found a website with the same name of this organization that you see on the map and Pbook we found.

- But ... is it safe to do that? - asked Victoria.

- ... Certainly not, but we don't have a choice, do we?

- ...

While the rest were thinking about this alternative, one of those present spoke up.

- I ... have a way to have contact with them. - said Lirio.

Everyone was attentive to her words.

- In the memories you saw, Victoria, didn't you think about where I had been when I saw those facilities and reports?

The young mayoress was somewhat stunned to have overlooked such information.

- This is not the first time that Le Front has had contact with us... 6 years ago, when I was a child, I was taken with another group of children in training from my organization to a facility here in the capital... that place was one of their bases...

Everyone was stunned by such a confession.

- Why would an organization allow children to enter one of their bases?

- At that time I did not know the reason, but now I have certain ideas, since that day only three of the ten children who went returned.

The ideas were diverse, but certainly everyone knew that the result of the visit of those little ones would not end well.

- I remember that it was just a walk, but the things I saw I did not understand ... it was a gloomy place, but I did not ask anything ... when I returned, my bosses gave me only one order: forget everything you saw and those who stayed there.

The young woman continued talking.

- In those days, I was naughty and, after I came back, I could see how my bosses seemed worried ... when they came to talk to the delegates from Le Front who came to our base, I escaped and went to the offices of the top managers ... in those days, I started to read the writings they had on their desks ... those reports that did not let them sleep ... as you know ... the rest is history.

Certainly the young woman's confessions were shocking, but what was important had not yet been told.

- So... Do you still remember where that base was? - asked Eric.

- Yes ... I remember.

Adding to the relevant information given by Lirio, Alexander spoke up.

- I guess this will help too. - commented the young man throwing a small object on the coffee table.

- What is it?

- A USB? - asked Hayato.

A metallic-colored USB was what was displayed in front of everyone.

- Don't you think using that is old-fashioned? What's inside? - Thomas asked.

- It's something I took from Vincent.

At the mention of that name, everyone got a little grumpy.

- Change those faces and listen to what I will say ... you remember Vincent put me in charge of looking for those responsible for the kidnappings, because every time he ordered me to go, he would give me some information about people I should look out for ... it was as if he knew who I might turn up ... one day when I went to his office at DIS, I was able to find this USB ... going through it I found some interesting information ... although at the time I didn't understand what it was about, now I think it will be quite useful.

- You mean there is Le Front information in there? Why are you just telling us about this? - Eric asked somewhat angrily.

- I think you will understand that one must always have an ace up one's sleeve ... but now, with the attack from them, I think we should no longer hide anything between us, isn't that right, Lirio? - Alexander replied.

- Yes.

- But ... Why would it be on a USB?

- Vincent tended to put the most important things on USBs ... even if they are obsolete, he said he felt it was safer than having it on paper or on the internet.

- I see ...

This statement reminded Lois of Vincent's unexpected visit, but she said nothing and so did her bodyguards.

Everything was forming a way to understand who they were up against and yesterday's enemies were becoming today's allies for a common cause; however, today's enemy would not be wasting time and waiting to be attacked.

While they were talking, the muted TV set that was still projecting the news mentioned about the results of the second stage of the ARET entrance exam for special applicants.


- It is not yet official, but the preliminary results indicate that, in the first stage of the exam, of the 9,356 applicants only 1,300 were admitted; on the other hand, in the second stage of the exam, 58 young people have participated ... as it is known, this exam tends to have a range of 14 to 18 years of age and presents more restricted regulations ... currently we are informed that only 23 people have passed the test which is a very small number than expected according to the historical data of ARET. At the moment these young entrants should be having their last meeting with the academy's top brass who will be congratulating them on this achievement and giving them some advice before they begin their 3 years of academic life. - mentioned a reporter outside the academy where there were several admitted applicants celebrating their admission outside their future alma mater.

Inside the academy, in an auditorium room, were the young people who had passed that tough exam. Although it should be a moment of joy and celebration, the faces of all those present showed dark circles under their eyes and great fatigue; it was as if they had not eaten or slept for a couple of days.

In that room where some instructors, professors and officers were gathered, a beautiful scarlet-haired woman with a gala dress of the same color came out in the presence of the rest.

- Welcome and congratulations to all of you, dear students, for having successfully passed this test that has had the objective of testing your ingenuity more than your special abilities. As you may have seen, it is not enough just to have those skills that distinguish you from the rest, because they are not yet developed ... you do not even know their foundations or where their power comes from ... many times wit and reasoning are worth more than gold and silver; therefore, do not trust your skills until you have developed them.

Everyone listened sleepily to the woman's words.

- Knowing how tired you all are, I will only say that I have been somewhat intrigued by the solutions of some of you. As you know well, the objective was to know the code of two applicants to pass the test; many of you faced each other in small battles, others seemed to master the game by themselves, some formed groups who supported each other to hunt other applicants, but only one group had the idea to share their codes and tell them to the instructor in charge at the end of the game.

"What, now they're just going to say it was a game?" thought Liam.

- It really was a surprise that reasoning they used, plus in this exam we have included one more obstacle ... yes, the night visitors.

Everyone present was a little frustrated to hear how the Duchess was talking so animatedly as if all this was entertaining for her.

- Now, I think we should let in your 'other' future companions who passed the exam just like you.

Everyone was puzzled to hear such a statement, but when they saw the entrance door they observed the entrance of a group of young people who were entering the hall.

The total of this group was 18 boys.

- Well, we have already had a welcome meeting with them, so without further ado, you may leave. Being 9:43 am, in a few hours you will receive in your e-mails a welcome greeting to ARET, as well as some introductory workshops to the academic life, the starting date of the classes and their schedules. Well, have a good weekend.

The vast majority were dumbfounded to hear those words as if it was no big deal, but sleepiness and hunger only made everyone fall asleep inside the classroom.

 "Well ... at least I got in ... although I couldn't sleep all night ... How are the others?" thought Liam who was falling asleep.

Looking around he saw that Daniel was still firmly seated as was Renato.

"What ... how come ... they still have ... strength ... ?"

Liam having fallen asleep, looking closely at the front of those young men it could be seen that they were already asleep long ago. Only they remained positioned that way as if they were stiff as a dead man.

Seeing everything behind them, Ophelia observed everything with a smile of relief; within seconds, she fell her head on the table immediately being now asleep.

next chapter
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