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45.71% New Valyria / Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Arc 2, Pelts

Chương 16: Chapter 15: Arc 2, Pelts




Varys watched as the Brotherhood of the Old Gods slowly entered the city of Pentos. Varys was visiting his friend Illyrio, when he saw the flying banners of the Brotherhood.

Varys has grown a great fondness to the Brotherhood. Being able to beat the second greatest company the world has seen, the Golden Company. The Brotherhood was also able to kick down two other companies well they were moving, the Second Sons, and the Company of the Cat.

But that wasn't important, what is important is why he was in Pentos. He was to see how the last two Targaryens are doing. And from what he has heard from Illyrio, is that Viserys was half mad, while the sweet Daenerys was shy and skinny.

Varys turned around and walked to the mansion. He knew the reason why the Brotherhood was in Pentos, but he didn't know what they gained from it. No more like what 'he' will gain from it. Jon Snow the Commander of the Brotherhood was a man of main surprises. But this was just stupid, he is risking House Stark, and his lives, if this gets to the fat king.

Varys just continued his walk to the mansion. When he got there he saw that Illyrio had a guess. A guess that has surprised Varys on how fast he was able to turn his own little birds against him. In front of the mansion was Mance Rayder, Second in Command of the Brotherhood, the Master of Archers, Master of Whispers, and Barb.

He smiled, he walked to stand beside the Barb, and spoke, "Mance Rayder, it's a wonderful surprise to see you here."

Mance looked to him, and responded, "The Spider. I believe you already know why I'm here." Varys nodded, "But I don't know why your here, Do mind telling a fellow Master of Whispers?"

Varys looked up to the man. Varys thought about it and came to the conclusion that it would be fine with telling him, "I'm here to see the Targaryen siblings."

Varys opened the door to the mansion, and he held it opened it for Mance Rayder to enter. Varys looked to Mance, and saw that he was in thought. Varys motioned him to follow and the Barb followed. Varys lead Mance to the room where the Targaryen siblings were, and before they got there, Mance started to laugh.

Varys looked back to him with a confused look, "What is it that makes you laugh?"

Mance shook his head, "You answered my question so I will answer yours." Mance looked around the mansion, and then leaned into whisper something to him, "I don't trust it here. If you could go to the camp outside this city and find me I will tell you."

Varys nodded, "That I'll do." He looked forward to seeing that they got to the dining room, he opened the door and held it opened for Mance, "I will most surely will see you in the camp."

Mance nodded, and bowed his head. Mance entered.


Mance Rayder


Mance entered the hall to see a recognizable face, Magister Illyrio. Sitting with him were a man and a girl, both having the recognizable silver-blond hair and velvet eyes of the Targaryens.

Illyrio stood to greet him, "Mance Rayder of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods! What brings you here, to my humble abode?"

Mance saw both of the Targaryens eyes shot to him. Mance spoke, "My Commander has sent me here to offer the Targaryen protection."

The Targaryen girls eyes widened, she went to speak but her brother got to it first, "Where is your Commander then?"

Mance looked to him, "Prince Viserys," he bowed his head, "Jon Snow, apologizes for not being able to be here, but he is too busy with other things."

Viserys nodded, and went back to eating.

Mance looked to Illyrio, "Do you accept our offer for protection?"

Illyrio nodded, "What is it that you want in return?"

Mance shrugged, "Doesn't matter, the Brotherhood has enough gold to last us a lifetime." Mance smiled, "More gold it is."

Illyrio nodded, "When is the contract going to begin?"

Mance looked to the window, "Let's say tomorrow. The Brotherhood has been in the room for a few sennights and would like to rest."

Illyrio nodded, and held out his grimy hands, "Then we are in an agreement."

Mance nodded and shook his hand, "We are."

Mance turned around to leave but was stopped by the Targaryen girl, "Is it true… what they say… Jon Snow having dragons?"

Mance looked back to the dining table, and bowed his head to the princess, "You will find that out soon, Princess Daenerys." He left to return to the camp, and to show the Spider the docs.




Varys walked toward the camp, and saw that there was above average amount of guards, guarding it. When he got there the guard stopped him. Who Varys found out was an unsullied.

"Why do you come here, this night?" The unsullied spoke in broken common tongue.

Varys went to speak but was beaten to it by the man he was to meet, "He can pass. I invited him."

The unsullied nodded and moved out of the way. Varys walked towards Mance. Mance motioned him to follow. Varys followed, and well he was following he took a look at the company.

Varys saw tents of black, and white, but he also saw tents gold, something from the Golden Company. Varys saw smiths working at the forge, and men practicing. Varys looked to see everything was very organized, and in order.

Varys was taking from his looking by Mance opening a tent flap. Varys followed into the tent. What he saw was small, portable, small counsel room.

"You can take a set, Lord Varys." Mance said while he went to grab some scrolls. Varys went and sat down. Mance returned, with three scrolls. Mance gave the scrolls to Varys, "Read them from left to right, and please keep what you learn from them to yourself."

Varys nodded, and opened the first scroll.

'I stand and witness the marriage of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and Lady Lyanna Stark, they are one soul and one body.


Elia Targaryen'

His finished the first and moved onto the second one.

'Dear Lya,

I have arrived to King's Landing. My Father wants me to lead the Dornish army and the rest of the Targaryen army to fight my cousin Robert Baratheon.

I know I'm good with a sword, but Robert and his hammer, are one mind and body. I have little chance to win against him. But for the babe in you, I promise I will return to you and Elia.

Hope Arthur isn't being a hassle, and the baby is fine and you are healthy.



Varys looked up to Mance, whom was drinking some ale, "How do you have these?"

Mance shook his head, "Finish the last scroll, and think about it. Think long and hard. I know your a smart man, Lord Varys."

Varys opened the final scroll and read the contents.

'If the babe in Lyanna Targaryen, is a boy, he will have the name of Crowned Prince Daeron Targaryen.

If the baby is a girl, she will have the name of Princess Visenya Targaryen.


Crowned Prince Rhaegar Targaryen'

Varys finished the last scroll, and looked up to the Master of Whispers. He thought long and hard on what he had just read, and it finally clicked in his head. Varys started to laugh.

"All of Westeros was tricked by the most honourable man alive, Lord Eddard Stark. Not only did he get away with lying to the King, but he also committed one of the greatest treasons." Varys whispered.

Varys shook his head. Varys looked up to Mance, "Why did you show me this?"

"Because you have the realms interest. And I believe the realm will become great with Jon on the throne." Mance responded.

Varys nodded, "Has he shown any signs of madness?"

Mance shook his head, "Not an ounce."

Varys nodded, "We have a dragon in wolf's skin. A Song of Ice and Fire."

Mance nodded, "Not only that, he carries the name of Azor Ahai. He is the Promised Prince. The Prince that was Promised."

Varys nodded, a took to thinking to himself.


Sansa Stark


Sansa was walking Lady, when she saw the crowned prince walking towards her. Sansa smiled, still have a little thing on wanting to be queen.

The crowned prince smiled at her, "My Lady." He offered her his arm, "Do you mind if we walk together?"

Sansa shook her head, "No, My Prince. I don't mind at all."

The crowned prince smiled, "Good, let's walk."

So they walked and walked until they heard wood hitting wood. They followed the noise to a stream. When they got there, they noticed three kids. Two of whom they knew, Arya and Bran Stark. The other was a boy that, Sansa has seen talking to Arya.

None of them acknowledged them, and Sansa saw the look on the Prince's face. Before she could to clear her throat to get her siblings attention, the Prince spoke.

"So you all want to become knights." The three turned around in shock.

Bran nodded, "Yes, My Prince. Will I do, but I don't know about Arya and her friend."

The prince looked to them, "Well do you?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, Your Grace."

The prince drew his live steel sword, "Then pick up the sword and fight. If you win I will knight you."

The boy started to sweat, "I changed my mind, Your Grace."

Arya spoke, "Leave him alone!"

The prince continued the bullying of the boy, "Why? Are you a coward?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, Your Grace."

Sansa saw Arya move behind the prince and hit him with the wooden sword, "I said leave him alone!"

The Prince turned around and yelled, "You bitch! You will pay for this."

The prince went continue, but then Sansa saw a grey blur. Sansa looked closer and saw it was Nymeria. Nymeria jumped onto the prince arm and bit into the skin.

"Ahh!" The Prince dropped the live steel sword, and grabbed his wrist, and fell to the ground.

Arya scrambled to her feet and picked up the sword and brought it to the prince's neck. Sansa heard the prince whimper, and said, "No, don't hurt me. I'll tell my mother."

Sansa glared at Arya, "Leave him alone, Arya."

Arya looked to her, then back to the Prince, and back to her and took the blade away from the prince's neck, Arya glared at her, "I thought you learned, that the south isn't like the stories Sansa."

Arya ran to the stream, and threw the sword into it. Arya turned around and whistled, tell Nymeria to follow her into the forest.

When Arya was out of sight, Sansa looked to the prince, whom was still crying on the ground, and shook her head and left, telling a guard that the crowned prince was hurt.


Sansa was standing in front of the King, Queen, and Prince, when her father entered the hall with her younger sister. When her Father stood in front, he told the king what the guard told him.

After a few arguments between the king and her father, the queen spoke, "So they go unpunished, my love?"

The king looked to the queen, "What do you want me to do? Behead the girl."

Sansa saw the queen grin, "One of there wolf's bet the crowned prince." She looked to the Lannister guards, "Did you find the wolf."

The guard shook his head, "No my queen."

Sansa saw that the queen was in thought, and then a grin formed, "One of the wolves of to die. I say the white one does."

Sansa's eyes widened, she heard Arya and Bran yell from beside her. The only thought that went through her head was, 'What have I done?'


Eddard Stark


Ned glared at the queen, then looked to the king, and saw him nod. The king looked to Ser Ilyn, "Go kill the one, with the white pelt."

Ser Ilyn nodded, but before he could take a step, Ned spoke, "No!" Everyone looked to him, "I'll do it. I won't have an executioner, butcher the sigil of my house."

The king nodded, "Do it today."

Ned nodded, and looked to Jory and Arthur, "Get the kids to bed and bring me Ice." The both nodded. With Arthur taking Arya, Aerea, and Jacaerys, and Jory taking Bran and Sansa.

The hall emptied out, Ned stayed looking to the ceiling. He waited until he heard the footsteps he knew belonged to Jory. He looked down and saw that he had Ice. Ned left the hall and went to where Ghost was chained up. When he left the hall he turned to one of his guards and told him to find a sheep.

When he got there he saw that the wolf was trying to sleep, but when the wolf noticed him walking towards him he sat up, and wagged his tail. Ned walked beside the wolf and took the chain from the pole, and lead the wolf, Jory, and a Stark guard, whom had a sheep, into the trees, and into the forest.

stopped after the saw that the fires from the hall was gone. Ned went and kneeled in front of the white wolf, and petted him. He heard rustling of sticks coming from the left of him. He looked up to see golden eyes looking at them.

"Nymeria." Ned said, the wolf came out of the trees, and went over to Ghost. Ned smiled taking off the leash form both wolves. Ned whispered, "You need to go. Get far away from here." The wolves looked to him.

Dire Wolves were smart beasts, but they are also loyal to their masters. Ned signed, and looked to Jory, "How did Arya lose Nymeria?"

"We threw rocks at her." Jory responded.

Ned nodded and looked around to find a rock. When he found one, he faced towards the dire wolves, and saw the reaction. They both ran away.

Ned stood and looked back to the guard, and motioned him to cut the sheep's leg and let it go. The guard did as asked and cut the leg of the sheep, and let it go threw the Woods.

Ned looked to the guard, "I want you to take three other guards, and go north with a crate, if anyone asks you what is inside it say it's a dead dire wolf. They should leave you alone, knowing that the dire wolf is our sigil." The guard nodded and left.

Ned went and left, and in his mind telling himself, 'No lion will have a pelt of a wolf. But a wolf will have the pelt of the lion.'

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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