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100% Negative 0 / Chapter 1: The New God ( Full)
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Negative 0

Tác giả: Nabula639

© WebNovel

Chương 1: The New God ( Full)

The alarm blared, jolting a man awake in an eleventh-story apartment. Groggy, he turned it off and glanced at the clock—7:51 AM. "Damn, I need to get to the office," he muttered, panic setting in. Beside him, a woman in a black party dress slept soundly.

"I stayed up until 1:00 AM waiting for Akari, but she never came home," he thought, glancing at her. "Looks like she came back after I fell asleep. Great, I'll have to go to work on an empty stomach."

He quickly got dressed, grabbed some bread and water from the fridge, and dashed out. The elevator was full, so he sprinted down the stairs from the eighth floor. Racing towards the bus stop, he barely caught the bus as it was about to leave. He collapsed into a seat, breathless, when his phone buzzed with a notification: "Happy Birthday Taiyō Yamamoto. Today is your 28th birthday. Hope you will have a great life in the future."

"I forgot it was my birthday," Taiyō thought, his face a mask of exhaustion and sorrow. "My parents always remembered."

A cheerful man sat next to him, noticing Taiyō's demeanor. "Hey, are you alright? You look depressed," the man said.

"Me?" Taiyō replied, surprised. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just late for work."

"Sorry to hear that. I'm late for the hospital myself," the man said with a smile.

"Why, what happened?" Taiyō asked.

"My wife is having our baby today. I was supposed to be there by 7, but I overslept," the man explained.

"Congratulations," Taiyō said, managing a weak smile.

The bus stopped, and Taiyō got off, glancing back at the man who was beaming with excitement. "I hope I'll be that happy when I become a father," he thought wistfully.

Taiyō arrived at his office building, swiping his card to enter. The guard greeted him, "Sir, I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?"

"Both my mom and dad passed away twelve days ago. I had to take some time off," Taiyō replied somberly.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences, sir. Have a good day," the guard said sympathetically.

Taiyō took the elevator to the fifth floor, entering a room filled with colleagues working at their desks. He felt their eyes on him, a mix of curiosity and awkwardness, but no one said anything.

Taiyō approached an empty desk, noticing papers and a makeup box scattered across it. Confused, he looked around. "What are these doing on my desk?"

A female voice responded from behind him. "Who are you? What are you doing at my desk?"

"Isn't this my desk? I've been working here for the last four years," Taiyō replied.

"Maybe it was, but I joined the office five days ago, and I've been using this desk since then," the woman explained.

"What's happening here?" a portly man interrupted, stepping into the conversation.

"Sir, this man is saying this is his desk," the woman reported.

"Taiyō, come with me," the man said firmly.

"Yes, sir," Taiyō replied, his face reflecting his anxiety.

They entered a private office room, and the man settled into a large chair, gesturing for Taiyō to sit.

Taiyō sat down, visibly nervous. The man sighed heavily. "Well, you're fired, Taiyō," he announced.

"What? Why? Is it because of my sudden absence? Sir, actually..." Taiyō began to explain, but the man cut him off.

"No excuses. You left in the middle of a critical meeting, and we lost an $800 million project because of it. The board decided to terminate your employment. We tried contacting you for three days without success, so we decided to inform you when you returned. You can leave now. Don't worry, you'll be paid for the days you worked this month."

"Sir, my parents died that day. I had to leave the meeting. Please, try to understand," Taiyō pleaded.

"We've already replaced you. Your appeals won't change the decision. Leave your office card on the table and exit the premises immediately," the man instructed.

Defeated, Taiyō left his office card on the table and walked out.

Outside, Taiyō sat on a bench, feeling despondent. "I can't tell Akari; she'll just worry. I need to find a job quickly and act like everything is normal. Maybe going home will clear my mind. At least I'll be free from this rat race for a while. But I have no savings... I don't know what to do. I'll go home and hopefully think of a plan after eating something good that Akari made."


Inside Tokyo Naosu Hospital, the man Taiyō had met on the bus entered a room. His pregnant wife lay on the bed, awaiting delivery.

"Oh, Akio, I was waiting for you. Our son's delivery will be in half an hour," she said, smiling despite her obvious discomfort.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You'll have a safe delivery," Akio reassured her.


Taiyō reached his building and stood silently outside his apartment door. "I'll surprise her with my quiet entry," he thought as he opened the door softly.

Inside, he immediately noticed a pair of unfamiliar men's shoes. "Whose shoes are these?" he wondered.

He slowly approached the bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. Pushing it open, he saw Akari, naked, entangled with another man on the bed. They were having sex.

Seeing this, Taiyō was stunned, his face a mask of shock and depression. "Akari, Kaito," he said, recognizing the man with his wife.

All three stared at each other in a tense silence.

"Sorry for disturbing," Taiyō said, his voice hollow as he turned to leave, his face etched with sadness.

Kaito quickly got up and approached Taiyō. "Bro, I can explain," he began.

Taiyō glanced back, and Akari's voice cut through the room. "What will you explain? This is all Taiyō's fault. He never fulfilled my needs. He's ugly, useless, and, most importantly, a failure. This was bound to happen. Even an angelic girl would cheat on him. I've been thinking about divorce for a long time; now it will be easier."

Taiyō, absorbing her harsh words, said, "Thanks for reminding me I'm a failure. Have a great time," and he started to leave the flat.

Kaito tried to stop him, but Akari pulled him back. "How funny. Do you still care about your friend? Where was that care when we started this affair? Now let's finish what we started."

Taiyō left the flat and began climbing the stairs of the building. He reached the roof, the wind and sunlight hitting him.

He looked at the sky, thinking, "Yeah, I am a failure. I just can't be successful in my life. Just an unlucky guy with no will to live on this earth."

He walked closer to the edge of the roof, climbed the protective wall, and stood on it.

"If I recall my life, it's nothing but a dead leaf. I've tried to commit suicide countless times, but thinking of my parents always stopped me. Now I have no parents, no reason to stop myself," Taiyō thought, looking down at the ground far below.

Consumed by his despair, he reflected, "I'm too consumed with my own life. There are many people like me. Are we too young for this? My heart is tearing me apart."

With that, he jumped from the building.

As he fell, he thought, "I've failed as a man, as a son, as a friend, as a husband. In truth, I am a failure."

He crashed into the ground. His body started to bleed, taking its last breath. Time slowed down as pain and memories flashed through his consciousness.


Taiyō was born into a lower-middle-class family. His parents constantly urged him to study, but his passion was in creating manga. Despite their financial struggles, Taiyō's parents pressured him to focus on academics to secure a stable future, as they saw no prospects in his dream of becoming a mangaka.

Though Taiyō tried to balance his studies with learning art, his skills were not enough to succeed as a mangaka. Throughout his student life, he experienced several failed relationships, each ending with the girl cheating on him due to his awkward personality. Love always seemed elusive.

As he grew older, his dream of becoming a mangaka faded under the weight of his family's financial needs. Despite his efforts, his academic results were mediocre. Eventually, after many job interviews alongside his friend Kaito, Taiyō finally secured a job. For a moment, he felt a glimmer of happiness, but the reality of corporate life soon turned that dream into a nightmare. The rat race was suffocating, and his longing for a different life remained unfulfilled.

Years later, Taiyō's family arranged his marriage to a woman named Akari. With no girlfriend of his own, he agreed. While his life changed slightly, it wasn't the transformation he had hoped for. He poured all his love into Akari, obeying her every word. She isolated him from his family and controlled his finances, leaving him with barely enough to support his parents.

Life continued monotonously until one day, during an intimate moment with Akari, his parents called. Annoyed, she switched off his phone. Taiyō forgot to turn it back on and only realized it was off before an important meeting the next day. When he finally turned it on, he received a call informing him of his parents' critical condition following an accident. He rushed out of the meeting and hurried to his hometown, but they died before he could reach them.

Returning to the city, Taiyō lost his job and discovered Akari's affair with his friend Kaito. As he fell from the building, memories flooded his mind.

He recalled the time an earthquake struck, and his father shielded him from a collapsing wall, ending up in the hospital. He remembered the unconditional love of his parents, their constant support, and the moments of joy they shared.

He also remembered the hunger and homelessness during his job search, and how Kaito had given him food and shelter. Despite everything, Kaito had been a true friend at that time.

Even memories of happier times with Akari surfaced, moments when he believed their love was real.

"I just wanted a happy life, a life where I could be the person I wanted to be.."


As these memories faded, everything went black. Time resumed its natural flow, and Taiyō died upon hitting the ground.


Inside the void of his consciousness, Taiyō found himself facing an entity clad in a black costume, wielding a scythe.

"Am i dead?" Taiyō asked the entity.

"Yes, and I am dead. And you are dead. I am here to destroy your soul and take it to the afterlife," Death replied.

"Yeah, I know. Take my life," Taiyō said, resigned.

Death raised the scythe and struck Taiyō, but the scythe began to glow and then shattered.

Taiyō watched in shock as the scythe broke apart, followed by a massive explosion of light.


Tokyo Naosu Hospital

Akio was standing outside the delivery room, anxiously awaiting the birth of his child. Inside, the doctors were busy assisting his wife in labor.

"It's a normal delivery. We shouldn't have any issues," said one of the doctors, observing the situation.

Akio, outside the room, was shaking with a mix of excitement and tension.

At that moment, a gurney carrying a body rushed past him towards the operating theater. Accompanying the gurney were a middle-aged man and a teenage boy.

"What happened?" Akio asked the boy.

"That's one of my neighbors. He jumped from a building, so we brought him here hoping to save him," the boy replied.

"Is he alive?" Akio inquired.

"No, I don't think so. He jumped from the roof. There's no real chance, but my dad wanted to try anyway," the boy answered.


In the Delivery Room:

While examining the X-rays, a female doctor suddenly screamed. She saw that the baby was growing larger at an alarming rate.

Akio's wife began to scream in agony, her pain intensifying by the second.

"We need to deliver this baby immediately," one of the doctors shouted.

But before they could act, Akio's wife's body exploded, blood splattering everywhere. Out of the carnage emerged a glowing child, appearing to be about four years old, but unconscious.

The nurses, horrified by the sight, stared at the glowing child in disbelief.


In a Distant Realm inside deep cosmos-

An eye witnessed these events and shifted from a neutral expression to one of shock. The eye belonged to a glowing white entity.

"Impossible, Taiyō has been reborn, defying death itself," the entity exclaimed.

A figure with only one eye and a mouth, devoid of other features, responded, "Didn't you design this fate? Wasn't it predetermined? Why are you surprised? You knew this would happen."

The glowing entity thought, "Is this the moment when negative zero returns? It can't be."

Attempting to alter the reality of the universe, the entity found that its omnipotent powers were ineffective.

"Limitations? No... My limitations are back. Zero must have returned," the entity mused.

Opening a magical gate, the entity summoned a figure with a dark purple glow and a sword in its hand.

The purple-glowing figure bowed. "My lord God, what brings you to summon me? Is there a mission for me to complete? Anything for you, the supreme being, the absolute force of existence."

"Enough flattery. I have a bounty for you. If you succeed, I will restore your Existential Sheet. I want this human eliminated at any cost," God (the white entity) declared.

"A human? I know nothing of humans or their power," said the figure.

"Humans are third-dimensional beings existing in a different Axiom than yours," the one-eyed figure explained.

"Third dimension? So I need to reduce my dimensional existence to enter the third dimension?" the purple-glowing figure asked.

"I don't care how you do it, but I want the human destroyed. I will teleport you to Earth, where humans reside. The rest is up to you," God commanded.

"Very well. Killing a third-dimensional creature should be easy and not a matter. The strongest I've ever killed was Nuban who was an omnipotent being in his 20 dimensional existential sheet. But isn't it strange that God wants a third-dimensional being destroyed by me when God can do anything?" thought the figure.

"Cosder, stop questioning my orders. Just do as I say," God ordered.

With that, Cosder was teleported to Earth.

" What's the matter lord never saw you in this state? You are the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent god in the entirety of existence."

"Elu… Yas i am omnipotent but my omnipotence is useless when someone in existence has omnipotence in the same level as me. It would make my omnipotence weaker and not the supreme anymore. I am no longer the supreme god." Says God.

" Who is the supreme god then?" Says The one eyed figure.

"No one!" Said the god.

Cosder landing on the roof of Tokyo Naosu Hospital. In front of him, a screen appeared, showing an objective: "White Aura." It included an image of a glowing white aura.

"So, I need to kill the person with the white aura," Cosder thought. Using his scanning power, he located the white aura within the hospital.

As he descended into the building, he observed the humans around him. "So these are humans. I can't see any power in them. I don't understand what threat they pose to God," he pondered.

As Cosder walked through the hospital, his glowing purple figure glitching with reality left the people around him in shock.


"Where am I? Why is it so dark? Is this the afterlife? Why does this place feel wet? What's that scream?" Taiyō's inner voice echoed in the void. "The last thing I remember was Death attacking me with the scythe. I felt no pain, but then a white energy exploded."

Taiyō could feel his body, his eyes. He could sense his surroundings. "I can feel things? Where am I?" He opened his eyes, revealing an operating theater drenched in blood, with the remnants of Akio's wife scattered around him. He realized he was laying atop the exploded remains.

"He looks alive," said a female doctor, examining.

[Taiyō in his reincarnated form, now a newborn]

The entire room was in shock. Taiyō couldn't move, his vision blurry. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Cosder entered, his glowing purple figure emanating a terrifying aura.

Seeing the reincarnated Taiyō, Cosder identified the white aura within him. Drawing his sword, Cosder prepared to attack.

"Who are you? What do you think you're doing?" an elderly male doctor screamed.

In a split instant, Cosder's blade sliced through the doctors, their bodies falling apart.

Taiyō was confused, unable to grasp the situation. Cosder's sword swung toward Taiyō's chest, but instinctively, Taiyō's tiny hand blocked the blow. The contact created a massive explosion, shattering the reality around them into an empty black void.

Only Cosder and Taiyō remained in the emptiness.

"Impossible! God said humans are third-dimensional. How did this human withstand my attack?" Cosder thought scanning his surroundings and saw a massive part of space had turned into empty space destroying the solar system because of the friction.

Taiyō, still trying to comprehend, was confronted by Cosder's relentless assault. God's voice echoed in Cosder's mind, urging him to destroy Taiyō without delay.

Cosder launched a powerful energy blast at Taiyō, but it had no effect. Taiyō was bewildered, unsure of how to respond. Cosder's punches, however, though powerful enough to shake the space, did no harm to Taiyō.

"Am I supposed to fight?" Taiyō wondered. He countered, but his infant hands were too weak to inflict damage. "If only I had my original body," he thought.

Instantly, Taiyō's body transformed back to his original form. "Eh? What?I'm back!"

Cosder created a cubic pocket dimension aimed at Taiyō, but Taiyō dodged it effortlessly. "Who are you? Why are you attacking me?" Taiyō asked, though Cosder didn't understand his words.

Cosder teleported behind Taiyō, aiming a kick. Taiyō's body reacted, blocking the attack and countering with a punch that sent Cosder flying, breaking the fabric of reality and plunging them into another side of the universe creating a wormhole.

They found themselves in front of a supermassive black hole.

Seeing this Coster teleported behind Taiyō and with speed punched him toward the blackhole.

Taiyō was in black hole's orbit and the blackhole was pulling him with its gravitational pull. It pulled Taiyō but his body was not bending inside the blackhole.

" Is this a black hole? " thought Taiyō seeing this

Coster then consumed the energy of the galaxy and created a singular form of energy extracting the energy of the galaxy and shot at Taiyō.

It hitted Taiyō and a massive explosion happened that destroyed the galaxy and the Black Hole completely.

Coster looked at the explosion thinking "This might be enough for a third dimensional creature to die."

From the explosion he saw that the only thing that was unharmed was Taiyō.

" Impossible" Says coster then he then extracted all the energy of each and every supercluster around in his hand and flew to punch Taiyō and Taiyō this tried to block but the punch hitted Taiyōs hand and they entered a different dimension.

In that dimension things are second dimensional and that has only X and Y axis but the only thing 3d was Taiyō and also Coster turned into a 2d creature.

" What the? What's this place again? It looks like a string" Thinks Taiyō.

Coster, seeing his 2d form said " For entering a dimension a being needs to turn into the dimensional form. How is this human still 3d?"

With that Coster turned himself in third dimensional and as soon as he became third dimensional the entire 2d space got destroyed.

With a ray of explosion they reached a place with an infinite spiraling universe breaking reality.

"This is the multiverse," Cosder thought, surveying the new environment and his body turned into a 4 dimensional form but from Taiyōs eyes coster looked like a third dimensional creature.

[ They got teleported to the 4th dimensional space where all universe with infinite timeline exists ]


" So the third dimensional universe was destroyed because of the last attack and it sent us out of the universe and took us into the multiverse. Impressive" Thinks Coster.

Taiyō floated in the empty expanse, bewildered by the chaos around him. "What is this place? What's happening?" he thought as Cosder flew toward him, delivering a powerful elbow strike. Taiyō reacted instinctively, blocking the attack, but Cosder quickly followed up with a sword slash that created a shockwave, displacing the universes in the spiral and causing them to collide violently.

"I don't understand. Should I fight back or do nothing? He's clearly attacking," Taiyō thought, watching the collisions and explosions increase.

Cosder observed Taiyō's confusion. "I've fought many opponents, but this one seems disinterested," he thought, flying toward Taiyō again. Transforming his hand into pure energy, Cosder launched a barrage of energy blasts at Taiyō. Floating in the weightless void, Taiyō struggled to maneuver, and the energy balls struck him repeatedly, though they had no effect.

"What should I do now? This thing isn't stopping," Taiyō wondered.

Suddenly, a voice echoed inside him. "What are you doing? He's trying to kill you. Stop thinking and fight back!"

"Who are you? What's happening?" Taiyō replied in his mind.

"This is not the time for explanations. Fight back to save yourself and existence," the voice urged.

"Why should I fight back? I wanted to die. What's the point?" Taiyō asked.

"You and existence are intertwined. Because of his attacks, your universe and countless others have been destroyed. If you don't fight back, it will lead to the destruction of all existence," the voice explained.

" I don't know what you are saying , but it feels like a lucid dream, something that makes no sense," Taiyō said.

Suddenly, Taiyō saw Earth in his vision . Moments ago, it was normal, but when he blocked Cosder's attack, a collision occurred that instantly destroyed the entire galaxy , wiping out all life. He saw people's dreams and lives extinguished in an instant, including those he knew and loved. Their memory and death flashed as memory in his vision.

"Are you still going to hold back? If you win, you can recreate everything in existence, do anything you ever wanted. Just win the fight," the voice implored.

"You're a failure," echoed in his memory. The words stung as he floated motionless in space.

"You can prove you're not a failure. Don't lose this time. Win, and with that I will be freed and I will create a reality where your life is good and happy," the voice promised.

Everything felt unreal to him,he was not understanding what to do.

Taiyō remained motionless, lost in thought.

Cosder seized the opportunity, relentlessly punching Taiyō deeper into the spiral of infinite universes. The force of the punches didn't harm Taiyō, but the friction was erasing everything around them, breaking apart the spiral. Taiyō still didn't move.

Taiyō, now floating in the void, suddenly reacted. He grabbed Cosder's punch, countered with a powerful strike to Cosder's chest, and sent him crashing back from the spiral of the multiverse. Cosder collided with a barrier, unharmed but rattled.

"Alright, now I have to get serious," Cosder thought. As he looked at Taiyō, he saw the spiral completely destroyed, leaving Taiyō as the only visible being.

Cosder felt a pang of fear. "This feeling... I've only felt this in the presence of God. He has the same aura. Who is he?"

Meanwhile, Taiyō floated in space, thinking, "I need to reach him. I don't know how to fly, but I wish I did." Suddenly, he smiled and found himself flying effortlessly.

Before Cosder could react, Taiyō closed the distance and landed a punch on Cosder's face, causing slight damage. In response, Cosder gathered the energy of the entire multiverse in an instant and delivered a powerful punch to Taiyō's chest, causing a massive explosion.

Taiyō found himself in a space filled with countless dots of light. One of these dots exploded.

Facing Taiyō, Cosder declared, "Our fight only destroyed one multiverse with infinite universes and infinite space. But my power is infinitely superior to everything you see here."

Taiyō didn't understand Cosder's words. He punched again, but Cosder dodged and explained, "These dots are multiverses. This space contains infinite multiverses, and it's time for you to die. Most creatures or opponents that I've fought started the fight from this point because all of them were at least 8 dimensional and then got destroyed by my hand. The same fate awaits you but only difference is you are still in your third dimensional form"

Coster gets outside of the 9th dimensional space and looks at all the infinite multiverses looking like a space of infinite dots and he holds the entire 9 dimension and absorbs all the power of the dimension and breaks the entire 9th dimension cracking the 10th dimension with its force.

With that, all the dots representing infinite multiverses disappeared as their energy was absorbed into Cosder's fist and adding his power to it , Cosder screamed, "Infinite Squire!" and launched an attack.

Taiyō easily dodged the attack and countered, punching Cosder's fist and The collision caused an explosion that destroyed everything around them.

Cosder opened his eyes and saw his is in a white, empty space.

Cosder's body was severely damaged, and he struggled to stand. Looking around, he was shocked. "Where are the omniverses? It's just an empty existential sheet. Did that explosion destroy everything inside the existential sheet?"


[Note: <Low Existential Sheet Cosmology>

The universe is an infinite expanse within a 4-dimensional space, manifesting in a 3-dimensional form. An infinite array of timelines spirals outward within this 4-dimensional space, each representing a unique sequence of past, present, and future events. Some universes exist outside this spiral, forming meta-universes.

These timelines, infinite in scope, collectively form a "hula layer," a 5-dimensional construct within a 6-dimensional realm. This sixth dimension houses an infinite array of hula layers, creating the multiverse. The multiverse resides within a 7-dimensional space known as the omniverse, encompassing uncountable multiverses.

Expanding further, the Omniverse exists within an 8-dimensional space called Fcuj, containing inconceivable numbers of omniverses. Continuing this pattern Hyperverse, Axonumbverse and them 678900456793^894336895783683835732837363835388373737474747474477474226325516 Fcuj exist within a 20-dimensional space known as the Existential Sheet.]


< The attack had the potential to reach highest hyperversal destruction but Taiyōs punch fraction made the attack more powerful and was capable to destroy the entirety of everything inside the existential sheet >

Taiyō was unharmed.

Coster regenerated but as soon as he regenerated Taiyō was punching him over and over again. The punch was so fast that his instant regeneration was slow compared to it.

Coster screams and says " God! Where are you? Save me. Please save me. I beg you please.." before Coster could complete, Taiyō gave a powerful punch to Coster which instantly destroyed the entire Existencial sheet and it looked like Coster was destroyed completely with every single atom of Coster.

The existential sheet broke and he entered a new dimension and with that his color changed into black and white. He looked around and saw in a black space there were uncountable cubic boxes which were glitching. His size was expanding slowly and at this moment his size was bigger than an existential sheet.

Each cubic box was a different existential sheet which is 21th dimensional but his eye saw it as a cube which was glitching.

" What's now?" thinks Taiyō.

While thinking he felt an aura behind him and he saw Coster who is extremely big and his body was with armor, armor of existential sheet.

At this moment Taiyōs body looked like a bacteria compared to Coster. Coster started to shoot energy from a fully harvested Existential sheet. Taiyō was dodging it with speed that is faster than instant teleportation.

[ Fully harvested are those existential sheet which has more than 748 Septillion Fcuj ]

Coster, in the intention of grabbing Taiyō, expended his hand toward Taiyō jumped and reached the head of Coster in an instant and gave a punch screaming.

The punch pushed Coster back.

Coster started to think " This is way powerful. I couldn't use my power properly in our fight. Just a few attacks took us in outerverse. He is still in third dimensional form but still managing to attack me with this much power. That's strange. I am now in my 20th dimensional form but still can't do anything to him. Now my power is beyond dimensional and the only one above me is Elu and God. I can beat him easily now. "

Taiyō flew and started to punch Coster in a speed that Coster can't even see and this time kicked Costers chest.

Coster quickly flew back and created a sword and shield with Existencial sheets and became more big.

" It's too big for me to fight. Wish i was bigger as it" Thinks Taiyō seeing Coster.

With that the size of Taiyō became as bigger as Coster and without letting Coster react Taiyō punched Coster.

Coster stopped it with his Shield and attacked Taiyō with his sword.

Taiyō punched the sword and broke it and kicked Coster. Coster blocked and re-created an energy ball and shot at Taiyō.

Taiyō got hit by it but Taiyō was unharmed and with that Taiyō Knee kicked Coster and that destroyed the armor of Coster and reached costera body.

Taiyō smiled and said " You are finished."

Coster then started attacking Taiyō but Taiyō was blocking all the attack and white blocking attack everything around them started to shake.

Taiyō was blocking the attacks and one moment he found a scope and punched Coster but coster blocked it with his hand.

Taiyō saw costers body is linked with all the Existencial sheet around the and with that all the Existential sheet around them disappeared and the power entered Costers body making the body glow.

With that, the Coster started to attack Taiyō with his full speed and strength. Taiyō was having difficulty to didge and those attacks were hitting Taiyō's body. Even tho Taiyō's body was unaffected, it was creating difficulty for Taiyō to attack.

Coster then pushed Taiyō back and prepared his energy attack combining all existential sheets around saying " It's over for you" and with that he shot the blast .

It hitted Taiyō and a big explosion happened.

Coster opened his eyes after explosion and saw he there is nothing left except Taiyō in front of him and before he could understand anything Taiyō punched Costers body got completely destroyed and no atoms were left of Coster.

Taiyō, observing the aftermath, felt a sense of relief wash over him, accompanied by a subtle smile. "I guess it's over now," he remarked to himself.

However, amidst the silence, a voice echoed from behind. "Ask yourself a question, Taiyō. Why are you doing this? What are the consequences?"

Taiyō paused, pondering the inquiry. "Why am I doing this? I don't know... Something inside me compels me to act," he responded, his uncertainty palpable.

His inner voice interjected, urging him, "Don't heed its words, Taiyō. Eliminate it."

Responding to the inner prompt, Taiyō lunged towards the one-eyed figure (Elu), but it swiftly teleported out of harm's way. "Do not be deceived by the entity within you. It seeks to misguide you," the figure cautioned.

"Don't listen to it, Taiyō. I am your true self," the inner voice insisted.

With resolve, Taiyō unleashed a devastating blow upon the figure, obliterating it before it could react, leaving him alone amidst the void.

Suddenly, a voice resonated behind him, strikingly similar to his inner voice. Taiyō turned to behold a luminous white entity—the god Coster had spoken of. "Who are you?" Taiyō demanded.

"I am the god. I am here to reveal the truth behind our encounter," the figure declared.

Curious, Taiyō's inner voice interjected, "Truth? What truth?"

The god proceeded to divulge, "In the beginning, I was the sole existing being. I split myself into two gods—one being myself, and the other, the entity within you. It represents all the negativity in existence, trapped by me in a cycle of reincarnation until its recent release. It seeks to manipulate you. Take my hand, and I can rectify this."

Taiyō's inner voice countered, "Nonsense! I am the embodiment of positivity. It imprisoned me to monopolize control over existence. Destroy it, and I will reshape your reality for the better."

In a moment of uncertainty, Taiyō hesitated, but his inner voice persisted, fueling his resolve to attack the figure before him. However, the figure effortlessly repelled Taiyō's assault, sending him reeling.

"See? It attacked you. If it were truly benevolent, it wouldn't," his inner voice reasoned, amplifying Taiyō's doubts.

With conflicting voices vying for his allegiance, Taiyō stood at a crossroads, torn between the narratives of positivity and negativity.

" Now I have to destroy it. Great, I will destroy it." Says Taiyō.

Taiyō and The figure started to fight.

The figure started creating Existencial sheets and those existential sheets transformed into different entities.

" There is no way left, i have to destroy you or else, i won't be able to save the existence from Negative 0 which is inside you" says the figure.

Those entities started to attack Taiyō at an instant speed, Taiyō reacted to those attacks easily.

Taiyō was facing countless entities around him who are beyond 21th dimensional

< This are the physical form of those existential 21th dimensional Existential sheet >

Taiyō was beating each of them with single attacks with no effort.

From the scope the figure attacked him with pure energy from behind.

Taiyō got no damage and he punched the figure sending it backward.

He continued fighting with them.

The figure said "I knew this would happen. Now Being the most powerful being i am taking help from my creation"

The fight continued for 12345 Decillion years in the space there was nothing except Taiyō and the Figure

The glowing figure seeing the situation said " This is taking a bit long but i must win to save the existence from the curse if Negative 0"

While thinking, Taiyō came with speed and punched the figure, the figure blocked it breaking the block the attack hit the body of the glowing figure and with that the glowing figure also kicked Taiyō and with the friction a big explosion happened.

With that Taiyō saw that The white figure got defeated and erased from the entire existence.

Taiyō let go of hands and feet and was walking in space with a smile on his face saying " Great, after all this, everything is finally over".

With that his body started to glow and from his body came a figure which looked exactly the same as the white Figure he fought.

" Thanks for releasing me, without you it would've never been possible. Now I am the one and only Supreme being in existence with no limitations.

" I don't care, give me the thing I wanted, give me the reality where I had a happy life. Give me the promised reality where i can have the life i wanted" Says Taiyō

" If I say I won't?" Says The figure

" What do you mean by you wont? I fought god for this. So that you can make the reality for me" Says Taiyō

" I would but your direct order made me angry. Now I don't want to do it anymore. I dont think your existence will be of any importance so i shall erase you now. Well the reason i couldn't fight him is because me and positive zero are the same so we can't destroy each other. And that's the reason he couldn't destroy me and decided to trap me in a reincarnation cycle. Thanks to you, your suicidal decision broke the cycle and i was finally able to make my spot in existence." says the figure

" So you are the evil god? The previous god was right?" Says the figure.

" Yas, I am and now I am the Supreme and one and only god." Says the figure.

" No you are not." Says Taiyō and a form of white energy was visible in his body.

" What do you mean by that?" Says the figure with anger.

" If you were the god you would know your future. '' said Taiyō and with that his body glowed white turning his hair white, The aura of positive god entered his body. With that punched negative god with his fist and with that the figure got totally destroyed including every particle, atom and existing part of the figure.

The aura of negative god entered his body–

Taiyō found himself in a life where he was born in his family, he was having a great life. His life had no pain.

He became a good artist and soon became a good mangaka.

He married his love . He became the best manga writer of his time. He was having a great life but the only thing he didn't had was his emotions. He felt odd staying in that life. He felt no emotion at all. No joy, no sorrow, only emptiness.

His life was successful but he lost all his emotion, joy and love for life.

He was walking on the red suddenly the reality broke and he again came back to the place where he destroyed the negative god.

-After the moment he destroyed the negative god, he created a alternative reality and tried to spend better life there but he lost his emotion and human feeling of life so he came back and continued his dialogue-

" Because in truth I am the god," Says Taiyō smiling and got mixed with both positive and negative energy and that made the invisible and omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent figure with no physical boundary and no limitations and he became the existence itself. There is no negative 0 or positive 0. All mixed up and made Taiyō The Zero - The God

Every Existencial Sheet got recreated all universe, all multiverse and every reality recreated and from this existence of reality his eyes are always on us and will always be.


The positive god and negative god both were in -Ascendent level- (Characters that have no dimensional limitations.)

Both used to be one being named Zero who was Boundless (a character that is infinite with no limitations)

but then Zero spits itself in positive 0 and negative 0.

0 still was the definition of cosmos as all existing things including Negative 0 and Positive 0.

0 was just a concept of everything after it split itself into two different entities.

0 was the limitations of positive 0 and negative zero. The limitation was supposed to end when both +0 and -0 would mix with each other.

The limitation also included that while both exist together as a separate entity, none can destroy each other. Still +0 was able to trap -0 in a reincarnation cycle as a third dimensional creature so for that moment +0 became Supreme god. But after Taiyō broke the cycle while -0 was reincarnated and trapped inside Taiyō. -0 saw seeing this +0 realized that if Taiyō will be destroyed, -0 will also be destroyed from existence so +0 wanted to destroy Taiyō. Eventually the fight ended with the victory of Taiyō and with that -0 got freed.

As soon as -0 got freed, +0's destroyed aura got trapped inside Taiyō because if +0 and -0 are connected, one cant be erased while another exists.

Taiyō with his pregained outerversal capability and with +0's power was able to destroy -0 and the aura got trapped inside him which mixed the +0 & -0 as a result Taiyō became 0 and the one and only Supreme god with no boundary ( Boundless)


The end….

< I wanted to end this story in 1 chapter so there is no details about Taiyōs life so hope it didn't bothered you >

next chapter
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