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25% Naruto :TheGame(18+) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Naruto :TheGame(18+) Naruto :TheGame(18+) original

Naruto :TheGame(18+)

Tác giả: ZeroMathematic0

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

It was an early morning in the village known has Konoha, where we find out protagonist, Uzumaki Naruto. He was currently at home, which lied in the red light district of Konoha. Due to his status within the village, he had been forced to live there ever since he was kicked out of the orphanage.

It was a week after Naruto passed the bell test and became a full-fledged genin. To his hidden disappointment, his life had barely changed compared to before his graduation. He was still ostracised and hated by the villagers while his team consisted of people that at best was neutral towards him, thought even that was a stretch. But there was a few improvements.

He was no longer a civilian and was thus no longer under the jurisdiction of the civilian council, but under the chain of command for ninja instead. This allowed him some protection from the hate and abuse from the villagers.

He also finally realised what caused said hate, and what the giant seal on his stomach was for (The only thing he had managed to find out about it when he tried to research it earlier was that he wasn't even close to have the skill needed to do even that).

Naruto had experienced a lot of things in his life, both good and bad (with a lot more of the later, sadly). Some were normal, others were odd, funny or even bizarre. But no matter which he compared it to, the one from this morning took the cake.

Because when Naruto woke up this morning, there was a blue box proudly proclaiming, [Welcome to 'Naruto: The Game (Adult version)'],in front of him.

The staredown between the two had been in progress for a couple of minutes already, but heretofore it had been inconclusive.

The reason why he wasn't screaming or otherwise panicking at this point was because he couldn't actually move anything except his eyes. Let's just say that had not helped in calm down in the slightest.

When Naruto finally processed this turn of event and calmed down enough to consider what to do, the box seemed to finally react and renewed itself.

It now said:

[Due to a sealing experiment conducted by a certain anonymous sage during a period of advanced inebriation, you have been volunteered and accepted into the special version of 'Naruto: The Game'. We regret to inform you that due to the way you were volunteered, your participation is now mandatory. As compensation your start-up bonus, which you will receive at the conclusion of the tutorial, has been increased.]

When Naruto finished reading and comprehending the content of the box, it once again renewed itself without any action from him.

[Tip: The game system has been fully integrated with your existence and will thus automatically react to your conscious and subconscious actions/thoughts.]

[Quest: 'Tutorial' has been forcefully accepted and will now commence. You cannot abort until completed.]

[Tutorial, part one: The Game]

[After becoming part of The Game, it becomes an integral part of the life of the participant. Unless you choose to ignore it, which while possible, will greatly stunt your development in a lot of ways.

The Game does not have a specific goal, but should be seen as a tool for improvement and accomplishing your own goals. Due to this being the special version of The Game, a lot of the content has been centered around the adult part of your life. You will need to participate in sensual and/or sexual activities to progress properly through The Game.]

Naruto blushed and stared at the box in shock. Though he couldn't help but feel intrigued about it. It would come as a surprise to many, but Naruto was quite used to and knowledgeable about sex, though he did not have any personal experience. You could not grow up and live in the red light district for as long as he had and remain ignorant of those part of humanity.

[P.S To better fit the content of this version of The Game,your personality has been 'slightly' tweaked.]

The latest message actually worried him a lot, while also making him quite angry. Then again, after mulling over it for a while, he concluded that there was nothing to be done about it since it had apparently already happened.

[Tutorial, part two: Quests]

[Quests are a way to guide and reward you for fulfilling various objectives. Quest are usually either 'Personal' quests that improve your relationship with a specific person/faction upon completion (thought these might also impact other people depending on objectives) to 'General' quests that basically covers the rest. For example, missions assigned to ninja can be considered 'General' quests.

Quests are either one time quests, which disappear after clearing or failing it once, or continuous type, that you can clear repeatedly.

Note that due to its special nature, a shadow clone can independently clear quests. Do note though that they can also fail quests if they dispel at the wrong time.]

'...Why? Isn't it just another solid clone?' Naruto thought, waiting for another window to come up and clarify it for him. After a few moments, a short explanation was provided.

[Shadow clones are a special type of clone capable of following general directions provided by the user, during and after their creation. They share their experience with the user when they dispel.]

'...? Not exactly sure what that means practically, guess I will have to experiment some with it later.'

[Tutorial, part three: Status]

[Status indicates your physical and mental capabilities as well as your condition. The physical part is divided into strength, vitality and dexterity. The mental side has intelligence, perception and charm. You will start with 10 points in each attribute. And each of these can be interpreted as follows.]

[Strength: Maximum physical force that can be exerted.

Vitality: Resilience against damage and endurance/stamina.

Dexterity: Precision, coordination and speed.

Intelligence: Memorization and comprehension.

Perception: Awareness and focus.

Charm: Social and emotional aptitude.]

You can gain points from rewards or by completing quests. There are many quests associated with training, so try to find them. Each point in a specific attribute also provides a small hidden bonus to other attributes within the same group (physical/mental).]

Naruto could feel a headache starting to build, but the system would not allow him to do anything except read the messages.

[Tutorial, part four: Skills]

[Skills represent your aptitude and instinct towards different abilities, which varies a lot. From ninja arts to handicrafts. They range from 0 to a maximum of 150. You start at 0 in all skills.]

[Mastery level is categorized as following.

000-010: Student

011-030: Genin

031-060: Chuunin

061-100: Jounin

101-149: ANBU

150: Kage]

[Skills can be increased with skill points, thought there is an increasing cost for each rank upgrade, in return it means that increasing from one rank to another gives a higher increase. For example, having 31 points vs 30 points in a skill is a significant difference, more so than 32 vs 31 or 30 vs 29. Student level cost 1 SP (skill points), genin cost 2 SP, chuunin 3 SP, jounin 4 SP, ANBU 5 SP and Kage 10 SP.

Skill points can be gained in various ways, but most notably by gaining achievements or completing quests. You generally cannot exceed the 100 and 149 points thresholds in a skill without completing a special quest.]

[Note that a 0 does not mean that you cannot learn or use said skill, just that you lack the instinct and natural aptitude in using and learning the skill. Likewise, even having a 100 levels in a skill means little if you have not practised or studied it, but you can quickly correct mistakes and avoid many of them by relying on your instinct.]

[If you manage to reach Kage-rank in a skill, you will be rewarded with at minimum a perk (see next section), possibly more depending on the skill.]

Naruto was really starting to feel the headache now.

[TIP: Due to the version of the game, you are advised to focus a lot on skills that will further your chances to have sex.]

That window stayed around for a while, as if to make certain that Naruto got the point.

[Tutorial, part five: Perks]

[Perks are special abilities and skills that are bought with perk points. What they do can vary greatly, from granting a bloodline limit to improve your attributes. ]

[Perks can be unlocked by accomplishing various things, such as having sex with specific persons or accomplishing specific deeds, so be cautious with what you spend your points on. Perks can be gained the same way as skills.]

[Tutorial, part six: Bingo Book]

[The Bingo Book features targets that will give you additional rewards for scoring with them. Each target will have a page devoted to them, which will contain basic information as well as estimated difficulty level to become intimate with them. As you become closer with the target, additional information might be unlocked.]

[Tutorial, part seven: Achievements]

[Basically what it sounds like, by doing certain thing or achieving certain goals, you will get an achievement that will give you a reward, commonly attribute or skill points, but can vary.]

[Tutorial, part eight: Menu]

[This was just a brief overview of the system, more information will be available at request. Part two to seven each have their own 'Page' with information for easy overview. Make sure to familiarize yourself with them as soon as possible.]

[As mentioned earlier, the system has entirely integrated and will as such respond to your mental commands, no need to speak out loud or make gestures. It is also undetectable to everyone except yourself.]

[Basically, to access previously mentioned sections, you only need to will it.]

[As a final note, do not attempt to tell anyone about the system. The system WILL punish you for doing that, and most likely stop the attempt anyway.

Good luck – The System]

With the disappearance of the window, Naruto felt whatever was restraining his body fade away and he could freely move again. A new window appeared briefly, before it faded away.

[Quest: Tutorial Complete!]

[Claim your reward in the Quest Menu!]

He laid there in silence for a moment, trying to take in and understand his new reality. After a while he did the mental equivalent of a shrug and decided that whatever this surreal situation actually meant for him, it could wait until after he had gotten something to eat.

Then he went into the kitchen, rummaging through his cupboards for a cup of instant-ramen. While waiting for the water to boil, he decided that he might as well start to look into whatever it was that had happened to him. Remembering the last window that announced the completion of a quest, he figured that it was as good a place to start as any. So with a mental call of 'Quests', he watched as a new screen appeared.

Now that he had control over his body again and whatever happened to him was still clearly in effect, he figured he might as well try dispelling it. Not that it fit what he knew about genjutsu anyway.

Taking a knife from his kitchen drawer, he lightly sliced open his palm, ignoring the sting of the cut while keeping an eye on the patiently waiting window. Not noticing any change, he absentmindedly washed and dried his hand, used to minor wounds like this healing within seconds.

Finally, he acknowledged the window. It was a simple design, basically just a list with ongoing quests. It was empty except for the 'Tutorial' quest, which had a 'Complete' tag as well as a 'Claim reward' button next to it. Mentally pressing the claim reward button, a new window appeared.

[Quest: Tutorial Complete]

[Reward: +5 attribute points (AP) to each mental attribute (x2 from bonus), +50 skill points (SP) (x2 from bonus), +50 SP to 'Seduction' skill (x2 from bonus), additional bonus: +1 perk point]

As the reward window disappeared, he saw a new button named 'History' appear on the quest menu. After pausing for a moment, almost expecting a new window to appear, he pressed the button and saw that the tutorial quest was there. Figuring that was the end of it (and noticing that the water still wasn't hot enough) he decided to move on.

After mulling it over, he decided to start out with the 'Status' page. It was as good a place to start as any considering how little he knew about all this.


[Physical: 139

Strength: 8 (10-20%)

Vitality: 123 (154-20%)

Dexterity: 8 (10-20%)

Mental: 60

Intelligence: 20

Perception: 20

Charm: 20

Attribute points: 0

Chakra density: x1.5

Chakra reserves: x1.5

Chakra control: Atrocious

Conditions: Malnutrition]

Looking over the status page, he was stunned at just how uneven his attributes were, as well as the additions at the bottom. It was unexpected, since the tutorial said he would start with 10 points in each attribute.

'Those were not mentioned in the tutorial.' he thought while mentally wishing for more information regarding the additions at the bottom. Unsurprisingly, it was soon granted.

[Chakra density]

[How potent your chakra is. Low density makes it easy to control but decreases its effect and recovery rate. In comparison, high density makes it harder to control, but increases its effect and recovery rate. ]

[Chakra reserves]

[The amount of chakra you have. The larger your reserves, the harder they are to control.]

[Chakra control]

[Estimates your skill in controlling chakra. No exact number is possible due to the varied nature. Do you wish for a more indepth reasoning?]

'Yes, I do.'


[The amount of chakra and control over said that you have is based on the amount of physical and mental stats you have. The physical contributes more toward your reserves and mental more towards control, but they both affect everything regarding chakra. If your status is heavily skewed towards one or the other it will negatively affect you. ]

[In your case, where you are heavily skewed towards the physical side, you will find your chakra almost uncontrollable and most intricate jutsu hard to use because of the lack of control. It will also be hard to increase your control and impossible to perfect it. Genjutsu is much more challenging to perform.]

[If heavily skewed towards mental attributes, you will quickly find it hard to increase your reserves, but your control is unaffected and easier to improve. You will find it a lot harder to use elemental ninjutsu due to them being very dependant on the physical portion of your chakra.]

[Balance between the two sides is the best option.]


[Positive or negative status effects, the later is a lot more common. Some examples are Malnutrition, Crippled and Drunk.]

'Hmm...but where does the increase in vitality and the increased density of my chakra come from, something related to the kyuubi perhaps?

[Vitality: +10 base,+60 from perks, x2,2 from perks.

Chakra density:1.5 from perks, chakra reserves: 1.5 from perks]

'Guess I will know when I get there. Either way, it's gonna be a long time before I get anywhere close to balance. Unless attribute points are a lot easier to get than I suspect. Now then, Malnutrition huh? What's that about?'

[Condition: Malnutrition]

[Decreased state of health due to a lack of good variation in food, resulting in a lack of nutrients. This leads to a weaker body and a stunted growth.]

[Due to your heritage and status as a jinchuuriki, container of a tailed beast, it is possible to correct this condition with no lasting damages.]

[Quest: 'Eat your greens!' has been generated!]

Type: General, single

You have apparently not been eating a good diet. Find out what you did wrong and correct this. Eat a good diet for 30 days to remove condition and complete the quest. Breaking the diet will cost you.

Progress: 0/30 days

Reward: Removal of condition: 'Malnutrition', +3 to all physical attributes.

[Accept: Yes/No]

'Well, that one is a no-brainer.' he thought while accepting the quest.

'Hmm, still have questions about some of this, but I guess I will figure it out later. Thought perks seem kinda important, I think it would be best to take a look at that now. Perks.'


Perk Points: 1



Prerequisite: Containing a tailed beast.

Reward: +50 AP to Vitality, +1 Vitality modifier, +0.5 Chakra reserves modifier, minor regeneration

[Uzumaki bloodline (diluted)]

Prerequisite: Being a descendant of an Uzumaki, but sadly your connection to the bloodline is weak.

Reward: +10 AP to Vitality, +0.2 Vitality modifier, +100 SP to Fuuinjutsu skill, +0.5 Chakra density modifier



'Jinchuuriki? What does that mean?

[Jinchuuriki – title given to the human containers of tailed beasts]

'Huh, that was kinda obvious in hindsight. The next one is Uzumaki bloodline, huh.' When comprehension of what he actually read hit him, he was shocked and confused.

'I'm an actual descendant of the Uzumaki clan? Didn't hokage-jiji say that he granted me that name to honour Konoha's dead ally because he didn't know my real parents? First the kyuubi and now this, just how many lies have he told me over the years. Does he actually know who my parents are?!' he fumed while itching to march over to the hokage tower and give the old man a piece of his mind (while the child in him that trusted his adopted grandpa and just wanted an explanation), but he ruthlessly sat on that impulse. He knew that he had no way of explaining why he was so certain of it all of a sudden while keeping his new powers a secret.

The logical part of him also wondered how much of a facade his gramps kept towards him, did he actually care about him or was it just a way for him to control the village 'jinchuuriki'? Either way, whatever intention he had towards sharing the knowledge of his powers to his gramps died right then and there which also included his only other option, Iruka-sensei. He held no illusion that Iruka-sensei would withhold this information from the hokage if told. No, Naruto was on his own regarding this, which was just as well if he considered the threat from 'The System'.

With that, he moved on to available perks. It was a short list, which was not surprising since he had just started.

Available perks:

[Uzumaki bloodline (upgrade)]

Prerequisite: Being a descendant of an Uzumaki.

Reward: +40 AP to vitality, +0.5 vitality modifier, +200 SP to Fuuinjutsu skill & Fuuinjutsu ANBU-rank unlocked, +1 chakra density modifier, minor regeneration, physical changes (over time)

Cost: 1 perk point

#Note that a perk upgrade replace the inferior version, they do not stack.

[Nine-tails jinchuuriki (upgrade)]

Prerequisite: Containing the nine-tails.

Reward: +50 AP to Vitality, +1 Vitality modifier, +0.5 Chakra reserves modifier, regeneration, negative emotion sensing

Cost: 1 perk point


Prerequisite: Having over 150 vitality.

Reward: +1 Chakra reserves modifier, minor regeneration

Cost: 1 perk point

Naruto barely managed to stop himself from picking the upgrade of 'Uzumaki bloodline' without thinking. He had always wanted to know about his family and knowing that he was a member of an actual clan, thought it was supposedly extinct, made him want to be closer to it. He was also overcome with a desire to find out about his parents and their connection to the Uzumaki clan. The system responded to his feelings with new quests.

[Quest: 'Heritage: Father' has been generated]

Type: General, single

You have found a clue to the identity of at least one of your parents, now you want to find out who your father was. Find out his identity.

Reward: Unknown

Accept: Yes/No

[Quest: 'Heritage: Mother' has been generated]

Type: General, single

You have found a clue to the identity of at least one of your parents, now you want to find out who your mother was. Find out her identity.

Reward: Unknown

Accept: Yes/No

Naruto didn't hesitate and resolutely accepted the quests, resolving to do everything he could to figure out whom his parents were.

When he was deciding what to do about the perks, he hesitated for a moment before picking 'Uzumaki bloodline (upgrade)'. Even if he disregarded his feelings regarding it, it seemed to be the best perk amongst the ones he had available.

[Perk 'Uzumaki bloodline' acquired!]

[Perk 'Uzumaki bloodline limit: Adamantine sealing chains' unlocked!]

[Perk 'Uzumaki bloodline limit: Kagura shingan' unlocked!]

[Perk 'Uzumaki bloodline limit: Chakra healing' unlocked!]

Naruto waited expectantly for something else to happen, but nothing more seemed to occur.

'Guess I can't expect to suddenly feel more powerful.' he thought wryly, with an uncommon smirk on his face. What he didn't know was that his chakra and physiology had indeed changed, he just wasn't intune or skilled enough to notice it. In addition, the changes to his features would only appear over time, such as him gaining the characteristic red hair of the Uzumaki clan.

'Now then, it seems that my clan had some abilities of their own. I don't remember ever reading about any of those thought. But most of the history of my clan had been edited out when they "updated" the textbooks the year before mine. Not that it would have mattered considering the special version of the textbooks and handouts that I got.' Noticing that the water was hot, he poured it into the cup of instant ramen and set the timer. Now he just needed to wait another 3 min, and then breakfast would be ready.

'Anyway, let's take a look.'

[Uzumaki bloodline limit: Adamantine sealing chains]

Prerequisite: 'Uzumaki bloodline' perk

Reward: Unlocks the ability to use the adamantine sealing chains of the Uzumaki. They are chakra constructs that possess extreme hardness, and possibly special abilities, depending on the chakra used to create them. Strong Uzumakis has even been able to subdue tailed beast with them.

Cost: 3 perk points

[Uzumaki bloodline limit: Kagura shingan]

Prerequisite: 'Uzumaki bloodline' perk

Reward: Unlocks the ability to use the sensor ability, Kagura Shingan. It allows the user to open their minds eye and perceive individual chakra over great distance. By monitoring fluctuations in the targets chakra, it is possible to predict actions, spot genjutsu and detect lies.

Cost: 3 perk points

[Uzumaki bloodline limit: Chakra healing]

Prerequisite: 'Uzumaki bloodline' perk

Reward: Unlocks the ability to use the chakra healing of the Uzumaki. By having a wounded person bite the user, even if it is the user themselves, it will drain the users chakra to rapidly heal even grievous wounds. Can cause death if used past limit.

Cost: 2 perk points

'...Damn, those sound awesome! Guess I'm gonna be saving perk points to afford those. Thought it is tempting to get the upgrade to 'jinchuuriki' first, it sounds like it has a sensory ability too...Thought considering how the village treat me, I'm not sure I want to be able to sense their negative emotions.'

'Hell, the ninja of the village doesn't seem to be any better than the civilians in that regard. I lost count of the number of punishments I received for no reason at all. I will admit I deserved some of them, but nowhere close to the actual amount I got. All those punishments came back to bite them tho, I would never have found the old textbooks if they hadn't made me clean basically every single room in the academy at least once. One man's trash is another man's treasure indeed. I would never have come even close to graduating if those books hadn't made me realise how much they were screwing me over.'

While Naruto might have portrayed himself as the dead last and class clown, in truth he should be in the middle, or possibly slightly higher in the class rankings. He had learned early on that standing out in any positive way was met with harsh punishment, so he did his best to downplay and hide his abilities.

It had been slow progress until Iruka had joined, having a teacher that didn't actively sabotage his education had really helped, but Iruka's fairness had prevented him from focusing too much on Naruto. Mizuki had done quite a bit of damage tho, since Mizuki didn't sabotage him by ignoring or hindering him, but by teaching him the wrong information while keeping up a jovial attitude. As luck would have it, Naruto hadn't actually had a lot of contact with him since Iruka had taken care of Naruto most of the time, leaving Mizuki without a good reason to "teach" him.

The most significant damage was to his taijutsu, where Mizuki had been responsible for the boys and Iruka for the girls. Ever since the incident with Mizuki, he had done his best to correct his taijutsu with the help from the...appropriated...textbooks he found. It was still a work in progress, to say the least.

'Brrrring!' Quickly turning of the timer, he eagerly began to stuff himself with ramen. He truly loved ramen, because of the Ichirakus. That bowl of ramen the old man and his daughter had given him after he had been thrown out of the orphanage and starved for a couple of days had carved its and their place into his heart.

In fact, he had quite the crush on Ayame, but he didn't want to ruin one of the few truly good things in his life, so he had hid it while playing up his interest in Sakura. While at one point he had an actual crush on Sakura, though small in comparison to the one he had on Ayame, it had slowly died after she became a Sasuke-fangirl. He still held out some hope for her, but his interest wasn't anywhere close to what he portrayed it as.

'But if this game thing is supposed to help me win over the ladies, maybe I should try to finally approach Ayame-neechan. I will have to be careful though, I really don't want to ruin what I have with her and her pops.' he thought nervously. With that thought he finished up the last of the ramen, leaving him with the decision about what to do next. While he was tempted to just blow off the rest of the stuff with the game and do it later, he couldn't help but feel curious about the rest of the stuff.

Overcome with said curiosity, he decided that he wanted a look at his 'targets', so he picked the 'Bingo Book' next.

What appeared before him was a bit depressing. It featured only 4 targets, which spoke louder than words about his social life.

[Bingo Book]


Haruno Sakura ****

Hyuuga Hinata *

Ichiraku Ayame **

Tenten ***

Yamanaka Ino ***

#Note: The number of stars (*) indicates the estimated difficulty, with increasing numbers denoting increasing difficulty.

'...Huh? I kinda expected Sakura-chan's, Ino's and Ayame's, but why is Hinata the easiest one? And I believe Tenten was that weapon fanatic in the year before this one? But Hinata's difficulty is lower than Ayame's, and I know her really well...' Curious about the reason for Hinata to be considered such an easy target, he opens her bingo book page.

[Hyuuga Hinata]

Military rank: Genin of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja

Title: Hyuuga Heiress

Her impression: Deep admiration and longing. You once protected her from bullies and gave her a parting gift, which is to this day one of her most treasured possessions.

'...Did that happen?' Naruto thought with squinted eyes and a tilted head. After a few minutes of trying to remember, he managed to get a few flashes. A crying Hinata as a child, him fighting a few boys, a torn red scarf and Hinata smiling at him as he left. He couldn't quite remember the particulars, but he got enough to have a general idea, and that it had probably left a deep impression on Hinata.

It was kinda embarrassing, and humbling, to realise that she had probably liked him for a long time and he merely thought of her as that weird and quiet girl that kept fainting. In hindsight, she probably got overly excited and anxious whenever he payed attention to her and that caused her to blackout. It did cause some problems though. How was he supposed to approach her if she couldn't handle it?

After pondering it for a while and discarding a few ideas, he figured he would shelve it for later. He instead decided to open up Ayame's page.

[Ichiraku Ayame]

Military rank: Civilian of Konoha

Occupation: Waitress/assistant chef

Title: N/A

Her impression: Fondness and love. Having grown up with you, she has seen your highs and lows. She cares deeply for you, thought at the moment it is mostly familial love.

'So at least I know it's not out of pity that she cares for me.' Naruto thought while having one of his rare, true smiles on his face. It warmed his heart to see that Ayame genuinely cared for him. And seeing a hint towards another kind of love excited him. Considering the emphasis on "mostly", he figured that she had at least had a few thought about deepening their relationship.

Ayame was a lot easier to plan for, but with higher risk, though they had lowered immensely with that last hint. He figured that he could use his need to better his diet to get closer to her. But the actions he could take would be limited if they met at the ramen stand, it would be better if he could get some alone time with her without any interruptions. That basically left his home as an option.

Taking a look around his home and actually examining it, he realised that she would not be impressed. Just within sight there was leftover cups from instant ramen, dirty dishes in the sink and several pieces of clothes lying around. He could see stains on the kitchen counter and dust in the corners.

'...Yeah, this definitely won't do. If I'm actually gonna start bringing people over, especially girls, I can't leave it like this.' His thought process was interrupted by a new window appearing.

[Quest: 'Homely House' has been generated!]

Type: General, Continuous

No one wants to live in a trash heap, least of all if they are gonna have guests. Clean up and repair your house/apartment as needed. By keeping it up over time, you will receive a reward.

Progress: 0/7 days

Reward: 1 charm attribute point, 5 'Cleaning' skill points

#Note: By increasing the quality of your home, for example by buying a better and/or larger home, the quest reward can be upgraded.

'...Nice. That should be a nice incentive if nothing else. And probably make a note about getting a new place. There really isn't a lot to do about this place. Maybe I should try to buy the floors below mine?...No, the building itself isn't really in the best condition, but not like I had a lot of options before I became a ninja. The more I think about it, the more important it seems. Definitely something to look into when I get some money saved up.'


'Considering the pay I got from the D-ranks so far, it's gonna take a long time. Maybe I can earn money some other way? Also worth looking into, considering I have shadow clones for manual labour.'

'Anyway, this is a problem for later, might as well try to finish going through all this so I can get on with my life. Luckily, Kakashi-sensei gave us a day off.' And with that thought, he moved on to Sakura's page.

[Haruno Sakura]

Military rank: Genin of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja

Title: Kunoichi of the year

Her impression: An annoyance and a hindrance. She views you as a hindrance to her relationship with Uchiha Sasuke.

"Ouch" Naruto said while wincing at Sakura's opinion on him, thought sadly he honestly wasn't all that surprised. Since he had already graduated and become a ninja, he really didn't need to act as over the top and play up his crush on Sakura, but he had prior to this kinda just gone along with the usual pattern. If asked, he couldn't really say why, but it was probably a habit at this point.

No matter how he thought about it, there really wasn't a way to do much about her at the moment, he was probably better of backing down and slowly change her opinion about him. Shaking his head, he quickly moved on to Ino.

[Yamanaka Ino]

Military rank: Genin of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja

Title: Yamanaka Heiress

Her impression: Loudmouthed braggart. Do not particularly know or care about you.

'...Damn, this system-thing sure is blunt. I can't honestly say it's wrong thought. I never really interacted directly with her in the academy. I have no idea how to approach her right now, I will just focus on Ayame-neechan and Hinata-chan for now.'

Naruto didn't notice, but he had already been changed by the system. He wasn't even considering a monogamous relationship at this point.

'Oh right, Tenten.'


Military rank: Genin of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja

Title: Weapon-mistress in training

Her impression: Loudmouthed braggart. Do not particularly know or care about you. Barely remembers you.

'Yeah, that sounds about right. I mean, I wasn't particularly close with her so this isn't a surprise.'

'Hmm, judging by the tutorial, there are skills and achievements left. Skills seems the most interesting, but will probably involve a lot of decision making. Better get achievements done first.'



And what greeted him was an empty window. After staring at it for a moment, a new one appeared.

[The game does not have the capacity to judge achievements accomplished before entrance into the game. As a consolation prize, you will unlock an achievement by participating in the game.]

[Achievement: 'Gamer (adult version)' unlocked!]

You have become the Gamer!

Reward: +200 SP, +1 perk point (PP)

'...I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm quite certain that it was not that.'

After dismissing the window, he could now see the achievement in the main 'Achievement' page. There really wasn't much else to do so he decided to move on to skills.



Fuuinjutsu: lvl 75, Jounin

Seduction: lvl 46, Chuunin




If the achievement section was scarce, then the skill section was packed. There was a huge amount of skills available and they varied a lot. There was skills for cooking, cleaning, sneaking, trapping, weapons etc. Seeing the mess of skills, sorted alphabetically for whatever reason, Naruto could feel the sweat start beading on his forehead. Luckily, the system seemed to realise the problem and the window renewed itself with a new listing in place. It was still alphabetical, but it was categorized now.

There was still a lot of categories and skills, but it was less overwhelming now. First he decided to check the skills he had already. While he knew what fuuinjutsu and seduction meant, he was not sure that was exactly the same thing the system meant.


The use of inscribed symbols to achieve a variety of effects. For example storage scrolls and explosive notes. The uses are almost unlimited and are by many knowledgeable in the art seen as the strongest, but also the most complicated, ninja art. You can achieve almost anything with the right skill and knowledge.

Tip: Fuuinjutsu is an extremely precise art and thus your penmanship needs to be of high quality. It is recommended that you spend some points in the skill 'Literacy' to improve faster.

'Well, if I wasn't gonna study it because of it being a speciality of my clan, I'm definitely gonna study it now. I do have 300 points, so I guess I can afford to spend some of them on 'Literacy'. Now then, seduction.'


The art of seducing someone.

Note: In your case, leveling it up will improve your instincts for seducing your targets. You will be better able to get a 'feel' for getting closer to targets. As with other skills, you still need to practise it to improve, but as with most social skills, socializing in general can be considered practise. Synergises with the social skill Persuasion.

'So, considering the emphasis the game has, an important skill. Should I increase it more? ...No, better look through other options first.'

"...Sigh, this is gonna take a while."

-30 minutes later-

After much considerations, he had decided to spend the 294 of the 300 points he had on:

Ninja arts

Fuuinjutsu: lvl 75, Jounin (0 points spent)

Genjutsu: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Ninjutsu: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Taijutsu: lvl 31, chuunin (53 points spent)

Throwing weapons: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Social skills

Coordination: lvl 31, chuunin (53 points spent)

Mentoring: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Negotiation: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Persuasion: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Intimate skills

Foreplay: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Seduction: lvl 61, Jounin (44 points spent)

Sexual arts: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Rogue skills

Lockpicking: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Stealth: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)


Cooking: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

Literacy: lvl 11, Genin (12 points spent)

'...Finally, I'm done. That sucked...a lot. But at least it's over now, and I got a good idea what to do next time.'

'Can't say I'm too happy with how I needed to spend my points though. The game will obviously have a lot of focus on sex, which means social skills. It was really tempting to just dump all points into my ninja skills, but no matter what my classmates might think, I'm not that much of an idiot. I couldn't really afford to not put points into taijutsu though.' Since he had finished going through the game stuff, for now at least, it was now time to decide what to do today.

'I suppose I should get started on the quests, especially the one about malnutrition, but I should also get the cleaning one started today. The sooner I start the faster I will get the weekly reward, even if the reward is a bit low. Luckily I know the perfect jutsu for this.'

And with that thought, Naruto stood up with a grin on his face and set his hands in a certain hand sign.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu"

AN: Here's a new story from me. I have no idea where this will go or if I'm even able to write lemons, but I decided that I might as well try. I have no idea when the next chapter will be ready. I was considering if I should hold this chapter until then, but decided against it. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed it. This story was inspired partially by "Hunterberserkerwolf"'s lemon game story, so go check that out if you haven't already.

next chapter
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