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10.74% Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories / Chapter 26: Chapter 6: Discoveries Uchiha

Chương 26: Chapter 6: Discoveries Uchiha

Summary: Konoha gets more bad news. About their precious kekkai genkai Sharingan

AN: Disclaimer in chapter 1


...ooO Discoveries - Uchiha Ooo...

The Konoha contingent was very quiet as they watched the last remaining genins make their way out of the Badlands and to the examiners outpost, a barrack style house where the jounin-senseis and examiners waited.

One of those examiners was a pregnant woman who was treated with great deference and respect. She was dressed in a thigh-long sky-blue maternity tunic over navy blue hakamas. Both garments were embroidered with tiny crescent moons and spirals swirls in silver thread. Like quite a few Kumo nins she wore black combat boots and carried a naginata slung in a quick-release harness across her back. Her weapon pouches and kits were slung the opposite way across her front and over her belly. She wore her hitae wrapped around her left bicep.

Despite her heavy gravid form she moved with the grace and control of a trained fighter. It was surprising to see a kunoichi in current state still on active duty as an examiner. As she moved she drew masculine eyes and interest. From the back there was no indication of her advanced condition, just her slim shapely form. When she turned in profile her elegant features were what drew the eye. Narrow refined bones under porcelain pale skin, fine silky black hair twisted into an elegant knot secured by chopsticks and senbons, cool liquid black eyes set under delicate arching brows.

"Hibara-sama, the last genins have been sighted. Teams from Konoha and Iwa."

Hibara inclined her head. "Good. Make sure all the wounds are treated, and the scrolls verified. How many have passed so far?" Her voice was low and throaty.

"Twelve teams. Five from Kumo, one from Konoha, two from Iwa, one from Kusa, one from Mizu, two from Suna."

Hibara raised a faint brow. "I am surprised and impressed. Chakra sensing and tracking tends to be higher level specialized skills."

"There is knack to it Hibara-sama, once a few figured it out the rest did as well."

"True. Once the cut-off has passed call the genins and announce which teams will proceed to the next level. The next Stage will take place in two weeks."

With that she walked out off the barracks overhang and towards a Kumo jounin who responded to her soft words. The pair walked off at a brisk but steady pace.

"Who is she?" Neji wanted to know.

The Kumo jounin examiner standing near by glanced at the Hyuuga and smirked. So Konoha was interested in Hibara-sama… Too bad for them.

"That is Hibara-sama. She is one of our best kunoichis."

Neji glared the smarmy Kumo shinobi. "She is pregnant. You are allowing her to risk her health and child in a potentially dangerous environment?"

Toshinako Iori laughed long and loud before he managed to speak between guffaws. "No one, I mean no one, tells Hibara-sama what to do. She is a force of nature. Besides everyone in Kumo knows better than to attack her. If an outsider is fool enough…" Iori shrugged. "She would be the least of the idiots concerns."

Neji frowned but did not press. It was clear Hibara was one of these new Kumo elites. Hopefully someone else would be able to find out more about her. Perhaps from a civilian.


Sasuke sighed as he made his way through Kumos marketplace. The quality of glass and crystal sculpture was quite exceptional. He had spent part of the morning watching some retired Kumo shinobis use chakra control, futon and katon jutsus to shape the delicate fragile materials into works of art.

His senses spiked. Quick footwork took him out of the way but he did not completely avoid the small form running into the back of his legs. The boy had tried to avoid him as well.

"Itaii!" The small form fell on his butt, practically rebounding from the impact. The small black head tilted back to meet Sasukes eyes. "Gomen nasai shinobi-san!"

Sasuke froze as he looked into Sharingan eyes. One tomoe spun in the left eye, two tomoes in the right eye. The boy looked to be around five or six years old. No Uchiha had ever activated the Sharingan at such a tender age.

The boy stiffened seeing the the Konoha hitae and scrambled away on his butt. In a flash he turned and scrambled to his feet and away.

Then Sasuke realized what was happening. "Stop!" He chased after the surprisingly agile child. The brat was taking full advantage of his intimate familiarity with the alleys and narrow side roads. "Wait! I just want to know your name!"

The boy did not listen but continued to dodge and run.

"Kaa-san!" He cried running straight to one of the workshops. "Kaa-san!"

Sasuke almost froze from the spike of killing intent. He just barely managed to avoid being stabbed by a kusari-gama thrown by a very skilled, very fast nin.

The weapon was retracted by a sharp jerk on the chain where it was caught by a kunoichi who moved between him and the boy.

Sasuke froze as he took in her features. Uchiha delicate features, the almost triangular face, black eyes set under winged brows, silky black hair twisted into a knot secured by wooden chopsticks and steel senbons. He watched her shift to the balls of her feet preparing to throw her weapon if he moved. Her face was cold, almost mask-like as she studied him like she would a snake, a rabid predator.

Sasuke forced his eyes to the boy who was clinging to the pants of her navy blue hakamas. Then up. He nearly threw up when he absorbed what he hadn't seen from the start… she was pregnant, almost full term given the way the material of her tunic caught around her rounded bulge.

Quickly he retreated holding his hands up. If she was Uchiha, if the boy was her son… Sasuke did not want to kill his own relatives over a misunderstanding.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke."

She tilted her head to one side. "Yes. I know." Catching his surprised look she smirked, a very familiar expression, an Uchiha smirk. "Do you think we would not have dossiers on foreigners in Kumo?"

Sasuke focused on one nugget. We. "You are a Kumo kunoichi."

She merely stared at him.

Sasuke felt his hands shake and clenched them to still the tremors. "Uchihas have always been Konoha shinobis."

She snorted. "The bastard who sired me was an Uchiha. I am not. My husband is not. My son is not. We are Kumo citizens and nins."

Sasuke stilled. He had never imagined this possibility. An Uchiha who had a casual liaison with some civilian outside Fire Country. A daughter who grew up without a father or clan, most likely looked down on and scorned until some Kumo nin realized she had a kekkai genkai and sponsored her into the local Academy and helped her get suitable instruction.

Something stilled in him. No matter what she was still an Uchiha; she, her son, her children… they had the Sharingan kekkai genkai.

"Your son will need training to Master the Sharingan." He commented neutrally.

She snorted and activated the kekkai genkai herself. Three tomoes spun in each eye. "I will teach them. And their father most definitely will help. He is very good at developing techniques and training methods. We do not need you. We do not need Konoha."

Sasuke recoiled at the absolute rejection. Dimly he was aware of several Kumo nins closing in on them.

"Hibara-sama! Is this Konoha-nin bothering you?" The captain of the patrol squad eyed said nin warily.

The female Uchiha, Hibara, snorted and turned away placing one hand on her sons shoulder, gently guiding him away.

"Not particularly. But Uchiha-san seems to be a little lost. Please make sure he returns to his hostel safely."

"Of course."

Sasuke did not protest. If he started a fight he and the Konoha group would more than likely be expelled from the Chuunin Exams. Besides, he had a name.


The entire group was frozen, shocked by the time Sasuke finished his report.

The Godaime was more than a little concerned. An unsanctioned liaison was understandable, but a child that was never taken in, the visible proof that the Sharingan kekkai genkai was clearly out of Konohas control… The Council would throw a fit.

Neji stared intently at Sasuke. "You said her name is Hibara?"


Neji glanced at Shino. "Hibara was the name of the kunoichi who gave orders to the Second Stage examiners. She was also pregnant and matches your description though she never activated the Sharingan around us." Neji explained.

"The Kumo nins respect her skills, even pregnant. They said anyone who attacked her would regret their foolishness." Shino murmured.

Shikamaru frowned as he considered the new information. "She is clearly one of these elites, the ones that Kumo has been deploying." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "It explains how so many of our shinobis were slaughtered. They were up against a Sharingan Mistress who is more than likely a prodigy."

Kurenai looked at everyone. "What are we going to do? We can't just let Kumo have the Sharingan kekkai genkai."

Tsunade laughed abrasively. "Let them? They already have it! The only way to stop them is to assassinate Hibara and any children she might have."

"NO!" Sasukes clenched fists hit the low coffee table. "I won't let you." His own Sharingan activated and swirled into the Mangekyou.

Tsunade met his eyes without any fear. "That is what Konohas Council will want. That is what they will push for unless I get some support for what I want."

Sasuke inhaled sharply. His eyes subsided into the tri comma Sharingan. "I will not let it. If I find out Konoha ordered the assassination of my only living relatives I Will defect!"

Kakashi coughed discreetly. "Why don't one of the kunoichis here talk with Hibara-san? Perhaps she might be willing to consider migration if given some incentives."

Sasuke snorted. "You didn't hear her Kakashi. She hates Konoha. She'd rather spit on us than accept anything to do with us."

Kakashi shrugged. "Perhaps. But if we try we might get a better idea of what makes her tick. If we know just who or what she hates about Konoha we might be able to take steps…" He trailed off knowingly.

Everyone turned to Kurenai. The genjutsu mistress stiffened then slumped at the expectant gazes. "Oh all right. I'll try talking with her. But I'll need some help tracking her." She looked around expectantly.

Shino stirred. "My kikkais have her scent. They will be able to track her."

Kurenai nodded slowly. "Okay. We'll start tomorrow after breakfast. The rest of you work on digging info on Aka Arashi and Hanashin while training the genins. The Third Exam is coming up. It is one-on-one fighting and they'll need the practice."


Kurenai frowned as she watched the pregnant woman negotiate with the craftsman. She was clearly commissioning a weapon of sort given the type of products he had on display on the walls and under the glass counters.

With studied casualness she strode into the store and studied the kunai on display. They were a little different with 'tails' of wire. Were they supposed to be used in conjunction with a raiton jutsu?

"What can I do for you Yuuhi-san?"

Kurenai carefully looked up into the neutral porcelain mask of the younger kunoichi. Kurenai felt a pang of longing. She missed her own son, an Academy student who was under the guardianship of Umino Iruka when she was away on missions.

"I was wondering if we could talk."

Hibara raised an arch brow. "Talk? I have little time to spare. If you wish we can talk while I pick up my son."

Grateful she hadn't been stonewalled Kurenai followed the Kumo kunoichi, Shino trailing some distance behind.

Kurenai tried to piece together what they had managed to find out about Hibara.

Last name unknown. Husband unknown. Son unknown. Very private and violent when personal information was revealed without her consent. She completely terrified or awed most of her comrades. Only her husband and a few elites could match her. Even heavily pregnant she could easily match the average jounin. She had a sadistic sense of humor and was relentless in the pursuit of her goals.

Finally Kurenai decided to take the first step.

"Why are you so against Konoha?"

"Because Konoha is full of arrogant bigots that put too much emphasis on bloodlines and not enough on ability." Hibara answered quickly.

Kurenai recoiled. "That's not true. There are many nins who come from non-shinobi clans and have no kekkai genkais. I studied hard to become a genjutsu expert."

Hibara glanced at the older kunoichi with knowing eyes. "Who are you trying to fool? Me or yourself? Konoha basically pigeonhole its shinobi from a very young age and never factor in growth unless it is truly exponential. You showed promise in genjutsu so you were groomed for that field. You were never encouraged to expand your kenjutsu or ninjutsu beyond the basics. Even what you do practice is heavily laced with a genjutsu component." She tossed her head back. "Here in Kumo we feel differently."

Kurenai considered the view an outsider would have. Specialization was necessary, but over-specialization could be lethal. Was that why Kumo was thrashing Konoha in most of the past clashes? Because Konoha nins weren't flexible enough to react to new situations? The genjutsu mistress bit her lip. Uzumaki Naruto was the master of unpredictable, if he were here he could change this kunoichis mind, just like he changed Tsunade-samas mind about being Hokage, or Yuki-sama about becoming a leader, or the dozens of other people he'd met since he became a genin. But he wasn't, he would never be, because no one had the spine to stand up to the villagers, to defy the Council, to support the Hokage. And now they were suffering and it was entirely their own fault. But she had to try! For her village!

Carefully she decided to try a different tactic.

"Hibara-san, I'm not sure if you are aware of the Uchiha Massacre. One shinobi was responsible for killing almost every Uchiha in Konoha, he is presumed dead but you should know S-class nins are very hard to kill. He's already killed all but his brother; if he finds out about you and your children…" Kurenai trailed off. And was shocked by the amused expression on Hibaras face.

"If you are talking about Uchiha Itachi I have no concerns regarding him. We have had encounters and we understand each other. He wished to destroy the Uchiha Clan of Konoha, not the Sharingan kekkai genkai." Hibara explained mildly. Then her expression brightened. "We are here!"

Kurenai followed the younger woman through a trade entrance to a crafters shop. The narrow corridor wound past several furnaces and smithys and into the open air of an enclosed courtyard.

In the middle of the courtyard was a massive stone block, a granite boulder created by a Doton jutsu. Some distance away was an older man, a craftsman from his leather apron. He was kneeling next to a small boy in olive green shorts, black boots and a cream t-shirt decorated by random navy blue spirals and crescent moons. The child was no more than five, barely old enough to start in the Academy and he was testing the range of the fingerless fighting gloves made of spandex and reinforced by metal mesh. They were a custom job since very few children would require gloves that could take damage and channel chakra.

Hibara smiled warmly. "Ryuuchi. Have you tried your new gloves?"

The sweet chubby face brightened. "Hai kaa-san! I think I can do the new technique I was trying to develop with these gloves."

Hibara nodded encouragingly. "Why don't you show me? Even if it doesn't work it might give you some new insight. Perhaps tou-san might have some ideas."

Ryuuchi nodded determinedly and closed his eyes. When they opened they were bloody red, Sharingan active with one tomoe in the left eye and two tomoes in the right. Kurenai watched as the boy turned away to face the boulder. And then he concentrated holding his hands at his sides, fingers slightly curled into claws.

Chakra gathered around each hand, faintly purple energy more concentrated towards the back of each finger then down towards each fingertip. Then the boy slashed, clawed at the air in front of him. Two blades of purple energy formed and flew towards the boulder slicing off big chunks where they impacted before dissipating.

Kurenai gasped. Shinos eyes widened. The craftsman smiled proudly. Hibara frowned, a faint crease marring her brow.

The pregnant kunoichi walked towards her son and placed one hand on his shoulder. "Those chakra blades… they are not wind blades." It was a statement.

The boy shook his head. "Iie. It is my power shaped outside me. I got the idea after watching Yugito-ba-san practice using Nibis claws."

Hibara chuckled. "Do you think it is something others can do? Something you can teach?"

Ryuuchi frowned. "I don't know." He confessed. "Takio-san had to make many pairs of gloves for me before we found the design of wire and mesh that worked. It might be different for everyone depending on their affinities and chakra capacities."

Hibara nodded. "But this is a good start. We will show your father your project. I hope you have been keeping good notes." She added sternly.

The little boy looked offended. "Kaa-san! Do you think I'm an amateur?! I always keep notes! It is the first thing you and tou-san taught me to do!"

Takio chuckled. "He is right Hibara-sama. He's kept a thorough record of all the past designs that didn't work so we didn't duplicate any previous failures. I also have some ideas about different materials that might have more oomph for future production."

Hibara tousled the boys messy hair and drew him close to her leg. It was difficult to crouch in her advanced condition but she never restrained herself from displaying her affections. It was something He had taught her.

Kurenai watched the little boy hug his mothers leg tightly before reaching up to pat her rounded belly and stand on tiptoe to press his ear against the lower curve.

Hibara looked at the Konoha nins all affection and warmth drained. "This is my child, my son, and I will protect him. I will never trust Konoha with his safety because you Will let him be used and abused with no consideration for his health or happiness. You've let it happen to so many of your prodigies and geniuses. I will never trust such unworthy weak-spined two-faced cowards to protect my child. Tell that to your Hokage. And most especially tell that to your Council. My family will never step foot in Konoha unless everyone who is over the age of ten as of today is dead!"

Red bled into black as her Sharingan activated and trapped the two Konoha nins in a mild but difficult to dispel genjutsu. By the time Kurenai broke free from the illusion mother and son had vanished. The only one in the courtyard was the craftsman Takio who was cleaning the rock fragments around the test boulder.

He smirked seeing the Konoha-nins return to the Now.

"Hibara-sama has left with Ryuuchi-kun. I guess she's had enough of you two. My advice, forget whatever plans you have. She really really hates Konoha."

Kurenai and Shino had no choice but to return back to the hostel and make their report.


"She hates Konoha. I would strongly discourage any kidnapping scheme. She will come down like the wrath of the ShiniMegami on the one responsible. The streets will run with blood if she feels cornered." Kurenai advised bluntly. "She is an elite kunoichi and a mother and an angry woman does not forgive or forget."

The males shuddered and nodded.

Shikamaru heaved a deep breath. Bad news kept coming and coming. When would it end? Shikamaru had a nasty feeling it wouldn't.

Neji was slightly disturbed. "This boy… he is a prodigy, a genius."

"From what we heard, yes. He was the one who developed the theory, designed the gloves, tested different patterns. I think the wires are designed to channel the chakra in a particular manner, like hand seals." Shino murmured softly.

"And this is his latest project." Kurenai sighed. "He has done enough that his parents have taught him how to keep proper records, and to take his ideas seriously enough to finance the development costs. Takio, the craftsman, was quite comfortable taking orders from a child; it's like he's done it before."

Sasuke closed his eyes tightly. "He is a genius. A jutsu developer. He uses the Sharingan to see how the chakra flows and make adjustments to have the effect he wants."

Tsunade gulped her herbal tea feeling very glad she had a supply of the special preparation. She was going to need the calming soporific qualities. And they still didn't know who the new Rokudaime Raikage was.

She caught Sasukes eye. "I don't know what we are going to do Uchiha. If the boy is doing this on a whim with little formal training, imagine what he can do when he is older with the advice and training of Masters? When the Council finds out, and they will, they will insist on kidnapping or killing Ryuuchi. This is going to be a very costly and futile endeavor. His mother, and Kumo, will not take this lying down."

Sasukes expression was unexpectedly solemn. "I know Godaime-sama. I'm beginning to see. I only hope the new Raikage will be someone the Council will think twice before attacking. If he takes Ryuuchi under his personal protection it will make any Konoha assassination missions a very expensive proposal."

Tsunade nodded slowly and smiled a more honest warmer smile. "You are correct Sasuke. Before leaving Kumo I will speak to the Raikage and drop a few hints."

Sasuke nodded and closed his eyes to stop the tears. His clan was not dead. The name might be lost but the bloodline flourished, it remained strong and true. He only wished it was blooming in Konoha.



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