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57.14% Naruto: Reborn in warring states as Indra Otsutsuki / Chapter 12: chapter 12 sharingan

Chương 12: chapter 12 sharingan

"Brother, what should we do?" Senju Tobirama asked worriedly.

Senju Hashirama shook his head, his expression was very stiff at the moment,

his eyes were fixed on Uchiha Hazhi, not daring to take it away.

"What else can be done, the best way is to fight him directly." Indra said


At the moment, this is indeed the only feasible way. It is impossible to escape.

Whoever escapes first at this moment will definitely be the first target of

Uchiha Hazhi to kill.

"Don't make unnecessary struggles, it will only make you more miserable."

Uchiha Hazhi said calmly.

"If we don't struggle, we will die. but if we struggle, it's not certain who will

live!" Senju Hashirama said.

"Huh? You mean you think you kids can kill me?" Uchiha Hazhi sneered,

waving his long sword at Senju Hashirama.

"Okay, I'll make you feel how naive your idea is right away." After saying that,

Uchiha Hazhi clenched the sword in his hand and ran towards Senju


"Everyone be careful, here he come." Senju Hashirama shouted loudly and

quickly prepared.

Uchiha Hazhi was a little caught off guard, but he didn't expect that, there

would be a child suddenly releasing ninjutsu towards him.

He hurriedly changed his body direction, barely dodging Lightning Style.

"go to hell!"

It was at this moment that Senju Hashirama seized the opportunity and jumped

up, clenching his fists tightly and hitting Uchiha directly in the head.

Normally, Senju Hashirama's fist was a few centimeters away from Uchiha

Hazhi, and the blow was sure to hit.

The corners of Uchiha's Hazhi mouth raised slightly, "Sharingan, open!"

Uchiha's Hazhi black eyes suddenly turned into blood red eye, the three tomoe

slowly turned, and at this moment, Senju Hashirama's movements also


"Three tomoe?" Indra couldn't help frowning, and the situation in front of him,

became a little tricky.

"Big brother, what's the matter, why don't you move." Senju Kawarama said

suspiciously looking toawrd Hashirama.

"When the Uchiha people suffer a great pain, then a strong emotions will

stimulate the special Chakra in their brain, and feedback to the visual organs,

causing the eyes to change. This is the eye of the Uchiha Clan people, known as

Sharingan." Indra said in a deep voice.

"Sharingan?" Senju Tobirama said.

"That's right, Hashirama can't move at this moment, because he was hit by

Sharingan's illusion." Indra said softly.

Uchiha Hazhi looked at Senju Hashirama in front of him, grinned and said,

"Now, it's time for you to recognize the reality."

Saying that, he slowly raised the long sword in his hand and aimed it at Senju


"No, the big brother is in danger!" Senju Tobirama said, and ran directly

towards Uchiha Hazhi. At this moment, no matter what happened, his eyes

were focused to save his brother.

"Don't look him in the eye." Indra ordered, followed by silently saying,

"Lightning Style, instant body technique!"

Uchiha's Sharingan squinted into the corners of his eyes, then he turned

around and kicked Senju Tobirama, who was jumping directly at him.

Hazhi's body.

'what?, shouldn't he be there?, how did he suddenly appear above me, since

when such a child can use such ninjutsu?'


Uchiha Hazhi was directly knocked to the ground by Indra's blow, and with a

rumbling sound, smok surrounded him.

As Uchiha Hazhi's Chakra was suddenly disturbed, the illusion that he used on

Senju Hashirama was also release.

"Dead?" Senju Hashirama asked.

Indra shook his head and said solemnly: "No, I can still feel the presence of his

Chakra, he is stronger than the Uchiha man's we previously dealt with."

In the thick smoke and dust, Uchiha Hazhi made a seal on his hands and said,

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Suddenly, the smoke formed that were around Uchiha Hazhi, at the same time,

a cloud of Great Fireball was coming directly at Indra and them.

Indra and Senju Hashirama dodged quickly, and the great fireball hit a big tree,

ignited a raging fire.

"It's unfortunate, that I met a Uchiha who already opened the Three-Tomoe Sharingan!" Indra muttered.

The Uchiha Clan is famous for their special Kekkei genkai-(Blood Inheritance)

sharingan, one of the three major eyes techniques. Sharingan's eye opening

conditions are generally strong emotional stimulation, and then Sharingan

power can be enhanced through training.

For ordinary Sharingan, the more tomoe in the eye, the stronger the eye power,

and it can evolve to three tomoe at most.

The Uchiha man in front of him has already opened Three Tomoe Sharingan,

and his strength is absolutely no trivial matter.

Even though the Indra at this moment has more Chakra reserves than the

average person, it is not an easy task to deal with a man who has Three Tomoe



Indra and the group stared at the thick cloud of smoke, because they didn't

know what was going to happen in the next moment.

At this moment, with a swoosh, Uchiha Hazhi, in the smoke, jumped up,

followed closely, and landed on the ground again, the corners of his mouth

raised slightly.

He put his eyes on Indra and sneered: "It seems that if I don't kill you first, I

can't go to the group."

After all, he had returned to black eyes. At this moment, it turned into a

Sharingan again, and three tomoe rotate slowly in Uchiha Gazhi Sharingan.

"Let's go together, so In that case the odds of winning will be higher." Senju

Yorisho said to Senju Hashirama and Indra.

Senju Hashirama raised his head slightly and glanced at him suspiciously.

Hashirama asked softly, "Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, although my ninjutsu is based on medical, I still have confidence

in my taijutsu." Senju Yorisho said in a deep voice.

Senju Hashirama nodded.

"Okay, you stand up in front, I'll see the timing behind and attack him with

ninjutsu in opportunity, remember, don't look him in the eye directly!" Indra

said in a deep voice.

"Got it!" Senju Hashirama shouted.

quickly attacked him.

boom! boom! boom!

Even if several people went together, it did not pose any threat to Uchiha man.

"Go to hell, bastard!" Senju Yorisho raised his legs and kicked Uchiha Hazhi in


"It's useless, you can't escape my eyes." Uchiha Hazhi said calmly.

The next moment, he changed his direction and dodged Senju Yorisho's blow,

and then kicked back, Senju Yorisho flew out in an instant, hit a big tree, and


"Sister Yori." Senju Hashirama's brothers shouted one after another.

Indra looked at Senju Yorisho under the big tree not far away, and couldn't help

muttering: "This is what you call confidence in your Taijutsu skills." 1


"Damn it !, you bastard." Senju Hashirama shouted angrily, and then quickly

ran towards Uchiha Hazhi.

bang... bang... bang!

Senju Hashirama was also kicked up by Uchiha Hazhi and fell heavily a few

times. He quickly got up again and gave Uchiha Hazhi a grim look.

"It's useless!" Uchiha Hazhi said solemnly.

Senju Hashirama turned his eyes towards Indra and said, "Isn't it okay?"

Indra suddenly wanted to coughed mouthful of blood at Hashirama words but

retorted: "It's not even a minute, not even ten rounds have complete and we

already have lost one person, and he has Sharingan, do you think it's so easy to

find opportunities?"

Senju Hashirama frowned and said calmly, "Okay, friend, I will put my life on

line now, its up to you now."

After saying that, Senju Hashirama let out a smile at Indra, and charged up


The same is true of their brothers, who ran up one after another.

Within a short span of two minutes, Senju Hashirama's brothers had all

collapsed and fainted. Only the embarrassed Senju Hashirama was still

standing with difficulty.


This time, it was Uchiha Hazhi who attacked Senju Hashirama.

At this moment, above the mid-air, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Lightning Style!"

But Uchiha Hazhi didn't panic, but let out a smile, as if he had been waiting for

this for a long time.

Seeing that, Uchiha Hazhi suddenly disappeared, and the one who below Indra

lightning was Senju Hashirama.

"Not good." Indra hurriedly changed the direction of the Lightning Style, but

Senju Hashirama was still pushed by the aftermath of the Lightning Style and


Indra fell to the ground with his back clear to Uchiha Hazhi,

At this moment, Indra was alone.

"Hahahaha, what's up, cannibalism is fun isn't!" Uchiha Hazhi laughed.

"Yeah! It's really interesting." Indra turned around slowly, raised his head

slightly, his originally black eyes turned blood red at this moment, and the

three tomoe started to rotate


"Three...Three Tomoe Sharingan, what...what the hell is going on?" Uchiha

Hazhi said in surprise.

In his knowledge, only the Uchiha clan can open Sharingan, but why, the child

in front of him who is not of Uchiha clan can also open Sharingan.

And at such a young age, his Sharingan has already reached the level of Three

Tomoe. How terrifying is this, even if it is placed in the Uchiha Clan, it can still

be called a genius.

"Are you surprised?" Indra asked in a deep voice, staring at Uchiha Hazhi.

Uchiha Hazhi frowned and asked Indra, "Who are you? Why do you have the

Sharingan of our Uchiha clan, or, in other words, were you originally from a

Uchiha clan."

Indra stepped forward, slowly walking forward, and said calmly, "It's all


"Hahahaha!" Uchiha Hazhi couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Whether

you are from the Uchiha clan or not, but if you use the Sharingan to fight

against the Uchiha clan, then you don't deserve these eyes."

"So, I will kill you with your eyes" After saying that, Uchiha Hazhi swung the

long sword in his hand and ran towards Indra.

"Lightning Style, instant body technique!" After Indra finished reciting

silently, the Indra suddenly disappeared from his place, and in the next

moment appeared behind Uchiha Hazhi.

Uchiha Hazhi squinted his eyes slightly towards the corners of his eyes, and

muttered, "This is another trick, when did he seal the seal!"

"Lightning Style Technique." Indra said silently, a blue and white lightning

covered his hands.

The super-large Lightning Style Technique, which is basically the same as

Lightning Style, concentrates Chakra on a certain part of the body or the whole

body, and then generates lightning through Nature Transformation to perform


The Lightning Style Technique just increases the amount of Chakra and

increases its attack power, but the time to perform Ninjutsu also increases by

one second to gather Chakra.

Indra slammed the oversized Lightning Style in his hand towards Uchiha Hazhi

with a sigh.

Uchiha Hazhi frowned, but with his years of war experience, at this moment, he

didn't panic, but made a quick jump to jump out of the range of Indra Lightning


A bang.

The Lightning Style hit, and the sand and stone were instantly thrown away,

and the aftermath created a strong gust of wind, centered on Indra, and spread

out in all directions.

The surrounding trees were crumbling, and even some branches were scraped

off by the aftermath of the Lightning Style.

Afterwards, a thick cloud of smoke filled the surroundings, but Indra, who has

Sharingan, had no problem in the line of sight.

"Cough!" Uchiha coughed a few times and slowly got up from the ground.

Just now, Indra's Lightning Style didn't completely hit Uchiha Hazhi. The

reason why he flew upside down for dozens of meters was because the

aftermath of the Lightning Style bounced him off.

"I'm amazed by the amount of Chakra this kid has." Uchiha Hazhi frowned,

now he already knew that things were getting tricky, if he was as careless as he

was just now, then there will be no doubt that he will be killed by the child in

front of him.

Suddenly, in mid-air, a voice sounded.

"Oversized Lightning Style Technique!"

Uchiha was stunned for a moment, the beads of sweat on his face reappeared,

and he muttered: "What? Come again."


The airflow brought by the oversized Lightning Style Technique directly cut

through the smoke and dust, and with a loud noise, thunder and lightning

appear in the air.

With a bang, the explosion sounded again.

After dodging the oversized Lightning Style Technique, Uchiha Hazhi chanted

silently, making a seal with both hands, and said, "Fire Style: Great Fireball

Technique! "

Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique, which spit out dozens of fireballs from the

mouth, and the attack trajectory can be manipulated by the chakra.

Dozens of fireballs flew directly towards Indra, collided with each other in the

blink of an eye, and made a violent explosion.

He lowered his head with a slight trembling. At this moment, a small hand

penetrated his abdomen, and a slight blue-white lightning was emitted from

the small hand.

"What... when did you come behind me?" Uchiha said hesitantly.


Indra took his hand out of his abdomen and shook it a few times, removing a lot

of blood from his hand.

"When you were using Fire Style, I used my Lightning Style Instant Body

Technique to come behind you." Indra said solemnly.

"Really." Uchiha Hazhi chuckled lightly, and suddenly fell to the ground


In Indra's eyes, Sharingan suddenly disappeared, and Indra eyes returned to

their normal appearance. Looking at Uchiha Hazhi's back, Indra shook his head


"I didn't want to be an enemy of you, but since the start you have all the

intention to kill me, it is impossible for me not to kill you, otherwise I'd be


He patted the soil on his body, his white clothes had been dyed yellow by the

yellowing soil.

He moved a from his position, looked at Senju Hashirama's group lying on the

ground, and thought for a moment.


After a long time:

Senju Yorisho's eyelids, who fell under the tree, twitched a few times, followed

by opening his hazy eyes, and the pain in his head hit her instantly.

She quickly covered her head and said, "Okay...it hurts!"

The next moment, she seemed to have thought of something, and quickly stood

up and looked around.

"Hashirama, Tobirama, Itama, Kawarama." Senju Yorisho shouted as she

moved to look for them.

When she saw the big pits around, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva and

muttered, "What a fierce battle happened before here."

"Hashirama... !" Thinking of this, Senju Yorisho became even more worried.

She hurriedly kept searching, and after a while, she finally saw Hashirama

underground, and she goes running toward him.


As she said that, she ran over quickly, and when she knew that he was still

breathing, she felt the big stone in her heart falling.

"Hashirama, can you hear me... Hashirama?"

Hashirama's eyes twitched a few times, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Senju Yorisho in front of him, he asked, "Are you .... all right...

sister Yori."

After speaking, he immediately sat up again, looked around, and said, "Where

is the man from the Uchiha Clan!"

"Dead, the body is not far behind you." Senju Yorisho replied.

"Where's Indra? Where did Indra go?"

Hashirama continued.

Senju Yorisho shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Since I woke up, I only

saw the dead body of this man from the Uchiha clan, but I didn't see Indra."

"What about Tobirama and the others?

" Hashirama quickly stood up and ran

towards the direction where they were lying, he wasn't relieved until he see

that they were only slightly injured.


The icy stream hit his face, and he was instantly refreshed.

"So cool!" Indra said softly.

At this moment, under a big tree, several red-haired children stuck their heads

out and looked at Indra by the creek not far away.

A young boy with not too long and not too short red hair, age should be around

7 to 8 years old said: "Look, look, his hair is so weird!"

Another red-haired girl said to the other children with her: "Shh, don't say it so

loudly, otherwise he will hear us."

The little boy nodded, and then continued: "Look at his hair, it's different from


After Indra heard the sounds of movements, he turned his head slowly.

"No, we were discovered, let's run." The red-haired girl quickly pulled the little

boy and ran.

Indra froze for a moment, but didn't try to catch up. Looking at their backs and

their red hair, he seemed to have thought of something.

In the original Naruto World, Indra remembers that the red-haired ones

belonged to the Uzumaki clan.

"Did I come to the territory of the Uzumaki clan?" Indra muttered.

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