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71.81% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 79: Chapter 79 The Snake Deciples Minions

Chương 79: Chapter 79 The Snake Deciples Minions

Sakura looked at the wound on Dr. Shinno's arm. It was self inflicted, mostly to allow her a chance to practice her Medical Jutsu. Normally medic nins would use small animals, Dr. Shinno much prefered her to grow accustomed to a humans anatomy rather than an animal. Turth be told, Sasori dumped her with him as Sasori tended to matters himself, namely trying to becoming used to the idea of having multiple bodies. Sakura's hand began to glow a pale green color as she literally felt the wound in Dr. Shinno's arm. He merely watched.

"What do you sense", asked Shinno.

Sakura closed her eyes feeling around with her chakra into the wound.

"Everything, I can see youd veins moving blood, your cells moving and deviding", said Sakura.

Shinno nodded.

"Good, now take your chakra and add it to each cell actually participating in the healing process. Remember to much chakra and the cells cannot develop properly when split, to little and your patient could bleed out", said Shinno.

Sakura concentrated harder adding a small bit of medical chakra ntil the cells themselves started to divide faster, but not so fast that the new cells were deformed. Shinno's flesh knit back together slowly and he nodded as only a slight scar remained.

"Excellent work, With practice there won't even be a scr left, but that can wait", said Shinno.

He took out a mouse and injected it with poison, a relatively minor one.

"Now I want you to move the poison away from any major organs, keep it concentrated in that spot as long as you can and with your other hand use the syringe to remove it. Medical Chakra is good, but it is limited to your chakra. The old fashioned way does not. After a while I will show you how to remove the poison using Chakra, this method is useful for conserving chakra", said Dr. Shinno.

Sakura nodded as she placed her glowing hand above the mouse and began to concentrate.

Naruto looked at the now complete Whirlpool Village, it was alien in design, much like the interior of the Shinigami. Already were the clones setting various equipment inside several of the buildings. When Kin's team arrived with all taken from every singly Orochimaru base then the Village could be improved upon. If all went according to plan, then the most technologically advanced shinobi nation ever to exist would come to be. Though the weather proved a problem when moving sensitive equipment there was no other problems and Naruto was thankful for that.

However with everything nearing completion Naruto was now faced with several problems. One was getting the best and the brightest into the village, the other was keeping possibly mind shattering truths away from them so as to keep their sanity. Though those problems could wait. His major problem at the moment were Minato and Kushina. The Month was long over do, but since it was Minato's seal to be used to capture Danzo he would have to remain, which would only reopen the wound in reality when they left. The saving grace was that each were more than willing to help, Minato had helped Naruto fine tune his own Flying Thunder God technique as well as offer to teach Naruto the Rasengan. Which proved to be trivial. As Naruto had the memories of the spiraling ring in his mind, he had been able to master the Rasengan in minutes, much to Minato's surprize. Though it lacked the destructive power of the spiraling ring, it was much safer to use in close quarters combat. Though Naruto found he prefered the Spiraling Ring as he had grown accustomed to it long ago, still it was not without it's merits.

After seeing it Naruto asked Minato a request that surprized him slightly. He asked if he could teach it to Sasuke and Sakura on her free time from puppeteering and medical jutsu. While he found this a bit odd, he trusted Naruto's judgement. So Sasuke now found himself in the most unusual position of technically being the Fourth Hokage's student and finding a new found hatred for water baloons.

"These damn things won't pop", said Sasuke.

Minato chuckled a bit. Before he demonstrated what needed to be done. Again focussing on rotation, or more specifically reverse rotation, a concept Sasuke found both confusing, and intriguing. When it was explained to him he was able to finally make some progress, but still the stupid thing refused to pop. He threw the balloon at a tree in frustration where it popped on contact landing in the damp grass near the several other balloon remains that he had thrown previously. It was therapeutic. But apparently Minato had somehow been able to gain more water balloons than a grown man should ever have, if he wasn't married Sasuke would find it a little suspect, but he pushed on. After all the remains of the tree where Minato demonstrated the move was more than enough motivation to learn this thing.

Naruto watched the show with amusement, but he had more pressing concerns at the moment, namely...


...Namely finding something to keep Deidara preoccupied. Hard to be a hidden vilage when the surrounding area was mostly made up of scorched craters, especially considering the frequency it rained. So he flew to the visible mushroom cloud in the distance.

Kin and her clones had ransacked several empty bases that once belonged to Orochimaru, taking every scrap of material and documents along the way. And they had yet to find Kabuto. his next base was the last one she knew of, and it was not exactly inviting. This base was built underground, the only way in or out was a single ladder hidden among a pile of boulders. She watched as the clones effortlessly moved one of the boulders aside to reveal the ladder to take them down into the base. Though instantly she was wary. Unlike the other bases, this one had working power, meaning Kabuto was more than likely here. Despite the power the place was still in ruins. She comanded several clones to stay up top incase anything or anyone tried to escape. As she walked through the base the sensors in her mask let her know someone was here, and by the way the sound was, it seemed they were talking. sing all the stealth training they had, they snuck into the room to try and see who were these three mystery Ninja with Kabuto. Kin peeked around the corner and saw them. One she recognized. It was Karin, another of Orochimaru's scientists, or doctors. Kin never really paid attention. The others were strange. One had blue hair and razor sharp teeth and seemed to be bored out of his mind yet strangely cautions of a door on the far side of the room. There was no sign of Kabuto himself, nor the mystery third person. She could hear what was being said, apparently Karin was berating the boy with razor sharp teeth for some reason or another. The boy himself was complaining.

"Asshole, Does that shit to us. Says he could get me the sword, but there was no freaking sword, or even a body. Then puts this thing on us", said the boy to himself as he scratched his neck.

"Shut up about that stupid sword. It's all you fucking talk about. Get over it. We have more stuff to worry about right now", said Karin.

The boy flipped her off causing her to punch him. To Kins surprize when her hand impacted with his head, only liquid splashed around. His head reformed though it did so very, very slowly. WHen it fully reformed he started rubbing his neck as if in pain before grumbling.

"What was that Suigetsu", asked Karin angrily.

He said nothing. Karin glared at him before ignoring him completely. After a while Kin raised an eyebrow. She was thinking through everything she knew about Karin, she was supposed to be a chakra sensor, and a very good one. Why hadn't she detected her or the clones yet. At first Kin believed it might have something to do with her technically being dead, and the clones being clones. Then she thought maybe it was the Chakra armor they all wore. Either way, this information could prove useful. She motioned for the clones to come closer to take them by surprize, then a roar was heard. the two didn't even flinch.

"Man, I don't know what Kabuto is doing to Jugo. But I'm glad it's not me this time", said Suigetsu.

Karin hushed him.

"If he hears you he's going to start with you next", said Karin.

Suigetsu seemed nervous but he nodded. When he did Kin saw something on his neck, on the spot he rubbed earlier. It was a chakra repressor seal. It started to make sense. Kin deduced that if he had the seal then Karin must have one as well, it would explain why she could not sense them. Taking this into account it was apparent that they did not come with Kabuto willingly. Meaning that these two and the mysterious Jugo were slaves. Considering everything, it pointed to Kabuto leaving Orochimaru, now she only had to figure out why. This could also be good for her, if they were slaves then they might be willing to help capture Kabuto, and then she could just get them to come with her to the Whirlpool Village to remove the seals, while they were kept for questioning. It could work. Kin flicked her fingers to the roof causing the other clones to nod.

They tool to the walls walking up them until they made it to the ceiling where they were now upside down. They snuck into the room still not being noticed by the two. They were careful. Kin then looked behind her and flicked her fingers forward. The clones stormed the room. Karin and Suigetsu immediately stood and prepared themselves as the clones surrounded them. They were severely limited to use their jutsu. They began to call for help. Kin walked out and just watched them. She looked up at the clones still on the ceiling and nodded. They each nodded back before spreading out.

Karin and Suigetsu were forced to the ground by the clones who held Kunai launchers at them. immediately Kabuto walked through the room. He looked ready to fight but some of the clones on the ceiling all landed on or near him leaving him motionless. The rest of the clones walked into the room he came out to secure Jugo.

"What is the meaning of this", screamed Kabuto.

Kin walked up to him and lifted his head by his hair, inspecting it before nodding.

"Get them tied up", said Kin.

Immediately the clones tied them up with ninja wire and chakra rope just to be sure. The other clones walked into the room with an unconcious Jugo on a stretcher who was also tied up. They placed him next to the others. Kabuto looked at the clones with distaste obviously trying to find some way out of this situation. Kin leaded in front of his to look into his eyes. Her mask would hide her face. Kin smiled as she realized just how well this situation was going.

"Kabuto Second in command for Orochimaru, did you defect, if so why", asked Kin?

Kabuto seemed genuinely shocked but he did not speak. In fact it was Karin who did.

"Yes, he did. He was mad about Orochimaru changing after worshiping that snake god thing", said Karin quickly.

Kin nodded, she suspected as much, she knew full well of Orochimarus habits involving Yig. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage.

"Yig, father of Serpents. Orochimaru worships him, which means he turned his ninja into a cult, I take it you did not approve Kabuto", asked Kin?

"No, his plans have changed to much for my likening, He is no longer Orochimaru", said Kabuto.

Kin nodded.

"And these three", asked Kin.

"I wasn't about to leave without some back up. I only had to find the right motivation", said Kabuto with a smile.

"The Seal", asked Kin?

Kabuto nodded.

"Alright, squad A strip this place clean of every bit of useable information and equipment, Squad B knock these clowns out, we'll get them back to base for further questioning", said Kin.

The clones and saluted before they began to follow their orders. Kabuto looked up to Kin, his eyes squinting.

"Who are you people", asked Kabuto.

"The CDA", said Kin just as a clone bashed the back of kabuto's head with the butt of his Kunai launcher knocking him out. They proceeded to do the same to the others.

"You could have used sedatives", said Kin.

"Limited amount, based on Jugo's file more sedatives will be needed for him. This way may be more barbaric but it is effective", said a clone.

Kin nodded, it wasn't like she cared about Kabuto. She looked at the four on the ground, this was a little to easy. She then saw something in Kabuto's hand. She lifted it to examine it. It was a thin metal cylinder with a button. She smirked before looking to Kabuto.

"Self Destruction huh, to bad you didn't push it in time", said Kin as she broke the device.

What she didn't know was that the button indeed was pushed, but it was not a self destruct button. In the shadows of the bases lower levels, several glass tubes began to open. A humanoid from dropped to the ground from each of the tubes along with strange green fluids. The creatures began to crawl into a standing position and hiss as snake-like tongues flicked from their mouths. Their Silver hair flowed as they ran, snakes emerged from their naval coiling around them to appear as a tail, and if one were to look closely they would note the creatures faces were remarkably similar to Kabuto's, the beasts hissed as they flicked their tongues and spread around the base. Kabuto's experiments had awoken.

Kin watched as the clones began sealing away equipment. She still found everything way to easy. She was drawn from her thoughts by the clones collectively stopping and becoming cautious. Kin raised an eyebrow.

"Whats wrong", asked Kin?

"A small team of clones were just eradicated", said a clone.

"By what", asked Kin?

"Don't know", said the clone.

Kin immediately got to her mask as she pressed the button on its side.

"Attention all squads, we have trouble. Keep on the lookout, If you see anything take it out, we have enough hostages", said Kin.

She received several replies from clones confirming they were going to follow her orders. She took out some of her Senbon needles as she waited for something to happen. Her radio statced.

"This is Beta Squad, we just caught a glimpse of what we are up against, but it got away. It moved fast. Chakra came off its back similar to the jump jets", sad the clone.

Kin raised an eyebrow, how were they able to do that. As she thought a large amount of liquid oozed down to the floor. Kin aimed her hand at it, preparing to use sonic attack. Immediately the liquid changed into what looked like Kabuto but with snake-like features. Its hand turned into an axe and began to attack. While slightly shocked at first Kin sent out a sonic blast at the creature as soon as she shook herself from her shock. The creature liquified but turned to normal in less than a second. The creature hissed at her. In response Kin activated her jump jets to get away from the beast to get a better shot at it, but strange tubes busted from the things back and it did the same. Kin wasting no time threw a sendon at the beast. It replicated mid air and hit the creature in it's eye several times. It slowed but quickly pulled out the needles as it's eye began to heal. She noted that hiding from the creature was near impossible, she realized that the creature was showing the same liquefying techniques as Suigetsu. It stood to reason it had Karins Chakra sensing clones had tried to subdue the beast with sword arms, claws, and tentacles but the creatures liquid body made it difficult.

Kin watched as the beast stalked her. While slowly waving her fingers around manipulating the melody arm. She began creating waves of infrasound to low to hear. Ahs watched as the best swayed slightly as it stalked her but did not stumble. She changed the pattern on her fingers feeding in low-level wind jutsu to manipulate it perfectly, the beast's eyes widened. It vomited blood and it's ears were bleeding. Kin took her chance and jammed a senbon right into the beasts spine, severing it just below the chest. The creature slumped forward. It began to crawl around using it's arms, but it's legs were dead. The extra weight made it difficult for the creature to do much. Kin then flicked her finger. A small bit of win chakra flew towards the needle still in the beasts spine and began to ring. She watched as the beast looked in all directions trying to figure out which of the many illusions was the real Kin. It would swipe it's claws to the left or right. Kin only watched the poor beast, until the hollow tubes came back. They dislodged the needle and the creature began levitating with the chakra thrusters on it's back. Even with their regenerative speed healing a spinal wound would take time.

The clones were much to busy with the dozen other beasts that emerged from the ventilation shafts of drains to help Kin as much as now hovering beast flew toward Kin swinging it's axe like arm Kin used her own chakra thrusters to move away faster than she would be able to on her own. The Beast hissed as the snake emerging from its navel flew toward kin. Wasting no time she ducked to the side and threw more senbon at it. The snake's head was now stuck in a wall by the needles. Kin stomped on it destroying the head causing the beast to shriek in pain. It bared it's snake-like fangs as it flew back to her. Kin only lifted her hand to the beast and created a blast of sound to push the beast into and then through a wall. It's body liquified but not fast enough. When it reformed it was somewhat deformed before it hissed and flew off. Kin smirked as she went to go help the other clones.

They were faring much better as they had numbers on their side. Several of the beast had fled and only a few remained. Kin used her Chakra Thrusters to slam one into a wall. It destroyed a piece of her armor, but since it bled on it as well the armor began to heal itself. Kin punched the beast in its head, using her sonic palms as she did to liquify the beasts head, but not in the wa the creature likely ad intended. The now headless corpse dissolved into a puddle of red ichor. The other creatures shrieked in response before they all fled. Liquefying through drains to escape. Kin looked at her team.

"Get the prisoners out of here, salvage what you can, be quick", said Kin.

They nodded. And moved quickly. They made it out of there in under five minutes all being cautious of the snake beasts returning. Once the last clone made it to the top of the ladder Kin looked to them.

"Bring it down", said Kin.

The clones started to take different spots around the pile of boulders before they stood still. After a moment the ground below them started to shake and a fissure appeared. The stoned fell as the secret base was destroyed below them from the resulting cave in. She looked to the clones and nodded, which they returned.

"Lets get home", said Kin.

As they left none noticed that puddles of liquid rose from between the piles of stones .

next chapter
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