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18.18% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Bells

Chương 20: Chapter 20 Bells

Sasuke, and Sakura were hiding. Sasuke in a tree, while Sakura was under a bush. Naruto was within the nearby forest. Quickly creating Shadow clones he commands them to take up various points of the field. Some Transform into copies of Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto moves as quickly and quietly through the forest. He watches as Kakashi looks at each of them not moving from his starting spot. Naruto thinks over the possibilities for the test. Thinking it over he wonders if the bells are even important. Really there existence solely was meant to drive them apart and create conflict, but he could not be sure.

Naruto crept slowly around the field. He waited for his chance. He turned his gaze to a shadow clone making it's way to Sasuke then to one making it's way to Sakura. Then Naruto looked at Kakashi. He was not really moving just looking around. Naruto waited for the Other shadow clones to circle around the Forest. Satisfied he created one more shadow clone and dispelled it for the other clones to get his data on his slowly forming plan.

Sasuke watched as Naruto's clones hid all around the edge of the forest. Sasuke merely waited for his moment to strike. After a moment a clone transformed to look like Sasuke sneaks around. Sasuke looks at the clone for a moment.

"Use me for a replacement if it comes down to it, but Naruto has a message. The test is..", says the Sasuke clone before it is dispelled by a kunai. Looking around Sasuke sees that Kakashi is gone. He puts his back against the tree trying to find out where Kakashi is.

Naruto thinks over his plan carefully as the memories of the Sasuke clone come to him. He saw Kakashi throw the Kunai almost to quick for his eye to see. While Naruto sorted through the memories he realized Kakashi was gone. He hoped he could at least get the message to Sakura.

Sakura was under some bushes when a clone of her grabbed her ankle. Giving a soft shriek she turns to see its, hers. The clones face.

"Message from Naruto, the test is a farce", says the clone quickly.

Sakura looks at the clone for a moment when a kunai dispels it. Sakura looks around trying to see where it came from but is unsuccessful. She crawls from the bushes to find a better spot to hide. As she carefully looks around she see's Naruto.

"Hey", she says.

"Got the message, good. We need to wars Sasuke. Sensei dispelled him before I could tell him", says Naruto.

"What's the plan", asks Sakura.

"War of attrition. I'm going to send Shadow clone after Shadow clone after him to tire him out. I'll have a few transformed to look like you and Sasuke to confuse him", says Naruto.

Sakura nods.

"I'll get the message to Sasuke-kun, we'll try and sneak behind him", says Sakura.

"Good, now we just have to get him out in the open. So far I can't find him", says Naruto.

Then Naruto dispels. Sakura stares at the spot he was just at surprised it was a clone. Then she see's the Kunai used to dispel him.

Naruto feels the memories from the most recent clone to dispel. He looks around trying to find the colors of sound from Kakashi to find his location but the ambient noise makes it difficult. He curses the fact that the clones Eyes of Azathoth are merely transformations to look like his. Naruto watches as Sakura attempts to sneak over to Sasuke. Naruto then see's a flash of color for only a moment. He realized it is headed for Sakura. Naruto runs straight towards her.

Sasuke holds Shuriken and Kunai in his hand preparing to wait for Kakashi to come into view. He notices Naruto running towards Sakura. Sasuke looks at Sakura to see if Kakashi was near her. He sees a flash of silver hair before it quickly disappears into the trees. Sasuke watches intently for the moment to strike. As Sakura makes her way to him slowly she stops for a moment to look around. Kakashi stands right behind her seemingly coming out of nowhere. Sakura doesn't even notice. Sasuke readies his weapons. He waits for Sakura to move.

Sakura looks around her for a moment. She tries to locate Kakashi or Sasuke to tell him the plan.

"Where could he be", asks Sakura to herself.

"Behind you", whispers Kakashi's Voice.

Sakura quickly turns around.

"Sakura get down", screams Sasuke.

Sakura obeys the command and ducks as Kunai and shrunken fly over her head. They embed themselves into Kakashi. As Sakura processes this Kakashi turns into a log in a puff of smoke. Sakura no longer moving slow runs toward Sasuke. After a moment they meet each other.

"Thanks Sasuke-kun", says Sakura breathing heavy.

Sakura takes one more deep breath.

"Naruto says the test is a farce, he's going to try and tire out Kakashi with clones. We sneak around and grab the bells", says Sakura.

"I already figured the test was a fake. Ok where is Naruto", asks Sasuke.

After looking around Naruto jumps down and lands not far from the two.

"Right here", says Naruto.

Sasuke nods.

"Ok I got clones all over the place. They have been commanded to dispel the moment they see Kakashi. Then the others make there way there they already attacked him but most were dispelled", says Naruto.

"How do you want to get the bells", asks Sakura.

Naruto smiles.

"I do have a way to keep him still. Sasuke if you distract Kakashi while he's pined Sakura can sneak in and grab the bells" says Naruto.

"Where is he", asks Sasuke.

"I lost him, but I do know he is not using genjutsu to hide because I have a hard time finding him", says Naruto.

"Ok that's good to know, You say you can hold him down right", asks Sasuke.

Naruto nods.

"Keep him still for as long as possible. I have a move that might help as well, just get out of the way as soon as I call out the Jutsu's name, The hand sign alone will distract him long enough for Sakura to get the balls", says Sasuke.

"Got it", says Naruto and Sakura.

Naruto's eyes widen for a moment.

"Ok, one of my clones just found him. He was reading. I think he is waiting for us to go to him", says Naruto.

"Good lets go", says Sasuke.

Kakashi holds a small orange book in his hand. His senses allow him to keep track of the other three. he had already realized they saw through his test, this pleasantly surprised him and he was eager to see what they had come up with. After a moment more droves of clones run toward Kakashi. Without even letting his eye leave the book he dispels them easily. He notices Naruto, probably the real one sneaking behind him. He does not move to see what happens. Then he sees Sasuke Cone at him from in front. His eye sees Sakura coming from the side.

He puts away his book to concentrate when suddenly He is wrapped by a long green Tentacle. He turns his head to see the Tentacle coming from Naruto's head. He is shocked by this Jutsu but turns his attention toward Sasuke who was doing hand signs. Hie eyes widen slightly as he looks at the signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu", says Sasuke.

As Kakashi is engulfed by the flames they wait patiently. As the flames disappear they only see the smoldering remains of a log. Then Kakashi jumps from the forest.

"Not bad, but not good enough", says Kakashi.

The he hears giggling. Kakashi raises an eyebrow as he looks at Sakura who has both bells in her hand.

"Looks like we pass", says Sakura as she tosses a bell to each Naruto and Sasuke.

"You spent o much time looking at us you completely forgot about Sakura", says Naruto.

They watch as Kakashi slowly walks up to his new students.

"Not bad, so which of you goes back to the academy", asks Kakashi.

The three look around for a moment.

"You, if you think we are stupid enough to fall for that. Don't forget Kakashi we three are some of the smartest students from the academy", says Naruto.

Kakashi shakes his head.

"Now then, can anyone tell me the purpose of the test", asks Kakashi.

"Teamwork", says Sakura.

"Yes, but why", asks Kakashi.

Kakashi motions for the two students to follow him. After a moment they stand before the Memorial Stone.

"This memorial holds the names of ninja who have died in the line of duty to protect this village. The names of my best friends are on here. As are the names of Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, Sons, and Daughters. It is a reminder of their sacrifice to this village", says Kakashi.

He turns to his students.

"individual strength would only get you so far, you will one day fight a superior opponent and teamwork would be needed to defeat that opponent. Every mission we go on can end in your death, if you don't work together to protect one another then your name will end up on this monument as well", says Kakashi.

He takes a deep breath as his eyes go back to the monument once more.

"those who abandon their mission are trash but those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash", says Kakashi.

Kakashi looks to his students as they all absorb the words.

"You three are the first to ever pass my test", says Kakashi.

He smiles as he looks at their faces. Naruto smiles to himself. Sakura cheers. Sasuke smirks.

"We'll meet tomorrow at the Hokage tower for our first mission and see if we can get some training in there. For now who's up for lunch", asks Kakashi.

Hearing the stomachs of the team collectively growl at the same time he gets his answer.

After eating then sending them home Kakashi asks Naruto to wait behind.

"Something you need sensei", asks Naruto.

"That Jutsu you used, what was it", asks Kakashi.

"Oh it's the Tentacle Whip Jutsu. I made it myself. It is not a difficult move. Almost the same principle as the Shadow Clone. Create a physical construct out of chakra. However unlike the shadow clone there is no reason to split your chakra just mold it, best part is since it is still attached to me, I get some of the Chakra back", says Naruto.

Kakashi looks disbelievingly at Naruto.

"So made it yourself huh", asks Kakashi.

Naruto nods.

"Well it works really well. Are there any more surprises I should be on the lookout for Naruto", asks Kakashi.

"Only that my Taijutsu is really disturbing to watch", says Naruto.

"Whys that", asks Kakashi.

"Anko helped trained me when I was still in the academy", says Naruto.

"Ah, I see" says Kakashi.

"Actually trained isn't the right word it was more like torture. To torture me further she made me do one of Might Guys morning warm-up", says Naruto.

Kakashi nods.

"Well, sorry to hear that Naruto", says Kakashi as he pats Naruto on the shoulder.

Naruto laughs a bit.

"Anyway is there anything else you need", asks Naruto.

"No that will be all", says Kakashi.

Naruto walks off towards his house. Kakashi waits for a moment before taking out his book and walking away. He would have to keep his eye on Naruto for a while.

Later that day after eating Naruto returns to his lab. He walks through as the clones around him begin to prepare the equipment. Naruto enters the massive cave the Shoggoth was making. Already the creature created the foundation and pillars for the new area. Several clones were in a completed area building a foundry to mass produce weaponry once they began prototyping them, but that was far off. Still the short amount of time things were progressing was turning out rather well. After a moment Naruto finds Xel who is watching the clones work.

"We are ahead of schedule my lord, you work quickly", says Xel.

"We can't really afford to be slow can we", says Naruto.

Xel turns his head to Naruto.

"No I suppose we cannot. Tell me is there something you need of me", asks Xel.

"How do I train to use the Eldritch Form", asks Naruto.

Xel remains quiet. He turns back to the clones.

"You cannot train yet. our body is slowly adapting to your powers", says Xel.

"How long until I can start training", asks Naruto.

"Not long, the fox has allowed the process to speed. With your body already used to adapting to alien forces such as the fox I believe you will be able to use the Eldritch form quite soon. I can forcibly activate it, but without giving your body time to adapt it would cause untold damage. More than likely you would die", says Xel.

"Alright, I can wait. We are ahead of schedule. I'm going to experiment with what I can summon", says Naruto.

Xel nods.

Naruto walks deeper into the cave. He bites his finger and slams his hand to the ground. As the black smoke clears Naruto stares at the creature before him. It is a demonic creature with oil colored skin and inward facing horns. It had long wings and a long tail. It's most disturbing feature as the lack of a face.

"A Nightgaunt, quite useful for spies. No matter how they move they make no sound. They use there tail to tickle others into submission then drag them to it's realm the Dreamlands", says Xel.

Naruto looks as the creature moves. What Naruto finds creepy is no colors of sound emanate from its form even as it moves. It is as if it were incapable of making sound, and Naruto had long ago grown used to seeing sound. Not seeing it was disturbing. Then Naruto raises an eyebrow, he turns to Xel.

"Tickle?", asks Naruto.

Xel only nods.

Naruto looks back to the creature that could only be described as a demons shadow come to life. While it was unsettling the idea that it tickled others was comical, the idea that it dragged those it tickles to it's world was not. The creature was almost invisible in the dark cave. It flew forward landing before Naruto not making a single sound.

"Well I could use it for training. I have grown used to using sound to find my enemies. If I can catch this thing in the dark I doubt anything could hide from me", says Naruto.

As the words leave his lips the creature disappears in the shadow. Naruto looks around trying to find the creature but doesn't even catch a glimpse. Then it emerges from the shadows and tickles Naruto with his tail. Naruto laughs with his eyes closed. When he opens them the creature is gone. He looks around for a while. He sees no signs. He turns around only to come face to no face with the creature. Naruto gives out a light scream in shock and falls to the ground.

"They are very stealthy my lord", says Xel.

"Can they attack instead of tickle", asks Naruto.

"If you command it to do so, I see no reason it would not", says Xel.

Naruto looks at the creature. He creates a clone.

"Ok Nightgaunt eviscerate that clone without it knowing", says Naruto.

"What", screams the clone.

The creature disappears. The clone looks around frantically. Then suddenly it dispels. The Nightgaunt standing where the clone once was.

"They may not be as fast fliers as the Byakhee my lord, but they more than make up for it with stealth", says Xel.

"No kidding", says Naruto.

The Nightgaunt dispels.

Naruto walks toward the containment module. Reaching in he removes the Necronomicon. He walks back to Xel as he begins to read. He flips through pages until he finds one that catches his eye.

"Xel, what is this", asks Naruto.

Xel looks at the picture on the book. It moves of it's own accord. It is a giant mushroom cloud growing while massive eyes peer through the cloud.

"It is a nuclear explosion", says Xel.

"Why doe it have eyes", asks Naruto.

"Those are the eyes of Azathoth not like your eyes. The picture is meant to show the relationship between Azathoth and nuclear radiation. Azathoth is also known as the Nuclear Chaos. He is know as that for two reasons. One, he is at the center of the multiverse, like a nucleus. Two, Azathoth is nuclear radiation. Azathoth sleeps, as he always has. The drums and flutes that lull him to sleep keep him in sleep. The moment he awakens the multiverse ends. All of it, everywhere, every time, every entity, every sentient being, every place, every non place, everything down to the smallest atom and to the largest of all realities end. No not end, never existed. We are but a dream of Azathoth. It is the ultimate entropic force. The reason I say this is every nuclear reaction bring Azathoth closer to awakening", says Xel.

Naruto listens to the words. He looks back at the picture.

"Does life mean anything", asks Naruto.


Naruto turns to the voice. Standing near the doorway is Konohamaru the grandchild of the Hokage. Naruto's eyes widen as he walks forward.

"Life means nothing, but we live it all the same. So we finally meet face to face. It has been a while", says Konohamaru.

"What are you doing here", asks Naruto the fear of being discovered present in his face.

"You spoke to my colleague once. We are acquainted. I once wore your body", says Konohamaru.

Naruto leaps to his feet.

"What, no you don't mean"

"Yes I was the Yithian who took control of your body. I am here to observe you", says Konohamaru as he smiles.

"We will get to know each other quite well for these next ten years", says Konohamaru.

next chapter
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