This will be updated as the story progress's :D
The Mother goddess: Mother of Onicent, Dauntice, Maiguh, Serse, Airabella and Alora, she lives in the void.
Children of the Mother goddess:
Onicent (ON-a-cent): God of the sky and land, husband to Airabella. He is green in colour.
Maiguh (MAY-guh): God of the End. He is purple in colour.
Dauntice (Daunt-tis): God of the lakes, rivers and oceans, husband to Farren. He is dark blue in colour.
Alora (A-lore-ra): Goddess of plants. She is yellow in colour.
Airabella (AIR-a-bell-a): Goddess of marriage, wife to Onicent. She is red in colour.
Serse: (saerse): Goddess of light, she is an eternal maiden. She is orange in colour.
Second generation:
Dinetee (Dine-tea): Daughter of Maiguh, she is purple in colour.
Nevlin (NEV-lin): Daughter of Maiguh, she is purple in colour.
Endra (END-dra): Daughter of Maiguh, she is purple in colour.
Elsbeth (LS-beth): Daughter of Alora and Onicent, she is lime green in colour
Ianin (I-nin): Son of Dauntice and Farren, keeper of knowledge, he is blue in colour.
Sonnis (sawn-NIS): Daughter of Dauntice and Farren, patron of magic. She is light blue in colour.
Syrona (SY-ron-na): Daughter of Dauntice and Farren, twin of Sourlont
Sourlont (Sore-lont): Son of Dauntice and Farren, twin of Syrona
Piyipin (Pie-ip-in): Son of Dauntice and Farren.
Amos (A-mos): Son of Onicent and Airabella, he is blood red in colour.
Epis (Ep-pis); Son of Onicent and Airabella, twin of Enisia, he is green in colour. God of healing.
Enisia (EN-nis-sia): Daughter of Onicent and Airabella, twin of Epis. Protector of young girls. She is green in colour.
Feia (fee-A): Daughter of Onicent and Airabella, she is brown in colour. Goddess of weaving.
Rissa (Ris-sa) Daughter of Onicent and Airabella, sooty in colour with red eyes. Goddess of chaos.
Iyora (I-your-A): Daughter of Onicent and Vya, goddess of architecture, she is light grey in colour.
Neonee (Neo-NEE): Son of Serse, god of red stone, he is warm orange in colour.
Third Generation:
Vown (Vow-n): Son of Amos and Ilodeena, pink in colour
Balyn (Ba-line): Daughter of Amos and Ilodeena.
Hermyra: Daughter of Epis and the human Maiella. Goddess of music.
Lyriss: Daughter of Epis and the human Maiella. Goddess of poetry.
Norin: Son of Epis and the human Maiella
Vya: A nymph Onicent falls in love with
Bluett: A nymph, sister of Vya, maiden of Alora.
Azura: A nymph, maiden of Alora.
Other Characters:
Farren (Far-in): Wife of Dauntice. She is light blue in colour.
Ilodeena (Il-lo-deen-a): Goddess of love, married to Neonee. Pink in colour.
Araia (A-RYE-a): Former keeper of knowledge, snowy white in colour.
Maiela (May-ella): human, lover of Epis.
Craftus (Craft-tis): Husband to Minea, also known as the Ender Dragon.
Minea (min-nee-a): Wife to Craftus.
Xeo (ZE-on): Son of Craftus and Minea.
Neron (Knee-ron): Adopted son of Craftus.