"Now, where were we? Ah, that's right... I was informing you pests about the road that I took to acquire the power I had today."
Tza'Orbias turned towards us and nodded, uncaring of the life it just took from one of its loyal followers and not showing an ounce of interest in the other Cultists that stood on the wall, ignoring them as it turned its attention back towards us.
"You see, many of my opponents love to tell me that explaining my success leaves me open to defeat, but all of them died to me, so... I have continued this, to relish the despair in your eyes as you begin to understand that my power... my vast sea of knowledge gathered over millennia, gathered through sheer determination and cleverness. To see the difference between you, the pests..."
Raising its arms, Tza'Orbias focused those cerulean eyes on each of us before flapping its wings hard, raising a gale that buffeted against us and forced us to plant our feet firmly on the ground.