Good morning! My name is Millicent Davids, I much prefer Mil. Interesting name, right? I'm actually named after my grandmother. She was apparently a stubborn and opinionated woman, but everyone liked her. I never met her myself. My mom always said I would have loved her.
You already know a lot about me. I work at Unit Mart in secret, which has gotten harder to keep. I go to school at Bayside High. I'm a senior, and I can't wait to get out. Oh! And I recently acquired a taste for coffee.
Uhm, I guess you know about my home life too... But let's not dwell on that.
Oh look, it's time for me to wake up.
Curse that alarm!
"Oh you! Listen, 5:30. Why do you always come too soon?" I cried.
I grabbed that clock and chucked it across the room. Thankfully it was caught by my stalwart companion Mr. Bugsworth… My giant teddy bear.
I rolled out of bed using the blanket to morph myself into a comfy burrito. After my second alarm screamed in an awfully rude manner, I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall. Tiptoed past the living room. Dad was still sleeping in his armchair.
Don't wake him up…
Took a shower. Brushed my teeth.
Pulled out my school uniform.
Grabbed my work uniform. Gave it the sniff test.
Crap, I forgot to wash it…
I threw the uniform in my bag, reluctantly.
Sneaked through the living room towards the door.
"Hey... Mil? That you?" Dad stirred.
"Yeah, Dad. Heading to school."
"You wouldn't betray me right? You wouldn't leave. Not like your mom, that bitch. Took the best years and threw them away." His words were slurred and barely audible, like he was talking in his sleep.
Still drunk I see.
"I have to go dad."
"Just go ahead, walk out the door. Do exactly what your mom showed you how to do!"
I rushed out the door.
I got to the bus stop early, just like every day. That morning sun was just beginning to shine behind the buildings. My stop was usually basked in complete shadow.
The bus pulled up.
"Good morning!" I said cheerfully.
"Morning Millicent. Welcome aboard!" said the bus driver.
And we were off.
I usually sat in the back since my stop was the first. I liked when it was quiet, and the world got to slow down. I wish I could steal it, and bottle that time up so I could have it whenever I like.
Before long the bus was filled with noise and commotion. And time started marching forward again.
The sun peaked, blinding through the bus window as we crossed the bridge towards campus.
My mind wandered, filled with voices.
"Are you the only people working here?"
"Night shift, you know?"
"Yup. Just the two of us."
"No kid named Millicent working here?"
"There you go kiddo. Let it out."
"Quitting is always an option too."
"Ken, may I have your number?"
"Run Mil, while you have the chance."
"Don't let my sacrifice be for nothing!"
"Learning the ways of brewing will push your very limits."
"Great, now I'll have to sleep with one eye open."
"Truly terrifying, you're really going to haunt my nightmares."
"Are you the new hire?"
"Mil, you can do this, alright?"
"Hey Mil!"
Ken's voice stood out the most.
The bus popped up on the curb and brought me back to reality.
"Hey Mil?" A familiar voice called. "Earth to Mil…?"
"Steph. Hey! Good morning," I said.
"Hey doofus. How was dreamland? Bring me back a souvenir?"
"Sorry, Steph. I just couldn't find anything you'd like."
"Darn," Steph leaned in with a smile, her short strawberry hair was especially vibrant this morning with the sun blazing behind it.
Steph reclined into the seat, her arms crossed behind her head. She let out a massive yawn.
"Not enough sleep?" I asked.
"Do I ever? The moron brigade wouldn't shut up all night."
"Being the big sister must be tough."
"Eh, it's not so bad… So, how's the Homefront?"
"More of the same honestly." I stared at my bag.
Steph put her arm around me.
"Want to come over for dinner tonight?" she offered.
"Uh, I… No, I can't. Dad needs me home. Next time though."
"Mmhmm. Alright…"
The bus screeched to a halt as we arrived at school.
"Alright, time for another whirlwind adventure," said Steph.
"Have a good day!" the bus driver called. I waved back with a smile and we got off the bus.
And so we arrived. Bayside High. Up until recently it was the only place I could just get away. It was noisy and crazy. But it wasn't home.
"Hey Echo!" Steph called.
Our friend Echo was standing by the tree, she stood about a foot taller than anyone in the crowd. A fact that made her desire to hide from everyone's view, all the more difficult. Her long black hair stood out against the brown and green of the tree. Everything about her was long.
"Hello," said Echo, her voice trembling.
"Good morning!" I replied.
"What's up Echo?" said Steph, a big toothy grin on her face.
"Library," said Echo.
"Alright, alright. But some sunlight would be good for you, ya know!" said Steph.
We entered the library and Echo ran to a nearby table to drop her stuff. Then she let out a loud sigh of relief.
"You did very good today, Echo. I was surprised to see you waiting for us," I praised.
"Yeah! All those normies were crowding around her thinking she was some kind of tree."
"Stealth." Echo gave a thumbs up.
We hung out there for a little while until the school bell rang.
"Alright losers. See you at lunch."
I waved and ran to class.
I entered the room right as the bell rang.
"Safe!" I called, catching my breath in the doorway.
"Made it just in time Ms. Davids. Go ahead and grab a seat."
Mr. Green was my homeroom teacher. It was his first year teaching. He had long light brown hair that he always wore in a ponytail. It made him stand out amongst the other teachers.
"Alright everyone take out your books. We're starting our section on legends. That should be page 309 for those of you with real books. If you're one of the heathens using a digital copy… I can't help you. Best of luck."
The class chuckled. Mr. Green was well liked.
After a class full of Mr. Green fumbling over his words, classmates teasing him for being new, and a surprise drop in from our Principal. The class ended.
Two more classes passed and it was finally lunch time.
"Finally. I'm so hungry!" I stretched my arms wide. "Oh! I forgot to pack lunch last night since I worked so late. Guess I'm buying."
"Uhm… Mi– Millicent…" A surprisingly meek voice for a boy barely caught my ear.
I turned to the source.
Standing there was a boy, who I think was in one of my classes. He was nervously shaking, looking like a stressed out chihuahua.
"Hello there. Did you need something?" I tilted my head to look at him, I had no idea what he could want.
"I was wondering… You see… Well… Ah!" He furiously scratched his head, in I think frustration.
His sudden outburst made me step back.
"Are… You okay?" I asked.
"Millicent, will you go out with me?" He dropped to his knees, tears running down his face.
"What– I? Huh?"
"Please, Millicent, go out with me!"
I was petrified.
Like a bolt of lightning a blur of orange appeared before me accompanied by the sweet smell of vanilla lotion.
"Listen here kid! Millicent doesn't have time to date people! She has to save the world from intergalactic space invaders! Romance would only get in the way," barked Steph.
"What? Aliens?" the student asked.
"You wouldn't want the whole world to be in jeopardy would you?"
"No of course not!"
"That's a good citizen! Now skedaddle before any more time is wasted. Shoo shoo! Go now."
"Right, sorry! I'm so sorry!" He ran off in a cloud of dust, I'm not even sure he knew where he was running to.
Steph turned to me.
"Jeez Mil. Your statue game was on point. I could tell you needed my help from across the courtyard." Steph put her hands on my shoulders. "Everything okay?"
"Oh, yes. I just didn't really know what was going on until you appeared… Aliens, Steph? Really?"
"Extraterrestrials?" Echo appeared.
"Yup, Mil is too busy fighting aliens to date random dudes. Didn't you hear?"
"Yeah Echo is right. Where did that all come from?"
"My imagination, clearly." Steph chuckled, clearly proud of herself.
"Oh! I need to go get food."
"You forgot lunch?"
"Yeah, I worked late last night– On homework! I worked late on my homework."
"As one does my friend. I too understand the midnight oil and how it burns. Here, you can have some of mine. I made way too much for Thing One and Thing Two this morning. I was really stressing on how I would handle all the leftovers on my own," said Steph.
"Yes, Echo. You can have some too."
Echo's face lit up.
Three more classes down and the day was finally over.
I headed towards the bus loop where I saw Steph and Echo standing to the side.
"That last class was brutal. I'm not the best at chemistry," I dropped my bag and sighed.
"Good job making it through to the end though!"
"Alright Echo. You waiting for your mom to give you a ride right?"
"Oh yeah, how does your mom like her new job in the cafeteria?" I asked.
"I get that, starting new jobs can be a lot."
"What are you talking about? You don't work, Mil."
"I uh… Well I volunteered before. It's similar…" Almost blew my cover.
"I guess so."
"Alright, I'm getting on the bus. See you later, Echo."
Steph waved goodbye to Echo and we stepped on to the bus. It was packed, the AC didn't work and there were no open seats. We were definitely going to have to stand. First stop in the morning, last stop in the afternoon.
After a bus ride full of bumping into people and fighting physics to stay standing as the afternoon driver flung us around like a mad man, we finally managed to get to sit down with only a few stops left.
"So, want to catch a movie or something?" asked Steph.
"I can't. I have plans."
"Plans? Mil, is everything alright? You've been kind of weird."
"I'm fine. Just… You know, dad stuff, I guess."
"I ought to sock him. No surprise your mom bolted."
I looked down.
"Oh crap. Mil, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Dang I just stuffed my whole foot in my mouth."
"It's fine."
The bus stopped, I grabbed my things.
"Wait. Why are you getting off at my stop?"
"Oh!" I didn't even realize I had and the bus already left.
"I guess I'm on autopilot."
"Man, I really messed up, huh?"
"No. It's fine. Really. I gotta go. See you tomorrow right?"
"Sure thing, Mil. Catch ya later."
I waved and ran off. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that it worked out because her stop was actually closer to my store. Couldn't tell her that I am working at Unit Mart. And that my dad didn't know. That would invite way too many questions.
Before long I arrived at the store.
The door slid open and there was Ken standing at the register with a smile on his face.
"Hey Mil!"
Getting into Mil's head was a really fun experiment. There will be more of the special chapters sprinkled throughout. I think they'll be great for mixing up and seeing important events that Ken couldn't possibly know about.