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41.17% My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite) / Chapter 91: Two Hits And a Miss

Chương 91: Two Hits And a Miss

After Ashlyn had earn herself the Plain Badge from Whitney, the Goldenrod Gym Leader, the gang continued their way to Ecruteak City.

The gang found themselves passing through a beautiful National Park which is holding a Bug Catching Contest. They met with Casey again, she wanted a new Pokémon on her team and she explained how her journey has been, she has a Flaffy on her team now, if Flaffy evolves into an Ampharos, she'll have a black and yellow Pokémon.

The gang stayed in the arena, where there was a huge tv for people to watch the contest, they saw when Casey had Chikorita battle and battle not giving Chikorita any rest.

Ashlyn thought that Casey was being very stubborn, Chikorita was at its limit.

The gang somehow manage to enter the contest, finding Casey and told Casey about Chikorita, which she refused to listen till Ashlyn snapped, telling her what's important her Pokémon health or winning a battle. Casey immediately replied her Pokémon of course and she then took a good look at Chikorita, who was extremely exhausted and she felt ashamed of herself.

Chikorita immediately went to soothe her trainer and the peacefulness didn't last long. Team Rocket was also there, wanting to capture Tesla. But Ashlyn knew where their trap was. Luckily they avoided the cage they nearly got trapped by, but then Chikorita came in and helped them. Then Team Rocket had a missile in the shape of a life sized baseball. With a lot of encouragement from Casey, Chikorita evolved into her next form, Bayleef and she destroyed the missile.

The gang were glad that Casey and Bayleef were better, Ashlyn told Tesla to send Team Rocket away with a Thunderbolt attack.

Soon the contest was over, Casey managed to capture a Beedrill before the time was up.

And the judges examined all the trainers who had captured a Bug-type Pokémon. Three trainers had won, Casey with two others.

Casey was even more happy that she had got a new Pokémon and her Starter Pokémon evolved, best day.

And so the gang said goodbye to Casey and Bayleef, they headed on their way.


The gang were walking through a forest, feeling very happy. They were happy with their new Pokémon evolutions. On the day after the bug catching contest, Misty was training with her Totodile, Staryu, Goldeen, Gloom and two Poliwhirls. Gloom was growing strong and Misty decided it was time for her Gloom to evolve. Ashlyn showed Misty Gloom's second evolved form, Bellossom, on her Rotom phone. Bellossom looked like a hula dancer, because the leaves around its waist looked like a hula skirt. Misty liked the thought of having a Bellossom very much and Ashlyn used her sun stone to evolve Gloom into a Bellossom. Misty fell in love with her new Bellossom at once. The day after that Brock's Golbat evolved into a Crobat and Brock was happy with having a Crobat. On the same day, Misty's Totodile evolved into Croconaw. The day after that, Ashlyn Johto starter Pokémon evolved as well. Chikorita evolved into Bayleef, Cyndaquil into Quilava, and Totodile into Croconaw.

Today the gang were walking along to path till they heard some stomping sound coming from behind them, they turned and saw the wild bull Pokémon.

"A Taruos!" Misty yelped.

As Taruos' continued to charges forward not stopping, the gang quickly move to the side of the path, to avoid it.

When Taruos past them a teen was running behind it and he was exhausted.

"Taruos! Take it easy, come back!" The trainer yelled out, after falling on ground.

"Erm..." Ashlyn stared and turned to the side seeing an old man walking in the same path as of the Taruos. "Oh no!" She said.

Ashlyn skidded down the slope, "Look out!" She shouted out and reached the bottom. "I choose you, Noctowl." She sent out the shiny owl Pokémon.

"Briii!" Noctowl appeared, sparkling.

"Hoho, a Shiny Noctowl, I'm interested to see how will you use that Pokémon." The old man said.

"Noctowl use Air Slash." Ashlyn ordered.

Noctowl release three energy disc from his wings and all three Air Slash hits the ground, stopping Taruos in its tracks.

"Mooo!" Taruos stopped and stared at the shiny owl Pokémon. The wild bull Pokémon charged towards Noctowl.

"Fly around Taruos." Noctowl flew around Taruos in circles about ten times before the wild bull Pokémon started to feel dizzy.

"Clever." The old man complimented.

"Okay, now's our chance. Use Hypnosis." The shiny owl Pokémon stared at Taruos and used Hypnosis, making the wild bull Pokémon fall asleep.

"Great job Noctowl." Ashlyn said, as her shiny owl Pokémon landed on her left arm.

"Brii..." Noctowl nodded. Ashlyn stroke his feathers as he cooed at the attention.

The gang and the trainer of Taruos caught up to Ashlyn.

Taruos Trainer's gave a sorry expression, "Woah, thanks a lot." He recalled back his falling wild bull Pokémon, "I was practicing some attacks with my Taruos when a Beedrill came out of nowhere and stung it."

Ashlyn winced, "Ouch."

Taruos' trainer gave a small laugh, "Yeah."

"Excellent... Excellent! You've trained that Noctowl of yours exceptionally well young lady." The old man told Ashlyn.

"Thank you." Ashlyn said.

"Brii!" Noctowl nodded.

"If you're interested in Pokémon I may have the perfect job for you." The old man said.

"Huh?" The gang blinked.




'Why do I feel that I'm not going to like this?' Ashlyn thought, nervously.


As the gang were following the old man to his place, he introduced the gang as Kenzo Genzō and they soon arrived at a wooden mansion in the forest.

"Well, this is it." Genzō said.

"Wow, pretty impressive." Brock complimented.

"And one and two and three and four... And one and two and three and four... And one and two and three and four... And one and two-" Many voices were heard from the inside of the mansion.

"Who are those voices?" Ashlyn asked.

Kenzo closed his eyes and turned to the side, "Hmph, that's my granddaughter and her foolish idea of Pokémon training." He answered, unhappily.

"Foolish?" Misty asked, confused.

"For centuries our home has been an honored school for Fighting-type Pokémon." Kenzo looked up at the symbol on the door. "It is a dojo, like a marital arts dojo."

"Are you the current Shihan of this dojo, Kenzo?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yes I am." Kenzo replied.


Kenzo and the gang went inside the dojo and saw some kids with their Fighting-type Pokémon, they saw a girl who seems to be the teaching and instructing them.

Kenzo's granddaughter, has short pink hair and red eyes, she also had her Pokémon beside her; Hitmontop.

Kenzo's granddaughter and Hitmontop seemed to be teaching the class about footwork. Ashlyn took out her Rotom Phone and scanned the Pokémon.

[Hitmontop, the Handstand Pokémon. Hitmontop spins like a top as it battles. A centrifugal force adds ten times the destructive power to its attacks.]

"Alright pay attention! It's important to make your attack graceful." Kenzo's granddaughter explained.

Ashlyn raised an eyebrow when she said the words, 'make your attack graceful.'

'That is so weird.' Ashlyn thought.

"Hitmontop will now demonstrate the proper form. Hitmontop." Kenzo's granddaughter told them.

"Hitmontop!" Hitmontop did a various of hand attacks and footwork's.

"Now finish it off." Hitmontop went into Rapid Spin attack

Brock and Misty were impressed. Ashlyn had an unreadable expression.

"Look at that." Misty said.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like it." Brock said.

"It's kind makes my head spin." Misty said.

"She's turning this place into a circus." Kenzo declared.

Misty and Brock looked at Kenzo, confused.

"I see your point." Ashlyn agreed.


Kenzo's granddaughter and Hitmontop waved goodbye to their students, "Okay, nice work everybody. See you tomorrow! Bye!" She said.

"Hitmontopp." Hitmontop said.

As the students and Pokémon walked off, they all stopped and bowed towards Kenzo, "Good day sir." They said.

Kenzo gave a nodded in returned.

The students and Pokémon continued on their way.

Kenzo's granddaughter saw the gang with her grandfather, she walked towards them, "Aren't you going to introduce me grandfather?" She questioned.

Kenzo nodded, "Yes, this is Chigusa Genzō and Chigusa this is Ashlyn Ketchum, she'll be replacing me." He told her.

"Huh?" Brock said.

"What?" Misty said.

Everyone looked at the current Shihan in shock.

"Ehhhh! Replacing you, as a new Shihan?" Ashlyn questioned, in disbelief.

Kenzo nodded.

Chigusa had an unhappy expression, "Grandfather, you can't be serious. I'm taking over as Shihan of this dojo." She told him.

Ashlyn grimaced, she didn't like where this was going.

Kenzo laughed, "Ah Ahahahaha, I'll would never let you be Shihan here." He told her.

"Why not?" Chigusa demanded.

Kenzo looked at his granddaughter, "A Shihan must teach the traditional way of battle..." He then looked away with his eyes closed, "You only teach ballet."

"That's not true grandfather, I'm teaching Pokémon how to be winners!" Chigusa protested.

"Of dance contest." Kenzo said, immediately.

"How can you say that?!" Chigusa exclaimed.

Kenzo looked away, ignoring his granddaughter words.

'Kenzo is really adding more fuel to the fire.' Ashlyn sweat dropped.

Chigusa turned her anger towards Ashlyn, "Alright, if you want to be the one to take over here... You're going to have to beat the two of us!" She declared a challenge.

"Top!" Hitmontop challenged.

Ashlyn sweat dropped, "I never said anything about wanting to take over. I'm currently on a journey." She told her.

Chigusa ignored her words, "Come on! Send out one of your Fighting-type Pokémon!" She demanded.

"You might as well, Ashlyn." Misty stated.

"She's not going to going back to back down. She wants to prove her grandfather wrong." Brock added.

Ashlyn sighed at this predicament. She really didn't want to do this. But if a Pokémon battle is what its going to take to convince her, then she'll have to do it.

She took out a Pokéball, "I only have one on me." Then she released Mienshao.

"Mienshao." Mienshao said as she appeared.

Kenzo's eyes widened in surprise, "Well I'll be." He was impressed by the Fighting-type Pokémon before him.

Chigusa frowned, "What Pokémon is that?"

Kenzo sighed, "I guess, I have to teach you about Pokémon from other regions." He told his granddaughter. "That's Mienshao, a Fighting-type Pokémon who's usually found in the Unova Region."

"Shao." Mienshao nodded.

"Very well," Chigusa said, "but I will win."

"Top." Hitmontop nodded.


Ashlyn and Chigusa went to the battle arena of the dojo and got ready to battle.

Kenzo became the referee, "Salute your opponent." He told them.

Chigusa and Hitmontop bowed. Ashlyn and Mienshao followed, copying them, bowing.

"Begin!" Kenzo declared.

"Okay Mienshao use Bulk Up." Ashlyn started off.

A red glow surrounded Mienshao, raising her attack and defense.

"Hitmontop hit that Mienshao with Rolling Kick." Chigusa ordered.

Hitmontop jumped over to Mienshao to kick her.

"Use Detect, Mienshao." Ashlyn countered.

Mienshao's eyes glowed light blue and dodged Hitmontop's attack, making Hitmontop very surprised and confused.

"Don't let your rhythm go down because of this," Chigusa commanded, "use Rapid Spin."

Hitmontop spun on his head like a top towards Mienshao.

"Stand your ground and keep a close eye on Hitmontop, Mienshao." Ashlyn ordered.

"Use Triple Kick." Chigusa commanded.

Hitmontop tried to kick Mienshao three times, but Mienshao dodged all of them.

"Use Low Sweep to stop Hitmontop from spinning." Ashlyn countered.

Mienshao swept her legs at Hitmontop's head, tripping Hitmontop.

"Hitmooonnntopp!" The handstand Pokémon cried out as it lost its balance.

"Now use Strength, Mienshao."

Mienshao glowed white and grabbed one of Hitmontop's hands. Then she swung Hitmontop around and then tossed it to the ground.

"Finish it with Force Palm." Mienshao ran to Hitmontop and puts her palm (at least I think she has a paw) on it, a huge bright light yellow Blast is fired from her paw.

"Hitmoontoppp!" Hitmontop cried out in pain and collapsed backwards onto the ground.

"Hitmontop!" Chigusa went to help her Pokémon.

"Toppppp..." It said, with swirling eyes.

"Enough." Kenzo voice was heard.

Chigusa gasped.

"The match is over. Ashlyn and her Mienshao are the stronger team." Kenzo declared.

Chigusa went over to Ashlyn, "You have to tell me Ashlyn, how did you dodge Hitmontop's Triple Kick?" She asked.

"The truth is all I did was pay attention to Hitmontop's movement carefully." Ashlyn answered.

"Mien." Mienshao nodded.

"They won because they're a team." Kenzo spoke up.

"But we're a team too." Chigusa said.

"Simply because the Pokémon and the person who trained it are battling the same opponent, it does not mean that they are truly a team." Kenzo explained, "Spinning can be a a great offense, but it makes it difficult for Hitmontop to defend itself from the next attack. You put your Pokémon in danger. A wise trainer would've known that to avoid that."

Chigusa looked at her Hitmontop, "I... Never would've thought of that." She said. "Maybe you're right..."

"Top?" Hitmontop looked back at its trainer.

"Young people think that they are always right. All you care about is having all your Pokémon dance and moves like they are in a show!" Kenzo said, with his eyes closed, "Your attacks may pretty, but if you don't work with your Pokémon, you will never achieve. You will never be Shihan at this dojo!" He opened his eyes looking directly at his granddaughter.

Chigusa flinched and collapsed to her knees, she covered her face with her hands, "I'm sorry Hitmontop. I've been so caught up in how your attacks looked that I lost sight of how important it is to be a team. Maybe I'm not meant to be a Shihan." She confessed.

"Hitmontop." Hitmontop said.

Chigusa looked up and face her Pokémon, "Hitmontop, are you willing to give me one more chance?" She asked.

Hitmontop smiled, "Mon Hitmontop." It nodded.

Chigusa grabbed Hitmontop hands, "I promise this time we will be a real team!" She declared.

"Montop!" The handstand Pokémon nodded.

Chigusa looked at Ashlyn and Mienshao, she got off the ground, "Ashlyn, would you and Mienshao be willing to help us train?" She asked.

Ashlyn smiled, "We love to help." She replied.

Mienshao nodded, "Shao."

"Great! Don't hold back!" Chigusa said.

"Montop!" Hitmontop said.


The next day a turquoise haired man came to the dojo.

"I want a battle... And I also want to be a Shihan." The man said.

"Who are you?" Brock asked.

"My name is Shiro Jirō and I came to challenge the Shihan of this dojo to a Pokémon battle." The man said.

"Shiro Jirō. I have heard of that name." Kenzo said.

"Shiro Jirō, is a Pokémon trainer who everybody that is by the Fighting Dojo's calls the 'Dojo Destroyer'." Chigusa announced.

"Dojo Destroyer!" Brock and Misty exclaimed, shocked.

"That's right. When I defeat the Shihan's, I win the plaques that hangs in front of their dojo's. I have eleven already and I'm going for an even dozen." Shiro said.

"And what is the purpose?" Kenzo asked.

"I'm planning on opening my own Fighting Pokémon Dojo battle back home and I want my students respect." Shiro answered.

"I see." Kenzo said.

"Kenzo, why don't you let Chigusa battle Shiro?" Ashlyn suggested.

"Hm?" He turned to her.

"It would be a great way for her to show the results of her training." Ashlyn replied, "I know that she can beat him."

Kenzo pondered for a second, "Very well, my granddaughter will be your opponent."

Chigusa blinked in confusion.

"Will you still accept?"

Shiro nodded, "I accept."

"Grandfather?" Chigusa said.

"Show me that you and Hitmontop are a team, Chigusa." Kenzo requested.

Chigusa nodded with determination, "We will."

Everyone headed to the battle field.


Shiro and Chigusa stood on either side of the field.

Kenzo was acting as the judge.

"This is a one on one battle between Chigusa Genzō the granddaughter of Kenzo Genzō, the Shihan of the Genzō Dojo and Shiro Jirō the Challenger." Kenzo announced. "No time limit! Let the match begin!"

"Good luck Chigusa!" Ashlyn cheered.

"Go, Hitmonlee!" Shiro sent out the kicking Pokémon.

"Hitmonlee!" The kicking Pokémon appeared.

"Hitmonlee, huh?" Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone.

[Hitmonlee, the Kicking Pokémon. Hitmonlee can extend and retract its legs at will to kick opponents from almost any distance.]

"Go, Hitmontop!" Chigusa sent out her handstand Pokémon.

"Top Hitmontop!" It said, appeared.

"Go Hitmonlee!"

"Okay, Hitmontop lets go!"

Both Pokémon charged towards each other and kicking and punching each other, but also dodging and block each other attacks.

"Hitmontop use Rapid Spin!" Hitmontop went into its Rapid Spin attack.

"Hitmontop can't read our attacks while it's spinning." Shiro smirked, "Move in and prepare to attack Hitmonlee!"

"Hitmonlee!" The kicking Pokémon moved in.

Chigusa reminded calm and watched her opponent's Pokémon movement.

"Hitmonlee use Rolling Kick!" Shiro commanded.

"Hitmonlee!" It prepared to use its attacks.

"It's coming from the right!" Chigusa called out.

"Hitmontop!" The handstand Pokémon moves to the left avoiding the kick, whiling still spinning.

"Watch out on the left!" Hitmontop dodged again, "The right again!"

"Hitmontop!" It jumped, avoid the kick.

Shiro and his Pokémon were shocked, "B-But how?"


"She's doing great." Misty said.

Brock nodded, "Yeah."

"She's not relying on Hitmontop's spinning so much this time." Ashlyn stated, "That's why she's doing so great."

Mienshao nodded, "Mienshao."

"Correct." Kenzo agreed.


"Good work Chigusa but you're still not skilled enough to beat us. Hitmonlee, knock it off balance with a Double Kick!" Shiro commanded.

"They're coming from straight ahead." Chigusa told her still spinning Pokémon.

Hitmonlee charged towards the handstand Pokémon to kick it but it was blocked.

"Try a High Jump Kick Hitmonlee!" Hitmonlee prepared a different attack.

"Hitmontop tried a upright Rapid Spin!" Chigusa commanded.

"Hitmontop!" Hitmontop did want Chigusa asked it to do.

"Hitmonlee?!" The kicking Pokémon was shocked.

"What's this?!" Shiro was shocked.

"Hitmontop, go directly into a Triple Kick!" Chigusa said.

"Hitmontop Hitmontop Hitmontop!" Hitmontop charged forward, towards the kicking Pokémon.

"It's coming from above!" Shiro shouted out, he was slightly sweating.

Hitmonlee manages to dodge the kick, it was slightly sweating as well.

"From below!" Hitmonlee manages to dodge it, "From... I don't know!" Shiro sweated, he couldn't read the attacks.

Hitmontop jumped into the sky.

Shiro and Hitmonlee looked into the sky, watching Hitmontop,

"Alright Hitmontop, cut straight down and kick away!" Chigusa pointed towards her opponent.

"HITMON-TOP!" The handstand Pokémon landed a head kick.

Shiro was shocked.

Chigusa smiled.


"She did it!" Misty and Ashlyn cheered.

"Shao!" Mineshao smiled.

Brock smiled.

Kenzo nodded, proudly.


"Hitmon-lee..." It collapsed onto the ground with swirling eyes.

"Hitmonlee cannot continue. Hitmontop wins!" Kenzo declared the winner.

Suddenly, a smog appeared on the battle field.

"What the heck is going on?" Shiro asked.

"Forget your match and prepare for trouble." A familiar female voice said as the smog cleared to reveal Hitmontop and Hitmonlee caught up in a net.

"We made out catch and we made it double." A familiar male voice said as the net is lifted up into the air by Weezing.

"To protect the world from devastation." Jessie said.

"To unite all peoples within our nation." James said.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love." Jessie continued, standing back to back with James in their passenger basket dressed as ninjas.

"Tesla use Swift on the net!" Tesla summoned a bunch of stars from her tail and threw them at the net that had Hitmontop and Hitmonlee which made Weezing dodge the attack. The net broke apart and the two Pokémon were free.

"Oh no!" Jessie and James exclaimed.

"Weezing!" Weezing cried.

"You were suppose to guard the net!" Jessie snapped.

Weezing flinched at her harsh tone.

"Tesla, use Thunder Shock! Mienshao, Aura Sphere!" Ashlyn called out.

The two released their attacks and hit the balloon which made Team Rocket scream out in pain. The balloon exploded and the trio and their Pokémon were sent flying.

"That brat keeps interrupting us!" Jessie growled.

"How is she able to do that?" James pondered.

"Who knows?" Meowth shrugged.

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet saluted.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" The trio screamed.

"WOBB WOBBUHHH!!!" Wobbuffet proclaimed.

Everyone let out sighs of relief.

"Thank goodness that's over." Chigusa said.

Ashlyn nodded, "Yeah."

"Chigusa." Shiro called out.

Chigusa and Hitmontop turned to him.

"I have to admit that I've never expected those kind of attacks like that." Shiro complimented.

Chigusa smiled, "Thank you, Shiro. You were great as well."

Shiro nodded, "You did your best Hitmonlee." He recalled back his kicking Pokémon. "Now I can see that your dojo has a great reputation Kenzo Genzō." He told the Shihan.

Kenzo nodded, "You are graciousness in defeat." He said.

Shiro bowed before the Shihan, "Thank you." He left the dojo.

A few minutes later, a beeping sound was heard. Ashlyn gasped.

"My egg!" She yelped and quickly went to her bag and took out her Pokémon egg which was glowing.

"Everyone, get behind Ashlyn!" Brock instructed.

Everyone quickly got behind Ashlyn as she sat down and placed the egg in her lap. The egg glowed brightly as the egg took shape of the Pokémon. When the glow died down, Ashlyn was shocked again at the Pokémon. Her Rotom Phone came out and scanned the Pokémon.

[Zeraora, the Thunderclap Pokémon. It electrifies its claws and tears its opponents apart with them. Even if they dodge its attack, they'll be electrocuted by the flying sparks.]

"Sounds like one strong Pokémon." Brock commented.

"But a little bit scary too." Misty added.

Zeraora opened its eyes and saw Ashlyn.

"Hello little one, I'm your trainer." Ashlyn smiled.

Zeraora blinked and crawled up her chest and nuzzled against her cheek. Ashlyn continued to smile as rubbed Zeraora's head who purred at the affection.

"So will you give Zeraora a name?" Misty asked.

"Yes and I know just the name." Ashlyn replied, "Raiden."

'Raiden' looked up at Ashlyn, "Do you like it?" She asked.

Raiden smiled at the name.

"I guess he likes it." Brock said.

Ashlyn and Raiden smiled.


It was the afternoon and the gang got ready to leave.

"Thank you so much Ashlyn and I'm sorry for causing trouble." Chigusa said.

"It's fine." Ashlyn assured.

"I have a lot to learn, so from now on my grandpa is going to train me how to be a Shihan."

Kenzo sighed, "I'm getting too old to be a trainer."

"But we have to keep our tradition!" Chigusa said.

"Hitmon top." It added.

"Well, perhaps I can show you two a thing or two I suppose." Kenzo smiled.

Chigusa smiled and bowed, "Thanks grandpa."

"Top!" Hitmontop bowed.

"I'm sure that you'll be great Shihan, Chigusa." Ashlyn told her.

"That's because you're learning from the best." Brock commented.

The gang gave a bow before walking away.

"Take care of yourselves." Kenzo told them.

"You too Kenzo." Ashlyn said.

"Bye! Bye!" Brock and Misty said, waving.

"Bye, good luck on your journey!" Chigusa waved.

Hitmontop waved as well.


And so, after a little help from Ashlyn and her friends, the future of the dojo seems secure but what lies ahead for the gang. Now they continue on their journey.


Pokémon on hand: Raichu (Tesla)(F), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Bayleef (F), Croconaw (M), Shiny Noctowl (M), Quilava (M), Espurr (Orin)(M), Espurr (Bella)(F), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Togetic (F), Mienshao (F), Steelix (M), Mareep (F), Misdreavus (F), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M)

*Marshadow is hiding in Ashlyn's shadow

Pokémon Caught: Heracross (M), Furret (F), Stantler (F), Bayleef (F), Quilava (M), Togetic (F), Croconaw (M), Steelix (M), Mareep (F), Girafarig (F), Misdreavus (F), Sobble (M), Grookey (M), Shiny Froakie (Genji)(M), Shiny Chespin (Cybele)(F), Hakamo-o (M), Goomy (F), Espurr (Orin)(M), Espurr (Bella)(F), Nickit (F), Gothita (F), Rapidash (F), Houndour (M), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M)

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