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4.57% My Neighbor Calls Me Daddy / Chapter 19: Omake

Chương 19: Omake

Leo: To our fellow readers, thank you for reading the novel on me and Hunter's lives. *bow*

Hunter: *bow*

Leo: It's been 2 weeks in our fictional world, so the author decided to do this stupid thing.

Hunter: Don't call it stupid!

Leo: Hunter, what is an omake?

Hunter: To put it simply, it's an extra that is usually put at the end of an anime episode or manga volume.

Leo: Oh! Hunter you are so smart! *tries to kiss him but failed*

Hunter: Stop sticking so close to me.

Leo: How cruel! How can you do this to your wife!

Hunter: You're not my wife!

Leo: No I'm not a female. I'm your partner!

Hunter: *facepalm* Anyways, in an omake, we usually include some useful information about our world.

Leo: Like the sizes of our d*ck?

Hunter: No-

Leo: Mine is 7 inches while Hunter's is 11 inches!

Hunter: How do you even know-

Leo: I checked. *smirks*

Hunter: Anyways, to get back on track, we should introduce our school to the readers.

Leo: Boring.

Huter: *rolls eyes* Our school is called XX Private Academy, it's a private school located in a rather wealthy area. It consists of one massive school building, an indoor basketball court, a football field and a swimming pool.

Leo: Speaking of swimming pools, Hunter, why do you like wearing Speedos so much?

Hunter: What's wrong with them?

Leo: They're soooo erotic *nosebleed*

Hunter: They're more convenient than pants.

Leo: Sure. *smirks*

Hunter: Stop.

Leo: Stop what?

Hunter: Stop with the *smirk*

Leo: *ahegao*

Hunter: How are you even doing th-

Leo: Here's an interesting fact: Did you guys know that Hunter has been voted hottest male in high school for two consecutive years?

Hunter: Where did you get that info?

Leo: From the online school forum.

Hunter: Can we please get back on track?

Leo: Fine.

Hunter: The next thing a reader might be curious about is Ares International. Ares is a multinational private military company that also provide security and counter-intelligence services. Think of Ares as a combination of B*ackwater and P*nkerton.

Leo: Hmmm.... Okay, who cares about that. I wanna know the first name of your dad, Hunter!

Hunter: That will be revealed in time...

Leo: Just like our s*x scene?

Hunter: Didn't we already have a few s*x scenes?

Leo: Those doesn't even count! I want you to pound me hard! Make me scream daddy! Make my waist so sore that I can't even get up the next morning!

Hunter: Keep your fantasies in your dreams, Leo.

Leo: But everyone wants to see it! Even the author wants to see-

Hunter: Anyways, unlike this s*x-craved freakshow, I have a sense of propriety so-

Leo: Hey.

Hunter: What is it Leo?

Leo: Don't you think it's better if we gradually introduce the world to the audience instead of engaging in this stupid info dump?

Hunter: Wow, Leo, I did not think you could make such an intelligent analysis.

Leo: What did you say? *fuming*

Hunter: Well it's simple. You have read other web novels right?

Leo: Yeah, so?

Hunter: Don't you think it's annoying how they repeat the same things over and over again each chapter just to satisfy the word count?

Leo: Yeah! It's so annoying right?

Hunter: You see, unlike traditional novels, which allows authors to write the beginning and the end before publishing, web novels are a continuous publication, so authors would usually run out of ideas for the next arc after several hundred chapters so they drag the story along as long as they could so they could think of new plotlines before continuing on with the plot.

Leo: Kind of like when an anime caught up with the manga.

Hunter: That's right. But unlike D*agon B*ll Z or N**uto, web novelists are paid by the chapter, so they are forced to write a certain amount of words per day.

Leo: But our author didn't even sign a contract yet!

Hunter: I know, but you see....

Leo: What?

Hunter: We've just wasted almost 700 words babbling against each other.

Leo: You're just ripping off G*ntama!

Hunter: Yep.

Leo: You cheater! At least give the readers a s*x scene to satisfy their desires.

Hunter: *walks towards Leo* Oh, you want a s*x scene, do you?

Leo: Yes, daddy!

Hunter: Here, stuff it up your a*sh*le. *throws eggplant at Leo*

Leo: This is the eggplant from the first chapter!

Hunter: Mmhmm

Leo: It's been 2 weeks now, how have this eggplant not gone bad yet?!

Hunter: deus ex machina

Leo: ?

Hunter: The eggplant accidentally fell into a wormhole and travelled through time.

Leo: I thought this was a BL school romcom?! When did it turn sci-fi?

Hunter: plot device.

Leo: ...

Hunter: Besides, how is this a comedy? I don't find you funny at all.

Leo: That's so mean! *cries in corner*

Hunter: Don't worry, the eggplant could make you feel better.

Leo: I'm instantly over it.

Hunter: *rolls his eyes*

Leo: Wait.

Hunter: What.

Leo: If the eggplant can travel trough time, does that mean I could go back in time and drag an 8-year-old you here?

Hunter: No don't-

8-year-old Hunter: Where am I?

Leo: OMG So cute!!!! <3 <3

Hunter: *facepalm*

8-year-old Hunter: Leo? You got bigger.

Hunter: Don't encourage him.

Leo: Yeah, I got bigger. *smirks*

8-year-old: And I got old *stares at Hunter*

Hunter: *stares back*

Leo: Kyaah! I'm dying! I can't!

Hunter: Leo brought you here, so if you wanna go back, beat him up.

Leo: Wait, Hunter, I can explain. No! Ah! Stop! Yamete~~

8-year-old Hunter: *proceeds to beat Leo up*

Hunter: Leo, you can't even fight against an 8-year-old? *smirks*

Leo: That doesn't count, he might be an 8-year-old, but his martial prowess is the same as that of an adult! AH! *beaten to a pulp*

Hunter: Send him back if you don't wanna die.

Leo: Fine. *reluctantly sent 8-year-old Hunter back*

Hunter: Well... let's continue. Let's talk about my house.

Leo: Tell me where you hide your p*rn stash!

Hunter: You're still thinking about that?

Leo: I couldn't find it in your room!

Hunter: For the 1000th time Leo, I DON'T HAVE A P*RN STASH.

Leo: Does your dad have one?

Hunter: *glares*

Leo: Ok, nevermind.

Hunter: My house consists of 2 floors and a garage.

Leo: You don't have a basement?

Hunter: *shook his head*

Leo: Where do you put all the useless stuff then.

Hunter: We throw them out.

Leo: *horrified*

Hunter: The ground floor consists of the living room, the dining room and the kitchen. The living room has the staircase that goes up to the second floor. The second floor consists of my room, a bathroom, and a master bedroom with another bathroom inside.

Leo: Your house seems quite small.

Hunter: Yeah. Only my father and I live in it, so we don't need such a large house.

Leo: Ok, you can just have my house when we're married.

Hunter: Why don't you focus on trying to get me on a date first.

Leo: What do you mean?

Hunter: We haven't even have our first date yet.

Leo: *thinking**horrified* You're right! We haven't even gone on a date yet!

Hunter: How did that even gloss over your mind.

Leo: That's because we already reached second base in the 2nd chapter and third base on the 5th chapter, we didn't even have time to develop our relationship yet!

Hunter: And whose fault do you think that is?!

Leo: ...

Hunter: If you weren't so thirsty all the time, we might have already gone on a few dates and become lovey dovey by now.

Leo: Does that mean if we go on dates now, you'll be lovey dovey with me?

Hunter: No. That was just a hypothetical situation.

Leo: Tch! Stop lying to yourself. You're totally into me.

Hunter: Am not.

Leo: Are too.

Hunter: Am not.

Leo: *immediately strips*

Hunter: What are you doing?!

Leo: See, you got hard.

Hunter: ...

Leo: It seems your mouth might not be honest, but your body is.

Hunter: That was just a normal physiological reaction. I'm a teenager after all.

Leo: Does that mean you'll get hard to anyone?

Hunter: ... No.

Leo: I didn't see you get hard to James.

Hunter: Eww, no!

Leo: If James heard this he would be super depressed.

Hunter: Then don't mention it to him.

Leo: *smirks*

Hunter: *facepalm* Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems that this omake is coming to a close soon.

Leo: Why? I want to spend more time with you! *crying crocodile tears*

Hunter: It's because we have almost reached 1,500 words.

Leo: Did we just waste a whole chapter bantering to each other.

Hunter: Yes we did.

Leo: What about the plot?! How do you expect people with limited attention span to remember what is going on?!

Hunter: Ok fine. Here's a synopsis of the previous chapters: Leo tried to have s*x with me. He epic failed.

Leo: *crying* Readers, I'll try harder in the future, so please cheer me on!

Hunter: Thank you, and goodbye. *bows*

Leo: sayonara. *bows*

next chapter

Chương 20: "Let's get elected to the Student Council!"

"Let's get elected to the Student Council!" Leo exclaimed.

I thought a new week would start with a calm breeze but instead it was a hurricane.

"I never thought I'll say this." I replied, "But please go back to when you would say 'F**k me daddy' to me every day."

"I'll be Student Council President," Leo totally ignored me. He pointed at me, poking at my chest, "And you'll be Vice President."

"No thanks," I said. "I'm already very busy with school and basketball practice, when will I even have enough time to handle student affairs as a Student Council member?"

"Just leave it all to me." He puffed out his chest and patted himself.

I rolled my eyes.

As we headed to school, I tried to dissuade Leo from going on this reckless endeavour.

"We're only sophomores," I reasoned. "No one's gonna elect us. Besides, don't you need the endorsements of half the teachers in our school before you can even file your campaign?"

To emulate the convoluted and annoying process of party nominations in this country, our school decided to follow similar rules to let student know more about the political process of the country. A student who would like to become Student Council President would need 1/2 of all teachers in our school's endorsement. Then, each class in school will participate in the primaries, where they will elect 1 delegate from each class to represent said class. Each delegate will choose one person they want as a candidate for the elections. The 2 persons with the most and second most votes from the delegates will become the nominees for the upcoming elections.

"I'm gonna get all the endorsements at lunch!" Leo pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you even know how many teachers there are in this school?"

"175." Leo replied. "So I would need 88 endorsements in order to file my campaign."

"And how are you gonna get all these endorsements at lunchtime?" I asked.

"Just go to the teacher's tables and ask them to endorse me."

"You think they'll just endorse you if you ask?"

"Yes. Due to the annoying procedures for the elections, the teachers will literally endorse anyone who approaches them and asks for it."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't count me in any part of it."

Leo immediately grabbed my arm with both of his, looked up and stared at me with his puppy dog eyes. "Please, Hunter! I need you!"

I pushed Leo away. "And how am I gonna help?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Do you even know how popular you are at school?"

I tilted my head in confusion.

Leo took out his phone and went to the online school forum. Then, he clicked on a subgroup called, "Nosebleed".

After the page loaded, many pictures of myself appeared on the webpage. Some of me smiling, me working, me eating, me playing basketball. All these pictures have at least 1,000 likes. The comments section have at least 5,000 conversations.

My face darkened. "What is this?"

"Didn't you notice the girls taking pictures of you occasionally?"

"I mostly just ignore them, how would I know that they were doing that!" I thought inside.

"With you on the ticket, I can snatch all the girls' votes!" Leo exclaimed.

"No. I'm not doing it." I reiterated.

"I should make a complaint to the moderators and have them shut down the subgroup." I thought to myself.


After diligently listening to the teachers in 1st and 2nd period, lunchtime arrived. I saw Leo taking out a notebook from his backpack. He flipped to the first page and quickly scribbled on it.

"Leo Wilson, Endorsements of Instructors."

Before I had a chance to talk, Leo immediately ran ahead of me and shouted, "I'm gonna go get the signatures of 88 teachers now! See you in a bit."

I sighed. "Why do you always make trouble." I thought.

I knew that Leo always had a passion for Civics but I didn't know he would go pursue his passion to this extent.

I sat down opposite Rebecca and Wilson and waited for Leo. As Leo wasn't here, Rebecca doesn't have anyone to talk to. Therefore, she started badgering James, who seemed like he was having a hard time. James looked at me, as if signalling me to stop Rebecca. I shook my head.

"Don't ask me to help you! I don't want a talking bee next to me." I thought to myself.

After half an hour, Leo returned with a notebook filled with signatures.

"Done." Leo yelled cheerfully, "Now I just need to hand this to the principal's office after school."

Rebecca and James looked quite surprised as they were not informed of Leo's decision to run for President.

However, Rebecca stated she is going to cheer for him, while James nodded in agreement.


In the afternoon, after class ended, I headed to basketball practice while Leo rushed off to the principal's office.

By the time I finished practice, he was already waiting for me at the entrance.

"Here." Leo handed me a pin badge that read, "Vice Presidential Candidate".

"I thought I said I'm not participating in this charade." I said.

"It's too late, I've already put you on the ticket, you can't back out now." Leo replied proudly, with his chest sticking out, showing his new "Presidential Candidate" pin badge that he fixed on the right side of his chest.

"You!" Before I had a chance to say something, someone walked over.

"Mr. Lee, please come with us to the Spencer's Mansion."

It was the chauffeur from last time.

"What is this?" Leo asked in curiosity.

"Oh, Arthur's dad hired me to become Adrian's personal instructor." I replied.


"Don't be sur-"

"Doesn't that mean I won't get to spend time with you in the afternoon then?" Leo exclaimed.

"That's what you're surprised about?!" I wanted to talk more but the chauffeur is waiting for me. "We'll talk tonight, okay?"

"Fine." Leo pouted.


Being back in the mansion, I felt complicated. I personally did not like being 'forced' to do something, but since this will let me establish a good relationship with the Spencer Family, I obliged.

Unlike last time, Mr. Spencer welcomed me at the entrance. "Welcome back, Hunter."

I nodded. "It seems that you have already cleaned the blood from the carpet."

"Yes, I actually spent quite a fortune on that." Mr. Spencer replied calmly. "Appearances are important, after all."

I inwardly rolled my eyes.

"Well, Hunter. Would you like to take a seat to take a look at the contract drafted by my lawyers?" Mr. Spencer asked amicably.

"Please." I replied.

We headed to the sofa next to the fireplace. A well-detailed contract was written in front of me.

I read the contract meticulously, reading it 3 times over and checking if there were any loopholes. "There's no problem with the contract." I said.

"Good." Mr. Spencer replied. He handed me an exquisitely crafted M*ntbl*nc fountain pen.

I opened the cap and signed my name on the dotted line, I then handed the pen back to Mr. Spencer. He signed as well.

Mr. Spencer took another copy of the contract and we signed it. I retained one contract while he retained the other.

"Now, Hunter. If you would come with me." Mr. Spencer said.

The contract stipulates that any activity I engage in with Adrian within the mansion is considered 'teaching' and therefore can be counted as billable. Therefore, I was hoping to see Adrian as soon as possible.

We headed up the spiraling staircase to the second floor, then walked across the long hallway. Mr. Spencer opened the door at the end of the hallway.

"After you, Hunter."

I nodded, heading in first.

Adrian's room was very luxurious. There was a King-sized bed located on the side. He had multiple wardrobes on all sides of the room and his work desk was located opposite his bed. Adrian is currently sitting on an office chair and playing video games.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Adrian tilted his head and saw me heading in. He immediately jumped in fright, knocking down the chair and falling to the ground. He raised his head and pointed at me while still on the ground. "You-you-you! What are you doing here!" Adrian screamed.

"Adrian, don't be rude!" Mr. Spencer scolded. "Hunter is going to be your instructor starting today, so be more polite!"

"No!" Adrian screamed. "Dad! Please! Don't let me near this guy! No!"

"It seems that I have scared you too much last time." I shook my head, muttering to myself.

I walked towards Adrian's slouched body.

"No! Get away! Don't come here!" Adrian shouted. He was too frightened to even move from his spot.

I stood in front of Adrian and knelt down. "Adrian, I'm your teacher starting from today. Please take care of me." I gave a stiff smile.

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