Amidst the oppressive silence of the ancient underground chamber, Cardinal Rossi's lips parted as if to offer a response to the leader of the Order. However, before he could utter a single word, his intentions were thwarted as the enigmatic figure raised a hand, signaling for silence. His words carried an air of impatience, an urgency that was underscored by the cacophonous symphony of battle raging outside the pyramid.
"Do not speak any further," the leader of the Order interjected, his voice a calm counterpoint to the turmoil beyond. "Our men are dying in the midst of battle, and I would very much like to finish our business here and assist them."
The leader's words, tinged with an undercurrent of confidence in his impending victory, had an air of disrespect that Cardinal Rossi found deeply unsettling. The audacity to assume victory even before their confrontation had concluded was an affront to the Cardinal's resolve and the righteous cause he upheld.