Adam arrived the last section with a tired look on his handsome face. His hair dripped sweat like it was water, giving it a slick feeling. His face was pale with exhaustion that he had to bend to catch his breath. The worst he tought of came to passing and he narrowly escaped death. It wasn't like he hadn't experienced the fear of death before, but dying on a mountain which was collapsing was the worst he could think of.
"That was crazy. An absolute chain reaction that almost cost me my life. That was a very expensive to purchase. Now, I'll rest here before going again."
If the first phase was abou perception and agility, and the second phase, endurance and strength, while the third phase was intellect and wits, the last phase was about survival instinct. This last phase required the Cadet to be able to distinguish between real and unreal situations. Possible or impossible possibilities. Only one born with what it takes could pass this round.
"Sir! Cadet Lebron has made it to the last phase. He is practically unstoppable at this point. What are your orders, Sir?" In an office belonging to a lieutenant general, the colonel in charge of security reported to the lieutenant general about his findings during the freshmen one-time training. The lieutenant general was a seventy-five years old man who looked like he was in his forties. Human's gene augmentation changed the system of humans into something more powerful, which could support life up to three hundred years. He was dressed in a white officer uniform. A metal plate with the symbol of a crescent moon and a shield was pinned to his collar, with a three crescent moon metal plate pinned to the other collar. His dress wasdecorated in awards of valors and symbols of heroic deeds during his active time of service in the field of battle. Such men were renowned in the human federation.
"Let him be. He's done enough for today. In the meantime, prepare his R3 reaper certification. He deserves more for being able to reach this level at such a young age. The federation doesn't deserve his service. Hecan't be kept for long because he will discover everything sooner or later. Such talent is wasted if he remains part of the federation. Call my student, tell her I need to speak with her!"
"Sir! Yes, sir!" The colonel replied. But before he could leave the lieutenant general's office, the general passed another order: "Also,Keep cadet Lebron's case confidential. Things could get messy if other factions get hold of this information! Do I make myself clear?"
"Sir! Yes Sir!" The colonel answered again before being dismissed from the office. The lieutenant general had a big smile on his face. One thing he was sure of was that Adam's future would be something the federation has never seen or heard of.
After forty minutes of playing in the last phase, Adam made it out of the illusory zone and started swimming to the other side to reach the portal. Adam reached the portal without any problem and entered it. He was quite suprised that the last phase was simple.
"Cadet Lebron! You're done with today's training. Other cadets have retreated to perform other tasks, but you are coming with me to the lieutenant general's office. Take of your bangs immediately and go shower up. You stink."
Sergent Otto Heim was as rude as ever. He was considerate enough to allow the young cadet to shower up. But what exactly were they going to do in an office? That's weird.
After taking a shower, Adam dressed in a new black uniform. He was on his way to the general's office when he noticed he had an unchecked system notification. So he decided to open it.
<Mission complete>
<Complete all training level without any ability>
<User has levelled up>
<User has received new skill book(rare)>
<User is now C Rank superhuman>
<User is now allowed access to potions>
<User info>
Name: Adam Lebron
Age: 17
Bloodline: none
Race: Human
Grade: Rare (increaseable)
Rank: C
Level: 16
EXP: 675/1000
HP: 1500/1500
Energy: 2700/3000
Strength: 75
Speed: 75
Agility: 75
Perception: 75
Regeneration: 75
Inteligence: 87
Charisma: 127
Free potential points: 1750
Adam was suprised and satisfied with his crazy upgrade. His increase in strength was significantly wild. The increase in health points and Enery level had to do with awakening rank. Most superhumans cultivate their energy to enter the next rank. While some focus on their levels, which show their level of experience and skills.
Adam didn't reall care because he had a system that made things easier. He was bound to reach the topwith a system, but somtimes he didn't want to rely on it in case it becomes useless in certain situations. It was better todo things on your own, but for now, the system was important.
Adam didn't Know when he entered the general's office. He was still alert the whole time just for emergencies. But the air seemed calm. He entered the office and saw two people, the general sitting on his chsir and a female cadet in black uniform standing opposite him like one receiving orders.
"Cadet Lebron! It's good to finally meet you. First, I congratulate you on your successful certification of being a reaper agent. From now on, you are an R3 agent ad have bern assigned to the Lucifer unit." The general spoke formally, with his gaxe still locked on Adam. He was trying to catch that feeling of fear and uneasiness in his eyes. But Adam was too calm and even curved his lips into an arrogant smile.
I understand, sir! Is that all?" When he turned his head and gazed at the female cadet in black by his left, he felt his heart shift like it wanted to run away.
She had a long silver-blond hair and scarlet eyes. Her pale skin, like crystals and her pink lips. Even her figure was naturally attractive. She was Hailey, the girl who saw her brother being killed by Adam.
Hailey had an expresdion of hatred written all over her face. She tried all she could to hide are intense killing intent, but Adam could still perceive the pressure, which was negligeable like it was gust in the wind. Hailey's family was what made her not take action when he was still locked in jail. As a cadet of the federation's armed force, killing or hurting civilians without proper authorisation was a crime and could result in her being dismissed.
Hailey didn't wait for orders before leaving the general's office. The thought letting her big brother's murderer walk freely like nothing happened made her stomach churn in anger and grief. She also blamed herself for supporting her brother in going through with that fight.
Adam also left the general's office and followed behind Hailey with his cold aura surrounding him. This sent chills through Hailey's spine. She was determined to avenge her big brother, but Adam's aura made her think with her head and not her heart, successfully bringing her back to reality.
"It's been a while, miss gorgeous! Last time, you visited me in jail. Never thought that killing your stupid elder brother was a criteria for your heart. I wonder what your family is thinking by doing this to you."
Adam said after reaching a secluded location in the reapers territory. It was easy to reach here since there were portals all over the general's office building.
Hailey was stuck on her feet in shock. How was someone like him this shameless? But what made her stunned was when Adam mentioned her family like it was nothing his dark eyes.
"Don't tell me your family didn't tell you anything. Well I'll tell you. You father, family head of the Stewarts family, Holand Stewarts, made me take a vow to protect you everywhere you go. He even made a deal that as long as I keep you out of harm's way during a mission, he would wed you to me as my wife. Well I'm not interested in you, but I always keep my promise."
Adams words choked Hailey that she coughed out blood like she was poisoned. Adams word were like knives piercing her bones and tearing off her tendons. They were painful and unbearable.
"No! It's a lie. My family can't just sell me to their worst enemy for profits. They don't love me, but they wouldn't do such." Hailey refused to believe what Adam said. How was she going to feel if everything were true?
"I don't joke around like mere humans. I am a lord, and I don't lie and cheat others. Your father signed an agreement to give me half of their shares in the Fuldane galactic bank and market. Who do you think withdrew the case of your brother's death? Your father. Who pulled some strings to get me into the reaper probation list? Your father. Well, your father loves you so much that he gave away his pride just to protect you from his enemies. I'm going to my new dorm, so I won't say anything any longer. Bye!"