Chapter #1
Ethan's Pov
I woke up in what I thought were the early hours of the morning and immediately realised something was wrong. It was as if my body had disappeared. Still, it was weird as it almost felt like it was okay, I could still move and talk like normal so that was that I guess. This is when I tried looking around me only to see nothing but a sea of white all around me and a lone desk with a chair.
"Well, I guess I died then!"
"Yes, you did Ethan, you died in your sleep. (lol)"
"Yeah, your heart stopped at 1h37 from lack of oxygen to be exact, your mom killed you in your sleep."
"Why? I don't think I did anything to warrant this…"
"No, she just had an episode and killed you when she wasn't in control of her actions."
I guess that makes sense she was always a little bi-polar, I then thought to myself that I was talking to someone I did not know about how my own mom killed me.
"Wait who are you again?" I asked the voice.
"How rude of me. I should have told you who I am before everything else right? I am the goddess of wisdom and magic; Sonala and I have been a goddess since the creation of your planet. I am here to offer you another chance at life in another world."
"Oh, so you are another old hag who might kill me in my sleep. Well, that's just my luck I guess."
"No, I won't kill you in your sleep, but now let's talk about the important part of what you said… AN OLD HAG???!! I was planning to give you the appearance of your dreams because of how you lived your short life in a way that included my domains but now I will give you the appearance I desire for you, and you will become my child whether you want it or not!"
"I am sorry… I just learned my own mom killed me and you expect me to still like being around older women?!"
"I know, I am just kind of insecure about my age and appearance but what I said still stands you know."
As the discussion advanced, I could only think about how I had gotten myself into this much trouble.
"Okay then, so where am I being reborn to, and will I at least have a loving family unlike my old one?"
"Well, you will be reborn into the world of Anatak and as for your new family that is something of a surprise for you. It will make sense in a few minutes so please wait until then.
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