Mia felt drowsy and held onto whatever she could find to keep herself from falling. She kept walking further without any direction until she realised she was going far into the woods which was very close to the beach.
"Stu--pid M-ia! Do n-ot ever get d--runk.!" Mia scolded herself. Leo had warned her or rather, he had pleaded with her not to ever get drunk because he knew what a glass could make her do.
She had gulped down half a cup of something she didn't know and was already lightheaded. She felt like throwing up and slowly, her vision began to get blur.
She tried to reach for her phone to call someone but it was very difficult because all her actions were clumsy. Finally, she got a hold of her phone and after much struggle, she managed to dial Jeremy's number. Unfortunately, he didn't pick up. She tried same with Chloe and she also didn't pick up.
If only Leo was here.
If only he was here.
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