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44% My Billionaire Crush / Chapter 11: Arielle's Mansion

Chương 11: Arielle's Mansion


"You're fired" she said that more than twenty times today since she came back from the store where she had a fight with Arizona.

She has ya,nked almost all her maids and guards.

If you breath too much, you're gone.

She sat a,ngrily on her favorite couch, thinking of a way to get back at Arizona for what she did.

The news that came on in the TV caught her interest.

Arizona passed out at the restaurant where she had a date after she saw reporters.

She stood, concentrating more on the news.

A server at the restaurant who's a student of Haesung University helped her.

"Dumb reporters, not after the saw you guys, it's your camera lights" she smiled, sitting down again.

" So…I left an impact on her, cool, I got her weakness" she said, smiling more widely.

" And another thing" she said, bringing out a picture of a young girl who has a red face with rashes allover it, her face looks wrinkled and ugly.

" How did the change occur?" She asked herself and the answer rang in her head.

She smiled widely again.

"Now I'm happy, I'm getting closer and closer to de,stroying her everyday" she muttered.



" What have I ever done to you guys!, Leave me alone‼‼" A young girl cried, shifting back as her tormentors came closer and closer.

"Being brilliant with that face is a sin, I told you to perform woefully in the test so I could emerge the best in class but you dare perform well?, Should I d,estroy your face more?" A girl's voice replied.

" Let me be please …. I'm sorry" the crying girl pleaded.

" You won't go free for what you did, gimme the a,cid" the other girl said.

The crying girl cried more loudly and started running.


Arizona sc,reamed back to life, sweating heavily, her heart pounding on her chest.

It's actually a dream.

"No…. Don't do it‼!, Help‼!" She kept scr,eaming, her eyes are still closed.

Rita stood from her chair, rushing to her with Yang.

"Arizona!" She called, climbing her bed to hold her face.

"Help‼!, Help me‼" She scr,eamed again, struggling with Rita.

"Arizona‼" Rita shouted again, shaking her.

She stopped struggling and opened her eyes slowly.

"eomma" she whispered, releasing tears from her eyes.

"I'm here, stop sc,aring me please" Rita replied, tilting her up before hu,gging her.

Yang inhaled hard in relief.

"eomma‼" She started cr,ying like a baby on Rita's shoulder.

"It's ok, it's fine, mum is here you'll be ok" Rita pacified.



Alena rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.

Her friend described this place for her and luckily she got it.

She couldn't hide her shock when she found out it's the billionaire Banks mansion.

The door opened and Cassidy gasped.

"My new personal maid?" She asked eagerly.

" Yes, my name is…

Cassidy hugged her before she could finish.

"You're so beautiful!, I love beautiful women!" She gushed happily.

Alena smiled, hugging her back.

She liked her immediately.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Cassie-Cassie" she replied

"Cassidy?" Alena replied.

" Yeah, what about you?" Cassidy asked .

" Alena" Alena smiled.

Cassidy later broke the long hug and took her in.

"Right now mum isn't back from the hospital yet so…

"What's wrong with her?" Alena quickly asked.

"It's actually my big sis"

"Oh, the incident yesterday" Alena said.

" Yes, but she's ok, she'll be discharged this morning, I'm late for school now so we'll talk better when I come back" Cassidy said, checking her wrist watch.

"Ok, go fast" Alena smiled.

"Your room!, It's just beside mine, June show her to the room" she ordered one of the maids.

She gave Alena another hug before leaving for school .



👥 What happened to his face

👥 That cute face got wounded!

👥 I'm hurt!

👥 I wish I could treat it for him

👥 It must hurt a lot

Blaze's face became the topic for discussion for girls as he walked into the school.

He got into his class and met Byung and his minions on seat already.

He stopped to look at them for a while before moving forward.

"Blaze!" Havana waved with a wide smile but the smile diminished when she noticed his face.

Blaze never bothered to return the smile before walking to the only empty seat beside a guy.

Havana's smile dropped from her face completely and Avery smiled.

Byung came to Blaze and touched his hair like a kid's.

"Good boy" he said and left class.

Havana understood immediately and went after him.

"Hey, I'm Trevor" the guy Blaze sat beside said.

"Hi" Blaze replied.

"You must have been th,reatened by that bully, I'm sure he did this to your face" Trevor said.

" Yeah" Blaze smiled

" That's why no one will never sit beside Havana, he always scares them away cos he's crushing on her but Havana hates him, funny right?" Trevor said.

" I guess so" Blaze replied.

Havana caught up with Byung in front of the class .

"You did that to Blaze's face right?" She questioned.

"He was tryna take you away, I can't stand that" he replied with a smile Havana concluded was stupid.

" I'm not yours!" She said.

" You'll still be mine if not yet" Byung winked and she ki,cked the space between his legs.

" Ouch!" He gro,aned, holding that spot.

"Stay away from me, stay away from Blaze!, Ba,stard!" She glared and went back to class.

The first two classes went by fast and soon it's time for lunch.

Everyone left class as usual.

"Aren't you eating lunch?" Trevor asked

"I'm on scholarship, you expect me to have cash for lunch?, I'm not going" he replied.

" Come on, I h,ate skinny friends, I'll buy you lunch" Trevor said.

Blaze was about to protest when Havana appeared.

"Meet me at the cafeteria" Trevor said and left class.

" Blaze you don't have to listen to Byung, he's just c,razy about me and…..

"I'm here on scholarship like you know, I don't want troubles for myself" he intruded and left her.

Avery came in immediately, laughing in m,ockery.

"Now the shiny boy has left you, let's see how you're still gonna continue featuring him in your videos" she said.

" When he wasn't here, I'm still more popular" Havana replied, arranging her hair.

" But you can't deny that since you started featuring him in your videos, you got more likes and comments, you got more popular but now it dropped, your boyfriend scared him off" Avery giggled.

" Byung is not my boyfriend!" Havana glared.

" Potential boyfriend" Avery laughed and Havana left the class a,ngrily.

Avery left too and trailed Blaze.

She saw him in front of the cafeteria and just as he was about to enter, she p,ulled him back swiftly, taking him to the next empty class

"What's wrong with you?" Blaze glared, sh,oving free from her.

Avery smiled, coming closer.

"Stick with me" she said.

"Like I'm gum?" He replied and she smiled.

" Yeah, stick like gum" she replied.

Blaze made to leave but she p,ulled him back, sl,ammed his back on the wall and tried k,issing him but he pushed her away.

She crashed on the chair.

He left the class immediately.



Arizona got discharged two hours ago and she came straight to the institute.

She's sitting in her office, her elbows on her table.

She held her head with her hands, thinking about what happened yesterday again.

How she bumped into Vince and told him to save her.

Exactly how it was fifteen years ago.

Same words she said, the air around him when it happened felt same too.

"The handsome lifesaver?, A,naconda can't be the one, what am I even thinking?, Ok sn,ap out of it, no he's not" she said to herself and stood.

She slide into her workroom and smiled when she saw her masterpiece, the gown she made for the showcase.

"Zanillia is mine, e,vil Arielle can't take her when this delicious looking dress is here" she smiled, touching it proudly.

" I'm proud of my handwork" she said, still admiring it.

Yang came in.

" Whoa!, Arizona you nailed it!, This dress is fire, i wish I could have it" he said.

" So, you now want a Vi,rgina instead of a p,enis?" She replied.

" You're so raw" Yang said.

" How's it?, What do you think?" She asked.

" It's the best design of the year" he gave a thumbs up.

" When is the seminar?" She asked.

"I came to remind you, it's thirty minutes from now" he replied.

" Then let's go, I'll k!ll two birds with a stone" she smiled, walking out of the room.



"The seminar is twenty minutes from now" Chrissy said.

Vince didn't reply, making Chrissy face him, he's starring into space.

"Hey Vince!" She called.

He faced her.

"Were you talking to me?" He asked.

" You didn't hear what I said?"

" What did you say?" He asked.

" What were you thinking?, Are you indisposed?" She asked, feeling his temperature but he took her hand away before standing.

"Lecturer Sung told me to come see him, I'll be right back" he said and left.

Chrissy looked at the book he left on the table and started flipping the pages, checking it out.

"He reads every night, secret of his brilliancy" she smiled and saw the drawing of a young girl at the back of the note.

"Who's this u,gly thing?" She said, looking at it very well.

"Maybe a character from an horror movie, but he doesn't watch movies" she wondered.

The sl,amming of two hands on her table made her jump.


Summer dropped her phone on the table.

"Give me Vince's number" she said.

"Why should I do that?" Chrissy smirked.

" Cos I asked for it, give me his line!" Summer commanded.

" If you're trying to sound authoritative, just give up already cos it's not working" Chrissy said, shifting the phone away.

Summer placed the phone back on the initial spot.

"Vince's number or I'll make you r,egret seeing today" she gla,red, bending over to Chrissy.

Chrissy stood.

"You're the daughter of Mrs Hwang, get his number from the students info board, it's with your mum" she said.

"And I'm saying I want it from you" Summer insisted.

"Get lost" Chrissy said.

" Say that again" Summer replied.


Chrissy hasn't said lost when Summer landed a deafening sla,p on her right cheek.

The students gasped, the video makers only got more excited.

Things are getting spicy.

Chrissy held her face, facing Summer.

"Are you cr,azy!"

"You should know I am so give me what I want else I'll be sla,pping you on the second cheek" Summer replied seriously, pointing the phone at Chrissy .

Chrissy took it a,ngrily and smashed it on the wall.

Summer smiled dan,gerously.

"You just tossed my phone at the wall" she said.

"I can toss b*tches too" Chrissy replied and Summer gr,abbed Chrissy's neck, cho,king her.

"Stop‼" A commanding voice said by the door and Summer looked back.

Arizona is just coming in with Yang.

"Miss nonsense?, I don't care whoever you are but don't interfere!" Summer shouted.

" Let her go" Arizona said.

" Make me do that" Summer replied, ch,oking Chrissy more ha,rshly.

Arizona kept walking to them.

"Arizona don't do anything crazy ok?, Breath in and out seven times" Yang whispered beside her as she walked.

Her eyes are on Summer and the look is not friendly.

"Let her go" she said again when she's just few steps away.

"I don't want to, I won't let her go till she vo,mits bl,ood!" Summer sho,uted.

Arizona took the last three steps to them, standing in front of Summer, vis-a-vis.

"Let….her…go" she said carefully.

"Get outta here, b*tch!" Summer s,pat.

Arizona has been taking deep breaths like Yang advised, maybe that's why Summer is not wo,unded yet.

She took the seventh deep breath and gra,bbed Summer's hand, taking it away from Chrissy's neck.

Her neck is swollen red already, Chrissy f,ell on her chair, coughing loudly while holding her s,wollen neck.

Arizona squ,eezed Summer's hand and Summer winced hurtfully.

"Let go of my hand!" She commanded.

"I won't let it go till you v,omit tears from your mouth" Arizona replied, looking straight into Summer's fe,arless eyes.

*You're fe,arless, so am I, but fe,arless is different from fe,arless* Arizona thought, still squeezing her arm.

"Let me go!"

Arizona sq,ueezed h,arder and Summer lost it completely.

She raised her second hand to sl,ap Arizona but an hand held it tightly.

Summer's eyes wi,dened when she saw Vince.

He's holding her hand tightly, looking at her ha,tefully.

Arizona smiled.

"I don't care if I get rusticated, if you s,lap her, I'll s,lap you" he said.

Chapter 10 and 11 ××××××××

"Vince" Summer muttered in shock, looking at him with wide eyes.

He th,rew off her hand and Summer almost fell.

He went to Chrissy and checked out her red neck.

"I'll take you to the school hospital" he said.

Chrissy felt happy and stood immediately.

She left the class with Vince and Arizona sighed.

"Your lifesaver is gone, are you still interested in slapping me?" Arizona asked.

Summer p,ushed away all the books on the nearest table, ma,rching them with her heels afterwards.

"I h,ate everyone!" She sh,outed and ran out of class.

"Settle down if you're ready to attend my seminar" Arizona said and everyone did.

She smiled secretly and started immediately.



"Are you sure it won't h,urt?" Chrissy asked the resident doctor that's attending to her.

"I promise to be gentle, the balm is not h,arsh on the skin, unless you feel p,ains at I rub" the doctor replied.

"My friend can rub it on me right?" She asked.

"Of course" the doctor replied.

"Vince please" she said, looking up at him.

The doctor handed the balm to Vince who took it and sat beside Chrissy.

He started rubbing it and she cringed in p,ains as his fingers made contact with the redness.

"It h,urts" she said slowly.

"Sorry" Vince replied and continued what he was doing.

When he finished, the doctor sprayed another ointment on it.

"Thanks doctor" she smiled.

The doctor left the ward and Chrissy hugged Vince immediately.

"Thanks for coming with me…..I didn't know you're this caring" she smiled.

"We need to go back to class" he said and she quickly disengaged from him.

"Who started it?" He asked as they walked out of the hospital together.

"Obviously that sp,oilt b*tch, Summer, she started by telling me to give her your number and I declined" Chrissy replied.

Vince only sighed.

"So… You're close with miss Arizona?, Enough to bet your scholarship for her?" Chrissy suddenly asked.

"It wasn't her originally, I just couldn't take Summer's ta,ntrums anymore" he replied.

Her eyes caught his shoes and she held him back.

"You didn't wear the shoes?" She asked.

"My brother was in more dire need of it so I let it go" he replied.

"It's ok, I can just get you another one"

"No, I'm not gonna take it" he replied.

They entered the class and Arizona stopped what she was teaching.

Her eyes met with Vince's and she stopped talking, they both maintained the contact for two secs before Vince walked to his seat.

She resumed her seminar and surprisingly, Vince is listening attentively, he's even jotting to Chrissy's amusement.

The seminar lasted for another one hour and she left everyone exhausted when she was done.

"Can you come some other time miss Arizona?, I enjoyed the seminar" a student said.

👥 That's true, you teach better than most of our lecturers

👥 Please miss!, When next should we expect you?

👥 We want you back

"We'll need to wait for when next she has a free time in her schedule" Yang intervened, taking the laptop already.

"Good day" Arizona said.

"Thanks miss!" Most of them chorused as she left the class.

Yang went to Vince immediately.

"Boss needs to talk to you" he whispered into his ear.

"Why?" Vince asked.

"You helped her yesterday, just follow me… please" Yang replied and left class.

"What's up?" Chrissy asked.

"I'll be right back" Vince replied and left the class but Chrissy followed secretly.

He got to the park and met Arizona waiting beside her car.

"Why do you want to see me?"

"Heard you saved me yesterday" she said.

He continued looking at her.

"Well….. thanks….I…. appreciate and….. thanks for taming that ru,de dog earlier….

"I didn't do it cos of you, I only used you as a bait cos she hurt my friend and at the same time, I'm tired of her atrocities" he interrupted.

"All the same … Thanks, I'd have sent her to the hospital with a broken bone if you hadn't intervened, and for saving me yesterday, I'd like to compensate you" she said and Yang gave her a card.

She pointed it at him.


"A debit card, take it" she said.

"I really don't need your money" he said and her hand went down.


"I just don't" he replied and walked away.

"He's so so blunt and…jeez!, What kind of a guy is he" Yang said.

Arizona kept looking at his worn out shoes and faded Jean as Vince walked away.

"He obviously needs it, but I guess his ego is big" she said with a light heave.

"Shall we go?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, to the company" she replied, getting into the car.



Avery came in, she has her eyes on her phone, checking the number of likes and comments she has on her recent videos.

Despite he fact that Blaze didn't feature in Havana's last video, she got more likes than her again and it's so annoying.

"That b*tch!, I r,esent her!" She y,elled, thr,owing her phone away.

All the maids around snuck into the available corners.

She might just fling one of them after the phone.

"I'm more beautiful than that ape" she said arrogantly.

She remembered the audition coming up at JYP entertainment and smiled.

"If Havana attends, she'll surely be chosen as one of the trainees, I have to do something to keep her off, I can't let it happen" she said, climbing upstairs.

She changed her uniform and slipped on only a shirt that's barely covering her na,kedness.

She unwrapped a lollipop and started licking it as she walked out of the room.

She remembered Blaze again.

"I'll just get him and use him, not like I'm really interested in him anyways" she smiled and suddenly started hearing crashing sounds from her senior sister's room.

"Is she back already?" She wondered and opened the door to her room.

Summer is busy flipping things across her room in anger.

"Someone pissed someone off" Avery said, taking her pop out of her mouth.

Summer stopped flipping and drove her fingers into her hair, pacing around.

"What's up?" Avery asked.

"Do you know Arizona?, That darned billionaire" Summer said.

"Who won't know that ps,ycho, what about her?" Avery replied.

"She came to my school for seminar earlier just when I was disciplining that ugly Chrissy, can you believe she held my hand away from Chrissy and when I made to dealt her a slap, Vince stopped me, that hottie was ready to lose his scholarship for that crazy lady" Summer said.

"How's that even possible?, You said Vince is c,old, he never talks to anyone besides Chrissy"

"I don't just know, since when he carried that ps,ycho out of the restaurant in his arms yesterday, I knew something isn't right, is she trying to take Vince away from me?, I can't let that happen" Summer said breathing heavily.

"You're madly obsessed with this guy" Avery smiled.

"I'm the only one who knows how I feel when I see him, his full thick brows, his po,uty lips that's definitely soft, his long lashes like a girl's, his full hair edges. Avery his handsomeness is always blinding, I get wet anytime I see him, I come home from school with w,et p,anties everyday just because of him, I want him badly I swear it" Summer replied dreamily.

"So… what made you fight with Chrissy?"

"I asked her for his number but she was stubborn" Summer replied.

"You should get that from the info board in mum's study" Avery replied.

"That's practically impossible, it's always locked" Summer replied.

"I'll help you, we can just find a way in, and if you want Vince so much, I can help you too, but you'll have to promise to help me too when the time comes" Avery said.

"What do I do?" Summer asked and Avery smiled ev,illy.



Arizona just finished everything on her desk, she yawned slightly and smiled.

"I can now watch my movie" she said, walking to her changing room.

She changed into shorts and a wide white shirt then came back to sit in front of the TV.

"Thank goodness it's Friday!, Yay!, I love Fridays!" She scr,eamed so loud.

Ming came in with her popcorn and tissue.

"Happy viewing ma'am" she said.

She sent her out with only a wave of an hand.

Ming smiled before leaving.

She put on the TV and luckily, the continuation of one of her favorite movies is going on.

Moon Lovers.

"Thankfully I won't miss this" she smiled, heaping loads of popcorn into her mouth.

She placed her legs on the table, smiling as she watched her favorite actress on screen, the movie has just few scenes left before the end.


"Oh no‼‼‼‼!, My IU‼‼" She c,ried loudly, her tears falling in torrents already.

The popcorn bowl got emptier and emptier as she cried.

"How could Lee Joon Gi be so st,upid how could he‼‼, My IU di,ed after giving birth‼‼, I wanna k!ll Joon Gi!, I want to k!ll that vi,per!, My IU‼‼" She cried.

Yang came in slowly.

"The tears is much today" he said behind her.

"I told you all men are same, look what he did to his beloved, she di,ed after giving birth, I wanna c,ry‼!" She lamented.

"You're cr,ying already" Yang replied.

"Guys are s,nakes‼" She cried again.

"Including your helper?, Vince?" Yang asked.

"His name is Vince?"

"Yeah, but you decided to name him anaconda"

"Maybe he's a responsible an,aconda, but only one young boy is not a sn,ake, he's a sweet candy" she smiled, remembering the face of the boy.

"Who?" Yang asked.

"I don't know his name, he'd have grown up like me, I won't even recognize him anymore if I meet him by chance anytime" she smiled.

"This is new, but you smiling with tears on your face makes you look like a w,itch" Yang said.

"What do you think I am before?, Pretty wi,tch" she replied, wiping her tears.

She stood and put off the TV.

"I'm visiting Unicorn highschool right now" she smiled.

"Why do you always like to go there?" Yang asked.

"None of your business" she replied and entered her dressing room.

"Managing her mood swings is the real job here" Yang sighed.



"Nanny!" Cassidy shouted, rushing into the house.

She's actually just coming from practice.

She's planning to attend the upcoming JYP audition so she always practices with some of her mates after school.

Alena is in the living room with Rita and Paulson, they're all laughing when she came in.

"What's happening?" She asked, hugging Alena immediately.

"It's so good to have her here, she's so lovely and lively" Rita said.

"That's why I love her at the first sight, she's beautiful too" Cassidy said, pulling Alena up from her seat.

"Let's go to my room!, I'll show you around too"

"The maids showed her around already" Paulson said.

"Aww, and I was planning to have fun showing her but it's cool!, Let's go to my room I'll show you around my room" she replied, taking her upstairs.



"Heard LE SSERAFIM will be shopping for their next concert in one of the most popular institutes in Korea and talking about one, that includes Arizona's and yours" Bing reported and Arielle sl,apped him immediately.

"Arielle" Bing gasped.

"How could you mention Arizona before me?, Are you in your right senses?"


"Shut up!, Shut up please!" She interrupted.

"You're the only boss who sl,aps her manager, I'm older than you, there should be a bit of respect" he said.

"I'll surely get Zanillia's contract and as for LE SSERAFIM, I'm somehow connected to Yunjin so tell me why I won't get it?, Just get your head out of this place!" She y,elled at him.

Bing left the house immediately.

"Fo,ol!" Arielle sp,at.

Her phone rang immediately and when she saw it's Prescott, smiles filled her face.

She swiped receive.

"Arielle" his sweet voice said, sending w,etness down her pa,nties.

"Prescott, how're you doing?" She asked, taking in her lo,wer l,ip.

"I'm good, France is doing me well but I'm thinking of coming back to Korea soon" he replied and her eyes lightened up.


"Yes" he replied.

"Sounds good, I can't wait to see you again" she replied.

"But can you send me Arizona's number?" He asked and her mood changed.


"That ps,ycho beauty has a lot of numbers but I have only one of it, I guess she stopped using that one cos I was disturbing her with calls" he replied.

"I'll call you back" Arielle replied and hung up

She threw her phone on the couch and smiled dev,ilishly.

"Prescott wants Arizona's number?, He doesn't even care about me?"

Prescott is a business tycoon who travels around the world, even at 27, he's rich though not like Arizona.

He attended Oxford with Arizona and has been on her neck since then for a relationship but like we all know, she's not a fan of it.

Prescott came to Korea in the beginning of this year, he patronized Arielle's institute for fun and Arielle fell hard for him.

They had a one night stand and that only increased Arielle's craving for him.

And now he's coming back to Korea but he's asking for Arizona's number.

"Is Arizona planning to take everything away from me now?, Even Prescott?" Arielle glared an,grily.



"Don't take long, it's already past 7" Yang said when Arizona came out of the car.

"I'll take the time I want, all you have to do is wait " she rolled eyes before going in.

Thanks to the connections she has with the owner, she goes in and comes out anytime she wants.

She walked straight to class 16 and stayed by the window.

She looked into the class and smiled sadly.

Most of her sad memories are here, she can almost hear the students jeering at her.

**U,gly face!**

**Miss ra,shes**

**I'd have com,mitted su,icide if I had your face**

Yep,ars almost escaped her eyes but she stopped it.

She climbed the rooftop and smiled immediately.

The sweetest memory she had, happened here.

"I wish you'd come again and this time, I wish you'd stay beside me forever and say more of those soothing encouraging words which made me strong, i just feel like you're different from other millions of guys in the world, I wish you'd give me that assuring smile again" she whispered sadly.

She touched her face gently.

"I became pretty, I wish you can see the new me" she whispered.

She touched her lips and when she remembered she actually had her first kiss here, she smiled.

"I miss you…a lot" she said.



"A clubhouse?" Vince said surprisingly when his boss mentioned delivery in a clubhouse.

"The person sent us more money than what she ordered, she's a first timer though so you need to make it fast so we'll make her regular" the boss replied, giving him the package.

He was given the person's line and Vince took it curiously.

He left the restaurant with the delivery bike, thinking about what happened in school earlier.

Honestly he hadn't seen that Chrissy was hurt before stopping Summer from sla,pping Arizona.

How he even got to the spot, he had no idea, he just found himself holding Summer's hand.

The fact that's he saved her yesterday and today consecutively is making him worried.

Is it happening by chance?

Is my mind playing tricks on me?

Is there a reason?

He got no answer to all these.

"I hope she doesn't come back to the school again, i hope I don't run into her again" he told himself.

He got to the clubhouse and dialled the number.

"I'm here already, where are you?"

"Come inside, take the left turn after that, enter the third room" the female voice said and hung up.

He went into the clubhouse, the music playing can be deafening.

It's full of youths having fun.

He turned left as said and when he got to the third room, he knocked.

"Come in" was voiced from inside and he opened the door, he met a dark room.

His face was met with a spray and he covered his nose but seems he has inhaled already.

It must be so strong cos he f,ell heavily immediately, he slept off and the lights came on.

Summer took off her cap, smiling happily.

Avery did the same.

"Job done, enjoy your night, you'll be the first girl to r@pe a guy" Avery winked and left the room.

Summer shifted Vince to the bed, smiling b*tchily.

She traced his brows car,essingly before rubbing hi,s lips.

"Finally I have you all to myself" she whispered, b,iting her l,ip.

She to,ok off h,is sh,irt and gas,ped at his beautiful body.

"My gosh, I became w,etter, ouch" she m0aned, b€nding over to tr,ail k,isses on h,is ch,est, car,essing it slowly.

She got impatient and stopped, then she started unb,olting his belt.

"Can't wait to Vince, I love you more .

next chapter
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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C11
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  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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