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31.5% Multiversal Library / Chapter 56: DanMachi 26

Chương 56: DanMachi 26

Throughout the week Olivia and I focused on improving our skills, and that meant a fuck-ton of dance practice and other skill training. I mainly focused on my sword skills, resistance training, and any other skills that went well with those two.

I can't forget the expression Olivia made, when I asked her to blast me with her [Destiny] aura, while we trained, just so I could rise my magical resistances. Thankfully, not wanting to hurt me... too much, instead of the death affinity aura, she went with ice and water, and froze my ass off, while we swung our swords.

In a week of practice, my [Swordsman] development ability reached C rank, standing at level 68, while [Magic Resistance] reached all the way to B rank, or if checked in the Library System, level 75, granting me a total of 9% resistance to all magical damage taken. Combined with my class's magic resistance, that should grant me a total of 34% reduction in damage taken from magic. If you ask me, that was worth the wet clothes and frozen-off ass.

Talking about the Library System skills, reminded me that both of us successfully, maxed out [Acrobatics] and [Dancing]. Granting us fluid movements, without even thinking about them, enchanted balance and flexibility. I tested it out and with the skill-boosting my high dexterity, I could balance on my pinky in a typhoon, forever. Additionally, the newly gained flexibility bonus was thoughtfully tested out in the bedroom environment, and both of us, mostly me, were really satisfied with the results. Let's just say, that it was fun to bend Olive, in ways I didn't imagine possible.

The other skills that had a huge leap in levels were Dodge, Counter, and Large Blade Mastery. As both of our [Dodge] skills were fairly high level, both reached Max in a week. While at the same time, my [Counter] reached 52 and Olive's 67. [Large Blade Mastery], however, was almost maxed, with the both of us using blades it was kind of understandable, Olive's skill level reaching 98 and mine 89.

We gained amazing overall power boosts, with only a week of training. If we spent on every skill so much time, I can't even imagine what kind of beasts we would become. The funniest thing about our week-long training session was that at the end of it, we both received a new tittle.

[Training Addict]

- Increases the experience gain any skills by 20%.

- Decreases fatigue from exercise.

I was kind of mad. Don't get me wrong the 20% was a huge increase, but the system waited for the end of the training week, to give it to us. I still grumble when I think about it.

During the week, I went over to the Guild House and asked Eina to exchange large quantities of magical stones. She brought me to a private room, and I Blinked back and forth between our house and the guild, depositing 1,672 level 5, 748 level 4, and a few hundred level 3 magical stones. The look on Eina's face was priceless, especially when she counted and priced them all, then finally gave me a total of 150 million Valis.

She did have a few questions about how we managed to gather so many stones, and from such low floors. After both of us went through the level tests, basically, weight lifting and agility tests, where we both had to regulate our strength not to appear even stronger than level fives, both of us had to update our Guild Levels, in addition to paying a hefty 1 million Valis fine for keeping it a secret.

Additionally, because we were teleporting to the dungeon, we were skipping the guild logs, so the last time we entered it by the logs was a few weeks back. The guild wanted an explanation for that, with Eina already knowing I could teleport, I showed off [Blink] to them, because, it didn't matter anymore who knew. At this point maybe a single man was stronger than us in the town.

When the Guild declared us the fastest-growing people by the long shot, a wave of confusion spread through Orario, as no one has ever heard about us. That declaration has however carried some burden with it, both of us were placed on some nasty people's radars.

Hermes and even Freya familia were starting to move and were regularly spying on us. I could often spot a stray black cat, one of the Freya familia executives, lingering around our house. If he ever made a move on one of our members, he won't live for too long. Freya even tried her mirror magic, which my mana sense picked straight up. So I had to ward our house from all the peeping toms.

For anyone looking at our house from the outside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, picking a page from the [Harry Potter] world, I created a runic script that projected an illusion, while mentally manipulating anyone who wanted to get in. Only the people who were let in, or were keyed to the wardstones could enter without any trouble.

Even Olivia was starting to lose her shit, as she was regularly stopped on the street and asked about her secret about leveling up so fast, or was straight-up asked out. Yeah, good luck there. Lucky for them, the Guild did have some regulations, so I couldn't just off them.

In retrospect, our fame brought in some unwanted things, but at the same time, some good things too. People were interested in joining our familia and I plan on setting up a screening process, in the near future there will be interviews, and a lot of mind reading tied with it.

(A/N: It's been a while since I posted the Library system stats, so be prepared for some huge jumps in numbers.)


[Global LVL: 67 XP: 589,940 / 592,349]

[Class: Sorcerer LVL: 21/50 XP: 34,882 / 35,201 (640,150)]

[Titles: [Blessed by Death] | Race: [Human] | Tier: 1>2]

[WP: 16,208] [UC: 12,590.63] [HS: Healthy]

Stamina: 44,640 (74.40/s)

Mana: 38,130 (245.78/s)

STR: 49 > 154

VIT: 55 > 160

DEX: 137 > 279

AGI: 74 > 179

PER: 34

INT: 115 > 189

WIS: 117 > 170

CHAR: 9 > 30


P. Res: 0

M. Res: 0



[Sneak 17] [Muted Steps 20] [Dodge 59>Max] [Pain Tolerance 17>35] [Counter 27>52] [Acrobatics 28>Max] [Soul Resonance] *[Magic Resistance 1>75] *[Fear Resistance 1 >50]


[Small Blade Mastery 48] [Large Blade Mastery 59>89] [Gun Mastery 5] [Dual-wielding 23] [Bow Mastery 12] *[Swordsman 1>68]


[Mana Manipulation 61 > Max] [Charms] [Transfiguration] [Alchemy] [Enchanting 89>Max] [Runic Language] [Mind Arts 91>Max] [Spellcode 58>62] [Sage's Wisdom] [Mana's Blessing] *[Magic Penetration] *[Multicasting 1>26] *[Magical Embodiment]


[Deception 57] [Drawing 8] [Writing 35>47] [Seduction 45] [Acting 79] [Reading 89>92] [Cooking 54>67] [Herbology 67] [Teaching 55>69] [Mathematics 35] [Leadership 64] [Spirit Healing 1>73] [Mage 37>82] *[Dancing 1>Max] *[Blacksmithing 1>Max] *[Focus 1 >73] *[Multitasking 1>25]

My status has started to look a bit clustered, so I might end up redesigning it later on, while on the other hand, Olivia's still looked pristine. Considering the number of skills she had, it was understandable.

Olivia Lane

[Global LVL: 65 XP: 481,365/ 489,371]

[Class: Spellblade LVL: 30/50 XP: 65,986/ 72,377 (512,120)]

[Titles: Training Addict] | Race: [Human] | Tier: 1>2]

[WP: 16,208] [UC: 12,590.63] [HS: Healthy]

Stamina: 67,680 (112.80/s)

Mana: 13,168 (40.97/s)

STR: 48 >183

VIT: 55 > 240

DEX: 101 > 282

AGI: 102 > 288

PER: 57 > 108

INT: 9 > 64

WIS: 56 > 112

CHAR: 10

LUCK: 56 > 107

P. Res: 0

M. Res: 0



[Soul Resonance] [Dodge 45>Max] [Pain Tolerance 17>25] [Counter 20>67] [Mental Wall 17>40] [Acrobatics 40>Max] [Sacred Dance] *[Abnormal Resistance 1]


[Small Blade Mastery 2] [Large Blade Mastery 29>91] [Bow Mastery 11] [Chain Attack 1>44] *[Crush 1>23] *[True Cut] *[Sword Aura 1>15] [Swordsman 52>79]


[Mana Manipulation 22>42] [Runic Language 28] [Spellcode 13] [Heart's Desire]


[Cooking 10>67] [Seduction 19>35] [Reading 19] *[Dancing 1>Max] [Heroic Empowerment]

Well yes, if you only compare our stats, my future wifey was technically psychically stronger, but taking into account all of my other capacities, I was way more powerful than her. Not like we would ever go all out to test it out.

During the week we spent some time in the dungeon with Lili and successfully raised her level to two. Opposed to our system enchanted falna, her stats only went up to a max 999, and even then it was dangerous for it to reach the limit. Without the assistance of the system, the excelia overpowered the bodies of its users and corroded them from the inside out. If the excelia is not transferred into stats, by regular status updates, the users could die from organ failures or literally explode. There were warning signs built in to prevent that, the regular user felt the strain, practically on their souls, as they neared their limits. Thankfully, I nor Olivia suffered from these problems, as our Falna Status regularly self-updated.

As the week progressed, I started to keep tabs on multiple locations and people, some bad and some in need of saving, with one of them being Haruhime. Finding her with [Celestial Eyes], while not truly exhausting, but mostly a time-consuming task. I remember her looks from the anime, but those don't translate 1 to 1 into this world. So I couldn't just straight-up pinpoint her using the filtering the spell could do. So, fists, I had to find all of the brothels within the city, and then check each and every room. I've seen things, I really wish I hadn't, and let's just say that some people have freaky kinks even for my standards, and let's leave it at that.

As I said, it took a while to find her, but by the third day of searching, I finally did. Haruhime's situation was, how do I say it, not truly the same as the anime... Considering she was a prostitute, fainting in front of customers, wasn't her best choice of action. Yeah... Not even Aisha, an Ishtar familia executive, and Haruhime's older sister figure could keep all those greasy hands away from her. I was not even sure how to handle her situation now, I was still planning on saving her, but her mental state was a lot worse than in the series. I might need to resolve myself on using [Mind Arts], to erase her memories, and I truly wasn't sure if that was the correct way to handle it.

The other thing I kept track of while taking a week-long training break, was the slavers in the city. No one noticed, more than a hundred people disappearing in a single night, well they didn't notice at first, but they did, however, notice a few thousand 'lost' people reappearing. I did this under the cover of the night, and while using [Blink] and the Cat Person race, so my identity wasn't revealed if someone did spot me in the end. I was accompanied by Olive to the first raid of a slaver's den, but she couldn't handle it, and never joined me after. The smell, the wailing of the children, and the tears of the parent. Each and every one of these places was just a horrible place to be.

The conditions some of these people were kept in, were truly inhumane. Cages so narrow, people had to lay in fetal positions, right in their piss and shit. Because tidiness only mattered when presenting the slaves, their living conditions didn't matter. They were fed moldy bread and water, and most of them had all of their ribs showing. Children as old as eight, in all shapes and forms, could be also found in some of these places, ready to be sold to the highest bidder, purely for their enjoyment and entertainment.

The hollow eyes of some of the women, let me know what kind of suffering they went through. I had to rely heavily on my [Mind Arts] to erase some of their worst nightmares, even if it wasn't the most ethical thing to do, I erased everything I could, but the deep scars in their minds will always remain. I extensively used [Clean] and [Gift of Life] to heal all the wounds I could. Sadly, some of the slaves were unsavable, their mental states have too far gone, never to recover. These ones were painlessly sent to the cycle of reincarnation. By the end of the night, no more mortal-run slave businesses existed in the town. That left only a few that were run by Gods, and for those, I might need Olive's sword and maybe even her skills.

Clearing up the slavers only took a few hours and was done in a single night. Not allowing the information about their demise to spread, before all of them were exterminated. By morning the town was in an uproar, demanding heads to roll, the Guild intervened, and the ex-slaves were questioned, but to the surprise of everyone, none could remember their savior's look.

The raid did, however, grant me a few benefits, in a form of ten thousand points of experience, rising my global level by one, and at the same time rising my class level to twenty-four, while simultaneously granting me a title I'm probably never going to use.

[Breaker of Chains]

- Your favorability from ex-slaves is drastically increased.

- Experience gained from slaying slavers doubled.

Similar to mine, Olive's week, wasn't only spent with training, she went out with her friends most of the time disappearing for hours, and even one time coming home a bit tipsy. Considering the amount of vitality and her abnormal resistance skill, that was a monumental achievement.

I have already learned that a tipsy Olive, equals, horny Olive, so the soundproofing of our room was toughly tested, thankfully, it went through quality control, as the next morning, we didn't receive a single side glance, glare, or a comment. Although, we did need to get a new bedframe, as during our soundproofing testing it accidentally broke. It didn't really stand a chance against the combined might of two superhumans.

The other notable happening during the week was that I had a meeting with Riveria, well I didn't have a meeting per se, but I did just teleport right into her office while she was there. After a bit of a freakout and some shouting, she calmed down, and I gave her my notes on what I learned about runes from the books I borrowed from her. I only did all of this to gain favor from her and her race, so I can get them to allow me to visit the elven kingdom, without the need to force my way in.

"This is everything?" She asks looking at the only five pages I gave her, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep." I reply with a shrug. "There wasn't a lot new in those books." And simultaneously I wasn't even giving her everything.

"I understand." She says with a sigh. Then places the papers to the side crosses her hands before her chest and looks at me with an annoyed look. Getting the message, she's busy and I'm disturbing her in her work, I quickly ask the question I actually came here to ask.

"I wanted to ask, is there a way for us to visit the Elven kingdom, or get most of their magic books to Orario?" I ask, knowing all too well that the answer will be a no. So while she formulated an answer, that wouldn't offend me too much, I used the moment to rummage through her mind and find the location of the Elven Royal Library. From her memories the place was huge and contained a vast amount of knowledge, I'll have to give it a visit before I exit this world.

"I'll send a missive to my father." She finally answers. "But I can't promise anything. It has been almost a thousand years since the last human set foot into our capital. Additionally, getting some rare books through the journey all the way to Orario might be more troublesome, than they'd like to handle."

"I understand, no problem." I say with a small smile, inwardly happy for getting what I've actually come here for. "If you do get an answer from your father, please notify me about his decision." I stand up from the chair. "It was good seeing you, Riveria."

"You too Andrew." She says but suddenly stops. "You need to know that our familia is going on an expedition, so you might not be able to find me for a couple of weeks."

"I'll keep it in mind, good luck on the expedition." I reply then say my goodbyes and [Blink] home.

At home sitting on the sofa in the living room, fully geared was Olivia. From today until we reach level six, we will be in the dungeon. Our supplies were already prepared, food packed into our inventory, and our gear maintained and polished. The week-long training session was mandated because we will be exploring levels, no one ever has. As of today, we will be descending floor 59 and lower.

"Hey, you packed?" I ask.

"Yep, how did the discussion with the elf go?" She asks.

"As well as you think." I say rolling my eyes. "She said she will contact her father, but that was a lie."

"So what will you do?" She asks tilting her head to the side.

"Oh, I've read her mind, I know where their library is, I might go over and play a book thief." I answer with a smile, and receive a light slap on my shoulder.

"Just be careful not to get caught." She says after a sigh. "I'm not sure how the Elven Kingdom would react after finding you there. It might pull Hestia or even Orario into trouble."

"Yeah, I'm not planning on creating an international incident." I roll my eyes again. "Just a fast go in, grab a book, and re-appear home."

"Okay, you're the rogue..." She says with a light giggle. "So are we leaving?"

"Yep." I say and extend my arm, grabbing hers and simultaneously casting [Celestial Eyes] targeting the staircase we found leading down from the 58th floor. With a whoosh we appear before them and descend to the lowest floor, anyone has ever been to.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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