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75.47% Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core] / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: White Gloves

Chương 40: Chapter 40: White Gloves

Once upon a time, Julius Rafa Redgrave had thought his life was set in stone. That he was destined for an existence among veiled vipers and mendacious figures, eventually becoming one of them himself. That he would spend the rest of his days in a gilded cage and kept away from freedom the likes of which he could only imagine.

It felt cold and coloress, his existence as the Crown Prince of Holfort. Surrounded by fakes and liars, he had all but resigned himself to that pathetic state of being for the rest of his life.

Then, he enrolled into the Royal Academy and met her.

Small of stature, light of build, hair like spun gold, eyes like a clear sky. She looked so much like the many fakes that roamed the Academy, and he assumed as such he confronted her. But then she slapped him, scolded him even for believing his pedigree made him untouchable, and he found his interest piqued.

Her name was Marie Fou Lafan, daughter of an impoverished and debt-ridden household. She had neither wealth nor pedigree, and the lessons his tutors and mother had pounded into his mind all but screamed at him to not associate with her for a variety of reasons. And he had been wary at first, looking for any sort of hidden agenda or plot that he was trained to detect and avoid since his childhood. But always, her intentions had been honest and pure, with none of the deception or scheming that is present in the courts. So Julius found himself drawn.

She snuck him out of the Academy in secret to indulge in the wants that so many commoners took for granted. She showed him the things his royal tutors and status did not cover, provided insight to concerns he hadn't been made privy to as the Crown Prince. For the first time in a long time, Julius was brought out of his gilded cage and saw the world as never before.

Full of life and color, with the sort of happiness he'd only fleetingly experienced in the courts. All of it was thanks to the angel that took his hand and showed him the way.

And not just him either; Jilk, his foster-brother. Greg, the best warrior he knew. And Brad, the smartest among his comrades. They too were brought out of their cold, colorless lives as heirs to Founding Households and were allowed to feel and see for the first time in a long time.

Not as His Highness the Prince, or Lord Marmoria, or Lord Seberg, or Lord Field. But as Julius, Jilk, Greg, and Brad.

Is it any wonder, then, that he and the others would fall for her heart and soul? Is it any surprise that they would look to thank her for it through whatever means necessary?

They lavish her with gifts, bought her an Exclusive Servant, and shower her with all the love and affection they could. Always her love and affection and tenderness outweighs all of theirs combined. Always she takes their gifts and treats them no differently than she did before– with the same honest love and pure affection, and none of the false cheer or exaggerated eagerness.

She became Julius and the others' sun; bright and warm, the source of their strength. They would move floating islands for her if she requested them to, no questions asked.

Then, she disappears.


"Anything from the classrooms, Brad?" Julius asks.

"Nothing, Julius. I've searched high and low but found not one hair of her presence." the Field Heir shakes his head, purple locks swaying. "The librarian hasn't seen her since yesterday, and neither have any of the teachers or students that I've asked."

"Damn." Julius hisses. "Greg?"

"I talked to the guild receptionist and they said nobody fitting Marie's looks went in. I dived as deep as I could into the dungeon solo, checked every floor too just in case." the Seberg Heir shakes his head. "Didn't find shit in there, just monsters and empty tunnels."

"An expected result, but at least that removes the worst possibility." Julius nods. "Jilk?"

"I've had people run a sweep of the girls' dorm and Kyle check her room." the Marmoria Heir sighs. "None of the students have seen neither hide nor hair of Marie since Friday, and it appears that her room hasn't been disturbed since. They do say that she was taking a walk through the hallway sometime after classes let out, but none mention seeing her return afterwards."

"...could it be that she's been–!" Brad gasps.

"Kidnapped? On Academy grounds?" Jilk pointedly asks. "An impossible notion. Potential kidnappers would have needed to climb over the walls and sneak through the guards to get anywhere near the dorms. Moreover, the school is lined with detection spells– the faculty would have been notified of an intruder and they would have mobilized immediately. And if they escaped, then the entire capital city would be in uproars looking for her. Lafan or no, she's still a Viscount daughter." he pauses. "But if neither the detection alarms have gone off and none of the guards are looking–"

"Then she may still be on Academy grounds." Julius concludes. "We can still save her."

"Fucking bastards," Greg snarls. "Taking our Marie like that from the shadows– damn cowards."

"We should notify the teachers, get them to act." Brad suggests with some intensity.

"No, that is too risky." Jilk cuts in. "Whomever took Marie would have need to have the followers to restrain her and foresight to have her hidden on school grounds. In that case, even the teachers cannot help."

"Then it'll be on us." Greg huffs. "Alright. Who're we going after?"

"Thankfully, our list of possible suspects is not long at all."Jilk posits. "Who in the Academy would have the authority to use one of the many additional rooms in the Academy, has the followers to overpower and capture Marie, has access to the resources to keep her restrained, and possesses a reason to go after her in the first place?" he pauses. "There are only two people that I think fulfill all four criteria. One is Clarice. And the other is…"

Julius snarls as all eyes fall on him.



The quartet do not immediately act– they are smarter than that.

They plan quietly, with Jilk sending his followers out to gather information as they plot their next move. Brad works his charms on the female followers, fishing for yet more information. Greg limbers up in preparation for a good scrap. Julius sits in his room as he considers the consequences of this action; knowing full well that such a confrontation on the woman that was his fiancee on paper would have disastrous repercussions.

The enmity of a Ducal House, as well as the ire of every student she had managed to work her insidious claws into. His mother would have words with him, and it would be likely that his position as the Crown Prince, as well as the inheritance of his friends, would be put into question.

He even sits down with everyone and speaks to them about this, telling them of the possible risk to their futures– and even Marie's own should the worst come to pass.

Pride and camaraderie swell up in him when all three heirs trade looks and reaffirm their desire to follow through with the plan. Truly, he couldn't ask for any better allies and brothers. Love, the power that brought them together and showed them a glimpse of the world they had been kept from, would see them through to the end– whatever that may be.

It is a shame that Chris was too taken with that Beastwoman mechanic, but who were they to begrudge him when he too was moved by the power of love? And who knows, maybe their friendship and brotherhood would be further strengthened by this mutual experience.

Two days pass, the whereabouts of a future tea party is uncovered, and the plan is set. Preparations are made and people are recruited, Jilk's silver tongue and Brad's charming looks attracting fellow like-minded students to their cause.

It was simple, really. Brad would lead the students to distract the followers that guarded the venue. Julius, Jilk, and Greg would take advantage of the opening to move in and confront the ducal daughter about Marie, careful to not harm her directly. First they would push her for answer, then Julius would use his royal authority to order her.

But if she still resists… well. Julius hopes it wouldn't come to that.


It's an odd duality, Angelica finds, that coffee could taste so bitter yet still make her crave more of it.

She heard from one of Leon's men that they regularly partook in it during their combat deployments, citing how it kept them awake for longer than mere tea and sugar ever could. She can't fault them for it– being cheaper, easier to transport, simple to make, and taking longer to spoil made it well-suited for long periods of time outdoors. They even knew a particular preparation method of it which produces a particularly thick and potent brew they called the 'Black Blood of the Earth'.

Inquiries on the method had been met with laughter that was a tinge too nervous and them saying how Leon would kill them if it was ever leaked to people outside the unit.

Angelica huffs as she takes another sip of her cup, luxuriating in the calm fountainside view. Men and their infuriating secrets.

"Aww, what's gotten your panties in a twist Angie?" Clarice laughs. "Missing our boy toy already?"

"No. I am merely reminded of an annoying interaction I had with one of the Ravens." the ducal daughter huffs. "And I told you to stop calling me that. That's only reserved for friends."

"I'm hurt that you don't consider me a friend, Angie." Clarice pouts, one hand reaching into her cardigan. "I thought we'd at least be good acquaintances since we're both– h-hey!"

"No alcohol during tea." Olivia tuts, handing the flask to Donovan. "I'll tell Leon on you, Miss Clarice."

"Come on, Olivia~" the earl pouts. "It's not even a lot, just a cap full! Promise! I'm tough enough for it!"

"No means no, Miss Clarice. You need to watch over your health and make sure you don't hurt yourself." Olivia shoots her a disapproving look. "I heard from Mister Donovan and the others you know. It's not proper for a girl like you to be drinking."

"Bah! What are you, my mom?" Clarice whines. "And Donnie! I trusted you!"

"It's for your own good, milady." the tall young man grins.

"Angie, help me~" Clarice pfaux-pleads. "Everyone's being so mean~"

Angelica giggles as the banter continues. It is a nice change of pace compared to the usual happenings that made the majority of the recent months– hearing inanity of everyday things, indulging in the closeness between kindred souls and close friends, trading stories and venting frustrations to trusted confidants… it made dealing with Julius' antics much easier.

She sighs and shakes her head. Perhaps… perhaps she should speak with her father come the school break. Consult him for wisdom and see where things go from there. His own marriage with her mother had not come easy and many were the tribulations he had to go through to win her hand. Maybe he has some advice she could use, or some secret methods that she hadn't tried yet?

A foot nudges her leg and she jumps.

"Hey, no deep thoughts." Clarice tells her. "This is supposed to be a tea party, not a pity party. You can do that in your own time."

"Right, right…" Angelica sighs, smiling when she feels Olivia's hand on her shoulder. "I suppose we should talk about more palatable matters. Like Bartford's lack of presence."

"Yeah, a little odd that he suddenly has to go deal with something– and at the Royal Palace of all places." Clarice muses. "Has to be really important."

"I'm worried, though. He's been gone for two days already." Olivia frowns. "I hope he's at least eating well."

"Olivia, he's at the Royal Palace. Given what he's done for the Kingdom, I'd be surprised if neither the King or Queen would offer him a meal at least." Clarice shrugs. "I'm more worried about the End of Term party myself."

"Isn't that a month away?" Angelica cocks a brow.

"Yeah, but we're allowed to bring dates." Clarice grins. "I'm thinking of asking Leon to come with me– as a friend, of course."

"A friend." Angelica snorts. "Of course."

"Don't pretend like you're any better– I've seen the way you and Olivia look at him whenever his back's turned. I bet you two are plotting something devious when the Freshman End of Term party starts." Clarice smirks. "Lemme guess, one girl on each arm?"

"I'll remind you that I am engaged, Clarice." Angelica huffs. "And so are you. Olivia, though…"

"I-I can't!" the commoner protests, blushing cutely. "H-He's a Viscount! An Earl when he graduates! I'm just a c-commoner, w-what do I have to offer?"

"Yourself and all your love, of course." Clarice giggles. "That's sure to catch his attention."

Angelica laughs as Olivia looks away, red faced and mumbling. It was mean of her and Clarice to tease OIivia like this, but they couldn't help it– her reactions and stammerings were simply too cute! Goodness, she would be even cuter latched on Leon's arm and looking like a…proper couple.

The ducal daughter's smile turns a little sad. How she wishes it were her and Julius instead.

"Hm. My ladies, I'm afraid I must leave you three to your own devices for a time." Lord Glawnegs bows. "There seems to be a commotion outside the venue."

Angelica blinks and turns to where he's looking. Indeed, there are several groups of students speaking with Leon's and Clarice's followers– and their motions seem a little too energetic. The ducal daughter doesn't listen to Clarice's acknowledgement, continuing to watch the group as they continue to make a ruckus.

A flash of purple has her eyes narrowing. Was that Brad? No, it couldn't have been. Why would he...?

Then, she hears it– the tell-tale sounds of approaching footsteps. She turns to the source and finds her features steeling.

"Your Highness." she greets. "Forgive me for my forwardness, but I do not recall inviting you to this outing."

"And he brought the musclehead and the dickwad." Clarice snorts. "I shouldn't have expected any less that you'd need the company of other people besides your own betrothed to feel confident in confronting people, Marmoria."

"Hah! Quite the spitfire!" Greg barks. "But we're not here for you, Atlee."

"We shan't be here too long." Jilk announces. "We only need our answers."

"Answers?" Olivia blinks. "Do you have homework you need help completing?"

"I think you can better explain to your follower, Angelica." Julius says, voice even and eyes narrowed. "Go on, explain yourself."

"...explain what, exactly?" Angelica blinks.

"Ugh, there she goes playing dumb." Greg scoffs. "I'm not too bright myself, but even I wouldn't do that."

"Do what?" Clarice demands, glancing between the three Founding Heirs. "What's going on? Your Highness? Marmoria?'

"I had expected this, but still you continue to disappoint Angelica." Julius takes a measured breath and slowly exhales. "We know it was you. Who else has the means and the manpower do it?"

"Do what?" the ducal daughter blinks, confused and offended. "What are you accusing me of doing?"

"Marie is missing." Jilk finally says. "She's been gone for two, almost three days now. And no-one seems to notice, not even the teachers."

"What? Lafan's missing?" Clarice blinks. "For the past three days? This is certainly new to me– why didn't you report it to the teachers?"

"None of the detection alarms had been activated, the Academy guards and teachers are not out in force, the capital constabulary isn't searching the nearby buildings–" Julius says, gaze pinned on Angelica. "No-one is acknowledging Marie's disappearance, not even the teachers. And the alarms only activate if an intruder is present in the school. And since the guards hadn't reported anything strange leaving the Academy and my fellow heirs have searched damn near everywhere for her, it leaves us with one conclusion."

"...you think I would kidnap Lafan and hide her somewhere in the Academy?" Angelica murmurs, the shock and hurt from Julius' accusation robbing her voice of its usual strength. "What do you take me for, a fool?! Why would I even do that? How would I even do that? My father's influence does not extend to the Academy!"

"Do not pretend, Angelica– I am not blind. Your distaste for my closeness with Marie is plain to see." Julius takes a step close and Angelica stands from her chair. "Your jealousy and hatred of the love we have for her is ample proof of your crimes."

"Crimes– what crimes?!" Angelica demands, furious. "I did no such thing!"

"I'll back Angie up on this– she hasn't done anything close to what you're accusing her!" Clarice shouts, bolting out of her chair. "Marmoria! Jilk, stop this insanity!"

"You even roped in my fiancee into your plot? Shame on you, Redgrave." the green-haried boy smirks. "At least try to make it less obvious."

"You're insane." Angelica hisses, eyes darting between the three boys as they advance on her slowly. "I have done nothing wrong! Julius, stop this!"

"By my Princely authority, I hereby command you to speak plainly Angelica Rafa Redgrave." Julius takes another step closer. Angelica steps back. "Where is Marie Fou Lafan!"

"I-I don't know!" the blonde cries. "I want nothing to do with the likes of her, and have thus done nothing! This is the first time I'm hearing that she's disappeared!"

The three boys trade looks. Panic starts to rise in Angelica as they start to surround her.

"Hmph. To think you would have it in you to defy a royal order…" Jilk huffs. "In any other circumstance, I would be impressed."

"I'll hand it to ya' Angelica– you've got balls." Greg laughs. "Too bad its in the wrong situation."

"If you will not tell us–" Julius takes another step and reaches out to her. Angelica's heart stops–

"Donovan! Donnie!" Clarice screams as she throws herself onto Jilk. "You fucking bastard! Stay away from Angie!"

"Wha– hey!" Greg shouts, rushing over to pull Clarice off of the green-haired boy. Julius turns away and a set of hands grabs hers.

Angelica turns to see Olivia tugging at her to the far entrance.

"Come on!" she urges. "We need to run!"

The ducal daughter nods, and starts to move. They needed to get out of here, and tell the Academy faculty of this– this bout of insanity that's struck His Highness the Prince! She'd also have to tell her father too, and maybe even Leon–!

She blinks. Wait, why had Leon's name and face come to mind…?

A strong hand grabs her free wrist with painful tightness and pulls. She cries out and she's pulled out of Olivia's hands, stumbling backwards into Julius. She stares up at him, fear and terror rooting her in place under an intense glare by two navy blue eyes.

"You are not going anywhere, vile woman." he snarls. "Answer me now, where is Marie?"


"Speak properly, Angelica!" Julius barks, furious. "Where is she?"

"Let her go!" Olivia cries, lunging in between Angelica and the Prince– delicate hands grabbing onto Julius' wrist and trying hard to pry them apart. "She's done nothing wrong! Please!"

"Don't interfere!" Julius shouts, his free hand coming up. "Know your place, commoner!"

He backhands her, with such speed and viciousness that the other girl's head snaps to the side. Horror fills Angelica as she watches Olivia fall backwards in slow motion, collapsing to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut, unmoving. She hears distant screaming over the pounding in her ears, not realizing that they're hers. A great shadow passes over her, and the crushing grip on her wrist releases.

Immediately she runs to Olivia, and gasps at the small puddle of blood forming around her head. She picks her up with panicked strength, looking her over for any visible injuries as a distant splash echoes.

An ugly bruise is forming on her left cheek, where Julius had hit her. There is a small cut on her right temple where her skin scraped against the ground. Blood pours like thick, viscous rivers past her lips, and she sees the conspicuous gap in her once-full line of teeth.

"You bastard!" Angelica screams, vision blurry with tears. "You hit Olivia!"


Leos Klein looms over Prince Julius as he pulls himself out of the fountain, his uniform soaked through even as he coughs. His thoughts are clear and his heart is calm, even as Angelica's cries resound in the background alongside panicked words from Clarice.

His men have formed up around him, surrounding the three fools with bared teeth white-knuckled fists. All are eager for their pound of flesh but waiting for the order.

"Y-You dare kick me?!" the Prince demands. "I'll have your head and title, Bartford!"

"You can have it after you tell me why you hit my friend." Leos demands, voice dangerously calm.

"I thought you were better than this, Bartford." the Marmoria boy sighs, all gentle derision. "To think that a war hero such as yourself would fall for the vile woman's honeyed words–"

"Someone shut him up." Leon orders.

One of his Ravens blurs close and clocks the green-haired boy in the jaw. He's sent sprawling into the ground with a grunt.

"I'll ask again," Leos snarls. "Tell me why you hit my friend, Holfort."


"If your next words aren't an explanation, I will break your ribs boy!" Leos roars, the sudden volume of his voice making the prince flinch. "Stop posturing and tell me!"

"M-Marie is missing! Our Marie, the love of our lives!" he hurriedly explains. "We assumed it was Angelica's work and went to confront her about it!"

Leos glares death at the boy, even as the Royal Messenger behind him calls for guards to intervene.

"Marie Fou Lafan has been arrested on suspicion of possible intentional sabotage of the Kingdom's future prospects. She is being held aboard Dame Lana Nielsen's ship the Little Buzzard and awaits transfer to the royal palace for questioning by Her Highness the Queen, Duke Vincent Rafa Redgrave, and Minister Bernard Fia Atlee." Leon explains. "I acted on my duties as a knight of the Kingdom and apprehended her after judging you to be emotionally compromised by her actions as of late, and contacted the Royal Palace accordingly."

Julius' expression sours as Leos speaks, and turns murderous at the end of the reincarnate's explanation.

"You broke my decree?!" he roars back. "And went to my mother behind my back?!"

"I did! Because you were being foolish about your future!" Leos jabs a finger at him. "You pissed on your and your betrothed's parents' efforts to secure the Kingdom's future! All of you did!"

"You had no right to do either! Knight or no, it was a decree by the Crown Prince!" Jilk shouts.

"Fucking hell Bartford, I thought you were one of the good guys!" Greg scoffs. "At least release Marie!"

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Leos spits. "Marie Fou Lafan is to be transported to the Royal Palace for questioning!"

"Then I order you to release her!" Julius spits back. "Your prince commands you, Bartford!"

"You mother is higher-ranked than you, and she told me not to." Leos shrugs carelessly. "If you have a problem with it, take it up with her! Hell, maybe you can hit her too– the same way you hit my friend!"

"Your friend got the way, and you will not insult my mother!" Julius demands.

"I don't have to! You insulted her enough on your own with how you've been behaving!" Leos counters. "I hope that witch of yours gets what's coming to her, boy! The same way you will when your mother gets her hands on you!"

"ENOUGH!" a teacher cuts in, an older gentleman with white hair and mustache steps in between the group. "No more of this nonsense! Your Highness, Mr. Marmoria, and Mr. Seberg– the three of you are to report to the headmaster's office for disciplining! Mr. Bartford, I would ask you to stand down!"

"No. No he will not." Julius snarls, pulling out a set of gloves from his pocket and throwing it to the ground. "I demand a duel!"

Notes: Shit went from 0-100, as expected of the idiot troupe! Keep pumping the power stones to see what happens next on dragon ball-wrong series—Mob!

next chapter
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